L'- 2 Contents INTRODUCTION TO PLAYING 4 How to Sit at the Piano. 21 Tied Notes. MERRILYWE ROLLALONG. LARGO (trom "The New World"). 5 6 Finger Numbers. PianoTones. The Keyboard. 22 IntroducingB tor RH. C Major,G7 Chords tor RH. 7 NameThat Key! 23 MARYANN. 24 Time Signature,!. The DottedHaltNote. ROCKETS. 25 Slurs & Legato Playing. WHAT CAN I SHARE? Quarter Notes & Halt Notes. Measure, Bar Line, Double Bar. 26 Introducing A tor LH. F Major Chord tor LH. ODE TO JOY. 27 Warm-Up using C, G7 & F Chords tor LH. WHEN THE SAINTS GO MARCHING IN. 28 Introducing A tor RH. C & F Chords tor RH. 29 Warm-Up using C, G7 & F Chords tor RH. WHEN THE SAINTS GO MARCHING IN. C POSITION 8 R. ht H d C P 't ' T bi Ig an OSIIon. re e RIGHT HAND WARM-UP. 9 Cl t S. e Ign. 10 Lett Hand C Position. Bass GIet Sign. 11 LEFT HAND WARM-UP. The Whole Note. AURA LEE. THE GRAND STAFF 12 The Grand Staff. Time Signature, ~. Whole Rest. Repeat Sign. G POSITION 30 G Position. Intervals in G Position. PLAYING C-G ON THE GRAND STAFF 31 LOVE SOMEBODY! A FRIEND LIKE YOU. 13 ROCK-ALONG. MEXICAN HAT DANCE. 32 THE DONKEY. 14 Melodic Intervals, 2nds, 3rds. 33 The Sharp Sign. Dynamic Signs, p, 11ft AU CLAIRE DE LA LUNE. TISKET, A TASKET. 34 MONEY CAN'T BUY EV'RYTHING! . 7 The G Major & D Chords tor LH. 15 Harmonic Intervals, 2nds, 3rds. 35 THE CUCKOO. 36 16 Quarter Rest. f. ROCKIN' INTERVALS. Melodic 4ths, 5ths. The G Major & D7 Chords tor RH. Block Chords & Broken Chords. GOOD KING WENCESLAS. MY FIFTH. 37 The Damper Pedal. HARP SONG. Harmonic 4ths, 5ths. JINGLE BELLS. 38 Introducing E tor LH. A New Position ot the C Major Chord. INTRODUCTION TO CHORDS 18 The C Major Chord. 39 Warm-Up using G, D7 & C Chords. BEAUTIFUL BROWN EYES. 19 Halt Rest. BROTHER JOHN. HERE'S A HAPPY SONG! 40 Introducing E tor RH. New C Major Chord Position tor RH. 20 Introducing B tor LH. Two Important Chords tor LH-C Major, G7. 41 Warm-Up using G, D7 & C Chords. ALPINE MELODY. 17 ~ .. 3 ~ ! L! -- , MIDDLE C POSITION THE KEY OF G MAJOR 42 Middle C Position. THUMBS ON C! 70 The G Major Scale. The Key ot G Major. 43 Crescendo, Diminuendo. WALTZ TIME. 71 Changing Fingers on the Same Note. 44 Fermata. GOOD MORNING TO YOU! 45 Eighth Notes. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! 72 The Primary Chords in G Major. THE MARINES' HYMN. 46 D.C. al Fine. STANDING IN THE NEED OF PRAYER. 73 Syncopated Notes. Natural Sign. 1st & 2nd Endings. WHY AM I BLUE? 47 Combining Middle C and C Position. THE GIFT TO BE SIMPLE. THE KEY OF F MAJOR 48 Dotted Quarter Notes. 74 The F Major Scale. 49 Measures trom Familiar Songs Using Dotted Quarter Notes. 75 Eighth Rest. Accent Sign. LITTLE BROWN JUG. 50 ALOUETTE. 76 THE CAN-CAN. EXPANDING THE 5 FINGER POSITION 78 The Primary Chords in F Major. CHIAPANECAS. 0 SOLE MlO. 51 Measuring 6ths. 79 Arpeggiated Chords. 52 53 LAVENDER'S BLUE. KUM-BA-YAH! THE KEY OF A MINOR 54 LONDON BRIDGE. MICHAEL, ROW THE BOAT ASHORE. 80 The Key ot A ~ino~. The A Harmonlc Minor Scale. 55 BLOW THE MAN DOWN! 81 More Syncopated Notes. JERICHO. 56 , . Movlng Up and Down the Keyboard In 6ths. LONE STAR WALTZ. 82 Overlapping Pedal. mp. GREENSLEEVES . 57 Staccato. 84 More about Triads. The Primary Chords in A Minor. 58 Measuring 7ths & Octaves. 85 GO DOWN, MOSES. 59 CAFÉ VIENNA. 60 The Flat Sign. ROCK IT AWAY! THE KEY OF D MINOR 61 Measuring Halt Steps & Whole Steps. Tetrachords. 86 The Key ot D Minor. The D Harmonic Mino~cale. 87 88 pp. SCARBOROUGH FAIR. The Primary Chords in D Minor. SCALES & CHORDS-THE KEY OF C MAJOR 62 The Major Scale. The C Major Scale. 63 64 65 ff. JOY TO THE WORLD! More about Chords. COCKLES AND MUSSELS. 90 HE'S GOT THE WHOLE WORLD IN HlS HANDS. 66 The Primary Chords in C Major. 92 THE ENTERTAINER. Chord Progressions. 94 Eighth Note Triplets. AMAZING GRACE. About the Blues. GOT THOSE BLUES! RH E t d d P .t ' 96 The Most Frequently Used Keys, 67 68 x en e OSI Ion. ON TOP OF OLD SMOKY. RAISINS AND ALMONDS. and Their Primary Chords 4 How to Sit at the Piano SITTALL! Lean slightly forward. Let arms hang loosely from shoulders. Elbowsslightly higherthan keys. , Bench must face the keyboard squarely. Knees slightly under keyboard. Feet flat on the floor. Right foot may be slightly forward. 6 The Keyboard The keyboard is made up of white keys and black keys. The black keys are in groups of twos and threes. 2 blacks 3 blacks 2 blacks 1\ /1'\ LOW SOUNDS < DOWN (Lower) 3 blacks 1\ /1'\ I UP (Higher) I 2 blacks 3 blacks 1\ /1'\ > HIGH SOUNDS On the keyboard, DOWN is to the LEFT, and UP is to the RIGHT. As you move LEFT, the tones sound LOWER. As you move RIGHT, the tones sound HIGHER. Play the 2-BLACK-KEY groups! LH RH 1. Using LH 2 3, begin at the middle and play all the 2-black-key groups going the keyboard (both keys at once). <::=~KJ 2. Using RH 2 3, begin at the middle and play all the 2-black-key groups going [=]~===>the keyboard (both keys at once). Play the 3-BLACK-KEY groups! LH ~ \ RH 3. Using LH 2 3 4, begin at the middle and play all the 4. Using RH 2 3 4, begin at the middle and play all the 3-black-key groups going <~~KJ the keyboard (all three keys at once)., 3-black-key groups going [==~=> the keyboard (all three keys at once). ~ 7 Name That Key! Piano keys are named tor the first seven letters of the alphabet, beginning with A. ABC Each white key is recognized by its position in or next to a black-key group! For example: A's are found between the TOP TWO KEYS of each 3-BLACK-KEY GROUP. Play the following. Use LH 3 tor keys below the middle of the keyboard. Use RH 3 tor keys above the middle of the keyboard. Say the name of each key aloud as you play! Play all the A's on your piano. [!J] ~ l D E F G m Play all the B's. Play all the C's. In] Play all the D's. Play all the E's. Play all the F's. [DJ [JE lmJ Play all the G's. m You can ncw name every white key on your piano! The key names are ABC D E F G, used over and over! ABCDEFGABCDEFGABCDEFGABCDEFGABCDEFGABCDEFGABCDEFGABC The lowest key on your piano is A. The C nearest the middle of the piano is called MIDDLE C. \ Going UP the keyboard, the notes sound HIGHER and HIGHER! . Play and name every white key beginning with bottom A. Use LH 3 for keys below middle C, and RH 3 tor keys above middle C. You are now ready to begin ADULT THEORY BOOK 1 and ADULT FLASHCARDS. 8 Right Hand C Position Place the RH on the keyboard so that the 1st FINGER talig on MIDDLE C. Let the remaining 4 fingers fall naturally on the next 4 white keys. Keep the fingers curved and relaxed. The names of the 5 keys are in ALPHABETICAL ORDER: C D E F G. Notes tor this position are written on the TREBLE STAFF. ~ The TREBLE STAFF has 5 lines and 4 spaces. Fingering: ~~~~~~~~. Middle C is written on a short line TREBLE CLEF SIGN: below the staff, cal led a leger line. used tor RH notes. D is written in the space below the staff. 2 3 4 5 I I I I I , , I I I I I I I I I I I Each next higher note is written on the next higher line or space. CDEFG RIGHT HAND WARM, UP 14))))* Play the following WARM-UP Say the name of each note aloud as you play. Repeat until you can play smoothly and evenly. As the notes go higher on the keyboard, they are written higher on the staff! Fingers: ... ~~~~~~~~~§~ ~ ~ i ~ @ 51 =~~~===::~ 41 D ~ 31 21 ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ 1, S 51 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ 41 D ~ 31 21 ~ ~ 1, 11, I. ~~~~~~~~ ~ * ~)))) This symbol indicates the track number ot the selection on the CD and cassette tape. See the General MIDI (GM) disk sleeve tor the GM track numbers. 9 Quarter N otes & Half N otes Music is made up of short tones and long tones. We write these tones in notes, and we measure their lengths by counting. The combining of notes into patterns is called RHYTHM. Quarter Note Half Note I a short note.. d I a long note. COUNT: "1" COUNT: "1 - 2" or: "Half note" or: "Quarter" Clap (or tap) the following rhythm. Clap ONCE for each note, counting aloud. Notice how the BAR LINES divide the music into MEASURES of equal duration. ~ :EAS:E ODE ~~ BAR LINE ,TO JOY ~ :EAS:E :EAS:E BAR LINE (Theme trom Beethoven's ~~ BAR LINE 9th Symphony) MEAS~RE 1 DOUBLE BAR used at the end 14)))) 1. Clap (or tap) the rhythm evenly, counting aloud. 2. Play & sing (or say) the finger numbers. 3. Play & count. ~ 4. Play & sing (or say) the note names. Fingers: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I You are now ready to begin ADULT SIGHT READING BOOK 1. 