ADOPTION-ARTICLE 183-193 Adoption-the process of making a child, whether related or not to the adopter, possess in general, the rights accorded to a legitimate child. “It is a juridical act, a proceeding in rem which creates a relationship that is similar to that which results from legitimate paternity and filiation. The process of adoption therefore fixes a status, viz., that of parent and child. More technically, it is an act by which relations of paternity and affiliation are recognized as legally existing between persons not so related by nature. It is an act by which relations of paternity and affiliation are recognized as legally existing between persons not so related by nature. [G.R. No. 212302, September 02, 2020] (YUTA HAYASHI, VS. OFFICE OF THE SOLICITOR GENERAL) Rights of adopted child -the right accorded to legitimate child is similarly granted to adopted child. It is as if the child is related to the parents by nature. Rights of adoptee -the adoptee is as if the parent by nature of the child. He has the right similar of that of the parents by nature. Solidary adoption-when only one person sought to adopt Alien-an alien can adopt in the Philippines provided he or she is a resident in the Philippines for at least three consecutive years and their country has a diplomatic relations with the Philippines. Filipino- A Filipino of legal age, with full civil and legal capacity, good moral character, not been convicted of any crime involving moral turpitude, who is emotionally and financially capable of supporting and caring for a child. Provided, that he is sixteen year older than the adoptee. Joint adoption-when both spouse sought to adopt. Both Alien-Under the Family code, both spouses who are residing in the Philippines for three consecutive years and their country has a diplomatic relation with the Philippines duly certified by their consular office or appropriate government agency that they are capable to adopt a child and such child is allowed to be a citizen of their country under their existing laws. This adoption is govern by domestic adoption act. Alien and Filipino Alien spouse may adopt the child of his or her spouse’s legitimate or illegitimate child or his or her relatives by consanguinity or affinity within fourth civil degree. In this case, the residency requirement and certification is no longer required.