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Google's 20% Time: Innovation or Distraction?

Technology And Analytics
“20% Time”?
by Michael Schrage
August 20, 2013
Ler em português
Reports of the death or deliquescence of Google’s “20% time,”
which allows employees to devote one day a week to side projects,
may well be exaggerated. They certainly inspire less controversy
than Yahoo’s targeted euthanizing of telecommuting. But both
emphasize the importance of Silicon Valley’s most precious valueadded differentiator: technical talent.
The care, feeding, and culture of productive talent deserve all the
attention and debate they get — and more. Virtually everyone
who’s made money from the App Store or competed against a
Salesforce.com or SurveyMonkey viscerally understands the huge
differences between “pretty good” developers and those best
described as “terrific.” “Acqu-hiring” has become both a buzzword
and a best practice for a reason. Relative to the enormous
economic value talent can deliver, gluten-free gourmet cafeterias
and concierge service represent a small price to pay.
But employing talent is one thing. Keeping it productively
innovative and innovatively productive is another. What happens
to self-image and individual expectations as enterprise
definitions of “productively innovative” and “innovatively
productive” change? If people believe they’ve been promised the
opportunity to devote up to one day a week pursuing disruptive
innovation insights, they’re arguably entitled to feel a little
cheated or miffed when told to “double down” on their day jobs.
At a certain point, innovation cultures are as much about
“credibility” as creativity and ingenuity.
That’s why Google presents such a special case. No one doubts
founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin are passionately committed
— intellectually and emotionally — to innovation as core to their
entrepreneurial identities and effectiveness. That sensibility
made Google Google.
Yet it’s also true the company shut down Google Labs, its popular
intrapreneurial playground and beta site, to the surprise and
disappointment of employees and customers alike. More than a
few Googlers also feel that Google X — the “disruptive/new
paradigms” skunkworks operation launched in 2010 — now owns
“big think” innovation hearts and minds of their founders. Google
X innovation gets to create the future, they observe, while Google
innovation gets to improve the business. Their innovation
discretion shrinks while Google X’s horizons expand.
Is this perception unfair or inaccurate? Certainly, many people
inside the company and out agree that Larry Page took the late
Steve Jobs’s advice and admonitions very seriously: “The main
thing I stressed was focus,” Jobs said. “Figure out what Google
wants to be when it grows up. It’s now all over the map. What are
the five products you want to focus on? Get rid of the rest, because
they’re dragging you down. They’re turning you into Microsoft.
They’re causing you to turn out products that are adequate but
not great.”
Neither Steve Jobs nor Apple culture encouraged, nurtured, or
celebrated 20% time among employees to inspire innovation. To
the contrary, Apple’s clarity of vision and relentless dedication to
user experience and design assured that the company’s worldclass talent would overwhelmingly focus their efforts on delivery,
not novelty. Apple innovation culture was more top-down
alignment of talent than facilitation of bottom-up empowerment.
But successfully delivering that vision to overwhelming market
approval proved intoxicating and addictive for much of the
company’s top technical talent.
But I don’t think the story is Page or Brin becoming more Jobslike or that Google’s innovation culture has pruned individual
discretion in favor of greater organizational alignment. My view
— reflected in the comments of many Googlers — is that the
company is internally debating how its most talented employees
generate the most valuable innovation. Do they productively
innovate better by more rigorously focusing on their ongoing
projects? Or do curiosity-driven and/or passion-driven initiatives
lead to measurably better innovation outcomes?
Google has publicly defined itself as an organization that wants to
be data driven in its most important business decisions. The
company has put people analytics of individual talent and team
performance alike at the core of managing itself. Yes, there’s
flakiness and inherent subjectivity in many of the metrics. But the
simple truth is that Google as both a culture and a global
enterprise wants to take more data more seriously.
The obvious result? Google’s innovation culture is being shaped as
much by the performance data of its people as by their technical
intuitions and insights. In other words, tomorrow’s Google won’t
embrace 20% “free time” for everyone; innovation best practice
will mean some individuals and teams will have as much
discretionary time as they need while others will have virtually
You’ve got a problem with that? Well, the data suggest you
shouldn’t. I don’t doubt for a minute that Google’s founders and
top leadership will ultimately rely on their gut instincts and
intuitions — albeit richly informed by data — when the time
comes to hire, fire, and/or acquire. Nor do I doubt that the care,
feeding, and culture of technical talent will increasingly be
determined and defined by data. That’s where credibility will
come from and, yes, that’s what will sharpen entrepreneurial
focus, as well.
Michael Schrage , a research fellow at MIT
Sloan School’s Center for Digital Business, is
the author of the books Serious Play (HBR
Press), Who Do You Want Your Customers to
Become? (HBR Press) and The Innovator’s
Hypothesis (MIT Press).
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