Abbizhek, Ayon Nme 6 O00 ecdion Faiert - Option e.votives Shike Fice Call Pice Put ice 685 ,200 9 4830 ,2IO 40-50 .220 343:45 19-05 ,230 97-25 560 \,24o 2175 F20 00 &,250 4- 00 5.25 (,260 945 \240 ?42o Fim gelected- ICIcI Bonk: I tove choose T l I Bonk as the to OrCI Gan k is options ^tock evaluate fos ndia, and its n Snstitution Leodipq foancial dervatires maske traded tock is odely option of analyeis tte Ahe fo ^utable malking gtrotegjes Type of Contac tock Option. The ype o finacial contat beira evaluated is stoch ve the to ether ohich is a option, holder dexivatire 4hoat bgbt, bot He not the coll oction] or by Cin $ellin case of a put optionJ he underyin tock ot ID thig and specified priee, knoon stieke Drice. oll explore bott options for TCTCî Case Optsns Put Donk 2024 Episy Month : Bepterober 26. selected is rmontt the expiy for 4is analysis, The options for this expy `eptember, of date dusation, hobich shert value poeium and the ine be contracts hot expesence heir roe associqted stock pice nd Pat Options A. cal t to buy the underyi8 Option ght to appach as +he Put moRMent expìration Call tike pice tthere fo+e and Sensitte to pricing h l l be option noth opt ons rapid Aine decay in the under Call influenc o~ll stoch holde at a tHe apeifie the belder the A put option aives the bolde Sell the uderlying stoch, at pecifie strike Pice 8tike Aice elec tie The selectien of the gtrike prire èrnport ont is ond facfor gn determina the proitability on option assecied $4rike price selaBive optBon can DependiA o the cxrent sk he tock eee coteaori yed be Money (ATM) i Out of the Money (oT) 1CICI Bonk is The current $tock price o ction of the sele guide 123593. This tike pice for the i options option (ITM) Dn the Money Fer call considerd A call option is he Curoeot psice is beloo reans the option has For Put abore gtrike Put he Price tike (ts This _teck pice alue 1&30 Censider d put option tatben ntihsie tri Catlke Pergiu)~ price s ITIM Cursent TIy taben toch pice strike -,260 Pemiusy - Money (ATM) options At the is censiderd ATM luben closest to tthe cuttent An opticn sice is his case, rmakàng 240 is the loses ^trike pice it the ATM option for bot Coll ptemium (El240) Put Calls and Ruts Money CoT) opliens : >Ot of the -Fos Call: cal opdion is but skies since stock otil ihe do they no ises prioe is ooove ptlons are les expensie hese Ateck priee +he custent trike ahen i s OTM háve ntrinsic nalue abore iike Riee -Por Rit price Rs belo Opions belo the c utent nly it ins value Theze stock pice he stock price fal the stike pice Btike Price Call Premium tock Pice Pice Distibution a stock morement can be anald usig belps 2n torecosting hich distibution, probabiliy expiratien potental bange of tte stock price at tbe ased on he histo data cal and Aynalyet The follooin pobabìlity distbatian is used eOOmmendaion o evaluate the possible pie tanqe oTCTCT Bank by the erpiy date LSepte mber, 26,2024 Siock Price Ranae * Poobaki li \200~192O |220 -124 0 |24o - 126 1960-198 1280 300 300 2 ock pice Caleealadio ExpecBed Epected price )(1910*o)4(r26xo )+ lio0xO-2)+ 4 xo9) ( 1950 Ci390 xO) (isto xo) approxi mately price is Thus, the expected stock 1266 is Bank'z stock, pice tcicI bat his Suqgests around i266 by the expi expected to ihcrease date Formation tte expected stock price of outLine, too distinc 266, will no girategjes - A loo cost strateqy ustnq Out of the Mensy (on Meney 1TM) - AHoh cost strategy usip Loo cost state This stateqy focuses o5 Out oj tte Money selec tig remiums burt looe (oTm) optiens, tathich hoveptce egue siqni ficant become proftable bis is uptrent costs bet morenents }deal for trader geeekig ll2na to acept hiqher (oTM) lal option: $tike Price 1980 (oTM for cal) Out of tthe toney - Premiurn Ihs call opion becomes profitable tathen steck price ises obove i280 e to the expiry date: Out ot Ahe Money (oTm) Put Option 1200 (oTM for Puts) tike Psiee 685 Poeiun psofitabe ifthe atock, |5ìs put option becornes date tte erpiy fore be i200 price fall belo Preìum or this t otey 625 (Put) = CCal)t A20 The total point - for 4he call option, abore, 4eakg tock he 4 05 rnust i2842 tike Price Premiu 1280 belen fall must stock 19s 15 t option, the For 625 premnium 1200 t price Sti ke Risk and The maxi u r n The p Rengard. ce sisk is the tetal premium pa|d 1405 the stock senard poterntial is siqnificant if atl o put as eitter he Coul moveS Shaspy becorne Tbe Could expie valable is gpeculative oorttless and oth ptions steck piee ifthe semains Hiat Cost trate The Hiop Coct ghra opHens, notich ase iotinsic value USes moe Ahe ex pensìve This strateqN the oney but bave Suit noi lting to poy a higher premium for approac