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Grade 4 English Exam Topics: Parts of Speech & More

Grade 4 English Exam Topics
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Parts of Speech
Read the following passage to understand parts of speech.
Words that are divided into different kinds or classes, according to their uses and their
function in a sentence, is called “Parts of Speech.”
Parts of speech elevate our language skills, allowing for better exhibition of thoughts and
ideas. Knowing parts of speech helps us understand how words work together to create
meaning. It helps with sentence structure.
Types of Parts of Speech:
There are 9 types of parts of speech, which are:
1. Noun
2. Adjective
3. Verb
4. Adverb
5. Articles
6. Pronouns
7. Preposition
8. Conjunction
9. Interjection
A noun is a word that names a person, place, thing, or idea. Such as: Sarah, Jeddah, knife,
happy etc.
Types of nouns:
There are 10 types of nouns, which are:
1. Common Noun
6. Verbal/ Gerund Noun
2. Proper Noun
7. Countable Noun
3. Collective Noun
8. Uncountable Noun
4. Abstract Noun
9. Concrete Noun
5. Material Noun
10. Compound Noun
1. Common Noun:
A common noun is a name given in common to every person, thing or place.
Boy, Room, Table, School, Cat, Dog, Knife, Spoon, Girl etc.
2. Proper Noun:
A special name for a particular person, place, or thing is called a proper noun.
Names of people, places, organizations, brands, days and months, specific events.
Sarah, Paris, Microsoft, Christmas, Mount Everest, Monday, London, Coca-Cola etc.
3. Collective Noun:
A collective noun is a word that refers to a group of individuals or things as a single unit.
Team: A group of players.
Flock: A group of birds.
Class: A group of students.
5. Material Noun:
A material noun is used for material things from which different things are made.
Wood, iron, gold, silver etc.
6. Verbal/ Gerund Noun:
Names an action.
Walking, running etc.
7. Countable Noun:
Nouns that we can count are called countable noun.
3 boys, 2 pens, 1 book etc.
8. Uncountable Noun:
Uncountable nouns are names of things we cannot count.
Example: hair, milk, rice etc.
9. Concrete Noun:
A concrete noun is the name of something you can see, touch, smell, hear, or taste. It's
something real that exists in the world.
Table (you can touch it)
Apple (you can taste it)
10. Compound Noun:
A compound noun is when you combine two or more words to make one new word that
has a special meaning.
Toothbrush (tooth + brush)
Sunflower (sun + flower)
Football (foot + ball)
1. Bite the bullet
Meaning: To do something hard or uncomfortable even if you don’t
want to.
Example: "I don’t like going to the doctor, but I’ll just bite the bullet
and do it."
2. Cry over spilt milk
Meaning: To feel sad about something that already happened and
can't be fixed.
Example: "We lost our toy, but don’t cry over spilt milk. Let’s find
another one!"
3. The ball is in your court
Meaning: It’s your turn to make a decision or do something now.
Example: "I told you what to do, now the ball is in your court."
4. Put a sock in it
Meaning: To tell someone to be quiet.
Example: "Please put a sock in it! I’m trying to study."
5. Raining cats and dogs
Meaning: Raining a lot, very hard.
Example: "We can’t play outside because it’s raining cats and dogs!"
Irregular Verbs Present and Past tenses:
Understand the meaning of idioms.
Learn to form your own sentence using idioms.
Learn both present and past tenses.
You should know which is the present tense and which is the past tense.
Phrasal Verbs:
1. To abide by: means to follow rules or do what you’re told.
Used in sentences:
• When we cross the street, we abide by the rule to wait for the green
light so we stay safe.
• You abide by the bedtime rule by brushing your teeth and going to bed
on time.
• We abide by the rule to take turns on the slide so everyone gets a
chance to play.
• You abide by the rule to sit at the table while eating to keep everything
2. To abstain from: means to stay away from or not do something.
Used in sentences:
• "We abstain from touching the stove because it’s very hot and can hurt
• "We abstain from eating too many candies so our teeth stay healthy."
• "We abstain from shouting when someone else is talking so we can
• "We abstain from running in the house to keep everyone safe."
3. To back away: means to stay away from something that’s dangerous or
can harm you.
Used in sentences:
• "If you see a hot stove, you back away so you don’t get burned."
• "If a dog looks scared or angry, you back away to give it space."
• "If you see broken glass on the floor, you back away to stay safe."
4. To back down: means to give up, stop arguing, or step away from a
Used in sentences:
• "If you and your friend both want the same toy, you can back down
and let them have it first. Then it’s your turn."
"If you and your brother argue about which game to play, you can
back down and say, 'Okay, we’ll play your game first.'”
• "If you feel like shouting because someone took your block, you can
back down and use kind words instead."
Vocabulary Words:
1. Comparative: Used to compare two things (e.g., "hotter," "drier").
2. Superlative: The highest degree of comparison (e.g., "hottest,"
3. Orbit: To travel around something in space (e.g., Earth orbits the Sun).
4. Discover: To find out something new.
5. Poisonous: Very harmful or deadly.
6. Support: To make something possible (e.g., Earth supports life).
7. Landscape: The natural features of an area (e.g., mountains, deserts).
8. Solar System: The Sun and all the planets, moons, and objects that
orbit it.
9. Dwarf Planet: A small planet-like object (e.g., Pluto).
Satellite: An object in space that orbits a planet.
Astronaut: A person who travels into space.
Volcano: A mountain where lava comes out during an eruption.
Northern Lights: Bright lights in the sky caused by activity from
the Sun.
Constellation: A group of stars forming a pattern.
Telescope: A device to see distant objects like stars and planets.