QUIZ: ASME AND NBIC CODE KNOWLEDGE ISSUE 501 : JAN 8, 2024 RELATED CODE : ASME B31.1, 2022 Chutchai Phromngam Line ID: cphromngam Chutchai.phromngam@apave.com (TEMP) QUIZ: ASME AND NBIC CODE KNOWLEDGE ISSUE 501 PWHT TEMPERATURE, TIME AND RECORD Table 132.1.1-1 HOLDING TIME Metal temperature: ≥ Holding temp Furnace charging temperature: > 800 ℉ (425 ℃) (TIME) FIG-1 Cont’d 2/3 A) Yes. B) No. C) Yes, provided the requirements of para 132 of B31.1 are followed. D) Yes, provided the approved by User. Reference Code para:________________ QUIZ: ASME AND NBIC CODE KNOWLEDGE ISSUE 501 While AI review PWHT report and record chart, holding temperature during PWHT of BEP have some period holding temperature is lower than required temperature[see FIG-1]. May the holding temperature during PWHT be accumulated rather than continuous? 3/3