10 Left Hand C Position Place the LH on the keyboard so that the Sth FINGER talls on the C BELOW (to the lett ot) MIDDLE C. Let the rernaining tingers tall naturally on the next 4 white keys. Keep the tingers curved and relaxed. Notes tor this position are written on the BASS STAFF. . .ngerlng: 5 lines and 4 spaces. !he ?, played by 5, ~~~~f~~~~~~ F" The BASS STAFF also has BASS CLEF SIGN: used tor LH notes. 5 : 4 3 2 1 . IS wrltten on the I I I I I secondspaceot the staff. : : : : : Each next higher note is written on the next higher line or space. CDEFG LEFT HAND WARM ~ Up 14)))) Play the tollowing WARM-UP Say the narne ot each note aloud as you play. Repeat until you can play srnoothly and evenly. ~~~~~~~~ ~. ~ ~ ~ r: 3 4 5 1 2 3 ~~~~~~~~ . r~ ~ Î: c~ E. :'~~~~~~~~ 2 1 5 4 3 Fingers: 1 ~ ~- ~ . 2 . 5 4 3 . 4 5 ~ 2 1 I ~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~ When notes are BELOW the MIDDLE LINE ot the staff, the sterns usually point UP. When notes are ON or ABOVE the MIDDLE LINE, the sterns usually point DOWN. 11 The Whole N ote Whole Note 0 a very long note. COUNT: "1 - 2 - 3 - 4" or: "Whole note hold down" Clap (or tap) the tollowing rhythm. Clap ONCE tor each note, counting aloud. J J J J AURA LEE J J J J J J Jol 14)))) This melody was made info a popular song, "LOVE ME TENDER," sung by Elvis Presley. 1. Clap (or tap) the rhythm, counting aloud. 2. Play & sing (or say) the tinger numbers. 3. Play & count. "." 4. Play & sing (or say) the note names. As the black- bird in the Spring, 'neath the wil - low tree ~~~~~~~~~~~ I:: i~~~~~g~~~~~~~~ sat and piped, I heard him sing, sing - ing "Au - ra Lee." ~~~~~~~~~~I:~ if~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 12 The Grand Staff .LH. .RH I The BASS STAFF and TREBLE STAFF, when joined together with a BRACE, C D E F G make up the GRAND STAFF. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Treble Clet Brace Bass Cl 4 TIME SIGNATURE Music has numbers at the beginning called the TIME SIGNATURE. PLAYING GRAND ON THE STAFF 5 ~)))) Only the starting tinger number tor each hand is given. 4 3 2 C D E F G I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 2 3 4 5 1 means 4 beats to each measure. ~ I L-:I: means a QUARTER NOTE ~ gets one beat. The tollowing practice procedure is recommended tor the rest ot the pieces in this bock: 1. Clap (or tap) & count. 2. Play & count. 3. Play & sing the words, it any. 1 This sign --- is a WHOLE REST. LH is silent a whole measure! RH silent a whole measure. . .. .. 5 The double dots mean repeat trom the beginning. You are now ready 10 begin ADULT FINGER AEROBICS. 13 ROCK~ALONG ~ , ~ 1 1 ~ -(g 14)))) 3 5 ~ ~ -- '- ,~ ~ ~J"- .J L'.,. '- ~ ~ - ~ ~ - '- ,-- ~ - <0- - - /' '- ~ ~ - LI ,~ ~ ,"' - - -. . J ~ ~,.,. ./ rc I:~ 5 5 MEXICAN ~ ,~~ ~ .J ,. 3 1 I~ DANCE . - L ..I ltJJ RAT ~ .I .~ .. M ft, rc .C~ 114)))) - - - L 1. Play 2. Dance L ,. it! it! al ~ "- ./ '- 1 3 Play Dance it! it! Gl ~.. r Play the Dance the ta - mous ta - mous -.,. - ~ '" ~ ~.z, t 4 hat hat 3 2 dance! dance! ~ ,. ~ 4 3 . 5 This sign ~ is a QUARTER REST. Rest tor one count! ~ 5 ~ ,~ ~ ~ ~..I,9, .J ./ = ,9, -- Play Dance L.'. - ,. r.. 3 it! it! - Play Dance 2 3 ~ - C!J -- it! it! Play it It's such - 4 - 2 1 t!J. <0- tor to me! see! 8~ ncw tun - You are now ready 10 begin ADULT DUET BOOK 1. .. - .. 14 Melodic Intervals Distances between tones are measured in INTERVALS, Notes played separate/y make a me/ody. We call the intervals between these notes MELODIC Play these MELODIC 1 2nds & 3rds. 2 1 cal led 2nds, 3rds, 4ths, 5ths, etc. INTERVALS. Listen to the sound of each interval. 3 . . r2nd-, ,3rd, r2nd-, ,3rd, . . 1 The following excerpts and MELODIC Au contain only repeated 1 3 notes 2nds & 3rds. CLAIRE DE L A LUNE 2 DYNAMIC SIGNS teil how loud or .:4»)' ~ I) P (piano) = soft soft to play. 1 . . -e. . TISKET, A TASKET f\ ~\.I L. ,""'"'--IJ"- ll1ff (mezzoforte) = moderately loud lIG»)) - - - - ~ 1::.'. -,. L. G) /' L. ~ - .- '"1 -- . -. -- - mf1 ( ,."" :J .I . - - - - ,~~ ~ :J ( ~ L'.,. /' -2 --.- - -- -.- ~ ~ -- -- - -- - -- &'8 15 Harmonic Intervals -. ,' Notes played together make harmony. We call the intervals between these notes HARMONIC INTERVALS. Play these HARMONIC 2nds & 3rds. Listen to the sound ot each interval. 2 1 3 1 . . 2nd 3rd 2nd 3rd 2nd 3rd .. mf~ ROCKIN' Brightly INTERVALS ~ 14)))) [ Rest tor one count! Z~~~~~J (forte) = loud f t 4 0 - right Rock Rock is with 1 2 1 3 f har the mon left - ic! hand! 3 . . Rock is har - mon Rock with the left 1 3 DUET PART: (Student plays 1 octave higher.) RH 1 2 . - ic! hand! .. 16 d. 4 h MI e 0 IC 1 t 4 MELODIC 4ths & 5ths. & 5t h Slisten Play these to the sound of each interval. s 1 5 . . r4th-, r5th-, r4th-, r5th-, . . 1 GOOD KING WENCESLAS -- L "" ,"' .I L ~ ti - - . - -6 ...'- f Good King Wen - ces - las look'd out, L'... './ 5 2 I ~ 1 Find the 4ths befare you play! Moderately tast 4 ~ .. ~)))) 4 On the feast r of Ste - phen, r - - - - - L - ~ .. LI - - - '~"T"'~-\J ~ When the snow lay -- -- -. ,. ./ round a - bout, - -r- L ,. Deep and crisp and -- r f2 ~ .. ,"' ~)))) Seriously 1 -. ." 3 .. .. -- - r -- -- -- U is my fifth, and may - be you've heard; L "" .I - ven. Find the 5ths befare you play! I ~ -. ." - ~ - 4 M Y FIFTH ~ e -(§j '- P This L'... '- - - - - ./ L . "~ - - LI - - .. ~ "" '\.: .I ~ Beet 1:.,. - ,. ./ rc p5 - hov - en's - fifth is ..I "- on r - . - Iy a - - third! ' ... f3 H 17 HARMONIC 4ths & 5ths. armomc 4th S & 5th SlistenPlay these to the sound of each interval. . 4 1 ~ .. "~~~..I ~ L rF L ~ ,. 5 1 ~ ~ if 4th -(.§; -(.§; -6 5th -6 4th 5th - c.~. "- /" - - -. 4th 5th 4th W ~ 'á) .7 C --:J - . 5th . .J . ':J L ~ JINGLE BELLS ~)))) if 1 1 4 5 Before you play: 1. Find all the MELODIC 4ths & 5ths in the RH. 2. Find all the HARMONIC 4ths & 5ths in the LH. Merrily 3 - gle, beiis! ! 4 it to ride a 4 3 ! ~ 4 "~J " . ~ , f:) 1. W r 4"-1" beiis! Jin - gle 5 - - - Oh, what L ,. /" ,. Jin - gle, fun it all 4 the way! .2 - -- -- -- -- -- . is one - horse 0 - pen sleigh! 1 .J 4- ,.., '.J . W .w . 'I .~ to ride a .-e- 18 The C Major Chord r--LH~ r--RH~ A chord is th ree or more notes played together. The C MAJOR CHORD is made of three notes: C E G. I I I I I I 5 Be sure to play all three chord notes exactly together, with fingers nicely curved. C MAJOR CHORDS ~1 ~ tor LH Play & count. ~ . 3 5 ~111 C ~ 11 I ~ ~ I1 j I I . 11 . mf C MAJOR CHORDS tor RH Play & count. :i~ 31 :~~~:::!t:=::::~~ j I I 1:1 Ij I I ~II 1:1 "I. mf C MAJOR CHORDS tor BOTH HANDS . . . . . 19 BROTHER }OHN ~)))) Read by patterns! For RH, think: ""C, up a 2nd, up a 2nd, down a 3rd," etc. Think the pattern, then play it! Moderately tast 1 3 ? 5 4 3 1 1 This sign --- is a HALF REST. Rest tor two counts! HERE's A HAPPY SONG! ~)))) Read by patterns! For LH, think: "G, down a 2nd, down a 2nd, up a 2nd," etc. Happily 1 . . . . 1 20 (~) tor Left Hand Introducing TO FIND B: Place the LH in C POSITION. Reach finger 5 one white key to the left! Play slowly. Say the note names as you play. Move 5 to B -~lt /. T WO Two ~5 4 I ~ ft I.3 Important frequently I I.1 1 ~~ I Move 5 to C ~ ~ I.2 I I.1 I; 5 I Move 5 to B ~1 ~ I.3 I I~ ~ I. I ~2 . fl .11 I.1 I. :1. Chords used chords are C MAJOR & G7. G7 Chord Chord symbols E B 3 5 symbol: C are always Chord used in popular music to identify symbol: chord G7 names. . Practice changing trom the C chord to the G7 chord and back again: 1. The 1st finger plays G in bath chords. 2. The 2nd finger plays F in the G7 chord. 3. Only the 5th finger moves out of C POSITION (down to B) tor G7. ~ C ~~~J~~Il~~~~~~~~~~~ . 3 ~111 5 2 1 5 G7 - ~ C ~ 3 1 I1 . ' 5. ~ !J , ) --~:4 ~ 21 TIED NOTES: Wh en notes on the same line or space are joined with a curved line, we call them lied nates. ~-~ I0 0 The key is held down tor the COMBINED VALUES OF BOTH NOTES! Caunt: "1 - 2 - 3 - 4, MERRILY WE ROLL ALONG 1 - 2 - 3 - 4." ~)))) Play the RH & LH separatelyat first, then together. Practicathe RH nif andthe LHp. The melody should always be clearly haard above the accompaniment. '. Merri Iy C* G7 3 ,.. , L-8- I ,,~,. , I . I I I L'... ,.1.~ L-8- 3.~ .~ .~ 2 1 ./ "'5.~ .~ 5 mf P '. " ~ ~ ~ 1...1 ...' - .. ...I - I ~ ~JL-8- ...I -I .I ~ - -J -- 1.~ 3.~ - ~ 5.~ . C .. -. I - ...'I ...1...1 - -I I 2 1 .~ .. I - .~ .~ ./ ...I G7 .~ .. - (TIED NOTESf) - L ,. u ~ 3 J...I C I -& 1. ~ 3. ~ 5.. - 5 LARGO (trom "The New Wor/d") I ~ ~ .. ...I ~ ut)))) This melody is also known as GO/NG HOME. D Slow ~ . ,. ,"' J""...I ~ < ../ L ,... G7 , , I mf ,. 1. ~ L-8- 3 . . ,. 