TASHKENT UNIVERSITY OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES NAMED AFTER MUHAMMAD AL-KHWARIZMI FACULTY OF COMPUTER ENGINEERING Final exam questions for the course "Parallel computer 2024-2025 academic architecture and programming" year Explain parallel computing systems. Elaborate on the characteristics of parallel computing 1. systems with examples. What is meant by the execution of 'independent processes'? What conditions are considered 2. when creating independent processes in parallel computing? What does Moore's law explain? What issues does Moore's law address in parallel 3. computing? Explain with examples. What type of architecture is NUMA (Non-uniform Memory Access)? Explain the positive and 4. negative features of this architecture in parallel computing. Explain VLIW architecture. Explain the positive and negative features of this architecture in 5. parallel computing. Approved by protocol No.12 of the department Compiler: "Computer Systems" dated December 24, 2024. B.Sh. Turaev Head of the Department M.F. Rakhimov TASHKENT UNIVERSITY OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES NAMED AFTER MUHAMMAD AL-KHWARIZMI FACULTY OF COMPUTER ENGINEERING Final exam questions for the course "Parallel computer 2024-2025 academic architecture and programming" year Provide information about task parallelism. Explain the processing operations where task 1. parallelism is applied with examples. What programming models do you know? What is meant by the degree of consistency in 2. parallel computing processes when using programming models? Explain with examples. What results does ultra-fast memory bring to the parallel computing architecture? What types 3. of ultra-fast memory are widely used in processors to improve speed today? Explain pipeline processing. What are the important characteristics of this computational 4. method in parallel computing? Explain with examples. What opportunities does the Autocode programming language provide in parallel computing? 5. Justify your answer with examples from parallel computing. Approved by protocol No.12 of the department Compiler: "Computer Systems" dated December 24, 2024. B.Sh. Turaev Head of the Department M.F. Rakhimov TASHKENT UNIVERSITY OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES NAMED AFTER MUHAMMAD AL-KHWARIZMI FACULTY OF COMPUTER ENGINEERING Final exam questions for the course "Parallel computer 2024-2025 academic architecture and programming" year Provide information about data parallelism. Explain the processing operations where data 1. parallelism is applied with examples. What is Hyper-Threading technology? What parallel computing technologies are used in 2. multi-core processors? Explain with examples. What role does memory hierarchy play in parallel computing? Explain all parts of the 3. hierarchy with examples. Explain the process of cache memory operation and its importance in parallelization with 4. examples. 5. What does Gustafson's law explain? Justify your answer with examples in parallel computing. Approved by protocol No.12 of the department Compiler: "Computer Systems" dated December 24, 2024. B.Sh. Turaev Head of the Department M.F. Rakhimov TASHKENT UNIVERSITY OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES NAMED AFTER MUHAMMAD AL-KHWARIZMI FACULTY OF COMPUTER ENGINEERING Final exam questions for the course "Parallel computer 2024-2025 academic architecture and programming" year What is the significance of clustering in parallel computing? How does it differ from other 1. computational methods and tools? Explain with examples. What opportunities do high-level programming languages provide to the user? Justify your 2. answer with examples related to parallel computing. What architectures and technologies are used in instruction parallelization, and what is their 3. main task in parallelization? Explain with examples. How is memory management handled in distributed memory computing machines? Explain 4. with examples. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of shared memory computing systems. Justify your 5. answer with examples from parallel computing. Approved by protocol No.12 of the department Compiler: "Computer Systems" dated December 24, 2024. B.Sh. Turaev Head of the Department M.F. Rakhimov TASHKENT UNIVERSITY OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES NAMED AFTER MUHAMMAD AL-KHWARIZMI FACULTY OF COMPUTER ENGINEERING Final exam questions for the course "Parallel computer 2024-2025 academic architecture and programming" year Explain the importance and characteristics of fast memory (RAM) in parallelization with 1. examples. What SIMD-based technologies do you know for parallel processing of graphic data? Justify 2. your answer with examples from parallel computing. Explain CUDA technology developed by Nvidia with diagrams. Justify your answer with 3. examples from parallel computing. 4. Explain parallel processing in general memory computing machines with examples. 