BEHAVIOUR OF CONCRETE FILLED COMPOSITE STEEL COLUMNS Morgan Dundu, Masela S Mahlaule, Motlatsi S Mothetho University of Johannesburg, Department of Civil Engineering, P O Box 524, Auckland Park, 2006, South Africa Abstract: A series of compression tests of circular concrete-filled steel tube columns are reported in this paper. The columns were subjected to concentric axial loads until failure. Variables in the tests include the length, diameter, strength of the steel tubes and the strength of the concrete. The primary mode of failure of most slender columns was overall flexural buckling. Local buckling, crushing of the concrete and yielding of steel tube were experienced in some of the short columns. Observed results from the tests shows that both the Eurocode 4 (EC4) and the South African standard (SANS 10162-1) provide reasonable prediction of the axial capacity of the composite columns. 1. INTRODUCTION Concrete filled steel tube (CFST) columns are valuable structural members when separate reinforced concrete columns or steel hollow columns cannot carry loads effectively. CFST columns combine the best characteristics of both steel and concrete materials, that is, they have high strength, high ductility, and high stiffness. These properties and the large energy absorption capacity have ensured that composite columns are used in structures to resist seismic loads [1]. The steel tube acts as permanent formwork, and provides lateral confinement or lateral reinforcement to the concrete whilst local buckling which is normal a problem with thin-walled steel tube is delayed due to the presence of the concrete infill. This means that local buckling will occur at higher loads than what will happen with steel only. What is also important with these members is that the buckling mode of the steel tube is modified since inward buckling, which is common with steel is prevented. Hence the wall of the steel tube tends to buckle outwards only. Furthermore, the column sizes can be reduced if composite columns are used resulting in increased floor spaces and lower costs. Despite the numerous publications about CFST columns all over the world, this investigation were motivated by the need to verify the applicability of the formulas used in both SANS 10162-1 [2] and EC4 [3]design codes over a wide range of column lengths and diameters. SANS 10162-1 [2] is based on the Canadian Code, CAN/CSAS16.1-M01 [4]. The findings of these investigations are to be used to determine what adjustments, if any, should be made to the formulae in the respective codes. The 6th International Conference on Thin Walled Structures 2 2. EXPERIMENTAL PROGRAMME 2.1 Material properties The average material properties for the steel tubes and concrete are given in Table 1. Since these investigations were undertaken at two different times and of different material properties, the first group of tests is referred as Series 1 and the second one as Series 2. Series Diameter (mm) Series 1 114.3 127.0 139.9 152.4 152.4 165.1 165.1 193.7 193.7 Series 2 Table 1: Average material properties Length (m) Steel tube fy (MPa) fu (MPa) E (GPa) 1.0-2.50 354.05 432.35 206.50 1.0-2.50 345.20 430.40 209.00 1.0-2.50 361.95 457.85 208.05 1.0-2.0 488.20 549.60 206.70 2.50 394.30 480.20 206.70 1.0-2.0 438.20 500.90 204.60 2.50 430.30 480.15 201.60 1.0-2.0 398.80 479.10 207.70 2.50 392.20 470.80 206.80 Concrete fu (MPa) E (GPa) 40.3 31.1 30.9 28.27 SANS10162-1 requires the concrete strength for axially loaded CFST columns to range from 25MPa to 100MPa [2]. To promote ductility the standard also limits the specified yield stress (fy) of the steel to 700MPa. In the case of EC4, the standard requires the characteristic concrete cylinder strength (fcu) to be at least 20MPa and not more than 50MPa [3]. The yield stress (fy) of the steel for this standard must be at least 235MPa and not more than 360MPa. As shown in Table 1, all concrete and steel strength requirements satisfy both SANS10162-1 [2] and EC4 [3]. However, the application range of SANS 10162-1 [2] is wider in terms of concrete strength and steel yield strength. 