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Slang Usage in Communication: A Research Study

A. Background of the Study
Communication bridges the gap between and groups through flow of information and
understanding between them. Communication is an activity of exchanging and conveying information by
speaking or writing among people. Communication may involve conventional or unconventional signals,
may be intentional or unintentional, and may take linguistic or nonlinguistic forms. Everyday people need
to communicate with each other, whether directly face to face or indirectly over the phone or sending
messages through mail, e-mail, SMS, and so on.
In communication, language is the main element. How people use language for communication is
different from one another. When talking to someone who is older from the speaker people use polite ways
than when talking to someone who is younger from the speaker. Holmes (2000) stated that people's speech
reflects not just parts of their identity like as ethnicity, age, and gender, but also aspects of their personality.
It reflects their gender, social background, and the settings in which they use the language. Lutviana (2021)
stated that slang words are one of the culturally specific words. It exists in almost country. Students were
exposed by many types of slang words. Moreover, some students were influenced by internet, especially
social media and online games. Some students used popular slang words which origin is from social media
such as the word “uwu”. UwU is slang word which is formed from the emoticon that is commonly used
when chatting in social media, it symbolizes a cute face. Another slang word from the social that was used
by students is “cmiiw”. “cmiiw” is acronym slang word which means “correct me if I’m wrong”.
Language varies from one social group to another social group, from one situation to another
situation, and from one place to another place. Variation shows that every speaker does not speak the same
way all the time. Language varieties indicate that the speakers are distinct from members of other groups
(Finegan, 2008:330)
Bostick (2018) stated that slang is a type of language that consists of words and phrases that are
regarded as very informal, are more common in speech than writing, and are typically restricted to a
particular context or group of people. Synonyms include; colloquialisms, patois, argot, can’t and jargon.
One form of slang associated with several generations, all genders, multiple backgrounds is the AIM (AOL
Instant Messenger) Lingo. Also, known as an example of shorthand writing. Within the current decade,
educators have noticed a significant difference is student writing. This form of communication has
transcended into the classroom and caught many teachers of writing by surprise. For years, educators were
aware of slang in a verbal communication, then transitioned into student writing. At times, we can recognize
ourselves beginning to write the way we speak, but now– a totally new way of communicating via text
messages or DM’s; direct messaging has been a new era of writing. Examples; “cuz,” representing the word
because and “ur” replacing the words your, you’re.
Moreover, A colloquial perversion of a language suited to common usage by different groups of
people using the language. This definition is too general as it includes various dialects, secret codes and
languages within languages that do not really count as slang. So will define slang as the language of the
young people; that though is understood by older persons, it is not employed by those who think of
themselves as old because it is considered to be puerile, immature and casual.
People argue that slang in the form of AIM lingo causes students to under-perform in English tests
or exams because they do not always fight the tendency to use AIM abbreviations. Slang in the form of
ghetto lingo is also problematic when it comes to these tests because, while exoticisms are encouraged in
these classes; the inclusion of words that do not fit into a global, universal and/or clean clear-cut English.
On the other hand, language develops from pidgin to creole and higher with the genius of children. Perhaps
we should credit the youth for advancing language and not downgrade their work in the development of
English and other tongues, (Bostick 2018) added.
Slang becomes the part of language variation because of the need to adapt to new or different
aspects of society and factor of social prestige. It even becomes popular among young people. Slang is
informal words or phrases and commonly used in speech between people from the same social group or
who work together, it is not suitable for formal contexts and is often not in use for long. Because of its
current prominence, slang is a fascinating subject to research. It will be interesting to determine the impact
of slang terms commonly used by tertiary students. According to Lutviana (2021). Students mostly did not
use slang words all the time, there were several situation and context they used the slang words. The first
was (1) they used slang words when they chatted with their classmates in discussing informal topic such as
holiday, make up class, and connection problem. Secondly, students used slang words to express feelings.
Slang has been defined by some researchers as the changing of words in dialogue; it comes into
sudden popular acceptance or favor, has a meaning, usually metaphoric, which is known by a particular set
or class and which constitutes a sort of language that is a criterion for distinguishing members of a group.
Slang is ever-changing, because of that it has a brief period of popularity and then dies or interestingly
evolve into legitimate speech.
Sometimes, slang is not straightforward and at times can express strong disapproval in outwardly
advisory lines (Pollock, F 1926). Slang must be seen as a component of a multitude of issues of interest to
skilled people in language, aging, character, register shifts, introduction of new things, diffusion and
pragmatics (Eble, C.C. 2003). Slang as ordinary English usage is often minimized or omitted in descriptions
of the language. Slang must also be seen as a part of the continuum of kinds of words that people use daily
to communicate with one another, at jobs, grocery shopping, making doctors’ appointments and performing
the many other spontaneous dialogued acts occasioned by living (Eble, C.C. 2003). Adams (2002) asserts
that “Slang or indirection, [is] an attempt of common humanity to escape from bald literalism, and express
itself illimitably, which in the highest walks produces poets and poems, and doubtless in pre-historic times
gave the start to, and perfected, the whole immense tangle of the old mythologies….Slang, too, is the
wholesome fermentation or eructation of those processes eternally active in language, by which froth and
specks are thrown up, mostly to pass away, though occasionally to settle and permanently crystallize”.