5. What is the significance of pipeline processing in parallel computation? Approved by protocol No.12 of the department Compiler: "Computer Systems" dated December 24, 2024. B.Sh. Turaev Head of the Department M.F. Rakhimov TASHKENT UNIVERSITY OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES NAMED AFTER MUHAMMAD AL-KHWARIZMI FACULTY OF COMPUTER ENGINEERING Final exam questions for the course "Parallel computer 2024-2025 academic architecture and programming" year 1. Explain the difference between parallel and distributed computing models with examples. How are operations performed in NUMA (Non-uniform Memory Access) architecture? 2. Justify your answer with examples from parallel computing. What important stages should be considered when forming instructions in superscalar 3. processing in parallel computing? Justify your answer with examples. 4. What does Amdahl's law explain? Justify your answer with examples in parallel computing. Explain the stages of creating parallel algorithms. Provide important concepts related to each 5. stage. Approved by protocol No.12 of the department Compiler: "Computer Systems" dated December 24, 2024. B.Sh. Turaev Head of the Department M.F. Rakhimov TASHKENT UNIVERSITY OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES NAMED AFTER MUHAMMAD AL-KHWARIZMI FACULTY OF COMPUTER ENGINEERING Final exam questions for the course "Parallel computer 2024-2025 academic architecture and programming" year What programming models do you know? What is meant by the degree of consistency in 1. parallel computing processes when using programming models? Explain with examples. 2. Explain the "process-operand" model in parallel computing with examples. What is the significance of power efficiency in processor performance? Justify your answer 3. with examples from parallel computing. Provide information about the advantages and disadvantages of AMD processors. Justify your 4. answer with examples from parallel computing Explain the issues of speed in data processing. What are the main issues in parallelizing the 5. stages of data processing? Approved by protocol No.12 of the department Compiler: "Computer Systems" dated December 24, 2024. B.Sh. Turaev Head of the Department M.F. Rakhimov TASHKENT UNIVERSITY OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES NAMED AFTER MUHAMMAD AL-KHWARIZMI FACULTY OF COMPUTER ENGINEERING Final exam questions for the course "Parallel computer 2024-2025 academic architecture and programming" year Explain the important characteristics of hardware in parallel computing systems with 1. examples. What opportunities does the C++ programming language provide in parallel computing? 2. Provide examples. What results does ultra-fast memory bring to the parallel computing architecture? What types 3. of ultra-fast memory are widely used in processors to improve speed today? What is the purpose of parallel processing in graphics processors, and what are its 4. characteristics? Explain with examples. What is the significance of switching systems in parallel computing? What is the main issue 5. in switching systems for parallel processing? Approved by protocol No.12 of the department Compiler: "Computer Systems" dated December 24, 2024. B.Sh. Turaev Head of the Department M.F. Rakhimov TASHKENT UNIVERSITY OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES NAMED AFTER MUHAMMAD AL-KHWARIZMI FACULTY OF COMPUTER ENGINEERING Final exam questions for the course "Parallel computer 2024-2025 academic architecture and programming" year Explain the advantages and disadvantages of shared memory computing systems. Justify your 1. answer with examples from parallel computing. What is the significance of power efficiency in processor performance? Justify your answer 2. with examples from parallel computing. Provide information about MPI technology and explain it with diagrams. Justify your answer 3. with examples from parallel computing. 4. Explain parallel processing in general memory computing machines with examples. 5. Explain parallel processing in distributed memory computing machines with examples. Approved by protocol No.12 of the department Compiler: "Computer Systems" dated December 24, 2024. B.Sh. Turaev Head of the Department M.F. Rakhimov TASHKENT UNIVERSITY OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES NAMED AFTER MUHAMMAD AL-KHWARIZMI FACULTY OF COMPUTER ENGINEERING Final exam questions for the course "Parallel computer 2024-2025 academic architecture and programming" year How are operations performed in ccNUMA (cache-coherent Non-Uniform Memory Access) 1. architecture? Justify your answer with examples from parallel computing. How can issues with fast memory and permanent memory be solved in fast data processing? 2. Justify your answer with examples. 