NCM 113 CHN2 Jan 27 AM Chapters 2, 3, 4, 6, Community Health Nursing Concepts A. Definition B. Philosophy and Principles C. Features of CHN D. Theoretical Models/ Approaches 1. Health Belief Model (HBM) 2. Milio’s Framework for Prevention 3. Nola Pender’s Health Promotion 4. Lawrence Green’s PRECEDE-PROCEED MODEL PRECEDE: Predisposing, Reinforcing, Enabling Constructs in Educational Diagnosis and Evaluation PROCEDE- Policy, Regulatory and Organizational Constructs in Educational and Environmental Development E. Different Fields 1. School Nursing 2. Occupational Heath Nursing 3. Community Mental Health Nursing Concept of the Community A. Types of Communities B. Characteristics of a Healthy community C. Components of a Community D. Factors Affecting Health of the Community 1. Characteristics of the Population 2. Location of the Community 3. Social Systems within the Community E. Roles and Activities of Community Health Nurse Jan 27 PM Chapter 7 Health Statistics and Epidemiology A. Tools 1. Demography Sources of Data, Population Size, Composition Distribution 2. Health Indicators Crude Birth Rate, Crude Death Rate, Infant Mortality Rate, Maternal Mortality Rate Specific Rates of Mortality Leading Causes of Morbidity Leading Causes of Mortality Life Expectancy B. Philippine Health Situation 1. Demographic Profile 2. Health Profile C. Epidemiology and the Nurse 1. Definitions and Related Terms 2. Natural Life History of the Disease 3. Epidemiological Triangle 4. Epidemiological Process and Investigations Nursing Process in the Care of Population Groups and Community Chapter 6 A. Community Health Assessment Tools 1. Collecting Primary Data Observation, Survey, Informant Interview Community Forum 2. Secondary Data Sources Registry of Vital Events Health Records and Reports Disease Registries Census Data 3. Methods to Present Community data B. Community Diagnosis 1. Types: Traditional Participatory Action Research (PAR) 2. Schemes in Stating Community Diagnosis NANDA, Shuster & Goppingen, Omaha System C. Planning Community Health Interventions 1. Priority Setting WHO Special Considerations 2. Formulating Goals and Objectives 3. Deciding on Community Interventions / Action Plan D. Implementing Community Health Intervention 1. Importance of Partnership and Collaboration 2. Activities Involved in Collaboration and Advocacy 3. Community Organizing and Social Mobilization 4. Core Principles in Community Organizing 5. Goals of Community Organizin Community Organizing Participatory Research E. Fundamental Public Health Programs 1. Reproductive & Maternal Health; Prepregnancy Services Care during Pregnancy Care during delivery Care during postpartum period 2. Expanded Garantisadong Pambata (Child Health): Advocacy for exclusive breastfeeding Newborn Screening program, Expanded Program on Immunization Nutrition IMCI Infant Young Child Feeding 3. Control of Communicable diseases such as: Tuberculosis Mosquito-borne diseases Water-borne diseases Food-borne diseases Sexually transmitted infections Air-borne & droplet diseases Soil transmitted diseases & helminths 4. Control of Non-communicable or Lifestyle diseases: -Cardiovascular & Cerebrovascular diseases -Cancer -Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary diseases -Diabetes -Kidney diseases -Mental Health -Disability -Visual and Hearing Impairment 5. Environmental Health: a.Solid Waste and proper excreta management b. Water Sanitation c. Air Purity d. Toxic & Hazardous Waste Control e. Proper Excreta Disposal f. Food Safety g. Sanitation h. Vermin & Victor Control i. Built Environments F. Monitoring and Evaluating Community Health Programs Implemented 1. Designing and Implementing Evaluation Plan Monitoring Evaluation 2. Types of Evaluation Planning Formative Summative 3. Steps of Program Evaluation G. Documentation and Reporting 1. Family Health Records 2. Community Profile WORKING WITH GROUPS TOWARDS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT A. Stages of Group Development B. Interventions to Facilitate Group Growth 1. Orientation, Structure, Direction 2. Process, Negotiate and Resolve Conflicts 3. Awareness of the Effects of Behavior 4. Application of New Learning C. Collaboration and Partnership Information Technology and Community Health A. Definition of e-health Storage, Retrieval, Transmittal B. Power of Data in Information C. e-Health Situation in the Philippines D. Using e-Health in the Community E. Roles of the Community Health Nurse in e-Health Current Trends in Public Health: Global & National A. Role of Community Health Nurse in the National and Global Health Care Delivery System Delivery of Health Care to the Filipino Family and Community A. Filipino Culture B. Filipino Customs and Tradition C. Filipino Values, Traits and Beliefs Positive qualities and Values of Community Health Nurse A. Personal Attributes B. Professional Competencies Health Related Entrepreneurial Activities A. Community-Based Projects B. Wellness Clinics