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Secondary Chords Music Theory Worksheet

Theory II – Secondary Chords Worksheet #4
Name _____________________________
Keyboard style analysis. Identify the key and provide leadsheet symbols (above the staff ) as well as Roman numerals and figures
(below the staff ). Also provide T, PD, and D labels. Finally, identify a tonicized half cadence and a tonicized deceptive cadence.
Analysis. Measures 1–8 from the third movement of Beethoven’s String Quartet No. 9 in C major, Op. 59, No. 3 appear below. Please listen to the recording and complete the tasks below.
Identify the *two* cadences in this excerpt and label each by type.
Provide a harmonic analysis for the entire passage (leadsheet symbols and Roman numerals), as well as a contextual analysis with T, PD, and D labels. Except for measures 1 and 5, the harmonic
rhythm is one chord per bass note. There is only a single chord in m. 1 and m. 5. You will encounter a few secondary chords, so be on the lookout! Also, read the clefs very carefully.