t t f f C E A D B ups off inside same on like to through behind baffled, perplexed ecstatic, elated gutted, devastated impervious, unconcerned aggrieved, outraged honoured, priviledged gobsmacked, stunned troubled, perturbed dounting startling frenetic profound rigid miniscule doomed frenetic energetic great profound tiny miniscule captivating entertaining doomed dounting doounting difficult strict rigid starling surprising G B e a f c help way wonder happier disagree along point fair suppose come going wrap main admitted objected benefit downside pros drawbacks added outweight plus aim proposal present focus feedback survey ought recommend should implemented results recommendations objected B C anguer A D B E A D C F B A G H H G B E F terrorist-training cap capm alliesст terrorist-training c fluctuate mount dwindle plummet mushroom outpace outstrip overtake skyrocket surpass plunge tumble level off plateau coalition 2 5 3 1 4 will have surpassed will have been helping will have lost will not be making f f f p f terrorist-training capm will be playng will have finished will have been working will be living will not be doing will have become will be competing will have caused will have been banned will have tackled p uncertain upa and downs leftovers cut and dried sooner or later by and large part and parcel more or less thick and thin born and bred here and there pros and cons pick and choose dos and donts rough and ready live and learn high and dry dead and burried short and sweet wear and tear through and through safe and sound minimal coalition momentous cosmetic sweeping radical fair down so view end case take even angue ст allies coaliti terrorists leader atricities terrorist-training camps Введите Введите тексттекст Введите текст coa coal angue an Введите текст admitted threatened protested objected admitted reminded complained revealed warned denied fulfil accomplish achieve accomplish meet realise complete attain achieve reach vardy accomplished a dream lawrence reach a goal beethven release an ambition wonder complete a mission tubman fulfiled a dream attained an objective austen accomplished her mission van gogh tereshkova wh whenever whenever кст whats more to start with to start with i mean as for on the whole certainly as a result all the same whats more test обряд посвящения safety traffic users aid drivers maintenance car atlas stop seat crossroads accelerated lay bay stalled t junction reverse indicate change gear side street dual carriageway level crossing overtook whenever condone authorise accede to concure with comply with acquiese in be accused of endorse pay out assent to damage emerge hack into secure listen in settle obtain face hamper repiblican whatever Введите текст Введите текст Введите текст dont have to shouldnt 'd better shouldnt have must didnt have to neednt have 'd be better off carry your id all the time buy a local sim card fpr your phone not to keep in daily contact with your family carry a credit card have had to leave his passport have payed for