5.. ...I - I -J -- I - ...I .. ~ ~ .. I . . I I -4 2 1 ~ , I 1...1 - ...I I - ~ 5 ~-- I - ...I u ...;a ~ ~ ~ .P C v' vara k L-8- ",~,. . C 3 G7 C -& *In most popular sheet music, the chord symbols appear ABOVE the RH melody. The symbol appears ONLY WHEN THE CHORD CHANGES. 22 (~) {or Right Hand lntroducing TO FIND B: Place the RH in C POSITION. Reach tinger 1 one white key to the left! ~ 9 ~ "---" Play slowly. Say the note names as you play. Move 1 to B Move 1 toC Move 1 to B ~:j~~.~I~..~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~~~~~~. C & G7 Chords for Right Hand It is very important to be able to play all chords with the RIGHT hand as weil as the LEFT. Chords are used in either or bath :hands in popular and classiqal music. C MAJOR G7 M I D D L E C 1 E 3 G 5 F G 4 5 C G7 3 1 Practice changing trom the C chord to the G7 chord and back again: 1. The 5th tinger plays G in bath chords. 2. The 4th tinger plays F in the G7 chord. 3. Only the 1st tinger moves out ot C POSITION (down to B) tor G7. ~ ,~~~,~ 5 5 5 C 3 1 --"1 G7 4"0""- . C -"13 . - -""'='="~ 23 MARY ANN ~)))) Calypso tune Moderately tast , " G7 - Ir""'" ,"' )1 L8- P - - - ... AII '. ,. ./ " day, al! r.l I rJ I night, Ma r.-l - I I - ry Ann, - -r-. - ry r ~ Ann,) -- r- L8- mfT3 - 5 4.1-' (Ma I C - \ , \ f ,~ ,"' "".I - - .J Down by the -= r- r- I-'" I 14 I I I I sea - , shore, I L'-. .. ./ . I - r- 5 -i ~-I .i -' sand' (sift - in' r.l '., ~ sand;) I' - -I ~ , sift - in' 5 -" I r-I 14 1 I G7 - " ,"' 1 ,,~ .J AII L'... ./ the lil - tie -I I -I I I 13 , Ma - ry Ann --- _r t"'" I - ~ - rI I I I I - -r- -. -. - (Ma - ry ' r - ~ Ann,) = I I - - ,"' .I -. - 'S ~ .J .J .. ~ r~" Down f L'. .. ./ - C " I chil - dren love I I - f"'" 14 by the sea - shore, r- rI I I -I ~ 5 r14 sift - in' ... I I I I sand. (sift - in' I r..l ~ sand.) 24 N ew Time Signature 3 4 Dotted Half N ote means 3 beats to each measure. A DOTTEDHALF NOTE gets 3 counts. (2 counts tor the half note, plus 1 count tor the dot!) rJ CaUNT: "1 - 2 - 3" I . I means a QUARTER NOTE ~ gets one beat. Clap (or tap) the following rhythm. Clap ONCE tor each note, counting aloud. ! J J J RaCKETS ., ~ .. 1 f Rock - ets II I - go ... - ...I - up and they - -I .. Ir J ~.I "" ~ » t .'" p RO~k - ets will II - L'... ./ - - 5 IMPORTANT! land , I . -6 on the moon! I I 5 .I G7 ...I trav - el - ...I I - to .. " C -. I oth - er ~ , .. '.I ~. I I ~ " 1 3 '.I '.I. 5 1 , C 1 2~ . - I I 5 . :1 I" 1...1 I ,.. J. G7 -, L ,... ., .. ./ J J J r;4)))) Moderately tast Ir "" ,"' .I J. I I I 4. worlds scan! '.I. .I. . -- . .J' '.I . - I Play RaCKETS again, playing the second line one octave (8 notes) higher. The rests at the end of the first line give you time to move your hands to the new position! Play RaCKETS one more time~now with the first line one octave higher than written, and the second line two octaves higher. ' This is excellent training in moving freely over the keyboard! -~ -~ ~,- J L 25 SI & L Pl . urs egato aymg A SLUR is a curved line over or under notes on different lines or spaces. =-:~= SLURS - mean play .. LEGATO - - a- - (smoothly , .. connected). ~:: Slurs often divide the music into PHRASES. A PHRASE is a musical thought or sentence. WHAT CAN I SHARE? 14)))) Moderatelyslow C '\ I I' "" .,..,.. ,"'.I"'" ~ -< G7 ... ~ ~ .3. mf I L'..' ,... /",.. --- - I- 13 What can .- 1~ -i "4- 5 - -- 1~ I r.l . "3~. 5 ~ 1~-i - ~.. r- I I I. "3~ 5. C , ... I I ~ share with you C G7 C ~ . , ,.~J"" ... .3. " @) ~ ~ ~ ~ .3. -- - -- - ~ ~ ... ~ " < t L,.,. r- ---- /" I I 1 I I ' To ~ 3 ~ < t p . ~ ~ ~ - - 1 "",,' I my love is true? C G7 C --- --- "" @) .- I - - -&. I u' -- all we need to share t " II Ir"". show - I I- ~ Love's L ,. ,. ' I - /" 1 3 ... . - - 5- " 21 -- ~ ... - C -J. .3. " 5 G7 -- ~ ... ~ - 1 3 5- - C ~ . , ,. '" ~.I ~ I I -I - To -< -I - show how I I I -9. Cl. -&~ much we care! .4. slower . , . L'. /" ,. ~ ... ~ " - - ... ~ , - . - - - - , .3.. - :.I. -.I . '.I . 26 (~) for Left Hand lntroducing TO FIND A: Place the LH in C POSITION. Reach tinger 1 one white key to the right! ~ Play slowly. Say the note names as you play. Move 1 10 A ~! f ~ ~ ~ lntroducing I.~ ~ Move 1 10 G ~ I.~ ~ Move 1 10 A ~ ~ I ~ the F Major Chord J The C MAJOR chord is trequently tollowed by the F MAJOR chord, and vice-versa. F MAJOR C 5 E 3 G 1 C 5 A 1 C .. F 1 .. 1 G 3 E 5 c Practice changing trom the C chord to the F chord and back again: 1. The 5th tinger plays C in bath chords. 2. The 2nd tinger plays F in the F chord. 3. Only the 1st tinger moves out ot C POSITION (up to A) tor the F chord. ~ : C F C ~fi~~!~~~~n~~1 3 2 1 3 5 5. . ' ~ /J - L. 27 Warm~Up using C, G7 & F Chords Practice SLOWLY at first, then gradually increase speed. ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~i~~~~~~'~~~~~Ii~1 C . G7 C 1 3 5 F 1 2 5 C 1 3 5 1 2 3. 5 . mf S WHEN THE INCOMPLETE MEASURE Same pieces begin with an incomplete measure. The first measure of this ~iece has only 3 counts. The missing count is found In the last measure! When you repeat the whole song, you will have one whole measure of 4 counts when you play the last measure plus the first measure. AINTS Go MARCHING IN 14)))) (With RH MELODY & LH CHORDS) March time ~ 1 3 ,.. ~ w."" ,.. ~J~ .. I"" .J f L'.'" ,. 4 5 , I I - Saints , .. - ,.. .. ~ 1 3 ~ " .I '--' -- "" - .. - in,) L,.,. _.. - , , .. .. ~ - , .. ' .. - - (go march- ing - How in,) 1\ "" .." - I I r.l - ",,".I ; u, go march - ing in, ,.. ,.. - - .. _.. ~ "" ing '.. 21 -(go - march--- - -- .. 5 -- - F I -9 -9 - want to join that ,- .. ~ - .. 1 3 -- C -I When the do,) -9 .. "" 5- - - I --I .. I I - - G7 -II -- ~ - - I - .. 3 \.I 11 - --I - .. C -. < "" -- " .. .." I L'.,. - -- I Saints ~,--,' ".,. --I 3 w. ~ ".I .J in, . Oh, when the ~ ,",- .I - - -"- go march- ing I .J t - ~ Saints) , .. ,"' - 5- ~ W, " - ... -., (Oh, when the , .. - I I - Oh, when the ~ "" C Saints "" num - ber, -- " C"I march -- .. - " r..l. - (yes, 1 K 2 5- 1 ~ - C I I I - 1. .. -.. 3. ~ 5. ~ '" - G7 go I -II - Q &- ing in! ,12- - .. - .. .. 5 - .. ,," . . ~.. (go march-ing ,1 .. 3-- -- -- .. 5. You are now ready to begin ADULT SAC.RED BOOK 1. - - in!) -- .. 28 lntroducing (~) for Right Hand TO FIND A: Place the RH in C POSITION. Leave 1 on C. Shift all other fingers one white key to the right! Play slowly. Say the note names as you play. Move 3 & 5 to F A Move 3 & 5 to E G ~~i~~~~~~ ~ ~,~ I I Move 3 & 5 to F A ~ ~ ~~~~~~t~~~~~~~~~ C & F Chords for Right Hand C MAJOR G 5 C F 5 3 A F 1-(Ç)- Practice changing trom the C chord to the F chord and back again: 1. The 1st finger plays C in bath chords. 2. The 3rd finger moves up to F and the 5th finger moves up to A tor the F chord. ;i 4 i C:~~::!t=~i;:::: ~~ 1-g F~ - ~§s I g C- ~~i ,11 .. \ -I' --,""",, ..,~~~ 29 Warm~Up using C, G7 & F Chords ~ j~j~~:JI~~~~~~,j~j~~,~~î~~~I'~ c G7 C F 5 3433 1 1 C 5 5: 1 3 1 1 mf WHEN THE SAINTS Go MARCHING IN 14)))) (With LH MELODY & RH CHORDS) March time C 1 G7 C 1 Wj ~ ~ cL ~ --=- ~ L ~ oL ~ ~ ~ 5 3~ L - -- ~ i I i .::.. .. .L. ~ 1. 1'-i.. ~ ~. ~ - ~ F ~ .. ~ I -~ .. -- .. ~ ~ i 3-- .. ~ i 5-- --- 1 ---~. ~ --L-LLI I 13 I I C G7 C . . . . 3 After you have learned bath versions of WHEN THE SAINTS GO MARCHING IN, you will find it very effective to play page 27 followed immediately by page 29. Instead of playing the piece one way and repeating, you wijl be playing the melody first in the RH, then in the LH! You are now ready to begin ADULT CHRISTMAS BOOK1. I c=~,.c! ~ I 30 . .LH .RH I G Position Until ncw you have played only in the C POSITION. GAB Now you will move to the G POSITION: 'II I C D 'II I I I I GAB I I I I RH 1 C D I I I I I I I I 2 3 4 5 RH 1 on the G above middle C. LH 5 on the G below middle C. LH 5 4 3 2 1 Play and say the note names. Be sure to do this SEVERAL TIMES! :!~~==~==~ F F ~~!*~~~~~~~~~~t~~ :i~=~tt~:Et!:~~:!E:~: LH 5 ~ Intervals in G Position I I I I@- ~ I -ft 1. MELODIC INTERVALS Say the name of each interval as you play. 1 2 3 4 .. r2nd-, r3rd, 4th 5th \ . . 1 2. HARMONIC 2 3 4 5 INTERVALS Say the name of each interval as you play. 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 . . 4th h 2nd 3rd 4th 5th . . 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 LOVE SOMEBODY! 14)))) Before playing hands together, play LH alone, naming each harmonic interval! ", 1 3 1 4 1 4 1 2 . . . . A FRIEND Before playing L lKE hands together, Moderately 1. A 2. Where Y 0U 14)))) play LH alone, naming each harmonic interval! slow friend could like I you find is a hard friend to like find. you? 1 1 5 You're A al - ways friend so 1 4 true, kind. kind, true. 5 . . . . Repeat with LH oneoctave(8 notes)lower. . 