OSH Situationer International and National OSH Data Department of Labor and Employment OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH CENTER Session Objectives At the end of the session, the participants will be able to: • Explain the current OSH situation (local and international); • Describe the OSH situation in their own companies; • Identify the problems and issues associated with OSH conditions in the country. Department of Labor and Employment OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH CENTER Why the need for occupational safety and health (OSH)? Department of Labor and Employment OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH CENTER Every worker has the right to a SAFE and HEALTHY workplace! Department of Labor and Employment OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH CENTER Global OSH Data: ILO Report Annually : • 337 million workers fall victims of work-related accidents and diseases (causing more than 4 days absence) • 2.3 million die of work-related accidents (360,000) and diseases (1.95M) Source: ILO Safework - Introductory Report - 2008 Department of Labor and Employment OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH CENTER Global safety trends Department of Labor and Employment OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH CENTER Local Scenario: Filipino Workers 40 million+ labor force (as of December 2015) Both in the formal and informal sectors 1.3 million government employees In your COMPANIES? How many workers? Source: DOLE Labor Force Survey Department of Labor and Employment OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH CENTER What is the STATUS of occupational safety and health (OSH) in your companies? Department of Labor and Employment OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH CENTER OSH Situationer in my Company - Workshop Think about your workplaces and accomplish the form • • • • • • • How many workers? (male, female) What are our processes? Work procedures? What are our products? Raw materials? Common accidents? Common diseases? Do you have an organized OSH Committee? Do you have an OSH programs / policies? Do you have first aiders, safety officers and OH nurses? (as required) Share your situationers! Department of Labor and Employment OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH CENTER Key Local OSH Data Sources • 2013-2014 Integrated Survey on Labor and Employment (ISLE) •Work Accidents/Illnesses Report (WAIR) Summary – mandatory reports of companies • NSO Household Survey Data • OSHC Database Department of Labor and Employment OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH CENTER 2013-2014 Integrated Survey on Labor and Employment (ISLE) 270 Fatal 20,432 Non-fatal with lost workdays 28,416 Without lost workdays 49,118 Total cases of occupational injuries Department of Labor and Employment OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH CENTER 2013-2014 Integrated Survey on Labor and Employment (ISLE) • 20,432 occupational injuries with lost workdays Type of Injury: superficial injuries and open wounds dislocations, sprains and strains burns, corrosions, scalds foreign body in the eye fractures Department of Labor and Employment OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH CENTER 2013-2014 Integrated Survey on Labor and Employment (ISLE) • 20,432 occupational injuries with lost workdays Body parts injured: wrist and hand lower extremities arm and shoulder head Department of Labor and Employment OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH CENTER 2013-2014 Integrated Survey on Labor and Employment (ISLE) • 20,432 occupational injuries with lost workdays Causes of Injury: stepping on, striking against, struck by objects caught in or between objects over-exertion or strenuous movement struck by falling objects falls of persons exposure to extreme temperature Department of Labor and Employment OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH CENTER 2013-2014 Integrated Survey on Labor and Employment (ISLE) • 20,432 occupational injuries with lost workdays Agents of Injury: machines and equipment materials, objects hand tools transport/conveying, packaging equipment building, structures Department of Labor and Employment OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH CENTER 2013-2014 Integrated Survey on Labor and Employment (ISLE) Cases of Occupational Diseases 200000 171,787 150000 100.9 % increase 100000 71,894 85,483 50000 0 2009 2011 Department of Labor and Employment OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH CENTER 2013 2013-2014 Integrated Survey on Labor and Employment (ISLE) • 171,787 Occupational diseases Musculoskeletal disorders Essential hypertension Occupational dermatitis Occupational asthma - 52% 11% 5% 5% Department of Labor and Employment OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH CENTER 2013-2014 Integrated Survey on Labor and Employment (ISLE) • 171,787 occupational diseases Back pain Essential hypertension Peptic ulcer Neck-shoulder pain Occupational dermatitis Occupational asthma Department of Labor and Employment OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH CENTER 2013-2014 Integrated Survey on Labor and Employment (ISLE) Preventive and Control Measure / Activity OSH Policies and Programs - Posting of safety signages Regular inspection/maintenance of equipment Smoke-free workplace OSH orientations Emergency preparedness Drug-free workplace Accident prevention and Accident investigation - Anti-sexual harassment - Health surveillance and health lifestyle Department of Labor and Employment OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH CENTER 2013-2014 Integrated Survey on Labor and Employment (ISLE) OSH Related Seminars / Trainings - BOSH Fire Safety Emergency Preparedness Tobacco Control and Drug-free workplace OSH Orientations Designated OSH - Safety officer (accredited and personnel designated) - Trained first aider - OH Nurse - OH Physician Department of Labor and Employment OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH CENTER Profile of the Most-Commonly Injured Worker • male • married • 26-30 years old • with 1-5 years work experience • assigned in the first shift This has been the pattern for so many years! Source: Bureau of Working Conditions Department of Labor and Employment OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH CENTER Emerging OSH Issues • women workers’ OSH • child labor • OSH in the informal sector, agriculture, schools, IT sector / BPOs • lifestyle related diseases (HIV and AIDS, smoking, drugs and substance abuse • OSH for maritime sector, transport industry, and for migrant workers Department of Labor and Employment OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH CENTER OSH Issues and Concerns • Compliance to the OSH Standards (OSHS) remains low • Inadequate number of OSH personnel • Lack of OSH facilities in the regions Department of Labor and Employment OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH CENTER OSH Issues and Concerns • Enforcement OSH Standards (OSHS) is a continuing challenge • outdated OSH Standards • Absence of strict penalties • Fragmented OSH administration • Companies see OSH as an expense; give low priority to safety and health Department of Labor and Employment OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH CENTER What is MY role in the OSH implementation / OSH program in my workplace? Department of Labor and Employment OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH CENTER Our National and Regional Partners • Accredited OSH practitioners & OSH consultants • Accredited safety training organizations (STOs); • Regional OSH Networks Department of Labor and Employment OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH CENTER OSH Networks in the Regions OSHNET NCR OSHNET CAR OSHNET RO I Cagayan Valley OSHNet OSH Network III CALABARZON-OSHNet MIMAROPA OSH-Network Bicol OSHNet Western Visayas OSHNet, Inc. OSHNET Central Visayas Eastern Visayas OSHNet Bohol OSHNet ZAMPEN OSHNet OSHNet X OSHNet XI OSHNet RO XII CARAGA OSHNet OSHNet ARMM Department of Labor and Employment OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH CENTER Department of Labor and Employment OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH CENTER Department of Labor and Employment OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH CENTER Department of Labor and Employment OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH CENTER Department of Labor and Employment OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH CENTER Department of Labor and Employment OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH CENTER • Accidents and injuries result to losses of lives, limbs, time and property • Most accidents at work could have been prevented • Sound prevention need to be implemented systematically in the national and enterprise / workplace level Department of Labor and Employment OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH CENTER Department of Labor and Employment OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH CENTER When it comes to safety & health, use your sensesespecially common sense! Department of Labor and Employment OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH CENTER Department of Labor and Employment OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH CENTER