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French Revolution & Napoleonic Era Study Notes

●​ The Directory
○​ Governed France 1795-1799 after the French Rev. Tried to stabilize France after
the Reign of Terror. Depended heavily on the military.
●​ Napoleon
○​ Powerful military leader under the Directory. Came into power because of his
military prowess and wild popularity. Crowned himself emperor. He was Consol
1799-1804. Emperor 1804-1814. Tried to conquer europe and initiate reforms,
however, local govs got mad when he participated in nepotism and did not take
kindly to being forced to reform even if it was “good for them”. Lead to his defeat.
●​ Napoleonic military techniques
○​ Corps, disciplined training, Geography, Logic, Psychology.
●​ Congress of Vienna (and its core tenants)
○​ Meeting held after Napoleon's loss of power. The goal was to restore stability to
Europe. Austria, Britain, Russia, Prussia, France.
●​ Balance of power
○​ Make sure no country becomes too powerful, in response to Napoleon Reign.
●​ Romanticism
○​ Characterized by emotion and self-expression/individualism. Childhood
innocence, beauty and importance of nature. Feelings over logic.
●​ Liberalism
○​ Individual rights, laissez faire, restricted gov power, equality.
●​ Conservatism
○​ Want to bring back tradition after the French Rev. Monarchy/strong central gov.
Religion in government. Criticized Enlightenment and Revolution.
●​ Careers open to talent
○​ Napoleonic Reforms: Careers based on talent/skill level instead of nepotism.
Napoleon did, however, engage in nepotism when appointing his family members
to positions of power.
●​ Educational systems
○​ Centralization of Edu. Open to all not based on birth, but truly limited to
mid/upper class. Math, science, history, classic languages. Enlightenment ideas.
●​ Napoleonic Code/Civil Code
○​ Equality before the law, Secularism, property rights, Patriarchal family structure,
court systems.
●​ Concordat of 1801
○​ Agreement between Napoleon and Pope Pius VII. Brought catholicism back to
France, helped stabilize france.
●​ Secret police
○​ Napoleon used secret police to help uphold his new reforms/laws and keep an
eye on political rivals/enemies/royalists.
●​ Censorship
○​ Napoleon wanted to control public opinion so he used censorship to promote
himself and suppress discontent. State-run newspaper, secret police.
●​ Limitation of women’s rights
○​ Brought back patriarchal family structure. Under legal control of fathers and
husbands. Made it hard for women to divorce, had extremely limited property
rights, no political rights, and less job opportunities.
100 Days/Battle of Waterloo
○​ Return to power after being exiled. 100 days: napoleon reinstates napoleonic
code. Battle of Waterloo: Battle between Napoleon and the 7th Coalition.
Napoleon was defeated in the final outcome. End of the Napoleonic era.
Francisco Goya
○​ 1746-1828 Spanish Romantic painter. Emotional depth
Eugène Delacroix
○​ 1799-1863 French Romantic painter. Color, violence, freedom.
Joseph Mallord William Turner
○​ 1775-1851 English Romantic Painter. Landscapes, color, light.
Caspar David Friedrich
○​ 1774-1840 German Romantic Painter. Lonely, spirituality, landscapes.
John Keats
○​ 1795-1821 English Romantic Poet. beauty, nature, mortality.
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
○​ 1772-1834 English Romantic poet and philosopher. Imagination, nature, gothic,
Mary Shelley
○​ 1797-1851 english writer, author of Frankenstien
Percy Shelley
○​ 1792-1822 Romantic poet. Social justice, revolution, idealism. Eloped with Mary
Lord Byron
○​ 1788-1824 Romantic poet, love, nature, individualism
William Wordsworth
○​ 1770 -1850 Romantic poet, nature, childhood, memory
William Blake
○​ 1757-1827 English poet and painter,childhood innocence, spirituality,
Grimm’s Fairy Tales
○​ Folk stories written by the brothers grimm. Each usually has a moral lesson.
Supernatural, often dark stories.
Jeremy Bentham
○​ 1748-1832 English philosopher, founder of utilitarianism.
Anti-Corn Law League
○​ Political movement in Britain, wanted the Repeal of the Corn laws which were a
series of tariffs/restrictions put on grain. Liberalism
John Stuart Mill
○​ 1806-1873 British philosopher. Liberalist.
Peterloo Massacre
○​ August 16 1819, Manchester England. Happened during a rally for parliamentary
reform. Military killed unarmed civilians. Helped spark want for further reform and
angered many. Working-class movement
Klemens von Metternich
○​ 1773-1859 Austrian Diplomat. Was at the Congress of Vienna. Conservative
Quadruple Alliance
○​ Formed at the Congress of Vienna. Wanted to bring back the traditional
monarchies and suppress revolutionary ideas/movements. Austria, Prussia,
Russia and Britain.