32 THE DONKEY 14)))) G POSITION Betore playing hands together, play LH alone, naming each harmonic interval. Brightly Sweet - Iy sings the don - key at the break of day. .d:11 2 If you do not feed him, This 1 3 is what he'll say, 1 4 ,haw, Hee - haw, . . . . . . Hee - haw, 1 5 hee - haw, THE DONKEY may be played as a round tor two to tour pianos. The second piano begins atter the tirst has played 4 measures. The third begins atter the second has played 4 measures, etc. Play 4 times. "Hee hee - haw!" ~ - 33 The Sharp Sign . ., '",;.- .. # The SHARP SIGN before a note means play the next key to the RIGHT, whether black or white! A When a SHARP (#) appears before a note, it applies to that note tor the rest of the measure! Circle the notes that are SHARP: ~ t ~ #~ ~ ~ F ~ #~ ~ C I MONEY CAN'T BUY EV'RYTHING! I 0 14)))) March ti me Man - ey 5 can't 4 buy ev - 'ry - thing! , 3 Man - ey can't make 2 you 1 5 Mon - ey may not bring a king. 1 3 suc - cess; Mon - ey can't buy hap - pi - ness! I am sure: Mon - ey does - n't make you paar. make you sad; Mon - ey can't all that bad! 1 2 But of Mon - ey one thing does - n't be f You are now ready to begin GREATEST HITS, Level 1, and CHRISTMAS HITS, Level 1. I1 34 The G Major & D7 Chords tor Left Hand G 5 B 3 D 1 G D7 1~ 10 3 B . . 5 G Practice changing trom the G chord to the D7 chord and back again: 1. 1 plays D in bath chords. 2. 2 plays C in the D7 chord. 3. Only 5 moves out ot G POSITION (down to F#) tor D7. ~: G l!~~ 3 5 D7 ~ G 2 5 ~1-:d1- l~~~~ l:!~~ 3 5 G D7 . . 1 ; ft 1 ~ -d':1- . ft 1 -:d1- #~ 111 2 . . , i ~ ~: G 5 l:!~~~~ 3 D7 5 : ~ G I Play the tollowing several times. G D7 G D7 ~~~ 3 5 2 5 ,111 ~F ~ ~r I I G D7 ~ ~ ~F G 1 D7 G ~ ~F ~ : Preparation tor THE CUCKOO: ~ lf~~~i .,11. 1.F . . 2. G . . 3 5 D7 ~ 5 ~ G I ~. ~ . 7 .. D7 I ~ ~ G I ~. ~ . -~ '. .. ~~~~~ r 35 r -,'" c,jo- .. I i -_. THE CUCKOO , I Ir ".. ~ 14)))) Happily G 07 5 -. "' I .~ .I"" I @) I I , - r- L ,. .~ ,. ... ,.. - I ~: ..I. ~: '.I. I -- 'I mf t - "' I G I -' --- - --- ~. oW 1 3 5 . . 1 2 5 G 7 A 07 ~ I 5 - r'-' < .I @) - r- - r- I tI~:L.,. .I. 7" ~~ ,. "' "' - I , - , --' I ~: '.I. .. ~: '.I. .;6Q..: ~ . .,;62:. oW " I -- I - -/. -" ~: J. 36 The G Major & D7 Chords for Right Hand G MAJOR G 1 G D7 5 5 4 1 1 Practice changing trom the G chord to the D7 chord and back again: 1. 5 plays D in bath chords. 2. 4 plays C in the D7 chord. 3. Only 1 moves out ot G POSITION (down to F#) tor D7. G 07 G ~~~II~~~~~$~~~ ~5 ~ 5':1= 3 4 1 .. 3 1 1 Play several times: ~ 'i====:t~#:~ ,115 G D7 3 1 4 1 G D7 11 I I G #:~ . 11 I Block Chords & Broken Chords When all three notes ot a chord are played together, it is cal led a BLOCK chord. When the th ree notes ot a chord are played separately, it is cal led a BROKEN chord. Play several times: Block Chord G ~ ~ 3 1 ~ : ~ ~ ,11: Broken Chord G I ~1 ~3 Block Chord D7 ~5 I1 . 4 1 Block Chord G 3 .;11. l~~ 5. ~ #~ 5: Broken Chord G I ~ 5 ~ ~ 3 1 ~ 1 #~ 1 ~4 ~5 . Block Chord D7 I1 Broken Chord 07 2 ~#7~ 1 . 5 . . . Broken Chord D7 I'~ 5 ~ ~, . 2 1 : c-" - 37 The Damper Peda! The RIGHT pedal is cal led the DAMPER pedal. .Use the RIGHT foot on the damper pedal. . Always keep your heel on the fiGaro . Use your ankle like a hinge. This sign means: HARP SONG Moderately G When you hold the damper pedal down, any tone you sound will continue after you release the key. PEDAL DOWN I PEDAL UP I HOLOPEDAL 14)))) Many pieces are made entirely of braken chords, as th is one is! slow I I 07 5 I " 2 1 I G 4 I I 07 G . . . . . 1 I I Also play HARP SONG in the following ways: 1. Play the third and fourth measures of each line one octave higher than written. 2. Play the first and second measures of each line one octave lower than written. -=~~ I 38 (~) tor Left Hand Introducing ol. TO FIND E: Place the LH in G POSITION. Reach tinger 1 one white key to the right! ~ Play slowly. Say the note names as you play. Move 1 to E ~!~ ~ ~ ~ 5 3 1 I ~ f ~ 2 1 5 Move 1 to D I ~ ~ ~ 5 3 1 Move 1 to E I ~ f ~ 2 1 5 ,11 A N ew Position of the C Major Chord You have al ready played the C MAJOR CHORD with C as the lowest note: C EG. When you play these same th ree notes in any order, you still have a C MAJOR CHORD. When you are playing in G POSITION, it is most convenient to play G as the lowest note: G C E. The tollowing diagrams show how easy it is to move trom the G MAJOR CHORD to the C MAJOR CHORD, when G is the lowest note ot bath chords. C MAJOR .f G B D E 5 3 1 1 G C I ~:8: Practice changing trom the G chord to the C chord and back again: 1. 5 plays G in bath chords. 2. 2 plays C in the C chord. 3. Only 1 moves out ot G POSITION (up to E) tor the C chord. ~ . .. G CG. l~~~~=::::=:: ~! ~~~~~ ~ ! 5 5 5 ~ :8: - l~~~~ .. ~ -~,.,_..~~- --c_-' 39 Warm, Up using G, D7 & C Chords This warm-up intraduces a new way af playing BROKEN CHOROS. ~/~~.: ~~; G Braken I ~ ~ ~ CBraken I ~~,11' .: I ~ 07 ~t Braken ~ ~ I~F;. I'~ I G Braken E ~ ~ I [~.. . .. 1 3 5 5 1 3 1 2 5 5 1 2 1 2 5 5 1 2 5 1 3 5 BEAUTIFUL BROWN EYES ~)))) Moderately G 3 tast C 1 5 3 5 1 I 2 5 I I 1 2 I '. C I I . . 5 I 1 3 I ... 40 (~) {or Right Hand lntroducing TO FIND E: Place the RH in G POSITION. Leave finger 1 on G. Shift all other fingers one white key to the right. GAB C DE 1 2 3 4 5 Play slowly. Say the note names as you play. Move 3 10 C ~~ ~ New ~ I~ ~ ~ & 5 E Move 3 10 B I~ ~ & ~ 5 D Move 3 10 C I~ ~ C Major Chord Position-Right & ~ 5 E ~ ,11 Hand Notice that two fingers must move to the right wh en changing trom the G MAJOR CHORD to the C MAJOR CHORD. - -G-MAJOR -- ~ G 1 B 3 - ~ C~MAJOR ~- - - ~ D 5 G 1 C 3 G 5 ." ~..I E 5 C ~ S&W ~ 3>C 1 >C 3&W 'j" ~J ~ ~ 1 '-' @) Practice changing trom the G chord to the C chord and back again: 1. 1 plays G in bath chords. 2. 3 moves up to C and 5 moves up to E tor the C chord. G C :::::i:::I::: :~~::!J=g ~ ~ ~ ===~ I 31 teI~~~ - G ~ I~- g ~-ö --=tI.11 ""'~ ~ ~.:;1~'l " 41 Warm~Up 'using G, D7 & C Chords Play SLOWLY at first, then gradually increase speed. G 07 G C ~~'~~'~~~~~~"~f~~~~~~~~~~~5 5 5 3 5 1 3 1 ~ 3 4 ALPINE MELODY 1 3 1 1 G . . ~)))) The LH melody of this piece consists entirely of BROKEN CHOROS, which are the same as the BLOCK CHOROS played by the RH in each measure! Moderatelyslow G 07 1 1 5 I I I C -" --- LI~ ~ ~..:. ~ .. I' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~L11L ' -.:. ~" --u... ~ lJ.. 11 .L ~ ~ -2- ~ ~ ~. ~. . . -~ I 1 I Play bath hands Bva (one octave higher) the 2nd time! ,,' G , ~ " I G 07 I I 8 ~--L -L-8 .L --L ~ .L . -=-:::::: .L . ~ . I . . I 42 -. . r--LH--,.RH I F GAB C D E F G Middle C Position The MIDDLE C POSITION uses notes you already know! . RH is in C POSITION. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ LH movesone notedowntromG POSITION. .Both thumbs are ncw on Middle C. . I : LH 5 I : I : I I : I : I : I : I : : : 1 2 3 4 5 4 3 2 1 : : '\ !ot: Play and say the note names. Do this several times! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~J ~l~~I~;~~~~~~I~~1 ~ THUMBS ON C! 14)))) Moderately slow 1 5 5 . . mf .. 44 t:"\ This sign is cal led a FERMATA. Hold the note under the fermata langer than its value. GOOD MORNING Ta YOU! &4)))) MIDDLE C POSITION Happily \ 5 4 ... 4 Good morn - ing to . - ing to Good 5 3 2 3 morn you! you! Good morn - ing, Dear ,1"':'\ ,1"':'\ 2 ! Good morn - ing to you! ow 45 n Eighth N otes Eighth notes Two eighth notes are played in the time ot are usually played in pairs. COUNT: "1 &" or: "two eighths" onequarternote. When a piece contains eighth notes, count: "1 &" or "quar ter" tor each quarter note; "1 &" or "two eighths" tor each pair ot eighth notes. - - Clap (or tap) these aloud: notes, counting -J Q ~ -J -Jln.n HAPPY B IRTHDAY Ta Y a U! I - - - -n - - ijl .11 14)))) HAPPY BIRTHOAY is exactly the same as GOOOMORNING Ta YOU, except tor the eighth notes! ~ Happily ., , .. " " '" ..,.. ~ 1-.. .J I . 5 4 ~ mf ~ " --- --I"--- L'. ., ,. .. I -I ./ I I , ,.. .