EXERCISE 1. For the cargo “MERCURIC CHLORIDE” – (a) Find the UN Number . (b) Find the class number and name the class. (c) Identify whether the substance is a marine pollutant . (d) Find its packing group and its degree . (e) Find the maximum quantity per inner packaging and what does E4 stands for. (f) Refer to the packing instructions and mention any one example of I ) Combination packaging II) Single packaging (g) Write the Volume and page no. for information regarding IBC08. (h) If cargo is being carried in a portable tank what should be the minimum test pressure ? (i) What does TP33 represents. Write the volume and page number. (j) Write the Volume and page number for information regarding EmS. (k) Write the Volume and page number for information regarding Stowage. 2. For the cargo UN number 1486 (a) Write the PSN (b) Write the Class and what does it stands for (c) Does it have a subsidiary risk and is it a marine pollutant. If yes name both. (d) Find its packing group and its degree (e) Find the maximum quantity per inner packaging and what does E1 stands for. (f) What does LP02 stands for and give an example for inner and outer packaging (g) What special packing provisions are required if cargo loaded in IBC. (h) What does BK2 stands for ? (i) Write the Volume and page number for information regarding Ems. (j) Will you load the cargo on deck or under deck ? 3. For the cargo “ETHYL MERCAPTAN” – (a) Find the UN number. (b) Find the Class and name it. (c) Identify whether it is a marine pollutant. (d) Find the packaging group and degree. (e) Find maximum quantity per inner packaging and what does E3 stands for. (f) Where will you find the instructions for packing. Write Volume and page number. (g) What is the minimum pressure for portable tanks ? (h) What does “TP 13” stands for ? (i) Can you carry this cargo on a Ship where the number of passengers is 20. 4. For the cargo with UN number 2438 – (a) Write the PSN. (b) Write the Class and what does it stands for ? (c) Identify the primary and subsidiary risks and name them. (d) Find the packaging group and degree. (e) Find maximum quantity per inner packaging and what does E5 stands for. (f) What should be the minimum horizontal separation when loaded with class 4.1.