COMPETENCY-BASED CURRICULUM Sector: TOURISM (HOTEL AND RESTAURANT) Qualification: BREAD AND PASTRY PRODUCTION NC II PREPARED BY: Leader: Members: Course/Yr./Sect.: BTVTED 2-1 COURSE DESIGN COURSE TITLE : BREAD AND PASTRY PRODUCTION NC II NOMINAL DURATION : Basic Competency: 18 hours Common Competency: 18 hours Core Competency: 105 hours Total Duration: 141 hours COURSE DESCRIPTION : This course is designed to enhance the knowledge, skills and attitude in bread and pastry production to be able to clean equipment , tools and utensils and prepare, portion and plate pastries, breads and other dessert items to guests in hotels, motels, restaurants, clubs, canteens, resorts and luxury lines/cruises and other related operations. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS: Candidate/trainee must be any of the following: • can communicate in basic English either oral and written • at least 10-year basic education graduate • can perform basic mathematical computation • physically and mentally fit • with good moral character Competency-Based Curriculum developed by BTVTE students COURSE STRUCTURE: BASIC COMPETENCIES (18 hours) Units of Competency Module Title Learning Outcomes Nominal Duration 1. Participate in workplace communication Aligned with Provide effective customer service, Perform computer operation 1.1 Participating in workplace communication 1.1.1 Obtain and convey workplace information 1.1.2 Perform duties following workplace instructions 1.1.3 Complete relevant workrelated documents 2 hours 2. Work in team environment 2.1 Working in team environment 2.1.1 Describe team role and scope 2.1.2 Identify one’s role and responsibility within a team 2.1.3 Work as a team member 2 hours 3.1 Solving/ addressing General workplace problems 3.1.1 Identify routine problems 3.1.2 Look for solutions to routine problems 3.1.3 Recommend solutions to problems 4.1 Developing career and life decisions 4.1.1 Manage one’s emotion 4.1.2 Develop reflective practice 4.1.3 Boost self-confidence and develop self-regulation 2 hours 5.1 Contributing to workplace innovation 5.1.1 Identify opportunities to do things better 5.1.2 Discuss and develop ideas with others 5.1.3 Integrate ideas for change in the work place 6.1.1 Gather data/information 6.1.2 Asses gathered data/information 6.1.3 Record and present information 2 hours Aligned with Perform workplace and safety practices 3. Solve/address general workplace problems Aligned with Develop and update industry knowledge, Perform effective and safety practices 4, Develop career and life decisions Aligned with Develop and update industry knowledge 5. Contribute to workplace innovation Aligned with Perform computer operations 6. Present relevant information Aligned with provide effective customer service 6.1 Presenting relevant information Competency-Based Curriculum developed by BTVTE students 2 hours 2 hours Units of Competency Module Title Learning Outcomes 7. Practice occupational safety and health policies and procedures Aligned with Observe workplace hygiene procedures, Perform workplace and safety practices 7.1 Practicing occupational safety and health policies and procedures 7.1.1 Identify OSH compliance requirements 7.1.2 Prepare OSH requirements and compliance 8. Exercise efficient and effective sustainable practices in the workplace Aligned with Develop and update industry knowledge 8.1 Exercising efficient and effective sustainable practices in the workplace 9. Practice entrepreneurial skills in the workplace Aligned with Develop and update industry knowledge 9.1 Practicing entrepreneurial skills in the workplace Nominal Duration 2 hours 7.1.3 Perform tasks in accordance with relevant OSH policies and procedures 8.1.1 Identify the efficiency and effectiveness of resource utilization 8.1.2 Determine causes of inefficiency and/or ineffectiveness of resource utilization 8.1.3 Convey inefficient and ineffective environmental practices 9.1.1 Apply entrepreneurial workplace best practices 9.1.2 Communicate entrepreneurial workplace best practices 9.1.3 Implement cost-effective operations Competency-Based Curriculum developed by BTVTE students 2 hours 2 hours COURSE STRUCTURE: COMMON COMPETENCIES (18 hours) Units of Competency 1. Develop and update industry knowledge Embedded with Develop career and life decisions, Work in team envronment 2. Observe workplace hygiene procedures Embedded with Practice occupational health and safety procedures 3. Perform computer operations Embedded with Solve/Address general workplace problems, Contribute to workplace Innovation 4, Perform workplace and safety practices Embedded with Practice occupational health and safety procedures Nominal Duration Module Title Learning Outcomes 1.1 Developing and updating industry knowledge 1.1.1 Seek information on the