- r- # - n II -~ - --- -I I 4 Hap - py Birth - day 2 . to you! Hap - py ~ ~ 3 Birth l - day to you! Hap - py Birth - day, Dear 1":'\ 1 2 ! Hap - py Birth - day to you! f @ 1935 by Summy-Birchard Music, Oivision of Summy-Birchard, Inc., Secaucus, New Jersey. Copyright renewed. AII rights reserved. Used by permission. Î You are ncw ready to begin ADULT POP SONG BOOK 1. i i 46 STANDING IN THE NEED OF PRAYER 14)))) Far this papular spiritual,we return ta C POSITION(LH 5 an C). Rhythmically, not too tast It's 3 me! It's me, me, Oh Not my broth-er, not my sis-ter, but it's Oh Lord! Lord! me, oh Lord! Stand-ing in the need of prayer. prayer. Stand-ing in the need of prayer. It's l ;:~'~: ! I "' ~ 47 ~;èé; THE GIFT Ta BE SIMPLE ~))))" COMBINING MIDDLE C POSITION & C POSITION You are ncw ready to play music that involves more than one position. This piece begins with the hands in MIDDLE C POSITION. Atter the tirst tuil measure is played, the LH moves to C POSITION to play chords. Change positions as indicated in the music. This beautitul aid Shaker melody was used by the tamous American composer, Aaron Copland, in his well-known symphonic composition, Appalachian Spring. Moderately slow F Move LH to C POSITION! 1 ~ 3 5 Return LH to MIDDLE C POSITION! 2 Move LH to C POSITION! . . 2nd time ritardando* - - 1':"'1 . . 2 5 *ritardando means gradually slowing. 48 lntroducing Dotted Quarter N otes A DOT INCREASES THE LENGTH OF A NOTE BV ONE HALF lTS VALUE. d A datted half nate is equal to a halt note tied to aquarter note. J 2 + 1 COUNTS COUNT A datted quarter nate is equal to a J quarter note tied to an eighth note. 1 COUNT j, + 1/2 = J. = 3 COUNTS = = J. COUNT 1 1/2 COUNTS Clap (or tap) the tollowing rhythm. Clap ONCE . tor ~ J_n --- - J_n --- --- - --- .11 . . each note, countlng aloud. COUNT: or: The only difference between the tollowing measureand the one directly above it is the way they are written. They are played the same. "1 & "quar - ter 2 tie, t ~. j) ~.. . COUNT: or: "1 & "quar - ter &" etc. eighth" etc. 2 dot, j) : ;11 &" etc. eighth" etc. In ~ or ! time, the DOTTED QUARTER NOTE is almost a/wars tollowed by an EIGHTH NOTE! L .0--,,",--- - - 49 MEASURES FROM FAMILIAR SONGS 1. Count & clap (or tap) the notes. USING DOTTED QUARTER 2. Play & count. NOTES 3. Play & sing the words. C POSITION ~ ~ j~~~~~~~ ~. Si - jent ~ j~~~~~~~~ . I night, Ho - Iy I night, MIDDLE C POSITION (Both thumbs on Middle C) . . i f" . . 1 MIDDLE C POSITION e tor - got, be 4 C POSITION ~ t j~~=~~~~~~~! ~. Here comes the bride! I J~~~~~~~~~ AII dressed in § . white! You are now ready to begin ADULT ALL- TIME FAVORITES, Book 1. I " 50 è", ALOUETTE .. -"" Elf»)) C POSITION Brightly French folk song C 1 G7 1 3 5 1 2 5 G7 C C (no chord) = ,. '" ,"'", ~ -I I I - -I - - f C'. /".. G7 ~ C - .. = - --I I ~ 1 C I I - rI ' -. ~ ..~ ~~--/ . --I --I -I ' I I rI I ' ... ., ., G7 C Measuring 6ths 6ths are written line-space or space-line. I_[6th 'I I I I I'J- I When you skip 4 white keys, the interval is a 6th. I RH 1 1 1 1 1 I. ~I I ~ I ~ I I I This is C POSITION plus 1 note (A) played with 5. ~~~~~~~~ Û~ 5 plays G or A! I Say the names of these intervals as you play! MELODIC INTERVALS ~~ ~ ~-" ~ I ~ ~~, 2nd I ~ 3rd ~ ..L I ~ _.. ~ 4th I ~ ~..:J 5th ,11 6th: HARMONIC INTERVALS ift 2 1 11 ,ft dJ 1# 2nd 3 11 4 11 I~ 3rd 11 I~ 4th LH 5 5 ~II\ I~ 5th "11 6th This is C POSITION plus 1 note (A) played with 1. CDEFGA ~;I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~--~~~s G or A! I Say the names of these intervals as you play! MELODIC INTERVALS . 1I" /" lt I 2nd i ~ HARMONIC INTERVALS 2nd ~}~ ~ - I I 'i I 3rd I 1I 4 3 5.. I 4th ~ I~ 13 .. f:) 5 3rd " I - I I 5th ~ I :: 5- I 11 I~ I~ '2 4th 2 5th F' - 1 5- I 6th ~; Ir 11 ."11 6th I - ~ 1 5 I) ~II 52 In LAVENDER'S BLUE, 5ths and 6ths are played with 1 & 5. Practice this warm-up before playing LAVENDER'S BLUE. 5 1 ~;~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 5 1 5 1 5 I ~ ~ LAVENDER'S BLUE ~ '11 ~~ ~ 5 1 5 1 ~ ~ ~ I ~ j ~ "I 14)))) C POSITION+ 1 Moderately tast 1 5 5 1 3 5 1 2 5 . . . 1 5 1 5 2 5 3 5 1":\ . . I I -- r- 53 ,. K UM BA YAH! * ~»)) ~ NEW TIME SIGNATURE ~ 2 4 WITH CHANGING TIME SIGNATURES means 2 beats to each measure. means a QUARTER NOTE j gets one beat. Moderately slow 2nd time both hands 8va 1 ~ ~ ~ COUNT: 1 & 2 & 1 & 2 & t I. ! , , 2 5 3 & 4 & 3 5 ! ! 1 2 5 1 ! ! . . . ! ! . . 1 5 1 5 *Kum-ba-yahmeans "Gameby here." 1 2 1 3 .~IIII_I.:~~~~~ 54 ~no;.;nno .h~. ;n~l. "'0 0;. n. -~.~ ~~.~" When you play in positions that include six or more notes, any finger may be required to play two notes. ,LH ONDON BRIDGE 5 4 ,RH I 14)))) Brightly 2nd time play RH 8va 4 I 5 on B or C! 1 on C or D! 1 Skip of a 3rd with 2 & 1 2 1 3 . . . . MICHAEL, Row THE BOAT ASHORE 14)))) Moderately slow 1 2 4 row help a the share, sail, - . . share, sail, - - .. ~ -~ 55 ~ ' , , LH , ,RH I BLOW THE MAN DOWN! '" ; ~»)) 5 on B or C! Moderatelytast Gome tel - lows all who tol - low the Ii " ~, t , 11 5 1\'; Jij ,,. sea, ~ 1 3 Sing-ing ' "Way! Hey! Blow the man' 4 ll: I ;j , ,; ~ I 5 "" I:.. down!" And please pay me; Give us some at time - ten - tion to and blow lis -:n the man " 1 f:1 to down! - ~ 1':'\ . ritardando . . . . 56 , i" Moving- Up & Down the Keyboard in 6ths - To play popular and classical music, you must be able to move freely over the keyboard. These exercises will prepare you to do this. Each hand plays 6ths, moving up and down the keyboard to neighboring keys. READ ONLY THE LOWEST NOTE OF EACH INTERVAL, adding a 6th above! AH 6ths, MOVING FAOM ~ UP TO ~ AND BACK. Begin with RH 1 on MIDDLE C. ~i i ~ LH 6ths, MOVING FAOM ~, 11 ~ Ir ~ I~ ~ I~ ~ ~~ I ~ DOWN TO ~ AND BACK. Begin with LH 1 on MIDDLE C. ~ If F I~ F Ii;~ LONE STAR W ALTZ 14)))) This piece combines the positions used in LONDON BRIDGE with Moving Up & Down the Keyboard in 6ths. Moderate waltz tempo 2 nd time both hands 8va 1 5 2 5 1 ~ I I 5 I Fine I ( b, 57 I ~ . 1- I 5 1 . The dot over or under the notes r indicates the STACCATO touch. Make these notes very short! 5 1 etc. -= --" - - - ~ LL~ ~I.L ~ - -=- . " f .._~. ~. L I -= .-.1.." -= " - -L -- - - . --- ~" - - -= " -=- ~ '"" ~ -- ~ - ! -." ..., -- ~ t." - . ~ , I ~ -1. . - ~.L. -- oL. - - . - ~" -- -=- P4 ~ ..,~. ~. L ~ -1 5 ~ . -r1 5 - . ~ ,~ I L ~ ~ -- - - --- ~" - . oL" ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ : ... : ~ --- ." oL ~ -..L -- ~ .L' -- ..:. -L lJ ~ . . oL. etc. IL.~ '-' ..- - - oL" --~" - JL .L!. ~ . ~ mf . ~ ~ 4 2 3 -L ~ oL ~ . -- , ~ ~ -= " - ~ ~~ R - ~ mf~ I . -- -L ... ---ë '- " " --~ '- ~ ~ . R. - r- -- . 8 : ~" L" D" C" al Fine 58 .. Measuring 7ths & Octaves When you skip 5 white keys, the interval is a 7th. When you skip 6 white keys, the interval is an OCTAVE. .~_.~- 7th ~--~ r OCTAVE 1~1_..IIII!î I~IIIIIIIÎ 7ths are written line-line or space-space. aCTAVES are written line-space or space-line. ~ I~ E ~ ~ ~ ~ I~ ~ Say the names of these intervals as you play! RH MELODIC INTERVALS 2nd 3rd 4th 5th RH HARMONIC INTERVALS 2 2 1 I 1 I 3 1 I =1!lt I ~ I :i=~ dJ 1:8: 2nd 3rd 4 ~ ~ 4th 6th I~. 5 5th 5 I ~ 5 I ~.-~ -& I__~..- 6th 7th aCTAVE -& I aCT AVE: 7th I LH MELODIC INTERVALS 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th aCTAVE LH HARMONIC INTERVALS 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th aCTAVE ~ .4';:; 5 I :3: 5 I ~ 5 I :1: 5 I ~ 5 I ~ 5 I ~~ 5 I. 59 CAFÉ V IENN A ~)))) Play hands separately at first, then together. Be especially careful of the RH fingering! Notice that the first two notes, a melodic 3rd, are played with 2 & 1! Moderate waltz tempo 2 5 1 1 2 4 3 1 1 3 5 1 2 ~ '",' I i 4 ~ I ---~ I - 60 The Flat Sign ,. c' ~ TheFLATSIGN . Whena FLAT(~) appearsbefore before a note means a note, it applies to that note tor play the next key the rest of the measure. Circle the notes that are FLAT: to the LEFT:whether black or whlte! ROCK IT AWAY! Moderately 1ast If you're fee I - in' B ~~t ~ ~~F ~ I~F ~ F ~ I~e I1 1It)))) blue, if you're fee I - in' kind - a we ar - y, G 1 . If G you're feel - in' .~ '-.'""I ~ ,. L,. )/ I -:-I T -:-I rI I - rI I blue, bet - ter ' I T '"~ r- r- I I n-- - - 3,- r=- v I II -I I say! 07 - - "fT .. "- r- .. I -e-e- '~ "fT hear what C .. - 1 ~ 2~ . 5 ~ ./ Play this rock - in' tune, it will sure - Iy make you cheer - y; G . When you G feel in trou - bie, just rock it a - way! C---07 --,~- p..-- ~ ..11- 6 Measuring Half Steps & Whole Steps HALF STEPS. NO KEY BETWEEN HALF STEP HALF STEP ,. ,. ,. ,. HALF STEP ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. Half Steps A HALF STEP is the distance from any key to the very next key above or below (black or white). C D E F WHOLE STEPS. WHOLE STEP , ,' '. ., Whole Steps ., .., WHOLE STEP ,' '. ., .., ONE KEY BETWEEN WHOLE WHOLE WHOLE STEP STEP STEP ,' '. ., ,' ., ,' , ,v, A WHOLE STEP is equal to 2 half steps. Skip one key (black or white). C D E Tetrachords A TETRACHORD is a series of FOUR NOTES having a pattern of WHOLE WHOLEHALF ,, "~:_~~. s~~P , '.' , ..s.