Security Systems Terminus® Pac-A-Dap® Processors All Terminus processors feature microprocessor-based SMD (surface mount device) technology, individual relay outputs, as well as a choice of glass-break or count select mode. Terminus processors monitor Terminus shock sensors on a wide variety of surfaces - all types of glass, masonry or wallboard. Terminus Pac-A-Dap Shock Sensor Processors are designed to be used with Terminus shock sensors and will work with any alarm panel. The processors monitor up to fifty SP3227 or SP3237 shock sensors per zone and operate from a 10.5 - 16.5 VDC control panel or its own separate power supply. Normally-open and normally-closed alarm devices can be included in the same loop. SP3219-1 Terminus Pac-A-Dap One-zone Processor The processors have two operating modes - count mode for hard surfaces and glass-break mode. It features an SPDT normally-closed relay and a sensitivity adjustment. An end-of-line resistor is supplied with the unit. Pac-A-Dap processors cannot be used for fence systems. There are three Pac-A-Dap processors: SP3219-1 Terminus Pac-A-Dap One Zone Shock Sensor Processor. The One Zone has a 3" x 5" circuit board with two-sided foam tape on the back. SP3219-2 Terminus Pac-A-Dap Two Zone Shock Sensor Processor. The Two Zone is enclosed in a 31/4" x 5 1/4" plastic case. SP3219-4 Terminus Pac-A-Dap Four Zone Shock Sensor Processor. The Four Zone has two 3" x 5" circuit boards enclosed in an 81/4" square plastic case. SP3219-2 Terminus Pac-A-Dap Two-zone Processor For more information about our Terminus Processors and the complete line of Terminus perimeter intrusion detection systems, ask your distributor or contact us at Poly-Scientific, Security Systems, 1213 North Main Street, Blacksburg, Virginia 24060-3100, call 800-336-5917 International 540-951-4451, or FAX 540-953-1758. Specifications and information are subject to change without prior notice. © Copyright 1994 MSG40013 4/96 New Processors Replace Old SP3219-1 SP3219-1 SP3219-2 SP3219-4 1 zone Pac-a-Dap 1 zone Pac-a-Dap 2 zone Pac-a-Dap 4 zone Pac-a-Dap replaces replaces replaces SP2515 SP2579 SP3242 SP3219-4 Terminus Pac-A-Dap Four-zone Processor ISO 90 01 Certifie d facil ity