Department of Education Region IV-A CALABRZON Division of Batangas SAN ISIDRO MALVAR SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL Malvar, Batangas GRADES 1 to 12 Detailed Lesson Plan School SAN ISIDRO MALVAR SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL Quarter 4th Quarter Teacher Christian M. Millave Learning Area Physical Science Teaching Day MONDAY AND FRIDAY: HUMS AND ABM WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY: TVL Grade/ Section/ Time HUMSS 11/11:30-12:30 AM, ABM 11 /1:00-3:00, TVL 11/9:30-11:30 AM A. Content Standards Teaching Date I. Curriculum Content, Content Standard, and Lesson Competencies The learners... 1. the formation of the elements during the Big Bang and during stellar evolution. 2. the distribution of the chemical elements and the isotopes in the universe. 3. how the concept of the atom evolved from Ancient Greek to the present. 4. how the concept of the element evolved from. 5. Ancient Greek to the present. 6. how the uses of different materials are related to their properties and structures. 7. the relationship between the function and structure of biological macromolecules The learners... B. Performance Standards C. Learning Competencies and Objectives D. Content E. Integration Teacher’s Guide Pages Learner’s Materials Pages Other Learning Resources IV. PROCEDURE Activating Prior Knowledge Make a creative representation of the historical development of the atom or the chemical element in a timeline. The learners... Explain how the concept of atomic number led to the synthesis of new elements in the laboratory. S11/12PS-IIIb-11 Objectives: 1. Explain the concept of atomic number led to the syntesis of New Elements in labaratory. 2. Identify the different elements formed after the process of synthesis. 3. Realize the importance of the atomic number in identifying the new elements identity in the periodic table. Module no. 2 Lesson no. 6 Topic How the idea of the atom, along with the idea of the elements evolved. Chemistry: traces the development of the periodic table from observations based on similarities in properties of elements, and Mathematics: performs addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and composition of functions. M11GM-Ia-3 III. LEARNING RESOURCES Module 2 Page 1-9 file:///D:/Physical%20Science%20Humss,%20TVL,%20Abm/co-q1-physical-scienceshs-module-2-physical-science-quarter-1-module-2-the-atomic-number-and-the-synthesis-of-newelements.pdf, Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity “May we all stand to start the class with a Prayer.” (The student will come forward and lead the prayer) “Please lead the prayer” “Let’s put ourselves in the presence of Lord. In the name of the Father and of the son and the Holy Spirit. Amen” “Good morning class” “Good morning Sir” “Before you seat down, kindly pick up the pieces of paper under your chair and arrange your chair properly.” (Students will pick up the pieces of papers under their chair and will arrange also their chairs properly) “Please sit down” “Who is the class secretary?” I’m the Secretary “Do we have absentees for today?” Sir, none Before we start our discussion, Let’s us have a short review about our lesson last meeting. Do you know, What is Periodic Table of Elements? Yes Sir REVIEW ACTIVITY Give an example and draw of one elements in periodic table of elements then identify what is the atomic number, symbol, name, and atomic weight. (3 mins) in 1/4 sheet of paper Establishing Lesson Purpose Times Up (check learners activity) Class, Do you have any questions regarding in your review activity? So if you don’t have any question regarding in our lesson last meeting, let’s proceed to our new task. None Sir (Learner’s read the objectives) Class are you excited to do our activity? Task 1: Motivational Activity (5mins)1/4 sheet of paper Directions: Read and the following questions or statement then identify what is the jumble word in the clue, then arrange the words form in the blank in order into their number. 1. What is the word relating and concerned with atoms? C I M O T A R E B M U N None Sir Yes Sir 2. What is the composition or combination of parts so as to form a whole? S I S E H T N Y S (The leaners perform their task) 3. What is a pure substance consisting of onlyone type of atoms? S T N E M E L E Answer: ATOMIC NUMBER SYNTHESIS ELEMENTS Based, in our Task 1, what did you think what is our lesson for today? THE 1.______________ AND THE 2. _____________ OF NEW 3.________________ Let’s Check Your Work Class, do you have any question regarding in our first tasks? Let’s proceed in our task 2, But before we proceed I will group this class into four? TEAM RED TEAM BLUE TEAM YELLOW TEAM GREEN THE ATOMIC NUMBER AND THE SYNTHESIS OF NEW ELEMENTS (checking the learner’s output) None Sir Task 2: Directions: In this activity I prepared a video presentation regarding in this lesson, watch, listen, and gather information carefully in the video presentation because your going to use in answering the questions align in the video presentation. (The teacher group the learner’s into four) (The learner’s perform their task) Task 2: Directions: Read and analyze the following statements and questions then, choose what is the correct answer in the box, then write was is the correct answer in the blank. ( 5 mins) HENRY MOSELEY ERNEST RUTHERFORD JAMES CHADWICK NUCLEAR TRANSMUTATION URANIUM _________1. He discovered that elements, have a unique number of protons, through X-RAY spectroscopy? _________2. He