2.2 Specimen preparation and test procedure Steel plates of 6mm thickness were welded at the bottom of the steel tubes to contain the concrete during casting. Each circular hollow section (CHS) was filled with concrete in 4 layers. After each layer the concrete was compacted by a poker vibrator to ensure adequate compaction and eliminate air pockets in the concrete. An extra 15 mm layer was cast at the top of the columns to account for possible concrete shrinkage. The finished CFST columns were sealed with plastic sheeting at the top to retain moisture in the concrete. This was done to ensure that the hydration of cement can continue properly without premature hardening of the concrete. The specimens were allowed to cure for 28 days before testing could be conducted. After 28 days the plastic sheeting were removed from the columns and the excess concrete at the top of the columns was ground flat to make the concrete surface level with the steel tube. This was done to ensure the load was applied simultaneously to the concrete core and the steel tube during testing. The testing of the specimens took place at the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) mechanical laboratory in Johannesburg, South Africa. A Morh and Federhaff compression testing machine which has a load capacity of 9000kN and maximum loading rate of 30mm/min was used for testing specimens. However, the loading rates for these tests were 2mm/min for Series 1 tests, and 3mm/min for Series 2 tests. This lower loading rate assisted in identifying critical information during testing and also in ensuring that sufficient data was Theme (by the C.C.) 3 collected. The upper and lower plates of the Mohr & Federhaff were designed so as to produce simply supported end conditions. A thick stiff plate was placed at the top of the CFST columns to ensure that the load is distributed simultaneously to the concrete core and the steel tube. The specimens were instrumented with four linear variable displacement transducers (LVDTs) attached at the mid-length of the columns at right angles to each other to measure lateral deflections. These deflections were used to try and quantify the magnitudes of the second order moments. A photograph of the test setup is given in Figure 1. The test was stopped one the load started to drop at a faster rate. Fig. 1: Typical test setup 3. FAILURE MODES Various failure modes of composite columns were observed in the different column lengths. In Series 1 tests, all CFST columns failed by overall flexural buckling; with minor local buckling occurring close to the centre of the columns. The slenderness ratios were not large enough to prevent overall instability of the columns. However, in Series 2 tests, the 1.0m and 1.5m length CFST columns failed by crushing of the concrete accompanied by yielding of the steel tube. The presence of the concrete prevented the occurrence of the inward buckling. Bulges near the top end of the columns in Figure 2(a) and (b) are clear evidence of outward local buckling. This crushing failure mode was characterized by the steel wall being pushed out by the concrete core. Where local buckling was found it was noticed that the concrete had crushed first, followed by buckling of the steel tube. Similarly to Series 1 tests, the slender columns in Series 2 (2.0m and 2.5m) exhibited insufficient radial strain in the steel section to confine the concrete, causing the columns to fail by overall flexural buckling. Composite tubes with large d/t ratios experienced more local buckling combined with concrete crushing compared to those with small d/t ratios. This difference accounted for the strain hardening behaviour of the composite columns. The 6th International Conference on Thin Walled Structures 4 (a) 1.0m (b) 1.5m (c) 2.0m (d) 2.5m Fig. 2: Typical failure modes of Series 2 columns 4. EXPERIMENTAL AND CODE PREDICTED RESULTS 4.1 Code requirements The slenderness ratio (L/D) of the composite column ranged from 5.16 to 22. This range is greater than 4, making the columns intermediate to slender [5]. In SANS10162-1, the provisions for estimating the compressive resistance are applicable only to columns with a slenderness ratio (L/D) less than 25 [2]. EC4 does not have this limitation [3]. These lengths were specifically chosen to represent columns that exhibit behaviour that can be expected in practice. To avoid local buckling of composite columns, the two design codes were consulted. According to SANS 10162-1:2005 [2] and EC4 [3], the maximum outside diameter-to-thickness ratios of circular hollow structural sections in compression are d t ≤ 28000 f y and d t ≤ 21150 f y , respectively. From these limits it can be seen that EC4 has more stringent local buckling limits than SANS 10162-1 [2]. The values of the diameter-to-thickness ratios for