industry 1.1.2 Perform duties following workplace instructions 1.1.3 Complete relevant workrelated documents 2 hours 2.1 Observing workplace hygiene procedures 2.1.1 Describe team role and scope 2.1.2 Identify one’s role and responsibility within a team 2.1.3 Work as a team member 2 hours 3.1 Solving/ addressing General workplace problems 3.1.1 Identify routine problems 3.1.2 Look for solutions to routine problems 3.1.3 Recommend solutions to problems 4.1 Developing career and life decisions 4.1.1 Manage one’s emotion 4.1.2 Develop reflective practice 4.1.3 Boost self-confidence and develop selfregulation Competency-Based Curriculum developed by BTVTE students 2 hours 2 hours Units of Competency 5. Provide effective customer service Embedded with Solve/Address workplace problems, Present relevant information Module Title 5.1 Contributing to workplace innovation Learning Outcomes 5.1.1 Identify opportunities to do things better 5.1.2 Discuss and develop ideas with others 5.1.3 Integrate ideas for change in the work place Competency-Based Curriculum developed by BTVTE students Nominal Duration 2 hours COURSE STRUCTURE: CORE COMPETENCIES (105 hours) Units of Competency 1. Prepare and produce bakery products Embedded with Practice entrepreneurial skills in the workplace, Practice occupational health and safety procedures Module Title Learning Outcomes Nominal Duration 21hrs 1.1 Preparing and producing bakery products 1.1.1 Prepare bakery products 1.1.2 Decorate and present bakery products 1.1.3 Store bakery products Competency-Based Curriculum developed by BTVTE students 2. Prepare and produce pastry products Embedded with Practice entrepreneurial skills in the workplace, Practice occupational health and safety procedures 3. Prepare and present gateaux, tortes and cakes Embedded with Practice entrepreneurial skills in the workplace, Practice occupational health and safety procedures 4. Prepare and display petits fours Embedded with Practice entrepreneurial skills in the workplace, Practice occupational health and safety procedures 5. Present desserts Embedded with Practice entrepreneurial skills in the workplace, Practice occupational health and safety procedures 21hrs 2.1 Preparing and producing pastry products 2.1.1 Prepare pastry products 2.1.2 Decorate and present pastry products 2.1.3 Store pastry products 21hrs 3.1 Preparing and presenting gateaux, tortes and cakes 3.1.1 Prepare sponge and cakes 3.1.2 Prepare and use fillings 3.1.3 Decorate cakes 3.1.4 Present cakes 3.1.5 Store cakes 21hrs 4.1 Preparing and displaying petits fours 4.1.1 Prepare iced petits fours 4.1.2 Prepare fresh petits fours 4.1.3 Prepare marzipan petits fours 4.1.4 Prepare caramelized petits fours 4.1.5 Display petits fours 4.1.6 Store petits fours 21hrs 5.1 Presenting desserts 5.1.1 Present and serve plated desserts 5.1.2 Plan, prepare and present dessert buffet selection or Plating 5.1.3 Store and package desserts Competency-Based Curriculum developed by BTVTE students RESOURCES: Facilities Lecture/Demo Area Student/trainee working space Laboratory Learning Resource Center Facilities/Equipment/Circulation Area Equipment Tools Materials Cake flour Bread flour All purpose flour Sugar Yeast Butter Margarine Butter(French bread) Cooking oil Lard All-purpose cream Whipping cream Confectioner sugar Knox gelatin Flaked almonds Chocolate chips Chocolate, shreded Cherries with stem Cherries Food colors Tropical fruits Whole wheat, rye, multi grain Cream cheese Paper cups Tulip paste Sugar lace Pineapple juice Contreau Measuring cup, solid Measuring cup, liquid (250 & 500 ml) Measuring spoon Cake turn table Decorating tips Rolling pins Pie pan sizes 6,8,10 Sheet pans Pie cutter Rubber scrapper Palette knife Cake stand with tier Cake pillars Sauce pan,s/s Ladles s/s Knives s/s with plastic handle Chopping board,color coded Scale 2,10kgs Grater Wooden spoons Beaters Mixing bowls(6 pcs per set) Wire whisk Muffin pan,small Muffin pan,medium Muffin pan,big Loaf pan,small Loaf pan,medium Loaf pan,big Rectangular pan 1x8x8 Round pan 6,8,10,12,14,16 Pie pan Flour sifter Strainer Double broiler Piping bag Commercial Mixers with complete attachments Mechanical Dough roller Decker oven Compressor Dough cutter Gas range Upright freezer Refrigerator Competency-Based Curriculum developed by BTVTE students Coupler Reference CBLM ASSESSMENT METHODS: Written examination Practical Demonstration Oral Examination COURSE DELIVERY: Demonstration Lecture Discussion Self-paced instruction Modular Role-Playing QUALIFICATION OF INSTRUCTORS/TRAINERS: The trainers should have/be: Must have completed a Trainers Training Methodology Course (TM II) or its equivalent Must have at least 2 years industry experience Must be a holder of a Bread and Pastry Production NC level II or equivalent Must