ME 8311: ENGINEERING ECONOMICS 2024/2025 WHAT WILL BE COVERED? Nature and Scope of Economics WHAT WILL BE COVERED? Time value of money WHAT WILL BE COVERED? Risk and Return analysis WHAT WILL BE COVERED? Investment appraisal (capital budgeting) WHAT WILL BE COVERED? Cost Classification, Techniques and Behaviour WHAT WILL BE COVERED? Value Engineering and Decision Making Techniques WHAT WILL BE COVERED? Accounting for Depreciation and Income Taxes WHAT WILL BE COVERED? Understanding Financial Statements WHAT WILL BE COVERED? Equivalence Calculations under Inflation WHAT WILL BE COVERED? Engineering Economic Decisions TEACHING AND LEARNING ACTIVITIES This module will be conducted through lectures and tutorials ASSESSMENT METHODS Continuous Assessment 40% Semester Examination 60% Tests 20% U.E 60% Assignments 20% READING LIST Chan S. Park, (2002), Contemporary Engineering Economics, Prentice Hall of India. Donald. G. Newman, Jerome P.Lavelle, (2002), Engineering Economics and analysis Engg. Press, Texas. Suma Damodaran (2006), Managerial economics, Oxford University press. Benedict, A. & Elliott, B. (2008), Financial Accounting: An Introduction, Harlow: Pearson Education Ltd. Notes will be available on Moodle/VLE Course name: Engineering Economics 2024