3. What is the significance of pipeline processing in parallel computation? Explain VLIW architecture. Explain the positive and negative features of this architecture in 4. parallel computing. Explain pipeline processing. What are the important characteristics of this computational 5. method in parallel computing? Explain with examples. Approved by protocol No.12 of the department Compiler: "Computer Systems" dated December 24, 2024. B.Sh. Turaev Head of the Department M.F. Rakhimov TASHKENT UNIVERSITY OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES NAMED AFTER MUHAMMAD AL-KHWARIZMI FACULTY OF COMPUTER ENGINEERING Final exam questions for the course "Parallel computer 2024-2025 academic architecture and programming" year What is the significance of clustering in parallel computing? How does it differ from other 1. computational methods and tools? Explain with examples. What does Moore's law explain? What issues does Moore's law address in parallel 2. computing? Explain with examples. Provide information about Grid technology. Justify your answer with examples from parallel 3. computing. How many stages are involved in generating a computation flow? Explain each stage with 4. examples. 5. Explain the conditions for implementing parallelization and justify them with examples. Approved by protocol No.12 of the department Compiler: "Computer Systems" dated December 24, 2024. B.Sh. Turaev Head of the Department M.F. Rakhimov TASHKENT UNIVERSITY OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES NAMED AFTER MUHAMMAD AL-KHWARIZMI FACULTY OF COMPUTER ENGINEERING Final exam questions for the course "Parallel computer 2024-2025 academic architecture and programming" year Explain parallel computing systems. Elaborate on the characteristics of parallel computing 1. systems with examples. Provide information about special programming languages for parallel programming. Explain 2. how each special language is implemented in practice with examples. Provide information about task parallelism. Explain the processing operations where task 3. parallelism is applied with examples. Provide information about data parallelism. Explain the processing operations where data 4. parallelism is applied with examples. What is meant by the execution of "independent processes"? What conditions are considered 5. when creating independent processes in parallel computing? Approved by protocol No.12 of the department Compiler: "Computer Systems" dated December 24, 2024. B.Sh. Turaev Head of the Department M.F. Rakhimov TASHKENT UNIVERSITY OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES NAMED AFTER MUHAMMAD AL-KHWARIZMI FACULTY OF COMPUTER ENGINEERING Final exam questions for the course "Parallel computer 2024-2025 academic architecture and programming" year What programming models do you know? What is meant by the degree of consistency in 1. parallel computing processes when using programming models? Explain with examples. What architectures and technologies do you know for data parallelization? Explain existing 2. architectures and technologies with examples. Explain the issues of speed in data processing. What are the main issues in parallelizing the 3. stages of data processing? Provide information about Flynn’s classification. Which classes of Flynn's classification 4. serve as a basis for parallel computing? Explain with examples. What does Moore's law explain? What issues does Moore's law address in parallel 5. computing? Explain with examples. Approved by protocol No.12 of the department Compiler: "Computer Systems" dated December 24, 2024. B.Sh. Turaev Head of the Department M.F. Rakhimov TASHKENT UNIVERSITY OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES NAMED AFTER MUHAMMAD AL-KHWARIZMI FACULTY OF COMPUTER ENGINEERING Final exam questions for the course "Parallel computer 2024-2025 academic architecture and programming" year What is Hyper-Threading technology? What parallel computing technologies are used in 1. multi-core processors? Explain with examples. How many stages are involved in generating a computation flow? Explain each stage with 2. examples. What is the significance of clustering in parallel computing? How does it differ from other 3. computational methods and tools? Explain with examples. Which parallelization technologies give the best results in cluster computing systems? Justify 4. your answer with examples. What is meant by memory organization? Explain the significance of computer memory 5. elements in parallel computing. Approved by protocol No.12 of the department Compiler: "Computer Systems" dated December 24, 2024. B.Sh. Turaev Head of the Department M.F. Rakhimov TASHKENT UNIVERSITY OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES NAMED AFTER MUHAMMAD AL-KHWARIZMI FACULTY OF COMPUTER ENGINEERING Final exam questions for the course "Parallel computer 2024-2025 academic architecture and programming" year Provide information about data parallelism. Explain the processing operations where data 1. parallelism is applied with examples. What is Hyper-Threading technology? What parallel computing technologies are used in 2. multi-core processors? Explain with examples. What role does memory hierarchy play in parallel computing? Explain all parts of the 3. hierarchy with examples. Explain the process of cache memory operation and its importance in parallelization with 4. examples. 