ELEC1200: A System View of Communications: from Signals to Packets Lecture 1 • Course Description and Mechanics • Course Overview • A basic communication system – The transmitter – The channel – The receiver ELEC1200 1 Who’s who Instructor • Prof. Ross MURCH Instructional Assistant • Cupid CHOW Technical Officer • Leo FOK ELEC1200 Teaching Assistants • INAM ULHAQAZAD • Zijian LI • Zhaoyang MING • Jay Patrick Monton NIELES • Wenqiang SUN • Zixi Wan • Xinyue XU • Jiuzhou ZHANG 2 Why learn this course? Hong Kong’s 1st Unmanned car (ECE Professor, Prof. Ming LIU) DJI-world’s leader in drones (ECE former student, Frank Wang) https://www.ram-lab.com/ • • • ELEC1200 Introduce you to the exciting field of Electronic and Information Technology field Learn how to control and manage signal transmission Learn how networks work and much more… 3 What will you learn? https://www.bell-labs.com/research-innovation/what-is-6g/#gref • • • • • ELEC1200 How can we transmit information efficiently? How do we protect information? (coding, security, …) How radio signals interfere with each others? How does noise affect communications? How do we manage the networks? (Wi-Fi, internet, packets, protocols, routing, …) 4 Course Description • Have you ever wondered what technologies enable you to communicate via your mobile phone? • Course Features – Hands on: You work with a simple but fully functional wireless communication system to understand the basic technology in these systems. – Broad perspective: We cover all aspects of the system from end to end. – Fundamental: All concepts introduced from first principles. No prior ECE background is required. ELEC1200 5 Co-requisites • Math (one of the following) – MATH 1003/1014/1020/1024 • Programming (one of the following) – COMP 1021/1022P ELEC1200 6 A week in the life of ELEC1200 Mon Mon Mon/Wed/Thu Fri Lecture A Tutorial Lab Lecture B • Lectures A and B: -Cover concepts to be studied in the lab • Tutorial: -Discuss examples and prepare for lab • Lab: ELEC1200 -Work with hardware or simulations 7 Lab Schedule • First week (Sept. 1-8) NO lab. • Second week (Sept. 11, 13 or 14) first lab - MATLAB – Not a graded lab – practice MATLAB, lab tasks and post lab quiz – Please attend your own lab section – lab #2 - #7 require MATLAB skills Note: Tutorial 01 will start from the first week (4 Sept.) ELEC1200 8 Lab Rules • Attendance at the laboratory is mandatory. • You must complete at least 5 out of Lab #2 to Lab #7 to obtain a passing grade. • Your lab score will be computed over all labs regardless of attendance. • Making up a lab is not allowed, except under exceptional circumstances such as illness with a valid medical certificate. All requests for special accommodation for medical reasons must be accompanied by the hard copy of the original medical certificate. • Any lab makeup must be completed within two weeks of the scheduled lab time. ELEC1200 9 Assessment Lab (25%) Check-off Points (10%) 4 check points (tasks) per lab Post-lab quiz (5 minutes) (15%) open books/notes No discussion You must complete all ‘Tasks/check points’ before taking the quiz!!! Homework (10%) Reinforce concepts learned Midterm Exam (25%) Final Exam (40%) ELEC1200 10 Midterm Exam Midterm Exam (50 minutes) L01-L13 Date: 30 October 2023 (Mon) Time: 17:00 – 17:50 (lecture time) ELEC1200 11 The most important idea or concept? Always be Honest and act with Integrity Plagiarism Plagiarism is presenting work which is not your own and originates from other sources as if it is your own. Over the long term being honest and decent will be the most rewarding thing you can ever do!! ELEC1200 12 Course Objectives On successful completion of this course, students are expected to be able to: 1. Examine a voice communication system to identify the practical context of key theoretical concepts in ECE. 2. Identify typical problems and tradeoffs encountered in electronic and computer engineering systems. 3. Analyze simple approaches to address a range of problems and tradeoffs. 4. Use software tools, such as MATLAB, to investigate potential solutions to problems and tradeoffs in order to validate an analysis, and to handle cases not amenable to simple analysis. 