be of good moral character With pleasing personality Must have attended relevant Bread and Pastry Production trainings and seminars (for patisserie trainers) or equivalent Proficient in bakery/pastry productions (for Bread and Pastry Production trainers) Competency-Based Curriculum developed by BTVTE students MODULES OF INSTRUCTION CORE COMPETENCIES BREAD AND PASTRY PRODUCTION NCII Competency-Based Curriculum developed by BTVTE students UNIT OF COMPETENCY : COMMUNICATION MODULE TITLE : PARTICIPATE IN WORKPLACE Cleaning Bar Areas MODULE DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to gather, interpret and convey information in response to workplace requirements. SUGGESTED DURATION : PREREQUISITE 90 hours : SUMMARY OF LEARNING OUTCOMES: Upon completion of this module the students/ trainees will be able to: LO1. Obtain and convey workplace information LO2. Participate in workplace meetings and discussions LO3. Complete relevant work related documents Competency-Based Curriculum developed by BTVTE students LO1. Obtain and convey workplace information Assessment criteria Contents Conditions 1. Specific and relevant information is accessed from appropriate sources 2. Effective questioning, active listening and speaking skills are used to gather and convey 3. Appropriate medium is used to transfer information and ideas 4. Appropriate nonverbal communication is used 5. Appropriate lines of communication with supervisors and colleagues are identified and followed 6. Defined workplace procedures for the location and storage of information are used 7. Personal interaction is carried out clearly and concisely -Appropriate sources -Gather and convey information -Appropriate medium -Appropriate nonverbal communication -Appropriate lines of communication -Defined workplace procedures -Personal interaction - Fax machine Telephone -Writing materials Internet Methodolo gies Assessment Methods - Group discussion -Interaction - Direct observation -Oral and written interview Competency-Based Curriculum developed by BTVTE students LO2. Participate in workplace meetings and discussions Assessment criteria Contents Conditions Methodolo gies 1. Team meetings are attended on time 2. Own opinions are clearly expressed and those of others are listened to without interruption 3. Meeting inputs are consistent with the meeting purpose and established protocols 4. Workplace interactions are conducted in a courteous manner 5. Questions about simple routine workplace procedures and matters concerning working conditions of employment are asked and responded to 6. .Meeting’s outcomes are interpreted and implemented -Team meetings -Own opinions are clearly expressed -Meeting inputs protocols -Workplace interactions -Questions about simple routine -Meeting’s outcome -Fax machine -Telephone -Writing materials -Internet - Group discussion -Interaction Competency-Based Curriculum developed by BTVTE students Assessment Methods - Direct observation -Oral and written interview LO3. Complete relevant work-related documents Assessment criteria Contents Conditions 1. Range of forms relating to conditions of employment are completed accurately and legibly 2. Workplace data is recorded on standard workplace forms and documents 3. Basic mathematical processes are used for routine calculations 4. Errors in recorded information on forms/documents are identified and properly acted upon 5. Reporting requirements to supervisor are completed according to organizational guidlines -Range of forms -Workplace data -Basic mathematical processes -Recording information on forms -Reporting requirements -Fax machine -Telephone -Writing materials Internet Methodolo gies Assessment Methods - Group discussion -Lecture Demonstrati on -Role play - Direct observation -Oral and written interview Competency-Based Curriculum developed by BTVTE students LO1. Describe team role and scope Assessment criteria Contents 1. The role and objective of the team is identified from available sources of information 2. Team parameters, reporting relationships and responsibilities are identified from team discussions and appropriate external sources -Individual roles -Roles and objectives -Team parameters, reporting, relationship, and responsibilities Conditions Methodolo gies Assessment Methods The following resources should be provided; - Role Play Lecture/Dis cussion - Role play involving the participation of individual member to the attainment of organizational goal -Case studies and scenarios as a basis for discussion of issues and strategies in teamwork -Socio-drama and sociometric methods -Sensitivity techniques written test -Access to relevant workplace or appropriately simulated environment where assessment can take place -Materials relevant to the proposed activity or tasks Competency-Based