Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia Vicerrectoría Académica y de Investigación Syllabus of the Course English A2, Code 900002 1. Course Data Table 1. Course Information. Aspect 1. Managing unit 2. Program offering the course 3. Level of training 4. Prerequisites and/or Prior Conditions 5. Number of credits 6. Course typology 7. The course allows for a remedial exam Description Instituto Virtual de Lenguas INVIL English National Program Professional The student should has taken the English A1 course and approved it. The student must know how introduce himself, understand the verbal tenses of simple present and present continuous. 3 Methodological No 2. Course Description The English A2 course has three (3) academic credits which contain tutoring time and independent work for a total of 144 hours of academic work, divided into 106 hours of independent study and 36 hours of monitoring and tutorial support. With the aforementioned hours it is intended that the student recognizes and appropriates the basic contents of the English course that displays basic concepts related to the initial information, namely: present using simple and polite forms of greeting and address others; asking how they are and how they react to the news; handle very short social exchanges; ask and answer questions about what they do at work and free time; make and respond to invitations; discuss what to do, where to go and make arrangements to meet; Make and accept offers. Related topics in this course seek that the student incorporate assertive communication skills through a Task-Based Learning strategy in which the student will browse through three Units in order to respond to 6 tasks: of these six tasks, four are questionnaires and the other two are tasks to upload in the evaluation environment divided into three moments: Initial, intermediate, and final. 1 3. Core Problem to Which This Course Is Linked It does not apply because we are IBC courses 4. Training Purpose The training purpose of the course is as follows: • To develop communicative skills in simple terms through writings, videos, readings, and quizzes using sentences and expressions of immediate needs and routine tasks that are familiar to a present, past, and future situation. 5. Competencies This course contributes to the development of the following competencies: From the Communicative and Task-Based approaches, the development of competence is sought, understood as the set of knowledge, skills and individual characteristics that allow a person to perform actions in a given context, which is what defines competences. In the case of English, the development of communicative competence is expected. Communicative competence includes, in turn, according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Evaluation 2002, the following competences: Linguistic Competence. This competence implies not only the theoretical handling of grammatical, orthographic or semantic concepts, but also their application in various situations. Pragmatic Competence. It is related to the functional use of linguistic resources and includes, firstly, a discursive competence that refers to the ability to organize sentences in sequences to produce textual fragments. Secondly, it implies a functional competence to know both the linguistic forms and their functions, as well as the way in which they are linked together in real communicative situations. Sociolinguistic Competence. It refers to the knowledge of the social and cultural conditions that are implicit in the use of language. It is also handled when coming into contact with expressions of popular wisdom or with the differences in register, dialect and accent. 2 6. Learning Outcomes This course meets the following Program Learning Outcomes: At the end of the academic course the student will be able to: Learning Outcome 1: To identify essential information in short texts and recorded passages through online assignments dealing with everyday matters. Learning Outcome 2: To express among a video, experiences in English using linguistic structures and vocabulary according to the level, taking exercises andreadings from the online content as a reference. Learning Outcome 3: To read texts, ideas and information about daily affairs through a simple correlation of linguistic elements in present, past and future tense. 7. Contents Associated with the Learning Outcomes Learning Outcome 1 The following contents will be addressed: • Simple present. • Introduce yourself. • Simple past and past continuous. • Reading and comprehension of texts. To address the contents, it is necessary to consult the following educational resources: • Modules 1 to 5 from the E-book • Aprende inglés con Mr. Pea (2021) Describing people [Video]. Describing people. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BpMicC0AWNE • • • • • • • • Borem, S. (2014). Welcome! Unit 1. Intro interchange [video]. Youtube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JD2Umh3QJIE British Council (2021). Present Progressive. Present progressive, grammar and uses. https://www.britishcouncil.co/blog/aprende-ingles/present-continuous British Council (2021). Simple past. Simple past: Uso, estructura y conjugación. https://www.britishcouncil.co/blog/aprende-ingles/past-simple Education First. (2024). Comparatives and superlatives adjectives. https://www.ef.com/wwen/english-resources/english-grammar/comparativeand-superlative/ English like a native. (2020). Adjectives to describe places. [video]. Youtube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=illyGhiL2p8 Navarro, Yuneiry. (2023). Traveling with family - OVA. Repositorio Institucional UNAD. https://repository.unad.edu.co/handle/10596/60633 Ortiz Benavides, F. L., & Álava Viteri, C. (2021). Formación científica: un desafio para la educación mediada. Sello Editorial UNAD. https://doi.org/10.22490/9789586518185 Sanchez, L. (2021). OVI Past Progressive. Universidad Nacional Abierta y a 3 • Distancia Repository https://repository.unad.edu.co/handle/10596/44532 Woodward. (2024). Daily routines. https://www.vocabulary.cl/Lists/Daily_Routines.htm Learning Outcome 2 The following contents will be addressed: • Future Going to and Will. • Obligation and advice. • Read newspapers and magazines To address the contents, it is necessary to consult the following educational resources: • Modules 6, 7, 8 and 9 from the E-book. • Bolaños. C., Paredes. D., Baez. J., y Aguirre C., (2024). Herramientas TIC para la comprensión oral del