As this study widens the understanding on the slang usage in communication, it comes to an
ideology if slang prevent young people from being able to communicate properly. Basically, saying “yeah”
as a replacement to “yes” is a commonly used during a casual communication is also a common issue
because of the fact that this replacement is never tolerated in the classroom or in tests or examinations most
especially. Some slang words are new because of the advancement of technology that results to the
advancement also, of the people that utilize it, with that, older persons may not know them not because of
being old fashioned but because they’re not that adoptive to these sudden changes. Using slang words can
inhibit conversation greatly. Sometimes, a huge language gap resulting from slang usage can manifest a
language block between people of different generations.
Language as a great tool in enhancing and improving individual relationship, it generally cuts the
rope and break the barriers that hinders anybody towards constructive and informative communication.
Moreover, it creates bridges of understanding and in building adoptive terms that could possibly emerge
through creative thinking all over the world and be develop as time pass by.
1. Theoretical Framework
Communication bridges the gap between and groups through flow of information and
understanding between them. Communication is an activity of exchanging and conveying information by
speaking or writing among people. Communication may involve conventional or unconventional signals,
may be intentional or unintentional, and may take linguistic or nonlinguistic forms. Everyday people need
to communicate with each other, whether directly face to face or indirectly over the phone or sending
messages through mail, e-mail, SMS, and so on.
As this study widens the understanding on the slang usage in communication, it comes to an
ideology if slang prevent young people from being able to communicate properly, Slang becomes the part
of language variation because of the need to adapt to new or different aspects of society and factor of social
prestige. It even becomes popular among young people. Slang is informal words or phrases and commonly
used in speech between people from the same social group or who work together.
2. Conceptual Framework
Components of
Slang Usage in
1. Commonly use
2. Types of slang.
Results and
B. Statement of the Problem
3. General Problem
The purpose of this study is to determine the commonly used slang along communications
by the respondents and if there are significant differences on the commonly used slang along
communications by the respondents when they are grouped by profile.
Specific Problems
Specially, this study will provide answers to the following questions:
1. Determine the profile of the respondents in terms of:
1.1. Age;
1.2. Sex;
1.3. Year Level; and,
1.4 Availability of Reading materials at home.
2. What are the commonly used slang along communications by the respondents?
3. What are significant differences on the commonly used slang along communications by the respondents
when they are grouped by profile?
Objectives: 1. Determine the profile of the respondents in terms of:
1.1. Age;
1.2. Sex;
1.3. Year Level; and,
1.4 Availability of Reading materials at home.
2. Determine the commonly used slang along communications by the respondents.
3. Determine if there are significant differences on the commonly used slang along communications by the
respondents when they are grouped by profile
C. Research Hypothesis
Alternative Hypothesis (Ha): There are significant differences on the commonly used slang along
communications by the respondents when they are grouped by profile.
Null Hypothesis (Ho): There are no significant differences on the commonly used slang along
communications by the respondents when they are grouped by profile.
D. Significance of the Study
Along with the aim of the study in knowing the commonly used slang along communications
by the respondents, this paper is also significant to determine if there are significant differences on the
commonly used slang along communications by the respondents when they are grouped by profile.
The study evaluated the commonly used slang along communications by the respondents
hoping that the findings would be useful and helpful to the following:
The student may find the result and the paper itself necessary for their personal learning and
for future academic requirements and to have an idea on their daily usage of slang words in
The teachers, for them to know the significance of or the influence of slang words usage on
their students.
To the researchers, to have an idea on their daily usage of slang words in communication.
Lastly, to the future researchers may find this study useful and can be serve as their basis if by
any chances conducting a closely related to this topic.
E. Scope and Delimitation of the Study
Scope of the Study
This paper includes the commonly used slang along communications by the respondents from the
Quirino State University (Main Campus) particularly the English majors From the College of Teacher
Education BSED department. The data was conducted virtually through google Meet utilization. 1.1. Age;
1.2. Sex; 1.3. Year Level; and, 1.4 Availability of Reading materials at home 2. What are the commonly
used slang words along communications by the respondents? 3. What are significant differences on the
commonly used slang along communications by the respondents when they are grouped by profile? are the
only specific questions answered by the respondents are included in this paper.
Delimitation of the Study
The study only gathered the commonly used slang along communications by the respondents from
the Quirino State University (Main Campus) particularly the English majors From the College of Teacher
Education BSED department. The following such as application of the different words using the gathered
slang words is not visible in this study.
F. Definition of Terms
According to Vocabulary.com (2022), When you zoom in on something, you take a closer
look at it. You might zoom in on one particularly beautiful sentence in a book you're reading, for
example, reading it slowly a few times. To zoom in is to concentrate or focus on a small detail or
point. You probably tend to zoom in on things that interest you.