Series 1 and series 2 composite columns ranged from 38.38 to 46.40 and 50.80 to 55.34, respectively. According to SANS 10162-1 [2], these values suggest that all composite columns will yield. However, this disputed by the Series 2 values, calculated using EC4 [2]. Theme (by the C.C.) 4.2 5 Analysis of results To validate the applicability the South African code [2] and the European composite code [3], the experimental results of circular concrete-filled steel tube columns subjected to axial loads are compared with the predicted compressive resistance calculated from the two codes (see Table 2). In this table NCHS is compressive resistance of the circular hollow section (CHS), calculated using SANS10162-1 [2], NTEST is the maximum load from the tests, NSANS is the compressive resistance calculated using SANS10162-1 and NEC4 is the compressive resistance calculated using EC4. As expected the compressive resistance of all columns decreased with increase in slenderness ratio. The effect of confinement effect is reduced with increasing slenderness of the column, since the lateral deflection prior to failure increases the bending moment and reduces the mean compressive strain in the concrete. The test loads for Series 1 are on average 4.3% greater than the loads predicted by EC4. At most, EC4 overestimated the capacity of columns in this group by 14.6%, and this was for the 2.5m column of 114.85mm diameter. In general, SANS10162-1 is more conservative than EC4. On average the tests loads are 8.7% greater than the loads predicted by SANS 10162-1. The most conservative value is also for the 114.3mm diameter columns with a length of 2.5m. Series Series 1 Series 2 D (m) 114.85 Table 2: Test and calculated resistance of CFST columns L NTEST NSANS NEC4 NTEST NCHS (mm) (kN) (kN) (kN) (kN) NSANS 1000 358.64 806.4 747.7 712.8 1.078 NTEST NEC4 1.131 NTEST NTUBE 2.25 114.85 1500 333.52 688.2 644.9 666.1 1.067 1.033 2.06 114.85 2000 298.06 632.2 547.0 593.6 1.156 1.065 2.12 114.85 2500 258.07 566.1 459.6 494.1 1.232 1.146 2.19 127.3 1000 392.74 912.1 861.3 843.1 1.059 1.082 2.32 127.3 1500 371.97 848.5 762.8 786.3 1.112 1.079 2.28 127.3 2000 341.10 715.8 664.9 721.8 1.077 0.992 2.10 127.3 2500 303.97 638.8 572.7 629.6 1.116 1.015 2.10 139.2 1000 453.38 1059.8 1041.6 1026.6 1.017 1.032 2.34 139.2 1500 433.05 941.9 927.4 944.0 1.016 0.998 2.18 139.2 2000 402.09 868.3 819.5 879.3 1.059 0.987 2.16 139.2 2500 363.65 750.7 715.2 787.5 1.050 0.953 2.06 152.4 1000 668.13 1463.3 1337.0 1214.9 1.095 1.204 2.19 152.4 1500 633.69 1209.1 1191.1 1103.0 1.015 1.096 1.91 152.4 2000 582.28 1167.3 1045.3 1043.8 1.117 1.118 2.00 152.4 2500 446.21 968.9 815.7 872.1 1.188 1.111 2.17 165.1 1000 656.27 1549.5 1397.9 1324.8 1.108 1.170 2.36 165.1 1500 632.04 1338.0 1268.4 1186.5 1.055 1.128 2.12 165.1 2000 594.23 1234.5 1138.0 1138.6 1.085 1.084 2.08 165.1 2500 538.21 1232.0 999.4 1052.1 1.233 1.171 2.29 193.7 1000 708.63 1999.6 1843.2 1819.2 1.085 1.099 2.82 193.7 1500 806.50 1817.1 1708.2 1626.2 1.064 1.117 2.25 193.7 2000 777.05 1796.3 1572.6 1532.8 1.142 1.172 2.31 193.7 2500 726.35 1620.8 1423.8 1465.3 1.138 1.106 2.23 The 6th International Conference on Thin Walled Structures 6 In Series 2, the average test loads are greater than the average loads predicted by EC4, by 13%. This percentage is significantly greater than the one obtained for slender columns in Series 1 tests, implying that as the column becomes stockier, EC4 tends to be more conservative. The test-to-predicted value of 11% in this series of tests, obtained using SANS10161-1, compares favourably with the value obtained for Series 1 tests. The difference between the test results and the failure loads predicted by SANS 10162-1 for all columns ranged from 6 to 23%, whereas EC4 predictions ranged from 10 to 20%. Both codes consider the effect of concrete confinement in circular tubes but do it in different ways, which partly accounts for the differences in the predicted compression resistances of individual columns. Due to confinement on concrete, the compressive resistance of the composite column has doubled, compared to the compressive resistance of an ordinary steel tube or circular hollow steel column (see Table 2). The ratio of the test load to the compressive resistance of the empty tube for both series of tests shows that the effect of confinement increases with increase in diameter of the composite column. The readings from the linear variable displacement traducers (LVDTs) were inconclusive and will not be discussed. 