Chapter 15 International Portfolio Theory and Diversification 1 International Portfolio Theory and Diversification • Total risk of a portfolio and its components – diversifiable and non-diversifiable • Demonstration how both the diversifiable and nondiversifiable risks of an investor’s portfolio may be reduced through international diversification • Foreign exchange risk and international investments • Optimal domestic portfolio and the optimal international portfolio • Recent history of equity market performance globally • Market integration over time • Extension of international portfolio theory to the estimation of a company’s cost of equity using the international CAPM 2 International Diversification & Risk • Portfolio Risk Reduction – The risk of a portfolio is measured by the ratio of the variance of the portfolio’s return relative to the variance of the market return – This is defined as the beta of the portfolio – As an investor increases the number of securities in her portfolio, the portfolio’s risk declines rapidly at first and then asymptotically approaches to the level of systematic risk of the market – A fully diversified portfolio would have a beta of 1.0 3 International Diversification & Risk Variance of portfolio return Variance of a typical stock’s return 100 80 Total Risk 60 = Diversifiable Risk (unsystematic) + p Standard deviation of portfolio return Standard deviation of a typical stock' s return i 40 Market Risk (systematic) Variance of portfolio return Variance of a typical stock' s return Portfolio of U.S. stocks 27% 20 1 Total risk Systematic risk 10 20 30 40 50 Number of stocks in portfolio By diversifying the portfolio, the variance of the portfolio’s return relative to the variance of a typical stock is reduced to the level of systematic risk -- the risk of the market itself. 4 International Diversification & Risk Variance of portfolio return Variance of a typical stock’s return 100 80 60 p Standard deviation of portfolio return Standard deviation of a typical stock' s return i 40 Variance of portfolio return Variance of a typical stock' s return Portfolio of U.S. stocks 27% 20 11.7% 1 Portfolio of international stocks 10 20 30 40 50 Number of stocks in portfolio By diversifying the portfolio, the variance of the portfolio’s return relative to the variance of a typical stock is reduced to the level of systematic risk -- the risk of the market itself. 5 Foreign Exchange Risk • The foreign exchange risks of a portfolio, whether it be a securities portfolio or the general portfolio of activities of the MNE, are reduced through diversification • Internationally diversified portfolios are the same in principle because the investor is attempting to combine assets which are less than perfectly correlated, reducing the risk of the portfolio 6 Foreign Exchange Risk • An illustration with Japanese equity • US investor takes $1,000,000 on 1/1/2002 and invests in a stock traded on the Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE) • On 1/1/2002, the spot rate was S1= ¥130/$ • The investor purchases 6,500 shares valued at ¥20,000 for a total investment of ¥130,000,000 • At the end of the year, the investor sells the shares at a price of ¥25,000 per share yielding ¥162,500,000 • On 1/1/2003, the spot rate was S2= ¥125/$ • The investor receives a 30% return on investment ($1,300,000 – $1,000,000) / $1,00,000 = 30% 7 Foreign Exchange Risk • An illustration with Japanese equity • The total return reflects not only the appreciation in stock price but also the appreciation of the yen • The formula for the total return from US perspective is R $ 1 r ¥/$ 1 r shares,¥ 1 • r¥/$ = (S1 – S2) / S2 = (¥130 – ¥125) / ¥125 = 0.04 and • rshares, ¥ = (¥25,000 – ¥20,000) / ¥20,000 = 0.25 R $ 1 0.041 0.250 1 0.300 • If the investment is not for exactly one year then the return can be annualized by: 1 t AR $ ( 1 R $ ) 1, where t is in year(s) 8 Domestic Portfolio • Classic portfolio theory assumes that a typical investor is risk-averse – The typical investor wishes