SCHOOLS 1ST TERM UNIFIED EXAMINATION 2022/2023 ACADEMIC SESSION SUBJECT: AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE CLASS: YEAR 10 DURATION: 2HOURS SECTION A (OBJECTIVE TEST) Answer all questions from this section. 1. Which of these best defines Agriculture? The art and science of A. tilling the land. B. raising farm animals. C. cultivation of the land and production of animals for use by man. D. supplying farm input. 2. The early men engaged in the following agricultural practices except A. commercial farming. B. fruit gathering. C. hunting of games. D. nomadic herding. 3. The most important reason for engaging in agriculture in Nigeria is to provide…………………….. A. employment for school leavers. B. food for the populace. C. foreign exchange earnings. D. raw materials for agro-based industries. 4. The science of growing fruits, vegetables and ornamental plants is referred to as……………………... A. Apiculture. B. Forestry. C. Horticulture. D. Olericulture. 5. The study of agriculture which deals with the production and management of timber and other forest products is called………………… A. floriculture B. forest. C. forestry. D. pomology. 6. Which of the following is a raw material for a textile industry? A. Cotton B. Cocoa C. Millet D. Tobacco 7. The following are sources of proteins except A. cowpea. B. egg. C. fish. D. oat. 8. Which of the following is the main aim of any poultry farmer? To produce A. eggs and feathers. B. eggs and manure. C. feathers and meat. D. meat and egg. 9. Which of the following poses a limitation to the practice of shifting cultivation in modern day agriculture? A. Prevalence of crop diseases B. Farm mechanization C. Population pressure D. Nomadic agriculture 1|Page 10. Which of the following benefits of agriculture is of least importance to the peasant farmers? A. Materials for shelter B. Employment C. Foreign exchange D. Income 11. What is the main reason for establishing games reserve? To prevent wild life from A. being poached B. being hunted periodically C. attacking tourists D. becoming extinct 12. The biotic factor which derives much benefit from livestock and reduces productivity is a…………………………. A. predator. B. parasite. C. pathogen. D. microbe. 13. Wastage of perishable farm produce is likely due to the following problems except A. poor roads leading to rural areas. B. inadequate storage and processing facilities. C. inadequate number of vehicles plying rural roads. D. inadequate water supply in rural areas. 14. Which of the following animals is reared as a pet? A. Cat B. Cattle C. Fish D. Goat 15. Which of the following is not an aquatic animal? A. Plover B. Squid C. Herring D. Grouper 16. Dairy cattle is reared primarily for……………………………….. A. meat. B. milk. C. sports. D. skin. 17. Agriculture helps to solve all the following problems except A. malnutrition. B. unemployment. C. high population growth rate. D. inadequate shelter materials. 18. Who should be consulted in preventing and controlling animal diseases? A/An A. agronomist. B. florist. C. nurse. D. veterinarian. 19. Which of the following statements is not an impediment to the development of agriculture in West Africa? A. Teeming population of insect pests B. Aggressive agricultural extension C. Chaotic marketing system D. Pollution of the environment 20. Which of these is a cause of inadequate food production in most developing countries? A. Inadequate technology B. High population growth C. Infestation of farms by pests D. Scarcity of labour 21. A socio-economic factor which affects the availability of land for agricultural use in West Africa is……………………… A. soil type. B. population growth. C. rainfall distribution. D. working capital. 2|Page 22. Why is the agricultural sector in West Africa plagued with poverty? This is because A. farmers belong to cooperative societies. B. yields obtained per annum are relatively low. C. farmers have access to credit facilities. D. the weather is highly predictable. 23. One of the problem facing agricultural development in West Africa is…………………………… A. inadequate financing. B. unavailability of productive land. C. low income of consumers. D. inadequacy of industries. 24. Which of the following is a possible solution to the problem of land availability for agriculture? A. By compulsory acquisition of all pieces of land in dispute B. By enacting laws to regulate access to land C. By creating more land through land reclamation D. By collecting land rent from prospective farmers 25. Wastage of agricultural produce may be worsened by the following except A. poor transportation. B. land fragmentation. C. inadequate storage facilities. D. inadequate processing facilities. 26. Which of the following statements best describe subsistence agriculture? A. The rearing of animals only B. Small scale production of crops and livestock C. Raising of crops and animals for sale D. Use of machine for agricultural production 27. Which of the following is mostly practiced by subsistence farmers? A. Monoculture B. Mono cropping C. Mixed cropping D. Crop rotation 28. Which of these factors differentiates a subsistence from a commercial farmer? The farmer produces A. for the benefit of the community. B. only one type of crop. C. for the benefit of the family. D. raw materials for agro based industry. 