5. LOAD-AXIAL DEFLECTION GRAPHS 900 1000 800 900 700 800 700 600 Axial load (kN) Axial load (kN) The load-axial deflection graphs for all diameters are shown in Figure 3-8. From these graphs it can be seen that the shorter CFST columns has a higher stiffness and load carrying capacity. As the length of the composite columns increases, the load carrying capacity decreases. All the CFST columns displayed a ductile behaviour; however, the shorter CFST columns displayed more ductile behaviour. In addition, composite columns with larger diameters exhibited far much more ductility than the composite columns with smaller diameters. The increased load carrying capacity in the 193.70 mm diameter CFST columns is attributed to the hoop or circumferential stress. 500 400 300 600 500 400 300 200 114.3 mm-1.0 m 114.3 mm-1.5 m 114.3 mm-2.0 m 114.3 mm-2.5 m 100 127 mm-1.0 m 127 mm-1.5 m 127 mm-2.0 m 127 mm-2.5 m 200 100 0 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Axial displacement (mm) Fig. 3: 114.3 mm diameter columns 35 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Axial displacement (mm) Figure 4: 127 mm diameter columns 40 Theme (by the C.C.) 7 1600 1200 1100 1400 1000 1200 900 Axial load (kN) Axial load (kN) 800 700 600 500 1000 800 600 400 400 300 139.7 mm-1.0 m 139.7 mm-1.5 m 139.7 mm-2.0 m 139.7 mm-2.5 m 200 100 0 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 152.4mm-1.0 m 152.4 mm-1.5 m 152.4 mm-2.0 m 152.4 mm-2.5 m 200 0 40 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Axial displacement(mm) Axial displacement (mm) Fig. 5: 139.7mm diameter columns Fig. 6: 152.40mm diameter columns 2000 1600 1800 1400 1600 1200 Axial load (kN) Axial load (kN) 1400 1000 800 600 1200 1000 800 600 400 165.1 mm-1.0 m 165.10 mm-1.5 m 165.10 mm-2.0 m 165.1 mm-2.5 m 200 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Axial displacement (mm) Fig. 7: 165.10 mm diameter columns 6. 400 193.7 mm-1.0 m 193.7 mm-1.5 m 193.7 mm-2.0 m 193.7 mm-2.5 m 200 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Axial displacement (mm) Fig. 8: 193.70 mm diameter columns CONCLUSION The behaviour and the load capacity of 24 CFST columns of varying diameters and lengths using 30 and 40MPa concrete were investigated. The failure mode of CFST columns in Series 1 tests was largely flexural buckling with no sign of local buckling. This mode of failure was caused by the large slenderness ratio of the columns. In Series 2 tests, the 1.0m and 1.5m specimens failed by the crushing of the concrete core and the yielding of the steel tube. Bulging of steel tube was also observed in these columns. The 193.70 mm diameter composite columns achieved higher ultimate load capacities when compared to the other diameters of the same lengths. This difference in ultimate load capacities is attributed to the hoop or circumferential stress. A higher hoop or circumferential The 6th International Conference on Thin Walled Structures 8 stress results in significant increased load carrying capacity of the CFST columns. On average, loads predicted by SANS 10162-1 are conservative by 8.7%, and loads predicted by EC4 are conservative by 4.3 % for Series 1 tests. The average predictions of test failure loads by SANS 10162-1 and EC4 are conservative by 11.0 and 13.1% for Series 2, respectively. In general, it can be concluded that both codes (SANS 10162-1 and EC4) were able to predict the test results within an acceptable margin and that all columns behaved in a fairly ductile manner. The investigation concluded that both codes provide reasonable predictions of the axial capacity for all lengths of columns. References [1] Lee E-T, KH, Yun BH, Shim HJ, Chang KH, Lee GC. “Torsional Behavior of Concrete-Filled Circular Steel Tube Columns”, Journal of Structural Engineering, 135(10), 1250-1258, 2009. [2] SANS 10162-1. The structural use of steel, Part 1: Limit-state design of hot-rolled steelwork, Standards South Africa, Pretoria, 2005. [3] EC4. Design of composite steel and concrete structures, Part 1-1: general rules and rules for buildings, British Standards Institution, London, 2004. [4] CAN/CSA-S16-01. Limit States Design of Steel Structures, Canadian Standards Association, Rexdale, Ontario, Canada, 2001. [5] Kuranovas A, Goode D, Kvedaras AK, Zhong S. “Load-bearing capacity of concretefilled steel columns”, Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, 15(1), 21-33, 2009.