EFFECTS OF USING CELLULAR PHONES TOWARDS THE ACADEMIC PERFROMANCE OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL Prepared by: Lagare, Junesa Mae C. Plazo, Hannah Jane M. Guzman, Reymart Jones Torrejos, Heron Jhon Lloyd L. Zamora, Jhon Lawrence D. Montecillo, Tristan Jhie Cagmat, Jhunrex S. Background of the study Cellular phones have become an integral part of daily life of students. This device provide access to a vast Statement of the problem Significance of the study Scope and Delimitation Methodology Methodology Research Design Locale of the study Sampling Research Ins trument Statement Strongly Agree (1) Agree (1) Neutral (1) Phone Usage Habits 1. I use my cellular phone for academic purposes Disagree (1) Strongly Disagree (1) Conclusion