proposed the nuclear atom model, showing a positively charge nucleus, and negatively charge particles surrounding it? _________3. How do you call in some elements in Periodic Table not found in nature but rathe rcreated in lab? _________4. He discovered neutron, when fusing beryllium and and helium to make carbon? _________5. In 1930’s this the heviest element that could exist? Answer: 1. HENRY MOSELEY 2. ERNEST RUTHERFORD 3. NUCLEAR TRANSMUTATION 4. JAMES CHADWICK 5. URANIUM Times up, let’s check your work (Checking the learner’s output) Class, do you have any questions regarding in task 2? None Sir Developing and Deepening Understanding Let’s proceed in our new task 3 Task 3: Used your Periodic Table Elements (10 mins) Directions: Read and analyze the following elements then identify what is the atomic number, atomic symbol,atomic weight, number of proton, number of electron, and lastly number of neutron. (The learner’s perform their tasks) Times up, let’s check your work Class do you have any question regarding in our activity? Guided Question: So, if you don’t have any question (checking the learners output) None Sir None Sir I will be the who ask a question? Making Generalization 1. Dmitri Mendeleev is often regarded as the Father of the Periodic Table. Would you say that Henry Moseley deserves the recognition more than him? 2. Explain why the atomic number is called the “fingerprint” of elements. 3. How would you relate alchemy to synthesis of new elements? Generalization: Dmitri Mendeleev is recognized as the Father of the Periodic Table for his groundbreaking efforts in arranging elements according to their atomic mass and for his ability to predict the characteristics of undiscovered elements, establishing a crucial foundation for contemporary chemistry. - In contrast, Henry Moseley significantly advanced the field by establishing that the atomic number, defined by the number of protons, is the key characteristic that defines an element, rather than its atomic mass. His research clarified and rectified discrepancies in Mendeleev's original table, resulting in the current structure of the periodic table. - In summary, while Mendeleev's original system for organizing elements is commendable, Moseley's enhancement of the periodic table through the concept of atomic numbers was equally transformative. The contributions of both scientists are essential, collectively underpinning the framework of modern chemical classification. Why the Atomic Number is Called the "Fingerprint" of Elements: The atomic number is called the "fingerprint" of elements because it uniquely identifies each element. This number represents the number of protons in an atom's nucleus, which remains consistent for all atoms of a given element. Just like fingerprints are unique to each individual, the atomic number is unique to each element, determining its position in the periodic table and its chemical properties. Relating Alchemy to the Synthesis of New Elements: Alchemy, the ancient practice aimed at transforming base metals into noble metals, laid the groundwork for modern chemistry. The synthesis of new elements in modern science can be seen as an evolution of alchemy, but with a scientific basis. While alchemists relied on (Answer May Vary) (Answer May Vary) mysticism, modern scientists use nuclear reactions and advanced technology to create new elements, fulfilling the age-old dream of transmuting matter but with precision and scientific understanding. Application: To test your understanding about The Atomic Number and Synthesis of New Elements I have prepared another set of group activity. Evaluating Learners Teachers Remarks (Learner’s Perform Their Tasks) Directions: Read and analyze the following elements then identify the mass number, atomic number, symbol elements by used of the periodic table, then arrange by used this pattern above. (5 mins) 1. He 2. C 3. O 4. Pb Class. Do you have any question about in our activity? Class please get ¼ sheet of paper then write your name, grade, section and the date to day, then answer the following. Directions: Write the nuclear reactions involved in the synthesis of each of the following new elements.((10 mins) a. Curium (Z = 96) was formed by reacting Pu – 239 with alpha particles 42He. It has a half-life of 162 days. b. Mendelevium (Z = 101) was formed by reacting En-253 with alpha particles. c. Meitnerium (Z = 109) was formed by cold fusion which involves the combination of Bi and Fe nuclides at ordinary temperature. Note of Observation on any of Effective Problem the following area Practices Encountered Strategies Explored Material Used Learner Engagement/Interaction Other IV. REFLECTION Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your students’ progress this week. What works? What else needs to be done to help the students learn? Identify what help your instructional supervisors can provide for you so when you meet them, you can ask them relevant questions. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation who scored below 80%. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson No. of learners who continue to require remediation. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these worked? What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve. What innovation or localized materials did I use/ discover which I wish to share with other teachers? Prepared by: Checked by: CHRISTIAN M. MILLAVE LSB-TEACHER DENNIS S. CALINGACION ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL I