Critical Path Method (CPM) Redoy Masum Meraz Lecturer Department of Mechanical Engineering Chittagong University of Engineering & Technology Project A project is a planned set of interrelated tasks to be executed over a fixed period and within certain costs and other limitations. Any unique endeavor with specific objectives With multiple activities With defined precedent relationships With a specific time period for completion Meraz Industrial Management & Laws ME459 Project Management The process of planning, organizing, analyzing, implementing, and controlling a project to ensure the best possible use of resources. used to deliver something of value to people, such as developing software for an improved business process, constructing a building, or expanding sales into a new geographic market. Meraz Industrial Management & Laws ME459 Network Analysis 1. Define the project and prepare the work breakdown structure. 2. Develop the relationships among the activities. 3. Draw the network connecting all the activities. 4. Assign time to each activity. 5. Compute the longest time path through the network. Meraz Industrial Management & Laws ME459 CPM If the duration of each activity is known with certainty, then the critical path method (CPM) can be used to determine the length of time required to complete a project. Can be used to determine how long each activity in the project can be delayed without delaying the completion of the project. Meraz Industrial Management & Laws ME459 The early event time for node i, represented by ET(i), is the earliest time at which the event corresponding to node i can occur. The late event time for node i, represented by LT(i), is the latest time at which the event corresponding to node i can occur without delaying the completion of the project. Meraz Industrial Management & Laws ME459 ET(1)=0 ET(3)=6 ET(4)=8 ET(5)=10 ET (3) 8 14 ET (6) max ET (4) 4 12 ET (5) 3 13 ET(6)=14 Meraz Industrial Management & Laws ME459 LT(5) =24 LT(6) =26 LT(7) = 28 Meraz Industrial Management & Laws ME459 Total Float is the amount of time that an activity can be delayed from its early start date without delaying the project finish date and denoted by TF(i,j). TF(i,j)=LT(j)-ET(i)-tij Meraz Industrial Management & Laws ME459 Any activity with a total float of zero is a critical activity. A Path from node 1 to the finish node that consists entirely of critical activities is called a critical path. Meraz Industrial Management & Laws ME459 Draw a project network, determine the critical path, find the total float for each activity, and find the free float for each activity. Meraz Industrial Management & Laws ME459 Meraz Industrial Management & Laws ME459 Activity A: TF(1,3)=LT(3)-ET(1)-6=3 Activity D: TF(3,4)=LT(4)-ET(3)-7=0 Activity C: TF(3,5)=LT(5)-ET(3)-8=9 Activity E: TF(4,5)=LT(5)-ET(4)-10=0 Activity F: TF(5,6)=LT(6)-ET(5)-12=0 Activity Dummy: TF(2,3)=LT(3)-ET(2)-0=0 Meraz Industrial Management & Laws ME459 Meraz Industrial Management & Laws ME459 The free float of the activity corresponding to arc (i, j), denoted by FF(i, j), is the amount by which the starting time of the activity corresponding to arc (i, j) (or the duration of the activity) can be delayed without delaying the start of any later activity beyond its earliest possible starting time. FF(i, j) =ET( j)-ET(i)-tij Meraz Industrial Management & Laws ME459 Activity B: FF(1,2)=ET(2)-ET(1)-9=0 Activity A: FF(1,3)=ET(3)-ET(1)-6=3 Activity D: FF(3,4)=ET(4)-ET(3)-7=0 Activity C: FF(3,5)=ET(5)-ET(3)-8=9 Activity E: FF(4,5)=ET(5)-ET(4)-10=0 Activity F: FF(5,6)=ET(6)-ET(5)-12=0 Activity Dummy: FF(2,3)=ET(3)-ET(2)-0=0 Meraz Industrial Management & Laws ME459