Ukrainian conference with international participation «CHEMISTRY, PHYSICS AND TECHNOLOGY OF SURFACE» Dear colleagues, We invite you to participate in the Ukrainian conference with international participation «CHEMISTRY, PHYSICS AND TECHNOLOGY OF SURFACE», which will be held on May 2930, 2024, Kyiv (Ukraine) both online and offline. CONFERENCE ORGANIZERS Chuiko Institute of Surface Chemistry of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Scientific Council "Chemistry and Technology of Surface Modification" Interbranch Scientific and Technical Complex "Surface Chemistry" SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE Kartel M.Т., Dr. (Chem.), Prof., Academician of NASU – chairman Turov V.V., Dr. (Chem.), Prof., Corr. Member of NASU – vice-chairman Belyakova L.A., Dr. (Chem.), Prof. (Ukraine) Borysenko M.V., PhD (Chem.) (Ukraine) Brei V.V., Dr. (Chem.), Prof., Corr. Member of NASU Chebanov V.А., Dr. (Chem.), Prof., Corr. Member of NASU Gorbyk P.P., Dr. (Phys.& Math.), Prof. (Ukraine) Gorelov B.M., Dr. (Phys.& Math.) (Ukraine) Gun'ko V.М., Dr. (Chem.), Prof. (Ukraine) Deryło-Marczewska A., Dr. hab. Chem., Prof. (Poland) Kulyk T.V., Dr. (Chem.), Prof. (Ukraine) Larsson M., Dr., Prof., Member Elect of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences Linnik О.P., Dr. (Chem.) (Ukraine) Lobanov V.V., Dr. (Chem.), Prof. (Ukraine) Lupascu T., Dr. hab. Chem., Prof., Academician of AS of Moldova Mikhalovsky S.V., Dr., Prof. (Great Britain) Mukha Iu.P., Dr. (Chem.) (Ukraine) Ogenko V.M., Dr. (Chem.), Prof., Corr. Member of NASU Prokopenko V.A., Dr. (Tech.), Prof. (Ukraine) Pshinko G.N., Dr. (Chem.) (Ukraine) Sementsov Yu.I., Dr. (Phys.& Math.) (Ukraine) Strizhak P.E., Dr. (Chem.), Prof., Corr. Member of NASU Tertykh V.А., Dr. (Chem.), Prof. (Ukraine) ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Laguta I.V., PhD (Chem.) – scientific secretary of conference Datsyuk А.М., PhD (Chem.) Havryliuk О.О., PhD (Phys. & Math.) Kazakova O.A., PhD (Chem.) Kuzema P.O., PhD (Chem.) Prokopenko S.L., PhD (Chem.) Vityuk N.V., PhD (Chem.) TOPICS OF THE CONFERENCE 1. Theory of chemical structure and reactivity of solid surfaces 2. Physical chemistry of surface and interfacial phenomena 3. Chemistry, physics and technology of nanomaterials 4. Medical, biological, and biochemical aspects of investigations of nanomaterials Languages – Ukrainian, English. The scientific program will include oral (15 min) and poster (A1 size) presentations. The slides for oral and poster presentations should be prepared only in English. For online presentation, posters should be prepared as PDF files. Conference venue Chuiko Institute of Surface Chemistry of NAS of Ukraine, 17 General Naumov Street, Kyiv, 03164, Ukraine. KEY DATES Registration deadline – 5 April 2024 Abstract submission deadline – 7th April 2024 Registration fee deadline – 20th April 2024 Poster submission deadline (*.pdf) – 26th May 2024 th The main steps to be registered and participate in the conference: 1) fill the conference application form at the web-page m9bX6APjlCITprrkUPg/viewform; 2) send an abstract, formatted according to the below-mentioned instructions, to email:; 3) send the poster presentation (*.pdf) to e-mail:; 4) pay the registration fee by bank transfer to the currant account of Interbranch Scientific & Technical Complex ‘Surface Chemistry” of NAS of Ukraine and send (by e-mail) the scanned copy of the receipt. Account details: Payment in Ukrainian hryvnias (UAH): Company Name: Interbranch Scientific & Technical Complex ‘Surface chemistry” of NAS of Ukraine Company address: 42 Glushkova pr., Kyiv, 03187, Ukraine Mailing address: 17 General Naumov st., Kyiv, 03164, Ukraine EDRPOU code 21575963; Account: UA333052990000026006005006158; JSC CB "Privatbank", Bank code 305299; 1d Hrushevskoho st., Kyiv, 01001, Ukraine Payment in US dollars (USD): Сompany Name: Interbranch Scientific & Technical Complex ‘Surface chemistry” of NAS of Ukraine, JSC CB "PRIVATBANK", Bank code 3205299; 1d Hrushevskoho str., Kyiv, 01001, Ukraine S.W.I.F.T.: PBANUA2X IBAN Code: UAUA643052990000026000005027144 (USD) Company address: 42, pr. Glushkova, Kyiv, 03187,Ukraine Correspondent banks: Account in the correspondent bank: 001-1-000080 SWIFT Code of the correspondent bank: CHASUS33 Correspondent bank: JP MORGAN CHASE BANK, NEW YORK, USA Account in the correspondent bank: 890-0085-754 SWIFT Code of the correspondent bank: IRVT US 3N Correspondent bank: THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON, NEW YORK, USA Payment in euros (EUR): Сompany Name: Interbranch Scientific & Technical Complex ‘Surface chemistry” of NAS of Ukraine, JSC CB “PRIVATBANK”, Bank code 305299; 1 d Hrushevskogo st., Kyiv, 01001, Ukraine S.W.I.F.T.: PBANUA2X; IBAN UA563052990000026009035006772 (EUR) Company address: 42, pr. Glushkova, Kyiv, 03187,Ukraine Correspondent banks: Account in the correspondent bank: 400886700401 SWIFT Code of the correspondent bank: COBADEFF Correspondent bank: COMMERZBANK AG, FRANKFURT AM MAIN, GERMANY Account in the correspondent bank: 6231605145 SWIFT Code of the correspondent bank: CHASDEFX Correspondent bank: J.P.MORGAN AG, FRANKFURT AM MAIN, GERMANY In the payment document the purpose of the payment: “Services related to the Participation in the Ukrainian conference with international participation «Chemistry, Physics and Technology of Surface“ The registration fee (participation in the conference, publication of one page abstract, a set of conference materials, coffee breaks, and organizational services) is 250 UAH (NOTE! When you make a bank transfer, your bank may charge you a bank fee. Please be advised that the bank transfer fee is not paid by the conference organizers and shall be paid by the participant). An extra payment of 200 UAH is required for foreign participants willing to receive a hard copy of Book of Abstracts (for covering regular mail services). All participants are required to pay the registration fee until 20th April, 2024. Abstracts of the conference participants who do not pay the registration fee until this date will not be published in the abstract book. The abstract book will be printed before the conference beginning. The Organizing Committee reserves the rights to accept or reject abstracts. The papers related to the conference presentations are planned be published (after reviewing) in the Journal "Himia, Fizika ta Tehnologia Poverhni" (indexed in the international scientometric database Scopus) or Scientific Collection “Surface”. To submit a paper, please follow the instruction placed on the web-site of the Journal ( or scientific collection ( KEY DATES Manuscript submission deadline to the Journal – 30th July 2024 Manuscript submission deadline to the Scientific Collection – 21st October 2024 Contact Please send the Сonference correspondence to: Dr. Iryna Laguta 17 General Naumov Street, Chuiko Institute of Surface Chemistry of NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv 03164, Ukraine, e-mail: Manuscript for publication in the Journal should be sent to the e-mail address: (Olena Shevchuk), manuscript for publication in the Scientific Collection - to the e-mail address: (Oksana Karpenko). Fax: (+38044) 424 35 67 INSTRUCTIONS FOR ABSTRACT SUBMISSION Abstracts must be submitted in English. Full text of the abstract should not exceed one A4 page typed in Times New Roman 14 pt with single spacing in the body of the text. Margins: top, left and right – 2.5 cm, button – 3 cm. Title (centered, bold 16 pt). Name and Surname of the authors (centered, 14 pt, underline the name of a speaker). Affiliation, address, e-mail (centered, Italic 14 pt). Align text to the width of page without hyphenations, and paragraph step should be 1.25 сm. The abstract template can be found in the attached file. Registration of the participants will be held on the 29th May, 2024 at 900 – 1000 а.m. in the hall of the main building of the Institute (17 General Naumov Street, Kyiv).