taders : Money (ITM) Call Option (uTM} for calla) I20O n tte 4+ike Price 4830 Psemiun) oney and gses price the T5is call pion is already iA thestock valuable hoilt bemain furthes In the Money (ITM) Put Option Put) 260 (ITM for $trike Aice oney and wi Arergiu0) This in the money in eady alt is put option $tock pice fall. valuable etnan t the this atratgy (Put + 3t30 + Ca) ( emium to The tetal 48:30 Points Break op+ion, or the call &ise atoVe the stock, must F124&30 Peermiuy 4830| stike Priee fall belo muet stock, the Foa the Peat option 12280 |Stike Price Risk and The 1260- Premium Reard & Maximu sisk, 's tbe total premiu) p2d both options alseady ~n the tat there > a higher poba bilit 496o money. ill setai \alue The upside potential is litaited aompared to the Louo cost tratey but the ris k i's loKo e because the options alseady ntinsic value bare eHa calctatibn (or onk t he 1oney ( ATM) ootions At the Money (AT) options for this Ale noiN use nqypis, clCI tey as pice morenents TCICT Bonh, is most Ore o gensiive The ATM atike 40, Boz.ed 040 Sroall price o the Current 1935- 95 tock Priee of tte rnoney (At Option Call Delta for 240 Pice = tike P (AT) eloze to inO5the typicaly option Call Psemiun Delta for call bis fo eans that teck pice the every value ot `ncrease bu Option Put Delta for call option the [At the Money (ATM) $tike Pice Put Pemiuro Delta for Put option rmeans that pHce, the by E050 ticae or erery put option otlI decreaze alue Delta neutal tt Constsucti To achieve bolance t e a delta u hold 10 tock the Opions laitt For siplicty optos Þptions and fo put Delta for Call Option CATM |tal Delta (Catls) for Put Opion (ATM) otal Postfolio portfolio, oe mut neutral data deta of the underyg Delta in stock o5 to = 5 Delta (Ptle-o5 X l 0 5 hus gives US Pd orn the calls and delta combininq the De lt o equal numben ot Combined Rot This shows Ahat toldinq Rs to40 stike Price Delta- 0eutro| Put options Call and fos IcIci Bank porttolio Catl sbitsage Check Usipg Put tar Bonk C-P= Put call of Actual Value tike interest Risk free expisotion Time to Put (s) Stock Pice Price CK) cal I230 5 940 Rate (s) s/. (T) (o-o6) T Parit 2:45-2000 9l4S- 20 00 The Le-ft op+ions for PiceAT 1240 strike 9000 Poemium (P)= Cusoent C CI Bonk 21.75 Call Pseiuty (c) Put -KXe hond side. and |235 g5 - 1246 1235.95~235ga band Side ot the parity equatio ase not equal, indicoetira a potential arbitsoqe opPotu nt put all Arolgig te Axbit*ane OppordriA: discrspency The and paity equotion ugesfs mispriced Call but be side o{ side beteer tte tett njabt be opiors Bonk's thot tC rC) possble Qrbitnaot oppotunt Leadipa to To expoli 4e his Could execute foltousing atrot Hhe elt the ovexpriced beause the oall s call option expensive bazed elative tbis anais Suy $ince i Hedqe Put Option tte underpriced Pert ption is the cheap *elatire the Position stock at the the underyin orket price a trodet arbitqae opportuni (I935.95) to protect Current g9ainst the stock. poice moremnents tade to lock This stategy alloos odvantgge of the qnd Put Opion: bisk free profit takig miaprietrg betueen Recorrnendation ICICI Banks options, Bosed tte folteoin Louo cost analgpls secotnendationg trateqY This 24ate sade: Tiades): peculatve For lwes purchas~ Out of the te980 at options Put (oTm) all ard Mone I200 stike pices, and The total te Psetu for this espectivey ateqy 14-05 sepresenta a loo Cost enty point for Speculotive traders expecing siqnificant rmeve ent in JCICI Bankz stock price by epiry - t5)ent tecomnended or hh izk on This stbateqy istrades. laho expect a larae temqkd high in the 4ock Movernent io doongavd upnard I301-2o(coi 0se beak, even Do|nts and The I93+1% (Put) conservative Tradess): (for otratey Cost g volves purchasig In tthe Money This stateay 1940 ond (ITM) caCall and Put options at the E 1960 stike patee, espective The total pemiuro for this stratey noas the hisher Cost option but teducipg rmaking it Ssk, The trateg oho tsaders ntrinsie walue option has bott stnce ecommended for onsetvQtve 6isk, obile still educe ant vetnent. potentiol tock Fi26145 CCal) and Tbe break even 122840 points (put) Delta Neutal ateg' ad ay portjolio Construeting a delta Neutral Looking to nitiate is teotmended tisk. put for holda toaders equal number of Cal and optiens: 0ß by adustiq stock, ttader undery Ogainst Arbitsqe fluctions Oppotunit Delta nedg ith Ahe their pofolio pice the Put tven the mispricing deected throyqh oppo tunit erst Cal parity analysis, an arbitaqe the A tader an get1 +e overplced cal opiO h qt 1240 Qtike pice (prernium underpiced the posi tion 5 , bu'y the (preiuy ebi00) rnd hedqe by buyiA fciCI Ban k stoek at the put opion Pice E93B95)