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HBCU Athletes & COVID-19: Managing Academics & Athletics

How Do HBCU Student-Athletes
Manage Academic, Social, and Athletic
Experiences During Coronavirus
he coronavirus pandemic has and/or cellphone data to complete implemented to help student-athletes
created a whirlwind of un- assignments. Additionally, numerous feel more comfortable about mainfortunate circumstances for student-athletes articulated that they taining academic eligibility and athcollege students. An abrupt adjust- have frequent distractions at home, letic proficiency if a pandemic were to
ment toward remote learning without which has limited their ability to occur in the future?
adequate online course training is focus. Due to rising unemployment, In order to fully support HBCU
among a plethora of issues that has some student-athletes said they had student-athletes during social isocaused stress, anxiety, and frustra- to increase their work hours to sup- lation, athletic departments must
tion. More specifically, student-ath- port their family. In effect, academics create a specific protocol to address
letes have experienced added pressure and athletic prowess have become the unique experiences of HBCU
to remain eligible for competition by secondary and tertiary responsibili- student-athletes.
maintaining National Collegiate Ath- ties. But for many student-athletes, From my experience, the followletic Association (NCAA) academic maintaining academic and athletic ing should be included in a protocol
eligibility is a primary source of edu- to address the unique experiences
In many instances, Historically Black cational funding.
of HBCU student-athletes during
College or University (HBCU) stu- My concern is that many HBCU stu- social distancing: athletic coaches
dent-athletes depend on university dent-athletes have acquired increased should conduct a team meeting to
facilities to complete academic as- levels of stress as well as augmented examine individual needs prior to
signments, athletically train, eat con- family responsibilities without proper a campus shutdown; an accountsistent and healthy meals, engage coping mechanisms or support to ad- ability partner should be established
in positive social interactions and just to the pandemic.
within each athletic program; weekly
avoid distractions that may exist at To the contrary, student-athletes academic progress reports should be
home. Additionally, teammates, ath- who have demonstrated an ability implemented; athletic training and
letic administrators, athletic facilities, to uphold academic standing and a nutrition plans should be created;
academic tutors and faculty play a consistent workout and nutrition reg- individual check-ins with studentmajor role in helping support the ho- iment have direct access to technolog- athletes should occur weekly and/or
listic development of student-athletes. ical resources, ideal living conditions as needed; and contact information
Therefore, how are HBCU student- and a dependable support system.
regarding counseling services should
athletes adapting to the absence of The COVID-19 pandemic has be consistently communicated.
these resources?
highlighted the inequitable experi- The aforementioned suggestions will
The future of the academic, social ences many HBCU student-athletes begin to establish a strategic plan to
and athletic experience of many encounter. While some maintain a help improve the academic, social,
HBCU student-athletes may depend quality of life that is conducive to and athletic student-athlete experion athletic departments and their academic, social and athletic de- ence should a similar situation occur
ability to develop a specific protocol velopment, what can be done to in the future. D
to support student-athletes during a assist student-athletes who are deal- — Dr. Donovan Smalls II is an assistime of social isolation.
ing with unfavorable circumstances? tant professor of sport management at
Several student-athletes have How can athletic departments help Virginia State University. You can folreached out to me stating that they reduce stress and anxiety for student- low him on Twitter @DonovanSmalls2.
do not have access to Wi-Fi, laptops, athletes? What methods should be
60 Diverse | May 28, 2020
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