5. Work in a cooperative setting on real hardware or via simulations where the simplifying assumptions used in theoretical analysis may be violated, and assess the benefits and limitations of such analysis. ELEC1200 13 Our Laboratory Work Infrared Light Infrared Light Headset ELEC1200 PC + MATLAB 14 Provides the context for: • Foundation course: – ELEC2100: Signals and Systems • Area courses: – ELEC3100: Signal Processing and Communications – ELEC3200: System Modeling, Analysis and Control • Depth Courses – ELEC41XX • Digital Communications and Wireless Systems, Machine Learning on Image, Information Theory and Error-Correcting Codes – ELEC4820 • Medical Imaging ELEC1200 15 What can you do? As an Engineer: • • • • Invent/design/build advanced technology Solve problems Improve our lives Save the world! https://www.facebook.com/pg/engineeringinsider/reviews/ Imagine! https://www.theherald.com.au/story/4288160/the-future-is-in-imagination/ ELEC1200 https://www.sciencefocus.com/future-technology/future-technology-22-ideas-about-to-change-our-world/ 16 ELEC1200: A System View of Communications: from Signals to Packets Lecture 1 • Course Description and Mechanics • Course Overview • A basic communication system – The transmitter – The channel – The receiver ELEC1200 17 Our Question: How to transmit information wirelessly? ELEC1200 18 Our Question: How to transmit information wirelessly? Part 1 of 3: Point-to-point link from phone to base station Part 2 of 3: Sharing a channel allowing multiple users Part 3 of 3 Network: links between base stations ELEC1200 19 Point-to-Point Communication: Source sent bits fewer bits Compress more bits Error Correcting Coding Bits to Waveforms Dest received bits Uncompress Error Correction Waveforms to Bits Channel Labs 2-4 sent waveform received waveform Noise and signals from other users Labs 5-7 Ideally, “sent bits” = “received bits” However, this is not always the case. ELEC1200 20 ELEC1200: A System View of Communications: from Signals to Packets Lecture 1 • Course Description and Mechanics • Course Overview • A basic communication system – The transmitter – The channel – The receiver ELEC1200 21 A Basic Communication System Source b0,b1,b2, b3, b4, … Dest received bits Transmitter Waveforms to Bits Receiver Channel sent bits Bits to Waveforms sent signal received signal • The transmitter takes a sequence of bits (0 or 1) and creates a physical signal or waveform (e.g. time varying voltage or light intensity) that is carried over a channel. • The channel (a wire, the air, a fiber optic cable) may modify the signal as it carries it. • The receiver tries to figure out what the transmitted bits were from the received signal. ELEC1200 22 Bits • A bit is the basic unit of information used in modern computers and communication systems. • A bit is a variable that can assume only two possible values or “states”, commonly denoted by 0 or 1. • Intuitively, the bit can be thought of as the answer to a yes/no question. • More complicated information can be sent with sequences of bits. ELEC1200 23 Representing Bits • Physically, bits can be represented as two distinct states of a physical variable: – voltage (1 = high / 0 = low) – current (1 = positive / 0 = negative) – light (1 = on / 0 = off) ELEC1200 24 Representing Bit Sequences as Waveforms light intensity • A bit sequence can be encoded by changing the value of the physical variable over time. ON b0=1 b1=0 b2=1 b3=0 b4=0 b5=0 b6=1 b7=0 bit time OFF time light intensity • Each bit is encoded by holding the state constant over a length of time, known as the bit time. • The shorter the bit time, the faster we can transmit information (bits) ELEC1200 ON OFF bit time 25 The channel • The transmitter sends the waveform representing the bit sequence to the receiver over a channel. • For example, – A voltage or current waveform might be sent over a wire. – A light waveform might be sent over a fiber optic link (e.g. the internet) or over plain air (e.g. a TV remote) • Due to various factors, the channel may distort the waveform, so that the waveform received by the receiver is not the same as the one sent by the transmitter. transmitter ELEC1200 channel receiver 26 Receiver • The receiver’s job is to take the possibly distorted signal it receives and figures out what the original transmitted bit sequence was. Source b0, b1, b2, b3, b4, … • Common Abbreviations Channel Dest b0, b1, b2, b3, b4, … Tx sent waveform Rx received waveform – Tx = transmitter – Rx = receiver ELEC1200 27 ELEC 1200 & Cutting-edge Technologies https://data-flair.training/blogs/big-data-applications-various-domains/ https://www.bell-labs.com/research-innovation/what-is-6g/#gref https://www.expressvpn.com/blog/what-is-the-internet-of-things-iot/ ELEC1200 https://www.codingdojo.com/blog/dark-side-of-artificial-intelligence-ai/ 28 Key Questions for Next Three Lectures • How do we describe the physical waveforms sent by the transmitter and sensed by the receiver using mathematical equations? • How do we describe (model) the effect of the channel on the physical waveform? ELEC1200 29