to maximize expected return per unit of expected risk • An investor may choose from an almost infinite choice of securities • This forms the domestic portfolio opportunity set • The extreme left edge of this set is termed the efficient frontier – This represents the optimal portfolios of securities that possess the minimum expected risk per unit of return – The portfolio with the minimum risk among all those possible is the minimum risk domestic portfolio 9 Domestic Portfolio Expected Return of Portfolio, Rp Less Risk Averse More Risk Averse Domestic portfolio opportunity set Expected Risk of Portfolio, σp An investor may choose a portfolio of assets enclosed by the Domestic portfolio opportunity set. The optimal domestic portfolio is found at DP, where the Security Market Line is tangent to the domestic portfolio opportunity set. The domestic portfolio with the minimum risk is MRDP. 10 Domestic Portfolio Capital Market Line (Domestic) Expected Return of Portfolio, Rp Optimal domestic portfolio (DP) DP • R DP MRDP Minimum risk (MRDP ) domestic portfolio • Domestic portfolio opportunity set Rf DP Expected Risk of Portfolio, σp An investor may choose a portfolio of assets enclosed by the Domestic portfolio opportunity set. The optimal domestic portfolio is found at DP, where the Security Market Line is tangent to the domestic portfolio opportunity set. The domestic portfolio with the minimum risk is MRDP. 11 Domestic Portfolio Capital Market Line (Domestic) Expected Return of Portfolio, Rp Optimal domestic portfolio (DP) DP • R DP MRDP Minimum risk (MRDP ) domestic portfolio • Domestic portfolio opportunity set Rf DP Expected Risk of Portfolio, σp An investor may choose a portfolio of assets enclosed by the Domestic portfolio opportunity set. The optimal domestic portfolio is found at DP, where the Security Market Line is tangent to the domestic portfolio opportunity set. The domestic portfolio with the minimum risk is MRDP. 12 Domestic Portfolio Capital Market Line (Domestic) Expected Return of Portfolio, Rp Optimal domestic portfolio (DP) DP • R DP MRDP Minimum risk (MRDP ) domestic portfolio • Domestic portfolio opportunity set Rf DP Expected Risk of Portfolio, σp An investor may choose a portfolio of assets enclosed by the Domestic portfolio opportunity set. The optimal domestic portfolio is found at DP, where the Security Market Line is tangent to the domestic portfolio opportunity set. The domestic portfolio with the minimum risk is MRDP. 13 Internationalizing the Domestic Portfolio • If the investor is allowed to choose among an internationally diversified set of securities, the efficient frontier shifts upward and to the left • This is called the internationally diversified portfolio opportunity set 14 Internationalizing the Domestic Portfolio Capital Market Line (Domestic) Expected Return of Portfolio, Rp Optimal domestic portfolio (DP) DP • R DP MRDP Minimum risk (MRDP ) domestic portfolio • Domestic portfolio opportunity set Rf DP Expected Risk of Portfolio, σp Internationally diversified portfolio opportunity set 15 Internationalizing the Domestic Portfolio • This new opportunity set allows the investor a new choice for portfolio optimization • The optimal international portfolio (IP) allows the investor to maximize return per unit of risk more so than would be received with just a domestic portfolio 16 Internationalizing the Domestic Portfolio Expected Return of Portfolio, Rp R IP Optimal international portfolio CML (International) CML (Domestic) IP • R DP DP • Internationally diversified portfolio opportunity set Domestic portfolio opportunity set Rf IP DP Expected Risk of Portfolio, σp 17 Internationalizing the Domestic Portfolio Expected Return of Portfolio, Rp R IP Optimal international portfolio CML (International) CML (Domestic) IP • R DP DP • Internationally diversified portfolio opportunity set Domestic portfolio opportunity set Rf IP DP Expected Risk of Portfolio, σp Slide 18 18 Calculating Portfolio Risk and Return • The two-asset model consists