Grimm Brothers
○​ Wrote the Grimm Fairy Tales. Folk Stories.
Giuseppe Mazzini
○​ 1805-1872 Italian nationalist. Helped Italian unification. Involved in the Carbonari.
Greek War of Independence
○​ 1821-1829 Greeks fought for independence against Ottomans. Established an
independent Greek State. Nationalism. 1829 Treaty of Adrianople
Decembrist Revolt in Russia
○​ December 14 1825. Failed rebellion for political reform and revolt against Tsar
Nicholas I. Liberalism
Alexander I
○​ 1777-1825 Emperor of Russia 1801-1825, Initially allies with Napoleon, later
opposed his expansion. Created liberal reforms
Polish Rebellion
○​ Poland is controlled by Russia, Prussia and austria. The Polish uprising of
November 1830-1831 was caused by increased control by Russia, bad economy
and nationalism. A military coup attacked a Russian garrison.Failure Tsar
imposed harsh reprisals against Poland for this. January 1863-1864. Harsh
measures on Poland by the Tsar caused another uprising. Launched an
insurrection against Russian rule. Failed. More repression against Poland, and
caused Poland to be further integrated into the Russian Empire.
July Revolution in France
○​ 1830. Resolute in the overthrow of the Bourbon Monarchy (charles x) Established
the July Monarchy (Louis Phillipee I). Angered by the July Ordinances as well as
Charles X’s repressive policies, fighting ensued between reformists and royal
○​ 1755-1824;King of France who ruled after Napoleon's exile. Restored the
Bourbon monarchy. Tried to keep peace after the chaos of the French Revolution
and Napoleonic wars.
Charles X
○​ King of France from 1824-1830. Tried to bring back absolute monarchy and limit
freedoms gained from the French Revolution; his actions (terminating the
Chamber of Deputies and restricting freedoms) led to the July Revolution of
1830, which forced him to resign from his position and to go into exile.
●​ Ludwig van Beethoven
○​ German composer who changed music by adding more emotion and complexity.
Famous for symphonies and piano pieces. Continues to compose works and
make most influential composers in History, despite him becoming deaf.
●​ Sturm und Drang
○​ 1765-1785: German movement focused on strong emotions, individuality, and
rejecting traditional roles. Writers and authors expressed intense feelings and
rebellions against social norms, which was a step toward Romanticism.
●​ Edmund Burke
○​ British politician and thinker known for his conservative ideas. He opposed the
French Revolution believing that radical changes would cause chaos. Argued
that traditions and gradual changes were important for maintaining stability in
society. Help shape conservative thinking.
●​ Joseph de Maistre
○​ A French philosopher, known for conservative ideas; believed in the importance
of absolute monarchy, religion, and tradition as the foundations of social order.
Argued that society needs strong authority to maintain stability and prevent chaos
●​ Frédéric Chopin
○​ Polish composer and pianist; works are emotionally intense. His music
revolutionized the piano’s role in concert performances.
●​ Richard Wagner
○​ German composer and theater director; known for operas. Hiss works helped
shape German nationalism; works later became controversial due to personal
beliefs and associations with anti-semetism.
●​ Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky
○​ Russian composer known for emotional and expressive music; most important
composer of Romantic Era. (Swan Lake, Nutcracker, Sleeping Beauty, etc)
●​ Holy Alliance
○​ 1815:Russia, Austria and Prussia; goal was to promote Christian values, promote
peace, and suppress revolutionary movements in Europe.
●​ Serbian Independence (1830)
○​ Secured recognition of self rule such as right to govern own affairs and practice
Christianity freely
●​ Spanish Revolution (1820)
○​ Liberal uprising; soldiers forced King Ferdinand VII to reinstate the constitution of
●​ Neopolitian/Piedmontan Revolutions (1820)
○​ Both revolutions reflected the desire for liberal reforms and unification of Italy.
●​ Latin American Independence (Brazil, 1822; Mexico. 1821)
○​ Brazil-declared independence from portugal; avoided widespread violence and
preserved the monarchy
○​ Mexico- achieved independence after years of conflict. Eventually came to a
compromise between rebels and royalists.
●​ Catholic Emancipation Act (1829)
○​ Law passed in Britain; allowed catholics to hold public office, vote, and serve in
Parliament. Aimed to reduce religious discrimination.
●​ Poor Law (1832)
○​ Part of Britain’s Poor Law Amendment Act; designed to cut government spending
on poverty relief. Replaced financial support given to poor people. Instead, those
in need had to work to receive help. The workhouses were harsh and
uncomfortable in order to discourage dependency on public assistance.