29. Which of the following is a feature of commercial agriculture? A. Use of machines B. Small farm holdings C. Low capital investment D. Little research activity 30. Which of these is an advantage of commercial agriculture? A. It requires small space B. It requires skilled labour C. It produces high returns D. It involves low capital 31. Which of the following is not a role of government in agricultural production? A. Provision of labour B. Provision of subsidy C. Building of storage facilities D. Provision of loans and credits 3|Page 32. Which of the following practices promotes agricultural development? A. Growing disease-resistant crops B. Planting late-maturing crop varieties C. Banning importation of pesticides D. Encouraging communal land tenure system 33. Government generates revenue from agricultural activities through the following ways except A. export duties from cash crops. B. salaries paid to peasant farmers. C. sales of agricultural produce. D. taxes paid by agro-based industries. 34. Which of the following statements is not correct about Land Use Act? A. Land cannot be used for any purpose B. Government has control over unused land C. It does not lead to land fragmentation D. It aims at re-allocation of land for farming purpose 35. Which of the following groups of basic amenities should be provided in rural areas for improved agricultural productivity? A. Water, electricity and health care centers B. Electricity, guest houses and water C. Health care centers, water and airports D. Roads, airports and recreational centers 36. What are the aims of government’s agricultural laws and reforms? A. Increasing agricultural production B. Controlling farm profits C. Discouraging investment in agriculture D. Encouraging importation of agricultural produce 37. Which of the following is not a government agricultural programme? A. Operation Feed the Nation B. Agricultural Development Projects C. Farm Settlement Schemes D. West Africa Rice Development 38. What action of government may be considered as granting of subsidies to farmers? A. Giving low interest loans to farmers B. Providing hire purchase services C. Supplying agro chemicals at reduced cost D. Providing free non-formal education to farmers 39. Which of the following land tenure systems allow the owner greatest freedom to dispose the land as he wishes? A. Communal B. Free-hold C. Lease-hold D. Share-cropping 40. Which of the following activities will not require the use of land for agricultural purposes? A. Afforestation B. Mining C. Ranching D. Fish farming 4|Page 41. Which of the following statements about communal land tenure system is true? A. It gives the owner complete freedom on the land B. The land can be used as collateral for agricultural loans C. The land can be shared by the owner’s children D. Co-operative farming is possible 42. Which of the following land tenure systems allows for individual ownership? A. Land pledge system B. Freehold system C. Leasehold system D. Tenancy at the will of the government 43. What must government do in order to ensure that crop and animal diseases are not transferred across international boundaries? A. Have a programme on agricultural education B. Endeavour to produce only disease resistant species C. Have and enforce quarantine services D. Increase surveillance of its borders by security agents 44. Which of these is an advantage of individual system of land ownership? A. The land may be fragmented B. Such land cannot be used as collateral C. It encourages long term planning D. It encourages land litigation 45. When is a piece of land said to be on lease to a farmer? When it is A. given as a compensation. B. purchased on credit. C. rented for a period. D. given as a gift. 46. Which of the following is the most common method of acquiring land in West Africa? A. By mortgage B. By communal ownership C. By leasehold D. By inheritance 47. Which of the following is the most important use of land for agricultural production? A. Grazing paddocks B. Botanical garden C. Game reserves D. Farmstead construction 48. In West Africa, a greater part of the land is used for………………………… A. livestock farming. B. arable cropping. C. building houses. D. game reserves. 49. Which of the following land tenure systems encourages the establishment of permanent crops? A. Freehold system B. Tenancy C. Leasehold system D. Pledging 50. What is the difference between subsidy and loan? A. Subsidy is a short term credit while loan is a short time credit B. Subsidy is a medium term credit while loan is a short term credit C. Subsidy requires collateral while a loan does not D. Subsidy is not refundable while a loan is refundable 5|Page SECTION B (THEORY) Attempt FOUR questions only from this section. 1. a. What is Agricultural Science? b. State four importance of agriculture. c. In a tabular form, give two differences between subsistence and commercial agriculture. 2. Identify and explain five problems facing agricultural development in West Africa and suggest a solution for each. 2marks 4marks 4marks 10marks 3. a. Highlight five roles of government in agricultural development. b. Write in full the following acronyms as regards agricultural research institutes: i. FRIN ii. NRCRI iii. NIFOR iv. NVRI v. NITR 5marks 4. a. What are Agricultural Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)? b. Identify four examples of agricultural non-governmental organizations. c. Highlight four ways in which agricultural NGOs contribute to agricultural development. 2marks 5marks 4marks 4marks 5. a. State the content of the Land Use Decree of 1978, now Land Use Act. b. List four aims of the decree. 6marks 4marks 6. a. By way of definition, distinguish between land and land tenure. b. Outline any three systems of land tenure. c. List six uses of land for non-agricultural purposes. 4marks 3marks 3marks 7. State ten factors affecting the availability of land and briefly explain any five of your choice. 10marks 6|Page