5. What does Gustafson's law explain? Justify your answer with examples in parallel computing. Approved by protocol No.12 of the department Compiler: "Computer Systems" dated December 24, 2024. B.Sh. Turaev Head of the Department M.F. Rakhimov TASHKENT UNIVERSITY OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES NAMED AFTER MUHAMMAD AL-KHWARIZMI FACULTY OF COMPUTER ENGINEERING Final exam questions for the course "Parallel computer 2024-2025 academic architecture and programming" year What role does memory hierarchy play in parallel computing? Explain all parts of the 1. hierarchy with examples. What opportunities do high-level programming languages provide to the user? Justify your 2. answer with examples related to parallel computing. Explain memory hierarchy. Explain the importance of cache memory in fast data processing 3. with examples. What results does ultra-fast memory bring to the parallel computing architecture? What types 4. of ultra-fast memory are widely used in processors to improve speed today? What is the main function of cache memory? Explain the importance of cache memory in 5. parallel computing with examples. Approved by protocol No.12 of the department Compiler: "Computer Systems" dated December 24, 2024. B.Sh. Turaev Head of the Department M.F. Rakhimov TASHKENT UNIVERSITY OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES NAMED AFTER MUHAMMAD AL-KHWARIZMI FACULTY OF COMPUTER ENGINEERING Final exam questions for the course "Parallel computer 2024-2025 academic architecture and programming" year What type of architecture is ccNUMA (cache-coherent Non-Uniform Memory Access)? 1. Explain the positive and negative features of this architecture in parallel computing. What factors do parallel algorithm performance indicators depend on? Justify your answer 2. with examples. Explain VLIW architecture. Explain the positive and negative features of this architecture in 3. parallel computing. Explain pipeline processing. What are the important characteristics of this computational 4. method in parallel computing? Explain with examples. 5. Explain the steps involved in superscalar processing in parallel computing with examples. Approved by protocol No.12 of the department Compiler: "Computer Systems" dated December 24, 2024. B.Sh. Turaev Head of the Department M.F. Rakhimov TASHKENT UNIVERSITY OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES NAMED AFTER MUHAMMAD AL-KHWARIZMI FACULTY OF COMPUTER ENGINEERING Final exam questions for the course "Parallel computer 2024-2025 academic architecture and programming" year How is the degree of consistency in parallel algorithms applied to multi-core and multi1. processor computing systems? Explain with examples. What is the importance of local and global buses in parallel processing? How important is the 2. role of buses when processing large amounts of data in parallel? What parallel processing technologies are applied in mobile device processors? Explain with 3. examples. Explain the importance and characteristics of fast memory (RAM) in parallelization with 4. examples. What type of architecture is NUMA (Non-uniform Memory Access)? Explain the positive 5. and negative features of this architecture in parallel computing. Approved by protocol No.12 of the department Compiler: "Computer Systems" dated December 24, 2024. B.Sh. Turaev Head of the Department M.F. Rakhimov TASHKENT UNIVERSITY OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES NAMED AFTER MUHAMMAD AL-KHWARIZMI FACULTY OF COMPUTER ENGINEERING Final exam questions for the course "Parallel computer 2024-2025 academic architecture and programming" year What architectures and technologies are used in instruction parallelization, and what is their 1. main task in parallelization? Explain with examples. What is the purpose of parallel processing in graphics processors, and what are its 2. characteristics? Explain with examples. What is the significance of switching systems in parallel computing? What is the main issue 3. in switching systems for parallel processing? What architectures and technologies are used in instruction parallelization, and what is their 4. main task in parallelization? Explain with examples. What is the purpose of parallel processing in graphics processors, and what are its 5. characteristics? Explain with examples. Approved by protocol No.12 of the department Compiler: "Computer Systems" dated December 24, 2024. B.Sh. Turaev Head of the Department M.F. Rakhimov TASHKENT UNIVERSITY OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES NAMED AFTER MUHAMMAD AL-KHWARIZMI FACULTY OF COMPUTER ENGINEERING Final exam questions for the course "Parallel computer 2024-2025 academic architecture and programming" year Provide information about task parallelism. Explain the processing operations where task 1. parallelism is applied with examples. What programming models do you know? What is meant by the degree of consistency in 2. parallel computing processes when using programming models? Explain with examples. What results does ultra-fast memory bring to the parallel computing architecture? What types 3. of ultra-fast memory are widely used in processors to improve speed today? Explain pipeline processing. What are the important characteristics of this computational 4. method in parallel computing? Explain with examples. What opportunities does the Autocode programming language provide in parallel computing? 