~~:-. " '.", , WHOLE STEP, WHOLE STEP, HALF STEP. The notes of a tetrachord must be in alphabetical order .. C D E F ~ t. t" t t ..1.. ~ ~ and must siso have th is P attern' . "~---' ~. ---' ,~ WHOLE STEP WHOLE STEP _..1 ,,~ HALF STEP .v, ., 62 The Major Scale The MAJOR SCALE is made of TWO TETRACHORDS joined by a WHOLE STEP. ~; The C MAJOR SCALE is constructed as follows: ~ '~ ~ KEYc NOTE ~ j WHOLE STEP ~ ~ KEY- F ..~ NOTE There is na # ar ~ I in the C MAJOR SCALE. ""---"'" WHOLE WHOLE HALF WHOLE WHOLE L-1 st TETRACHORD ~ L-2nd HALF TETRACHORD ~ Each scale begins and ends on a note of the same name as the scale, cal led the KEY NOTE. Preparation tor Scale Playing IMPORTANT! Since there are 8 notes in the C major scale and we only have 5 fingers, an important trick must be mastered: passing the thumb under the 3rd finger! This exercise will make this trick easy. Play HANDS SEPARATELY. Begin VERY SLOWLY. Keep the wrist loose and quiet! 1 ~~ ~ ~ .~ ~ 2 ~ ~ 1 Pass 1 under 3 1 3 ~ ~I ~ ~ I 2 3 Pass 1 1 under 3 ,':. r- Cross 3 1 over 1 3 2 1 § ~ ~ I~. I ~ ~ ~ I 3 2 I ,11. 1 .11 ~. . . 1 Cross 3 over 1 The C Major Scale Begin SLOWLY. Lean the hand slightly in the direction you are moving. The hand should move smoothly along, with no twisting motion of the wrist! Pass 1 under 3 ~~! ~ ~ ~ § ~~I! ~ ~ ~ ~ Pass 1 under 3 Cross 3 over 1 I~ 3 ~ ~ I~ ~ 3 ~ I§ ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ ; I; ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ Cross 3 over 1 ~--~~~- ~ ,11 '11 ,.. J OY TO THE W ORLD 14»)) Scales occur often in melodies. This favorite melody is made up al most entirely of major scales. NEW DYNAMIC SIGN ff (fortissimo)= very loud George Frideric Handel Joyfully I 0 - I I 0 .cc" I .,",cc " 64 '".. -,' .. More About Chords A TRIAD IS A 3-NOTE CHORD. The three notes of a triad are: [~:]_~~~HIRD r--;;;~~l ROOT 1 3 I 5 =:1:= 5th 3rd I ROOT The ROOT is the note from which the triad gets its name. The root of aCtriad is C. Triads in ROOT POSITION (with root at the bottom) always look like this: LlNE LlNE :::1:= LlNE or this: 3rd 5th SPACE ROOT =ft= SPACE 5th 3rd ROOT Triads may be built on any note of any scale. TRIADS BUILT ON THE C MAJOR SCALE Play with RH: 5 3 ~~i 5 3 5 3 Ü ~ ~~. § I1 § {1 ;; with :L:H: U 11 i ft i ft i ~ ~ ~ etc. 5 5 5 Listen carefully to the sound of these root position triads! When you name the notes of any TRIAD IN ROOT POSITION, you will always skip ONE letter of the musical alphabet between each note. The triads you played above are: CEG DFA EGB This is the complete "TRIAD VOCABULARY." FAC GBD ACE BOF It should be memorized! ~ .- ~ I I I: L 65 COCKLES AND MUSSELS lIG)))),. Music based on any particular scale is said to be in the KEY of that scale. If there are sharps or flats in the scale, they are shown at the beginning KEY OF C MAJOR Key Signature: no # no ~ , of the music. This is ca/led the KEY SIGNATURE. Moderately slow In Dub - lin's fair Git - Y where girls are so pret - ty I 1 1 P first set 1 3 5 1 3 5 my eyes on sweet Mol 1 3 5 - Iy Ma - lone, 1 3 5 wheeled a wheel - bar - row through She 2 4 streets braad and nar - row, 1 Cry- ing 3 1 3 5 "Cock - les and mus - seis, a - live, a - live 2 4 1 3 - o!" I I 66 The Primary Chords in C Major The three most important chords in any key are those built on the 1st, 4th & 5th notes of the scale. These are cal led the PRIMARY CHORDS of the key. The chords are identified by the Roman numerals I, IV & V (1,4 & 5). The V chord usually adds the note a 7th above the root to make a V7 (say "5-7") chord. In the key of C major, the I CHORD is the C MAJOR TRIAO. The IV CHORD is the F MAJOR TRIAO. The V7 CHORD is the G7 CHORO (G major triad with an added 7th). The Primary Chords in C Major ~~I 1I : e § ft i .. e 3rd 5th Ith n & -& root I IV V7 ChordProgressions When we change from one chord to another, we call this a CHORD PROGRESSION. When all chords are in root position, the hand must leap from one chord to the next. To make the chord progressions easier to play and sound better, the IV and V7 chords may be played in other positions by moving one or more of the higher chord tones down an octave. The I chord is played in ROOT POSITION: ~~ 11 The top note of the IV chord is moved down an octave: i---~~ 11 I -~ In the V7 chord, the 5th (0) is usuallyomitted. AII notes except the root are moved down an octave: 11 H~~_~==::!1 IV V7 The th ree PRIMARY CHOROS are then comfortably played as follows: ~~~8=====~~====~~~3 :Z==slt 5:1~5 e IV V7 I I1 It is important that you ncw think of the C, F & G7 chords in the key of C MAJOR as the I, IV & V7 chords! Play the following line several times, saying the numerals of each chord as you play. ~ . C F C G7 i~~~i~~~i~~~i~~~i~1 1 1 1 3 5 2 5 I 3 5 IV 1 2 5 I C 1 3 5 V7 F 2 5 I IV C 1 G7 C 1 3 5 1 2 5 I 3' 5. V7 I -.~~ 67 About the Blues Formula tor the Blues Music cal led BLUES There are 12 measures in one chorus of the blues: has long been a part of the American musical heritage. We find it in the music of .. . many popular song wrlters, In ballads, boogie, and rock. BLUESmusicfollows a basicformuia,that is, a standard chord progression. If you learn the formuia tor GOT THOSEBLUES! you will be able to play the blues in any key you learn,simply by applyingthe formuiato that key. GOT THOSE BLUES! Moderately slow 5 4 measures 0f th e I c hord 2 measures0f the IV chord 2 measuresof the I chord 1 measureof the V7 chord 1 measureof the IV chord 2 measuresof the I chord ~)))) 2 1 IV I *The eighth notes may be played a bit unevenly: ~ ~ ~ ~ long short long short, etc. 68 RH: An Extended Position ON TOP OF OLO SMOKY begins and ends with the RH in an EXTENDED POSITION. C E :i a ~"~~i- 11 Play several times: G .:"'- ~.I ~ ~I.. 21 Up a 3rd C 31 - Up a 3rd 11 I1 Up a 4th LH Review: Block Chords & Broken Chords in C ~. BLOCKCHORDS 3. l~!~i 1. 5. . 2 BROKENCHORDS 2r .11. 1 5. 1 . I1 1 ~ ~ ~ 5 I 3 1 I ~ ~ ~ 5 IV 2 1 ~ ~ ~ 5 V7 2 1 I 5. IV V7 ON Top OF OLD SMOKY EJf)))) KEY OF C MAJOR Key Signature:na #, na ~ Moderatelyslow EXTENDED POSITION 1 2--3 I 5 5 I 5 I 3 1 3 2 1 I I I -~ ~~ 69 ",. I _.~~ I - a is 5 I I I I I 5 I , . I " , '" I I 70 ,; The G Major Scale Remember that the MAJOR SCALE is made up of two tetrachords joined by a whole step. The second TETRACHORD of the G MAJOR SCALE begins on D. KEYNOTE ~ ~ ~ KEYNOTE WHOLE ~ F ~ STE! ~TEP /~~~~~~~~~ . L-1st TETRACHORD~ "'---'" There in the G is MAJOR 1 sharp (F#) SCALE. L2nd TETRACHORD-J The Key of G Major A piece based on the G major scale is in the KEY OF G MAJOR. Since F is sharp in the G scale, every F wijl be sharp in the key of G major. Instead of placing a sharp before every F in the entire piece, the sharp is indicated at the beginning in the KEY SIGNATURE. KEY OF G MAJOR Key Signature: 1 sharp (F#) Play al! "F's" sharp throughout. Practice the G major scale with HANDS SEPARATE. Begin SLOWLY. Keep the wrist loose and quieto Pass 1 under 3 Cross3 over 1 NEW NOTES NEW NOTES ~~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ .} ~ I ~ ~ Pass 1 under 3 ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~II Cross 3 over 1 IMPORTANT! After you have learned the G MAJOR SCALE with hands separate, you may play the hands together. When the scale is played as writlen on the staffs above, the LH descends as the RH ascends, and vice versa. This is cal led CONTRARY MOTION-both hands play the same numbered fingers at the same time! You mayalso play the C MAJOR SCALE at the botlom of page 62 with the hands together, in CONTRARY MOTION! - - ~~""-~~~ I c I A N ew Trick! CHANGING FINGERS ON THE SAME NOTE: Sometimes it is necessary to replay the same note with a different tinger. Practice the tollowing line to prepare tor THE CAN-CAN. 5 on ~t 4 on ~ ~ THE CAN~CAN 1 on I~ ~ 2 on I~ ,j I~ j ,11 ~)))) KEY OF G MAJOR Jacques Offenbach Key Signature: 1 sharp (F#) Brightly 1 1 3 A with 2 A with 5 1 I I l ~~'i!j$'~1 -- *Descending G major scale 2 72 The Primary Chords in G Major Reviewing the G MAJOR SCALE, LH ascending KEY OF G MAJOR Key Signature: 1 sharp (F#) I ~~---;---;~. ~~~ :-~~7 :& 3 12 ~ -e..0.. -:--;---;- (#).:8I c 45 I IV V7 The tollowing chord positions (which you have already learned) are used tor smooth progressions: G Major Chord Progression with I, IV & V7 Chords Play several times, saying the chord names Primary Chords in G and numerals aloud: G C 07 !h ~:~~:: ~ I1 15 '-' IV V7 ~i=~ ~:il::::=::=f :I 5 :z~:~::::J:: 5::= - I THE MARINES' G C G 07 G ~.