of two components – The expected return of the portfolio – The expected risk of the portfolio • The expected return is calculated as E(R P ) w A E(R A ) w B E(R B ) • Where: – A = first asset – B = second asset – w = weights (respectively) – E(R) = expected return of assets 19 Calculating Portfolio Risk and Return • Example of two-asset model E(R P ) wUS E(RUS ) wGER E(R GER ) • Where: – E(RUS) = expected return on US security = 14% – E(RGER) = expected return on German security = 18% – wUS = weight of US security – wUS = weight of German security – E(RP) = expected return of portfolio 20 Calculating Portfolio Risk and Return • The expected risk is calculated as σ P w σ w σ 2wA wB σ Aσ B ρ AB • Where: 2 A 2 A 2 B 2 B – A = first asset – B = second asset – w = weights (respectively) – σ = standard deviation of assets – ρ = correlation coefficient of the two assets 21 Population Covariance and Correlation • The formulation of population covariance and correlation – When we compute expected returns based on a probability distribution we would have the following equations. Note that Pi is referring to probabilities with “n” different states. n E R A Pi Ri i 1 VAR A n 2 A Pi [ Ri E ( Ri )] 2 A VAR A A2 i 1 n COV A, B Pi [ Ri E ( R A )][ R j E ( R B )] i 1 j 1 A, B COV A, B A B COV A, B A, B A B 22 Sample Covariance and Correlation • The formulation of sample covariance and correlation – When we compute expected returns based on a sample we use the following equations. Note that there are “N” observations. 1 N R A Ri N i 1 VAR A 2 A 1 N 2 R R i A N 1 i 1 1 N COV A, B [ Ri R A ][ R j R B ] N 1 i 1 j 1 A VAR A A2 A, B COV A, B A B COV A, B A, B A B 23 Example based on a sample Month Jan-03 Feb-03 Mar-03 Apr-03 May-03 Jun-03 Jul-03 Aug-03 Sep-03 Oct-03 Nov-03 Dec-03 Sum N Average Average A -0.0645 -0.0340 0.0015 0.1336 0.0628 0.0280 0.0470 0.0010 0.0172 0.0073 0.0637 0.0187 0.2823 12 0.0235 B Month -0.0248 Jan-03 -0.0324 Feb-03 0.0501 Mar-03 0.1086 Apr-03 0.0743 May-03 0.0456 Jun-03 -0.0293 Jul-03 0.1080 Aug-03 -0.0060 Sep-03 0.1260 Oct-03 -0.0604 Nov-03 0.0553 Dec-03 0.4150 Sum 12 N-1 0.0346 Variance Std Excel's COVAR Excel's CORREL Variance A 0.007748 0.003309 0.000485 0.012117 0.001543 0.000020 0.000551 0.000507 0.000040 0.000263 0.001614 0.000023 0.028221 11 0.002566 0.050651 0.000850 0.28828 Covariance B Month A&B 0.003526 Jan-03 0.00523 0.004487 Feb-03 0.00385 0.000241 Mar-03 -0.00034 0.005478 Apr-03 0.00815 0.001577 May-03 0.00156 0.000121 Jun-03 0.00005 0.004081 Jul-03 -0.00150 0.005390 Aug-03 -0.00165 0.001647 Sep-03 0.00026 0.008357 Oct-03 -0.00148 0.009022 Nov-03 -0.00382 0.000429 Dec-03 -0.00010 0.044357 Sum 0.01020 11 N-1 11 0.004032 Covariance 0.000927 0.063502 Correlation 0.28828 Adjusted 0.000927 0.000850 × 12 / 11 24 Degree of Correlation A y = 0.3614x + 0.0261 A vs. B A and B Re turns ove r tim e R2 = 0.0831 B 0.1500 0.1000 0.1000 0.0500 0.0500 B Return 0.1500 -0.1000 Dec-03 Nov-03 Oct-03 Sep-03 Aug-03 Jul-03 Jun-03 May-03 Apr-03 Feb-03 Mar-03 -0.0500 Jan-03 0.0000 -0.1000 -0.0500 0.0000 0.0000 0.0500 0.1000 0.1500 -0.0500 -0.1000 Month A Note: If you have only one independent variable in a regression then: Correlatio n A, B A, B R 2 0.0831 0.2883 * * Sign of the correlation coefficient is the same as the sign of slope coefficient. 25 Degree of Correlation R² = 0,2038 Singapore vs. Japan: 01/94 - 06/09 Denmark vs. Mexico: 01/94 - 06/09 y = 0,5689x + 0,0035 15,00% 30,00% 10,00% 25,00% 5,00% 20,00% y = 0,1313x + 0,0072 R² = 0,0419 -20,00% 0,00% -10,00% 0,00% -5,00% -10,00% 15,00% 10,00% 20,00% 30,00% Denmark Singapore -30,00% 10,00% 5,00% -15,00% -60,00% -40,00% -20,00% 0,00% 0,00% -20,00% -5,00% -25,00% -10,00% -30,00% Japan 20,00% 40,00% -15,00% Mexico 26 Calculating Portfolio Risk and Return • Example of two-asset model 2 2 2 2 σ P wUS σUS wGER σ GER 2 wUS wGER σ US σ GER ρUS/GER • Where: – US = US security – GER = German security – wUS = weight of US security: 40% – wGER = weight of German security: 60% – σUS = standard deviation of US security: 15% – σGER = standard deviation of GER security: 20% – ρ = correlation coefficient of the two assets: 0.34 0.151 2 2 2 2 ( 0.40 ) ( 0.15 ) ( 0.60 ) ( 0.20 ) 2 ( 0.40 )( 0.60 )( 0.15 )( 0.20 )( 0.34 ) 27 Calculating Portfolio Risk and Return Expected Portfolio Return (%) The example portfolio. • 18 17 16 • 15 • Initial portfolio (40% US & 60% GER) Minimum risk combination (70% US & 30% GER) • 14 Maximum return & maximum risk (100% GER) Domestic only portfolio (100% US) 13 12 0 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Expected Portfolio Risk (σ ) 28 Calculating Portfolio Risk and Return • The multiple asset model for portfolio return N E(rP ) Σ wi E(ri ) i 1 • The multiple asset model for portfolio risk N N-1 N σ P Σ w σ Σ Σ wi w j σ i σ j ρij i 1 2 i 2 i i 1 j i 1 29 Calculating Portfolio Risk and Return Efficient Portfolios (All returns are measured in $) Historical Returns and Exchange Rates: January 1994 - June 2009 2,0% 1,5% 1,0% Return Denmark Australia SP500 0,5% Mexico Singapore New Zealand 0,0% Japan -0,5% 2% 3% 4% 5% 6% 7% 8% 9% 10% Std Data Sources: Market indexes from and Exchange Rates from FRED. 30 National Equity Market Performance January 1994 – June 2009 Mexico Denmark Japan Singapore Australia New Zealand SP500 Mean 0.92% 0.84% -0.02% 0.34% 0.55% 0.32% 0.47% Std 9.73% 6.24% 6.22% 7.83% 5.34% 5.04% 4.49% Beta 1.240 0.641 0.715 1.074 0.782 0.333 1.000 Sharpe @ 4% 0.0605 0.0810 -0.0564 0.0008 0.0398 -0.0027 0.0299 Treynor @ 4% 0.0047 0.0079 -0.0049 0.0001 0.0027 -0.0004 0.0013 Mexico Denmark Japan Singapore Australia New Zealand SP500 Mexico 1.00 0.20 0.35 0.52 0.56 0.13 0.57 Denmark 0.20 1.00 0.33 0.35 0.46 0.47 0.46 Correlations Matrix Japan Singapore 0.35 0.52 0.33 0.35 1.00 0.45 0.45 1.00 0.58 0.60 0.27 0.34 0.51 0.61 Australia New Zealand 0.56 0.13 0.46 0.47 0.58 0.27 0.60 0.34 1.00 0.51 0.51 1.00 0.65 0.30 SP500 0.57 0.46 0.51 0.61 0.65 0.30 1.00 Data Sources: Market indexes from and Exchange Rates from FRED. 31 Sharpe and Treynor Performance Measures • Investors should not examine returns in isolation but rather the amount of return per unit risk • To consider both risk and return for portfolio performance there are two main measures – The Sharpe measure – The Treynor measure 32 Sharpe and Treynor Performance Measures • The Sharpe measure calculates the average return over and above the risk-free rate per unit of portfolio risk Sharpe measure Ri Rf i • Where: – Ri = average portfolio return – Rf = risk-free rate of return – σ = risk of the portfolio 33 Sharpe and Treynor Performance Measures • The Treynor measure is similar to Sharpe’s measure except that it measures return over the portfolio’s beta • The measures are similar depending on the diversification of the portfolio – If the portfolio is poorly diversified, the Treynor measure will show a high ranking and vice versa for the Sharpe measure Treynor measure Ri Rf i • Where: – Ri = average portfolio return – Rf = risk-free rate of return – β = beta of the portfolio 34 Sharpe and Treynor Performance Measures • Example: – Hong Kong average return was 1.5% per month – Assume risk free rate of 5% – Standard deviation is 9.61% and Beta is 1.09 0.05 0.015 12 0.113 Sharpe measure 0.0961 0.05 0.015 12 0.0100 Treynor measure 1.09 35 Sharpe and Treynor Performance Measures • For each unit of risk the Hong Kong market rewarded an investor with a monthly excess return of 0.113% • The Treynor measure for Hong Kong was the second highest among the global markets and the Sharpe measure was eighth • This indicates that the Hong Kong market portfolio was not very well diversified from the world market perspective 36 The International CAPM • Recall that CAPM is k e k rf (k m k f ) • The difference for the international CAPM is that the beta calculation would be relevant for the global equity market for analysis instead of the domestic market j i jm m • Where: – β = beta of the security – ρ = correlation coefficient of the market and the security – σ = standard deviation of return 37 The International CAPM 38