Curriculum developed by BTVTE students LO2 Identify own role and responsibility within team Assessment criteria Contents Conditions Methodolo gies 1. Individual role and responsibilities within the team environment are identified 2. Roles and responsibility of other team members are identified and recognized 3. Reporting relationships within team and external to team are identified -Individual roles -Roles and objectives -Team parameters, reporting, relationship, and responsibilities The following resources should be provided; - Role Play Lecture/Dis cussion -Access to relevant workplace or appropriately simulated environment where assessment can take place -Materials relevant to the proposed activity or tasks Competency-Based Curriculum developed by BTVTE students Assessment Methods - Role play involving the participation of individual member to the attainment of organizational goal -Case studies and scenarios as a basis for discussion of issues and strategies in teamwork -Socio-drama and sociometric methods -Sensitivity techniques written test LO3 Work as a team member Assessment criteria Contents 1. Effective and appropriate forms of communications used and interactions undertaken with team members who contribute to known team activities and objectives 2. Effective and appropriate contributions made to complement team activities and objectives, based on individual skills and competencies and workplace context 3. Observed protocols in reporting using standard operating procedures 4. Contribute to the development of team work plans based on an understanding of team’s role and objectives and individual competencies of the members. -Individual roles -Roles and objectives -Team parameters, reporting, relationship, and responsibilities Conditions Methodolo gies Assessment Methods The following resources should be provided; - Role Play Lecture/Dis cussion - Role play involving the participation of individual member to the attainment of organizational goal -Case studies and scenarios as a basis for discussion of issues and strategies in teamwork -Socio-drama and sociometric methods -Sensitivity techniques written test -Access to relevant workplace or appropriately simulated environment where assessment can take place -Materials relevant to the proposed activity or tasks Competency-Based Curriculum developed by BTVTE students LO1. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: 1. Bar surfaces, equipment and tools are cleaned in accordance with industry standard and hygiene regulations 2 Working condition of equipment is checked in accordance with manufacturer’s manual and instructions 3 Condition of utensils and glassware is checked for dirt and damages 4 Broken, cracked items and other waste are safely disposed in accordance with environmental considerations 5 Reports are prepared in accordance with establishments policy procedures 6 “Closing up” procedures of glassware and other equipment are accomplished based on enterprise standards CONTENTS: 1. Preparation of bar surfaces, equipment and tools 2. Types of Reports CONDITIONS: The students/ trainees must be provided with the following: . service counters service stations back bar mirrors display counter / shelves flooring beverage storages post mix service points refrigeration equipment glass washers glass racks ice maker ice bin trash bin blenders fruit juicers / extractors coffee machines glassware food containers for garnishes, chips bar tools utensils 1.20.1 cutleries 1.20.2 cups and saucers Institutional Assessment Area METHODOLOGIES: Demonstration Lecture Discussion Self-paced instruction Competency-Based Curriculum developed by BTVTE students Modular ASSESSMENT METHODS: . Written examination Practical Demonstration Oral Examination Competency-Based Curriculum developed by BTVTE students LO2. ____________________________________________ ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: 1. 2. 3. CONTENTS: . CONDITIONS: The students/ trainees must be provided with the following: . METHODOLOGIES: . ASSESSMENT METHODS: . Competency-Based Curriculum developed by BTVTE students LO3. ____________________________________________ ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: 1. 2. 