-T-~ ~F ä- 5f=::::f: ~b ~F ~ 5~=~~===: :z~~:::I= 5 5 ~ ::I:: 5~ft=::::==:::IJ --: I IV I V7 I H YMN L':4)))) Moderatemarch tempo 3 . . . . I IV V7 I I V7 IV I Fine I D. C. al Fine --c-~~~'~"'?~ ~ SYNCOPATED ~OTE -- - ~ nn 73 + ft Notes played betweenthe main beats of the measureand held across the beat are ca/led SYNCOPATEDNOTES. 4 d ' I '-" COUNT" 1 & 2 & I 3 & 4 & . WHY AM I BLUE? 14)))) ~ The NATURAL SIGN cancels a sharp or flat! ~ A note after a natural sign is always a white kerf "";C' Moderatelyslow blues tempo Why am I blue, :j Blu - er than the deep blue sea? 3 I I Since my ba-by's gone and left me? Whyam ~ I blue, Blu - er than the deep blue IV sea, I, 11 you see my ba - by, 1 V7 me! 11. (Play 15t time only!) 112. (Play 2nd time) 4 5 111:"\,-.. 5 . . IV II " IV7 I ~ Compare the Roman numerals in this piece with those in GOT THOSE BLUES, on page 67. You are now ready to begin the Adult JAZZ/ROCK Course. I ~ 74 The F Major Scale KEYNOTE WHOLE STEP i .I . ~ -~ ~. "~ I VIL-I; I st TETRACHORD ~ '--"", L-1 KEYNOTE ~ ~ ~ I I ~ I I I I Thereis1f1at(B~) in the F MAJOR SCALE. L-2nd TETRACHORD~ The tingeringtor the F MAJOR SCALEwith the LH is the same as tor all the scales you have studied so tar: 5432 1 - 3 2 1 ascending; 1 23- 1 2 3 4 5 descending. Play slowly and caretully! KEY OF F MAJOR Key Signature: 1 flat (B~) ~! ~ t NEW NO TE "~'L ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ Cross 3 over 1 ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ '11 ~ ~ 'il Pass 1 under 3 To play the F MAJOR SCALE with the RH, the 5th tinger is not used! The tingers tall in the tollowing groups: 1 2 34- 1 2 3 4 ascending; 432 1 - 4 3 2 1 descending. Play slowly and caretully! Pass 1 under 4 ~~~i ~ ~ ~ ~ Cross 4 over 1 I~ ~ ~ ~ I~ ~ ~ ~ I~ ~ As scan as you play the thumb, move it under, carrying it at the base ot the 3rd and 4th tingers until it is needed. Keep the wrist even, and move the hand smoothly along. Never twist the wrist when the thumb goes under. Practice the F major scale several times daily. Begin slowly and gradually increase speed. Play only with HANDS SEPARATE: i~j 111 - ~ I1 li ~ 3 ~111 ~~.,,~. I ~ ~ I~ ~ ~I ~ I~ I~ -. .1.~II ~ ~ I I I1 ~ ~ I I 1 mf ~! ~ ~-- i v~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ -- ~ ~ ~C-~-~~CC~~"""~ .11 , 75 ~ > EIGHTH REST means I rest tor the value ot an eighth nate. LITTLE BROWN J UG ACCENT SIGN means play with special EMPHASIS! ~»)) American folk song Moderately ~ tast 3 11. -I- - ~ -.. -H- ~IJ i 1 . -- -- --. i oL. ~ - - 2 i -.n. -=-- I. ~ I 3 --. r- ~ -LL ,. 4 L . -- ~ -L=:l. ~ '- ~ r- ~ -- - :... 18 c 5 1 ~ oL ~ I r . -.. -- ~ ~ mf ~ i .rL -=:8:- oL- ./.a.". ~ I L ~ - 1 2 1 ~ 1 5 1, ~ ~ 2 1- ... -4- ., ~ --- "" . ---~. I I I ~ r - -. ~.. ~ ~ i i I . ... -- ~ ~ ~ ~ -- -= .. 5 ~ 3 1 -' L tJ > - --. - - - \. ~ ~ 1 ~. . ~. --. ,. ~ 1 ~ 5 i K- i ,- > -'i ~ ~ .., ~. ~ mf '" ~ ~ ~ .. . - ~ -- ~ ./ -. . 4 1 1 --L .L .- --; -"" . .. . , . 4 1 -L ~ 5 -L 5 5 1 ~ >1 ~ . 5 > ~ l ~ I ~IJ~Y ~ > --- .;;. ~ - > > I ~ I I iC i J f ~ -"~ /' 4 1 > > ~ ~ -,., 5 1 - -.. i L L ~ '" la -~ -. L . ~ mf L ,- -- 1 . -- ~ ~ -SoL ~ -=- ~ -- . -L -=I --- -I . . --; --- . -"- ... ' J ~ .. 76 The Primary Chords in F Major Reviewing the F MAJOR SCALE, LH ascending ~ ~_'2~~ ,~ KEY OF F MAJOR Key Signature: 1 flat (B~) : 1 2 I ~-~ ~-~-~~~ ~ (p)~ ~ ..0.. 3 1 678 4 5 IV V7 The following chord positions are F Major Chord Progression of ten used for smooth progressions: Primary Chords in F Play several times, saying the chord names and numerals aloud: ~. l'3:F G7 1 .. 2 5 5" . 3 2 2 ~ .~im~~i~!~' 1. 3: 2: 5 5 5 5 F B~ i~~~~~1 1G7 I IV CHIAP ANECAS Moderately F 1 4 2 F . V7 B~ 5 I (Mexican Hand-Clapping with I, IV & V7 Chords IV Song) I . V7 14)))) tast G7 1 11. F 5 112. F G7 2 > F > ; ~~~:,; 77 B~ 1 2 F 5 1 3 C7 2 11. F 21- 1- 1- -L LL ~.L ~~ -L L. ~ < j,- r-"'Ir-..L" I ~ .. I- -= ~~-hL 4 5 1 2-,- 3~ -L n ~ 3 --" i ~ ..L i ~ C7 î --- I i -- >- I t-- "" i 12. F ~ >- . > " ~ ~ ~ --- 4 > 5 > r- - . I . ~ F C7 . . I -. .. I * F . I * 11; 1 :11 The do~ble dots inside the double bars indicate that 11. I ï I everythlngbetweenthe double bars must be REPEATED. 78 A N ew Style of Bass - Play this several times before beginning 0 SOLE MlO: Moderatelyslow ,_:~;t 51 . 3~î I 11 !~~ ~ I f ~!-r-A-5.. COUNT: 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 0 SOLEMlo! ~ - I( - ~ I~_. 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 2 r, , ~$1= 1= I~ I 1 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & ~ ~ 'I. - .11 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & ~)))) From Enrico Caruso to a recording entitled "In Concert," by José Carreras, Placido Domingo and Luciano Pavarotti, this great aid favorite has provided tenors with surefire encore material. "There's No Tomorrow," popular in the 50s and 60s, was sung to this melody. KEY OF F MAJOR Key Signature: 1 flat (B~) Eduardo di Capua slow Moderately t"":"\ 2 1 - - '"" J t"":"\ t"":"\ t"":"\ " " " t"":"\ -. t"":"\ I'.. I...... 2 -- ~ 41 5 .- .- w.~ v ,~ 1 ,"'.I ... ~ f legato 6.. ,.,.. ,. ... v ... ./ I...~ " ~ ~ .. '" '" - ~ 5 3 . '.-' '.I .. -. - t- I:- I:~ ~ . -- , - " .. 4 2 -~ '" 5 I 1 3 I .,. 2" 5 I 5 1 2 4 2 2 1 I 3 1 ~ 5 1- , 3 2 -L h.:s.L I ~ ~ ~ L -'-' . ~ ~,,~ -1I ~ I- - . *~I-" 1- @) ~ . ~ -"~. -- ,. L 11 1-01"0 :oL' ~ 79 3 .. t t jc . r- ~ ~ tc -= I L I j I 5 I 5 /1.5 1 2 I 3 2 3 1 I 1 I 3 . . . . I I2. 1 I - ...... 1:"\ ~ ** 1 A 4 - ' 5 1 ritardando I 1 I 1 *Note the D~ in the B~ chord. This changes the IV chord to a MINOR chord, as will be explained later. **ARPEGGIATED CHORDS When a wavy line appears beside a chord, the chord is arpeggiated(broken or rolled). Play the lowest note first, and quickly add the next higher notes one at a time until the chord is complete. The first note is played on the beat. .. . 1:"\ : . 80 The Key of A Minor (Relativeof C Major) " Every MAJOR key has a RELATIVE MINOR key that has the same KEY SIGNATURE. The RELATIVE MINOR begins on the 6th tone of the MAJOR scale. The RELATIVE MINOR of C MAJOR is, therefore, A MINOR. C MAJOR SCALE 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th A MINOR SCALE 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th Because the keys of C MAJOR and A MINOR have the same KEY SIGNATURE (no sharps, no flats), they are RELATIVES. The minor scale shown above is cal led the NATURAL MINOR SCALE. It uses only notes that are found in the relative major scale. The A Harmonic Minor Scale The most frequently used MINOR SCALE is the HARMONIC MINOR. In this scale, the 7th tone is raised ascending and descending. The raised 7th in the key of A MINOR is G#. It is not included in the key signature, but is written in as an "accidental" sharp each time it occurs. Practice the A HARMONIC MINOR SCALE with hands separate. Begin slowly. KEY OF A MINOR 7th RA/SED Key Signature:na ~, na ~ .;(5 5~ mf 7th RA/SED 7th RA/SED t ~/~I t ~ ~~ ~ ~ I ~ ; ~ ~ I ~ ~ ; ~ t I ~ ~ #~ ~ .11 mf IMPORTANT! After you have learned the A HARMONIC MINOR SCALE with hands separate, you may play the hands together in CONTRARY MOTION, by combining the two staffs above. ,,~-~ l!!' ~ 81 MORE SYNCOPATED NOTES: r SYNCOPATED NOTES t n ~jin L }ERICHO 2 &-3 & t i ~ jl1188JI11 i COUNT: 1 & - I 4 & 1 & 2 &-3 & 4 & 14»)) KEY OF A MINOR Key Signature: no #, no ~ * See how many syncopated notes you can find in JERICHO. Moderately tast 121232345 1 5 4 5 5.0- I 11. 1 2 1 . . . . 12. 5 5 2 1 I 5 *To determine whether a piece is in a major key or its relative minor, look at the end of the piece. It will end on the key note or chord. This piece has no sharps or flats in the key signature and it ends on A (an A MINOR chord); therefore, the piece is in the key of A MINOR. 82 , lntroducing "Overlapping Pedai" The following sign is used to indicate OVERLAPPING PEDAL. PLAY !\ I PED I PED UP h DOWN t As the hand goes down, the foot Games up. Pedal again immediately. At this point, pedal again. Practice the following exercises befare playing GREENSLEEVES. I ~ A .. 1 ~I~~~~~~~~ 5 i~~~~~~~~. . A ~ i~~~~~~ 3 . 5 . A ~ i~~~~~~~ 3 .. 1 ~ 1 . 5 I A . 3 1 . 5 A GREEN SLEEVES ~)))) I : A I NEW DYNAMIC SIGN mp (mezzo piano) medium soft = KEY OF A MINOR Key Signature:na #, na ~ M 0 1 /a tel ~y s~ ~- der I 2 A 1, ~ 21 ~ A 83 A 2 " I ;-- . 