inglés en diferentes contextos.Fenomenología educativa y aprendizaje significativo. Telos: Revista de Estudios Interdisciplinarios En Ciencias Sociales, 26(3), 1096–1109. https://doiorg.bibliotecavirtual.unad.edu.co/10.36390/telos263.19 • British Council (2021). Simple Future. Domina el futuro Simple. https://www.britishcouncil.org.mx/blog/future-simple • British Council (2021). Modal verbs. Aprende fácilmente la definición y uso de los modal verbs del inglés. https://www.britishcouncil.co/blog/aprendeingles/modal-verbs • Education First (2023). Past continuous. Past continuos. https://www.ef.com.co/recursos-aprender-ingles/gramatica-inglesa/pastcontinuous/ • Sánchez, L. D. (2021). The Future simple tense. Objeto virtual de Información OVI. Repositorio Institucional UNAD. https://repository.unad.edu.co/handle/10596/44518 Learning Outcome 3 The following contents will be addressed: • Comparing past and present events. • Make and respond to polite requests • talk about activities that started inthe past and have continued to the present (used to – Present perfect) To address the contents, it is necessary to consult the following educational resources: • Modules 10, 11 and 12 from the E-book • British Council (2021). Simple past. Simple past: Uso, estructura y conjugación. https://www.britishcouncil.co/blog/aprende-ingles/past-simple 4 • • • • British Council (2021) Present perfect. Entiende cómo usar el presente perfecto del inglés. Comprende la estructura del present perfect con oraciones y ejemplos prácticos para mejorar tu inglés. https://www.britishcouncil.co/blog/aprende-ingles/presentperfect Cambridge university press. (2023). Used to en inglés, ejemplos y ejercicios. https://blog.cambridge.es/como-usar-used-to/ Ring Teacher (2023). Will Vs. Going to. cuando usar will y going to. https://www.ringteacher.com/materiales-didacticos/tiempos-verbales-inglesfuturo/comparacion-entre-will-y-going-to/ Sánchez, L.(2021). The Past Progressive Tense. Objeto virtual de Informacion OVI. Repositorio Institucional UNAD. https://repository.unad.edu.co/handle/10596/44532 8. Organization of the Academic Activities a. Methodological Strategy The methodological strategy of the course is: Task based learning. This strategy consists of: This Learning Strategy is based on the studentwhere he/she is the center of the whole process and is expected to take the leadingrole; he/she is not waiting for the tutor to tell him/her what to do and how to do it. They are active participants who develop their own strategies at their own pace, trying to identify their strengths and aspects that need to be improved. b. Didactic Sequence, Presented in Phases, Steps or Stages of the Methodological Strategy and the Evaluation Plan Initial Moment Chart 2. Task 1 Information. Aspect 1. Element of the Strategy 2. Name of the Choose an option 3. Responds to Course Learning Outcome 4. Learning Evidence Description Task 1 This is what I know. 1 The student presents an online quiz, where is going to give respond what the student knows at the time he/she starts the course. 5 5. Type of Activity Independent 6. Activity Score 25 points The total evaluation for this moment is 25 points, equivalent to 5% of the course evaluation. Intermediate Moment Chart 3. Task 2 Information. Aspect 1. Element of the Strategy 2. Name of the Choose an option 3. Responds to Course Learning Outcome 4. Learning Evidence 5. Type of Activity 6. Activity Score Description Task 2 English is easy and fun. 1 The student is going to develop the guide given with different exercises in english and upload the activity in the corresponding space. Collaborative 100 points Chart 4. Task 3 Information. Aspect 1. Element of the Strategy 2. Name of the Choose an option 3. Responds to Course Learning Outcome 4. Learning Evidence 5. Type of Activity 6. Activity Score Description Task 3 What have I learned? Quiz Time! 3 The student presents an online quiz having in mind the topics seeing in the modules 6, 7, 8 and 9 from the E-book in the course. Independent 80 points Chart 5. Task 4 Information. Aspect 1. Element of the Strategy Description Task 4 6 2. Name of the Choose an option 3. Responds to Course Learning Outcome 4. Learning Evidence 5. Type of Activity 6. Activity Score Keep learning English 2 The student is going to develop the guide given with different exercises in english and upload the activity in the corresponding space. Independent 100 points Chart 6. Task 5 Information. Aspect 1. Element of the Strategy 2. Name of the Choose an option 3. Responds to Course Learning Outcome 4. Learning Evidence 5. Type of Activity 6. Activity Score Description Task 5 Challenging myself. Quiz Time! 3 The student presents an online quiz having in mind the topics seeing in the modules 10, 11 and 12 from the E-book in the course. Independent 70 points The total evaluation for this moment is 350 points, equivalent to 70% of the course evaluation. Final Moment Chart 7. Task 6 Information. Aspect 1. Element of the Strategy 2. Name of the Choose an option 3. Responds to Course Learning Outcome 4. Learning Evidence 5. Type of Activity Description Task 6 Final Exam 1, 2 and 3 The student presents an online quiz having in mind the topics seeing in the course. Independent 7 6. Activity Score 125 points The total evaluation for this moment is 125 points, equivalent to 25% of the course evaluation. 9. Strategies for teacher support. To develop the course activities, you will have the teacher’s support. The spaces in which you will have interactions with your teacher are the following: • • • • Virtual campus forums Virtual campus e-mail Chat sessions in Microsoft Teams Online conference sessions or web conference sessions 10. Minimum Technical Requirements for the Development of the Course • This course involves interactions through the virtual classroom. Take the time to get familiar with the course and recognize the structure, content and resources. • It is important to recognize the internal mail of the virtual classroom of the course and the different discussion forums. • Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools must be used ethically and responsibly in the development of the learning activities. • The minimum technological requirements for courses at UNAD must be met. Table 3. Course Version Control Log. Version Date 1 09/02/202 4 Type of change or update Accreditation Description of change Responsible It is a new Syllabus Leidy Diana Sánchez G. Program Leader Approval Guillermo Alberto Arenas. 8