3. CONTENTS: . CONDITIONS: The students/ trainees must be provided with the following: . METHODOLOGIES: . ASSESSMENT METHODS: . Competency-Based Curriculum developed by BTVTE students UNIT OF COMPETENCY : COMMUNICATION MODULE TITLE : WORK IN A TEAM ENVIRONMENT Working in a team environment MODULE DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the skills, knowledge and attitudes to identify one’s roles and responsibilities as a member of a team SUGGESTED DURATION : PREREQUISITE 90 hours : SUMMARY OF LEARNING OUTCOMES: Upon completion of this module the students/ trainees will be able to: LO1. Describe team role and scope LO2. Identify one’s role and responsibility within a team LO3. Work as a team member Competency-Based Curriculum developed by BTVTE students LO1. Describe team role and scope Assessment criteria Contents 1. The role and objective of the team is identified from available sources of information 2. Team parameters, reporting relationships and responsibilities are identified from team discussions and appropriate external sources - The role and objective of the team - Team parameters, reporting relationships and responsibilities Conditions Methodolo gies Assessment Methods - Fax machine Telephone -Writing materials Internet - Group discussion -Interaction - Direct observation -Oral and written interview Competency-Based Curriculum developed by BTVTE students LO2. Identify one’s role and responsibility within a team Assessment criteria Contents Conditions Methodolo gies 1. Individual roles and responsibilities within the team environment are identified 2. Roles and objectives of the team is identified from available sources of information 3. Team parameters, reporting relationships and responsibilities are identified based on team discussions and appropriate external sources - Individual roles and responsibilities -Sources of information -Team parameters, reporting relationships and responsibilities - Fax machine Telephone -Writing materials Internet - Group discussion -Interaction Competency-Based Curriculum developed by BTVTE students Assessment Methods - Direct observation -Oral and written interview LO3. Work as a team member Assessment criteria Contents 1. Effective and appropriate forms of communications are used and interactions undertaken with team members based on company practices. 2. Effective and appropriate contributions made to complement team activities and objectives, based on workplace context 3. Protocols in reporting are observed based on standard company practices. 4. Contribute to the development of team work plans based on an understanding of team’s role and objectives - Effective and appropriate forms of communications -Workplace context -Protocols in reporting -Understanding of team’s role and objectives Conditions Methodolo gies Assessment Methods - Fax machine Telephone -Writing materials Internet - Group discussion -Interaction - Direct observation -Oral and written interview Competency-Based Curriculum developed by BTVTE students UNIT OF COMPETENCY : PROBLEMS COMMUNICATION MODULE TITLE : SOLVE/ADDRESS GENERAL WORK PLACE solving/addressing general work place problems MODULE DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to apply problem-solving techniques to determine the origin of problems and plan for their resolution. It is also includes addressing procedural problems through documentation, and referral SUGGESTED DURATION : PREREQUISITE 90 hours : SUMMARY OF LEARNING OUTCOMES: Upon completion of this module the students/ trainees will be able to: LO1. Identify routine problems LO2. Look for solutions to routine problems LO3. Recommend solutions to problems Competency-Based Curriculum developed by BTVTE students LO1 Identify routine problems Assessment criteria Contents Conditions Methodolo gies Assessment Methods 1. Routine problems or procedural problem areas are identify 2. Problems to be investigated are defined and determined 3. Current conditions of the problem are identified and documented - Problems or procedural problem -Problems to be investigate - current conditions of the problems - Fax machine Telephone -Writing materials Internet - Group discussion -Interaction - Direct observation -Oral and written interview Competency-Based Curriculum developed by BTVTE students LO2: Look for solutions to routine problems Assessment criteria 1.Potential solutions to problem are Identified 2.Recommendati ons about possible solutions are developed, documented, ranked and presented to appropriate person for decision Contents - Potential solution -presented to appropriate person Conditions Methodolo gies Assessment Methods - Fax machine Telephone -Writing materials Internet - Group discussion -Interaction - Direct observation -Oral and written interview Competency-Based Curriculum developed by BTVTE students LO3: Recommend solutions to problems Assessment criteria 1.Implementation of solutions are Planned 2.Evaluation of implemented solutions are planned 3.Recommended solutions are documented and submit to appropriate person for confirmation Contents Conditions Methodolo gies Assessment Methods - implementation of solution -evaluation - recommended solutions are documented - Fax machine Telephone -Writing materials Internet - Group discussion -Interaction - Direct observation -Oral and written interview Competency-Based Curriculum developed by BTVTE students