5. Justify your answer with examples from parallel computing. Approved by protocol No.12 of the department Compiler: "Computer Systems" dated December 24, 2024. B.Sh. Turaev Head of the Department M.F. Rakhimov TASHKENT UNIVERSITY OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES NAMED AFTER MUHAMMAD AL-KHWARIZMI FACULTY OF COMPUTER ENGINEERING Final exam questions for the course "Parallel computer 2024-2025 academic architecture and programming" year 1. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of parallel models with examples. What do you understand by the "acceleration potential" of processors? How is this concept 2. applied in modern processors today? 3. Explain the "process-operand" model in parallel computing with examples. Provide information about Symmetric multiprocessing (SMP). Explain the advantages of this 4. technology in parallel computing with examples. Provide information about Asymmetric multiprocessing (AMP). Explain the advantages of 5. this technology in parallel computing with examples. Approved by protocol No.12 of the department Compiler: "Computer Systems" dated December 24, 2024. B.Sh. Turaev Head of the Department M.F. Rakhimov TASHKENT UNIVERSITY OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES NAMED AFTER MUHAMMAD AL-KHWARIZMI FACULTY OF COMPUTER ENGINEERING Final exam questions for the course "Parallel computer 2024-2025 academic architecture and programming" year What type of architecture is UMA (Uniform Memory Access)? Explain the positive and 1. negative features of this architecture in parallel computing. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the sequential computing model? Do 2. sequential computing conditions also apply in parallel computing processes? Justify your answer with examples. What are the main disadvantages of the Asymmetric multiprocessing (AMP) system? Explain 3. with examples in parallel computing. Provide examples of solving problems in parallel computing. Justify your answer with 4. examples of fast data processing. 5. Explain the multitasking method. Justify your answer with examples from parallel computing. Approved by protocol No.12 of the department Compiler: "Computer Systems" dated December 24, 2024. B.Sh. Turaev Head of the Department M.F. Rakhimov TASHKENT UNIVERSITY OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES NAMED AFTER MUHAMMAD AL-KHWARIZMI FACULTY OF COMPUTER ENGINEERING Final exam questions for the course "Parallel computer 2024-2025 academic architecture and programming" year Explain the importance and characteristics of fast memory (RAM) in parallelization with 1. examples. What SIMD-based technologies do you know for parallel processing of graphic data? Justify 2. your answer with examples from parallel computing. Explain CUDA technology developed by Nvidia with diagrams. Justify your answer with 3. examples from parallel computing. 4. Explain parallel processing in general memory computing machines with examples. 5. What is the significance of pipeline processing in parallel computation? Approved by protocol No.12 of the department Compiler: "Computer Systems" dated December 24, 2024. B.Sh. Turaev Head of the Department M.F. Rakhimov TASHKENT UNIVERSITY OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES NAMED AFTER MUHAMMAD AL-KHWARIZMI FACULTY OF COMPUTER ENGINEERING Final exam questions for the course "Parallel computer 2024-2025 academic architecture and programming" year What do you understand by heterogeneous computing systems? Justify your answer with 1. examples from parallel computing. 2. Explain the conditions for implementing parallelization and justify them with examples. 3. What is SISD (Single Instruction, Single Data)? Explain with examples in parallel computing. Explain the CUDA technology developed by Nvidia with diagrams. Justify your answer with 4. examples from parallel computing. Explain the heterogeneous computing architecture in graphics processors with diagrams. 5. Justify your answer with examples from parallel computing. Approved by protocol No.12 of the department Compiler: "Computer Systems" dated December 24, 2024. B.Sh. Turaev Head of the Department M.F. Rakhimov TASHKENT UNIVERSITY OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES NAMED AFTER MUHAMMAD AL-KHWARIZMI FACULTY OF COMPUTER ENGINEERING Final exam questions for the course "Parallel computer 2024-2025 academic architecture and programming" year Provide information about the advantages and disadvantages of AMD processors. Justify your 1. answer with examples from parallel computing. What is MISD (Multiple Instruction, Single Data)? Explain with examples in parallel 2. computing. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of shared memory computing systems. Justify your 3. answer with examples from parallel computing. What is the significance of power efficiency in processor performance? Justify your answer 4. with examples from parallel computing. What SIMD-based technologies do you know for parallel processing of graphic data? Justify 5. your answer with examples from parallel computing. Approved by protocol No.12 of the department Compiler: "Computer Systems" dated December 24, 2024. B.Sh. Turaev Head of the Department M.F. Rakhimov TASHKENT UNIVERSITY OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES NAMED AFTER MUHAMMAD AL-KHWARIZMI FACULTY OF COMPUTER ENGINEERING Final exam questions for the course "Parallel computer 2024-2025 academic architecture and programming" year Explain the GPU memory structure using the OpenCL programming model with diagrams. 1. Justify your answer with examples from parallel computing. What is the goal of OpenMP technology? Justify your answer with examples from parallel 2. computing. What is the goal of TBB (Threading Building Blocks) technology? Justify your answer with 3. examples from parallel computing. Provide information about the advantages and disadvantages of Intel processors. Justify your 4. answer with examples from parallel computing. What is SIMD (Single Instruction, Multiple Data)? Explain with examples in parallel 5. computing. Approved by protocol No.12 of the department Compiler: "Computer Systems" dated December 24, 2024. B.Sh. Turaev Head of the Department M.F. Rakhimov TASHKENT UNIVERSITY OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES NAMED AFTER MUHAMMAD AL-KHWARIZMI FACULTY OF COMPUTER ENGINEERING Final exam questions for the course "Parallel computer 2024-2025 academic architecture and programming" year What are the main disadvantages of the Symmetric multiprocessing (SMP) system? Explain 1. with examples in parallel computing. What is MIMD (Multiple Instruction, Multiple Data)? Explain with examples in parallel 2. computing. Provide information about MPI technology and explain it with diagrams. Justify your answer 3. with examples from parallel computing. 4. Explain parallel processing in general memory computing machines with examples. How are operations performed in ccNUMA (cache-coherent Non-Uniform Memory Access) 5. architecture? Justify your answer with examples from parallel computing. Approved by protocol No.12 of the department Compiler: "Computer Systems" dated December 24, 2024. B.Sh. Turaev Head of the Department M.F. Rakhimov TASHKENT UNIVERSITY OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES NAMED AFTER MUHAMMAD AL-KHWARIZMI FACULTY OF COMPUTER ENGINEERING Final exam questions for the course "Parallel computer 2024-2025 academic architecture and programming" year How are operations performed in NUMA (Non-uniform Memory Access) architecture? 1. Justify your answer with examples from parallel computing. How is MIPS (Million Instructions Per Second) used to evaluate computing machine 2. performance in parallel computing? What is the importance of graphic games in evaluating processor performance? Justify your 3. answer with examples from parallel computing. Provide information about vector-pipeline architecture. Justify your answer with examples 4. from parallel computing. Provide information about Grid technology. Justify your answer with examples from parallel 5. computing. Approved by protocol No.12 of the department Compiler: "Computer Systems" dated December 24, 2024. B.Sh. Turaev Head of the Department M.F. Rakhimov TASHKENT UNIVERSITY OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES NAMED AFTER MUHAMMAD AL-KHWARIZMI FACULTY OF COMPUTER ENGINEERING Final exam questions for the course "Parallel computer 2024-2025 academic architecture and programming" year How is parallelization mainly implemented in distributed computing? Justify your answer 1. with examples. Explain the process of cache memory operation and its importance in parallelization with 2. examples. What needs to be done to increase the time for data processing in fast memory? Justify your 3. answer with examples from parallel computing. How are operations performed in NUMA (Non-uniform Memory Access) architecture? 4. Justify your answer with examples from parallel computing. How is FLOPS (FLoating-point OPerations per Second) used to evaluate computing machine 5. performance in parallel computing? Approved by protocol No.12 of the department Compiler: "Computer Systems" dated December 24, 2024. B.Sh. Turaev Head of the Department M.F. Rakhimov TASHKENT UNIVERSITY OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES NAMED AFTER MUHAMMAD AL-KHWARIZMI FACULTY OF COMPUTER ENGINEERING Final exam questions for the course "Parallel computer 2024-2025 academic architecture and programming" year Provide information about MPI technology and explain it with diagrams. Justify your answer 1. with examples from parallel computing. 2. Explain parallel processing in general memory computing machines with examples. 3. Explain parallel processing in distributed memory computing machines with examples. How is memory management handled in distributed memory computing machines? Explain 4. with examples. Explain the stages of creating parallel algorithms. Provide important concepts related to each 5. stage. Approved by protocol No.12 of the department Compiler: "Computer Systems" dated December 24, 2024. B.Sh. Turaev Head of the Department M.F. Rakhimov