Physics Laboratory Report Title (5 points) Lab number and Title: Name: NJIT ID: Date of Experiment: ___/___/_____ Date of Report Submission: ___/___/_____ Course & Section Number: Instructor’s Name: Partners’ Names: 1. INTRODUCTION (10 points) 1.1 OBJECTIVES 1.2 THEORETICAL BACKGROUND ✓ Explanation of all relevant physical concepts ✓ Equations are numbered and explained with all variables identified. 2 EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE (10 points) ✓ Insert any drawings, photos or images that represent a basic set-up of experiment (for example, a photo of a complete experimental set-up). ✓ Identify and name all experimental dependent and independent variables, (should be consistent with experimental data). ✓ No need to rewrite the experimental procedure as written in a lab manual but clearly specify or state if there is any procedure done other than that in lab manual. ✓ Briefly describe the experimental setup and procedure. 3 RESULTS (35 points in total) 3.1 EXPERIMENTAL DATA (20 points) ✓ Data should be complete and neatly presented in well-organized tables, lists or charts. ✓ All data with a value should have a proper unit (SI units) and variable name and be expressed in scientific notation. ✓ If necessary, data should be displayed in a graph. Graphs should have a title with each axis labeled and the unit indicated. 3.2 CALCULATION (15 points) ✓ Calculation with a proper equation must be clear and readable. ✓ Results from calculation should reflect the significant figures of data measured in experiment. ✓ If necessary, results from calculations should be displayed in a graph and/or summarized in a table. ✓ All fitted curves should have the fit function labeled. 4 ANALYSIS and DISCUSSION (35 points) ✓ Clearly explain how the analysis was done (what physics theory/principles/concepts were used?)and how you derived your conclusions from the data. ✓ Describe error analysis and uncertainty sources. ✓ Discuss whether your results are reasonable with error analysis and comparison with any physics principles. ✓ Discuss if the results met the objectives for the lab. ✓ Use or cite any reference to support your discussion. ✓ Answer to questions if given in a lab manual. 5 CONCLUSIONS (5 points) ✓ Convincingly describe what has been learned from the experiment. ✓ Briefly describe your results. ✓ Comment on whether the experiment raised new questions. ✓ Suggest changes in experimental design to improve your results.