3 I 1. -1 3-- . . . . --11 A A A I 4 I A A A I I 4 --11 A A A *FINGER SUBSTITUTION: While holding the note down with 1, change to 3 on the 2nd beat. I " 84 More About Triads 1. Same of the 3rds you have been playing are MAJOR 3rds, and same are MINOR (smaller) 3rds. MAJOR 3rd 2. AII of the 5ths you have played sa far are PERFECT 5ths. MINOR3rd PERFECT5th (4 half steps) (3 half steps) (7 half steps) Any MAJOR 3rd may be changed to a MINOR 3rd by lowering the upper note one half step! 3. MAJOR TRIADS consist of a ROOT, MAJOR 3rd & PERFECT 5th. MAJOR 3rd ROOT MAJOR TRIAD 4. MINOR TRIADS consist of a ROOT, MINOR 3rd & PERFECT 5th. PERFECT 5th MINOR 3rd ROOT -- MINOR TRIAD PERFECT 5th -- Any MAJOR triad may be changed to a MINOR triad by lowering the 3rd one half step! 5. Play the following triads with RH 1 3 5. Say IOCmajor triad, C minor triad," etc., as you play each pair. Then repeat ONE OCTAVE LOWER, using LH 531. ~t j ~j I #~ The Primary Chords the Small (Iower ~ ~~~-~~.;_~~sm;11 ;;" \'UW~~ (Iower A HARMONIC case) Roman '" "=~J case) m = ~ Reviewing ~~ ~i I triads (i & iv). ~~ SCALE, are used LH ascending to indicate minor 6 following used for 4 iv D MINOR (Am) positions smooth are aften progressions: i~~~~~~~fi~~~~~ Am . .1. Dm 5. . I E . 21. 3. 5. . IV (Dm) 8 V7 El The 1 ~ 7 5 2 i A MINOR The I1 ~""u, minor 3 1 I,~~ in A Minor MINOR numerals I.i same, ~ . .. . 1 2 5 V7 one octave higher. ~~!~~~. 1. 3: 2: 1 2 5 5. Am Dm 5 El .. . .. I IV V7 C=-c- ~ 85 Go DOWN, MOSES ~)))) KEY OF A MINOR Key Signature: na #, na ~ Moderately slow When Is - rael was I pressed sa in E - gypt's land, A A hard they could Let A not stand, my peo - ple go! 4 5 I Let Op - I my peo - ple I go! 2 . . I A Go down, A Mos - es, 4. 1 > . > . . . A 'Way down in E - gypt's land, . . >. . . I A Teil I aid A Pha - raoh, A Let A my peo - ple A I go. " . . . . I A I I I 86 The Key of D Minor (Relative of F Major) D MINOR is the relative of F MAJOR. Both keys have the same key signature (1 flat, B~). REMEMBER: The RELATIVE MINOR begins on the 6th tone of the major scale. The relative minor of F MAJOR is, therefore, D MINOR. F MAJOR SCALE 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th D MINOR SCALE 1st 2nd 3rd The minor scale shown above is the NATURAL MINOR scale. uses only notes that are found in the relative major scale. 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th Remember, the natural minor The D Harmonic Minor Scale In the HARMONIC MINOR scale, the 7th tone is raised ascending and descending. The raised 7th in the key of D MINOR is C#. It is not included in the key signature, but is written as an "accidental" sharp each time it occurs. Practice the D HARMONIC MINOR scale with hands separate. Begin slowly. rKEYOF0 MINOR L~~~nature: 1 flat (B~) 7th RAISED mf7th RAISED t 7th RAISED t mf IMPORTANT! Af ter you have learned the D HARMONIC MINOR SCALE with hands separate, you may play the hands together in CONTRARY MOTION, by combining the two staffs above. --~ "' ~ -- 87 SCARBOROUGH FAIR ~)))) NEW DYNAMIC SIGN PtllJ (pianissimo) r = very soft KEY OF D MINOR Key Signature:1 flat (B~) Moderately , 'j~ '\.: alJ - .~ I .. V' ,.. ~ 2nd time 8va Are you slow p L ,..~ ,. I1 ..,.. / .. - - .- r- 15 I - ~ I I r- 3 - I fair? Pars-ley, - ber me to 2 sage, a -. ~..I ~ -I -- - --- L,.,. /1 V' I I 2 I Rose - mar - y A A one who lives there. , --- I - 5 A and -- -- I I , I -I I I I I 13 1 thyme. Re - A She was 2 true love of 1 2 . I V' - Scar - bar- ough lA once '" 1 r- I --AAI " to 51 - - ~- r- I' --A mem - - r- ~ I 1 ~. -- .. - ~ goin' r..l mp r- ~ 1 1 --AA I - I I I I - I 1 II I 8va - - - - - - - -, 5 1 .I - "" -J . mine. 3 -. I. I. -- . '"' I ..-(J. (.I', 1:"'\ r. r. _V- - rI I A IIr-. . I r- pp . I ri/arde -r- r- 1:"'\ l-- . I I 88 The Primary Chords in D Minor Reviewing the D HARMONICMINOR SCALE, LH ascending ; .~~~~~~~~~~~ KEY OF D MINOR Key Signature: 1 flat ~! _: (B~) ~ - ~ 7-: ~ -&..0. E . 7 3 4 5 i iv V7 D MINOR G MINOR A7 1 The following used for ~. 2 positions smooth are of ten progressions: Dm Gm ~~~~~~1 3 2 . 8 6 5 1 2 5 i Play several and numerals saying the chord names aloud: ~ ~~~~~i~!~. . . 2. 3 . A7 Dm .. 5 iv times, ~ V7 Gm Dm 1. 1. . 5 i . 2 . 5 iv A7 1 . 5.. i . V7 D MINOR PROGRESSION with braken i, iv & V7 chards Play several times. Dm ~}~ ~ ~ ~ Gm ~ ~ I i RAISINS ~ Dm ~ ~ iv AND I ~ A7 ~ ~ i ALMONDS III~ ~ ~ '11 V7 rï4)))) Moderately Folk song I A A """~- 89 , And --11 A 7 --11 --11 A 'A ' Dm m A A Dm A7 A A A 7 Dm I -:A --11 ' A A lA A7 4 Dm A A A 1':'\ I 90 HE's GOT THE WHOLE WORLD IN Hls HANDS ~)))) This piece reviews the I, IV & V7 chords ot the keys ot G MAJOR, C MAJOR and F MAJOR. It also reviews syncopated notes, in preparation tor THE ENTERTAINER, on pages 92-93. KEY OF G MAJOR Key Signature: 1 sharp (F#) Moderately & rhythmically Spiritual 1 3 5 1 2 5 \ 1 2 5 KEY OF C MAJOR Key Signature: na #, na ~ 1 3 5 ~ 91 , 1 2 5 2 2 5 KEY OF F MAJOR Key Signature: 1 flat (B~) 1 3 5 , 1 2 5 I A A I 92 . LH Warm~Up Practice many times, very slowly. These tour measures contain everything new that you will tind in the LH ot THE ENTERTAINER! ~~ f ~ ~ ~ b~ 3 I ~ 3 THE ENTERTAINER ~ ~ 2 3 ~ I ~.~ F ~ I ~ 3 ! ~ ~ 5 ~)))) Not fast!* Scott Joplin 8va - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ï 4 3 2 1 1 2 5 4 1 2 1 2 3 3 2 1111 * "Not tast"isthecomposer's ownindication! 3 1 2 . 1 2 -3 5115 .11 5 42-1 3 5 - 2 5 .. t -- 93 . 5 /-2-~-- 1 3 3 5 _~--""3-2-- '" ~ 1 3 . ., = ': 1 1 2 1 3 1 3 11. 112. I . . 1 4 . 5 .. 94 Eighth N ote Triplets When three notes are grouped together with a figure "3" above or below the notes, the group is called a TRIPLET. 3 The three notes of an eighth-note triplet group = one quarter note. = J m When a piece contains triplets, count "trip-a-let" or "one & then" or any way suggested by your teacher. AMAZIN G G RACE ~)))) John Newton, J. Carrell & D. Clayton Arr. by P. M. & L. Moderatelyslow I , 5 2...,..- \ .-". 1 1 .'8 "',. '-' J L+ 1 -I - .h fi J. [, I - " ~ I r,",,~ < 2 - . ~ - " "5 1 .. 1 '5 3 5 ti 5 ti 3. "] - - 1 n 1I - t:- ~ 1 3 5 ti - .. ~ - .-- 1 3 1 I 3 1 IIV~.. I .~ 2 1 r- I ~ I' I * 3 2 5 8 1 ti I - - 18 . . . 1 h. -- - 8 r- "I 5 ~ n 1..- I . . --. ~ ti 1._, -I '.I h. I ~~IK .~ 3 Slm I /.e 5 -- I L'... r- ,-' 1 ~ ./ I 1 - -~ r1 1 3 ' 5 - '-' I - 2 ~~') .- 3 I 3 I --A ~ " 5 .,~ '" ee,;mg , L+ r- '.I I I I.- ~ I ./...'8 . ,. ~ ~.~"' 4 r- - -- r" P egato, WIt t@) 5 , .. ~. --- '" . ~ ' 11 2 ti ti ti *simile = same. This means continue playing in the same manner. In th is case, continue to play triplets each time three eighth notes are joined with one beam. - ,::' 9 L---,--5~ 1'-"-5 1--.;: -~ t; 2 1 ~ 5 1 2 -- / ~ WJ ~oL J~ < ~ - -=--i ~ I ~ - ... ~ ---A A ~ 1 ~L WJ ~ -= 5 3 - ~mf I.o.. ~. L ..L L 3 -1- i 5 3 ~2 ~ ~~ - 4 - - r..L r- ~ ~ 1--~ ~.. --- -- -.. I I 3 1 3 I J - A ~ -= ~ ..'" -L- 1"5 3 ~ A 5 3 ~~ -1 .1 b. ~ I2nd A A A time slower 5 with RH one octav lowe 3 5 3 1 2 1 ~ 2 0 °0 0 ° 1AI1II ---A II5 A 2 5 A A 2 ~ r- - -l. ~. I ~..L ~ '" --" 1 3 5 L ~ ~.L. 1 1---~ ~ --- A ~ A ..-=- - 2 î I 5 ---A ~ -- L - 2 1 ;. ~ j :oL 3~ ~ r- -.. Q 5 I -U~'-' 3 1 ~ A -L-n~-La..=. ~r- --~ -- 0. '" ~ 4 ..L -1 I.o.. I - - - -Z 5 1 5 -- "-5 - .. ~ -2- k - "Ir- ~ oL --- --- --- 5 A - 1 2 1 5 .jooL. -L- 1 I ~ -!:.-=I 3 ---0 ° i --- 1--- . -L i -2- ~ ~ --L' I ~ -- ~ ~ ~ , 96 The Most Frequently U sed Keys, and Their Primary Chords MAJOR KEYS C MAJOR (no #, no ~) .I~ RH (8va) 5 5 ;t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ E IE ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ LH 5 4 3 4 5 ~ ;~--'1~ 2 ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~~~~~~~ /.: ~H ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ ~~~~ ~ 11 3 1 11 1 2 1 1 2 3 2 1 3 4 ~ RH (8va) /: '1 1 ~;; I ; ; ~ ~ ~H~ ~ ~ ~ ~1 ; ~ ~ ~~ 13 C 5 4 5 3 ~ 5 ~ 5 I IV I V7 I G 5 3 1 C 5 3 1 G 5 3 1 07 5 4 1 G 5 3 1 11 I 1 11 1 2 5 1 3 5 1 2 5 3 1 1 IV I V7 I F 5 3 B~ 5 3 F 5 3 C7 5 4 F 5 3 , f 1 11 1 1111 31 I~ 1 11 555 1 I1 11 1 3 5 5 1 4~~~~~~~ I ~- G7 5 3 ~ F MAJOR (1 flat, B~) "J~ I lt C 5 3 , ~\ ,\ RH (8va) " F 5 3 I ! I ~ I ;1, I1 G MAJOR (1 sharp, F#) ~~ C 5 1 11 I 1 1 I' 1 ~ 5 IV I V7 I Am 5 3 1 Dm 5 3 1 Am 5 3 1 El 5 4 1 Am 5 3 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 5 5 5 5 5 i iv i V7 i Al Dm MINOR KEYS (HARMONIC MINORS) ;. A MINOR, relative of C major (no #, no ~) RH (8va) : LH 5 4 1 3 2 1 1 3 2 1 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 D MINOR, relative of F major (1 flat, B~) RH (8va) ,_: ~ ;; LH 4 5 5 Dm Gm Dm 4 ~. ~~1 I ~~1 ~ 5 4 3 2 1 3 2 1 1 2 3 1 2 3 II 4 5 You have now successfully completed Level 1 of the LESSON BOOK of Alfred's Basic Adult Piano Course and are ready to begin Level 2. 5 3 5 3 5 3 5 4 5 3 ~ ~ ~:: ~ I ~ 1 3 5 i 1 2 5 iv 1 3 5 i 1 2 5 V7 3 1 5 i II