According to Cambridge Dictionary (2022), Slang is vocabulary that is used
between people who belong to the same social group and who know each other well. Slang
is very informal language. It can offend people if it is used about other people or outside a
group of people who know each other well. We usually use slang in speaking rather than
writing. Slang normally refers to particular words and meanings but can include longer
expressions and idioms.
According to Common Sense Media (2022), Communication is the act of giving,
receiving, and sharing information -- in other words, talking or writing, and listening or reading.
According to Kawther (2019). Language is flexible, meaning that it varies according to location, time and
social status. Time affects language to change; slang is part of that change in which people become free to
express their thoughts using fresh words or playing with the old ones and more interestingly they use
language to show a sense of identity and self-recognition.
Namvar (2014) stated that the social meaning of slang is as variable as the teenagers who use it. In short,
slang is an integral part of teenage communication. It gives them an identity of youth style of expression.
Though slangs are language and culture specific, but they are often transmitted from one culture and
language to another.
According to Betts (2021). Slang is “street,” as in ordinary, common and yet vivid expressions to describe
current life and events. It keeps the language from getting stale. Slang can become so absorbed into the
English language that it’s no longer mere slang but a mainstream expression.
According to Burdová (2009), “Slang is an independent part of the national language characterised by
specific denominations of non-literary strata realised in a common communication act (half-informal or
informal) of people linked with identical occupational environment or interests; and used as a medium for
specific communication usage, as a medium expressing a belonging to that environment or interests.”
Slang refers to speech expressions used by a speech community (e.g., teenagers, criminals, etc.) that wishes
to show its attachment to a favorable social identity; a usage which is not often approved of by other social
groups (Hashemi, 2011).
Hudson (2000) believes that slang starts out as clever alternative ways of saying things which could
otherwise be expressed in polite ways.
Language varies from one social group to another social group, from one situation to another situation, and
from one place to another place. Variation shows that every speaker does not speak the same way all the
time. Language varieties indicate that the speakers are distinct from members of other groups (Finegan,
Allan and Burridge (2009) argue that the politeness of this category of language is wedded to context, time
and place.
Eble (1996) argues that; slang is an ever-changing set of colloquial words and phrases that speakers use to
establish or reinforce social identity or cohesiveness within a group or with a trend or fashion in society at
large. The existence of vocabulary of this sort within a language is possibly as old as language itself, for
slang seems to be part of any language used in ordinary interaction by a community large enough and
diverse enough to have identifiable subgroup (1996:11).
Burdová (2009) stated that Slang seems to be one of the most important language formations having a great
influence on the development of language. Slang speech is characterized by various linguistic features
reflecting the users´ way of living and using the language with emphasis on belonging to a particular group
of language users. Student slang ranks the unique position among those groups characterized by specific
features distinguished within the student environment. Student speech might be seen as a reaction to
formalism and social conventions of literary language. Therefore, it contains a great number of slang
expressions restricted to concrete time, place or even subject.
According to Lutviana (2021). Students mostly did not use slang words all the time, there were several
situation and context they used the slang words. The first was (1) they used slang words when they chatted
with their classmates in discussing informal topic such as holiday, make up class, and connection problem.
Secondly, students used slang words to express feelings.
According to Glick (2001), This function of slang---to signal a youth identity---has received a
disproportionate amount of attention from both scholars and the general public. But slang can be used to
construct other levels of identity as well.
According to Kopp (2022), Learning slang actually opens a doorway to learning local history. As you are
learning your language and you are taught about local slang, not only will you be improving your ability to
speak the language, but you will be truly immersing yourself in the area's history.
Bostick (2018) stated that slang is a type of language that consists of words and phrases that are regarded
as very informal, are more common in speech than writing, and are typically restricted to a particular context
or group of people. Synonyms include; colloquialisms, patois, argot, can’t and jargon. One form of slang
associated with several generations, all genders, multiple backgrounds is the AIM (AOL Instant Messenger)
Lingo. Also, known as an example of shorthand writing. Within the current decade, educators have noticed
a significant difference is student writing. This form of communication has transcended into the classroom
and caught many teachers of writing by surprise. For years, educators were aware of slang in a verbal
communication, then transitioned into student writing. At times, we can recognize ourselves beginning to
write the way we speak, but now– a totally new way of communicating via text messages or DM’s; direct
messaging has been a new era of writing. Examples; “cuz,” representing the word because and “ur”
replacing the words your, you’re.
Ibrahim (2014) stated that it has been widely observed that slang, at least beginning in the latter half of the
twentieth century, has served as one strategy among others for establishing and maintaining a teenage
cohort separate from adults on the one hand and children on the other.
Jane Reed, a language researcher: "Slang is used in order to create a sense of belonging and help create a
community. As well as local dialects, groups of people within certain regions will use slang to feel like they
are part of a group". If you are attempting to immerse yourself in local life, when living in a country and
practicing a language, it's important to understand the local slang. Without it, you will find it difficult to
communicate with people and really find a sense of belonging – and this is exceptionally important during
your language learning process cited by Kopp (2022).
Holmes (2000) stated that people's speech reflects not just parts of their identity like as ethnicity, age, and
gender, but also aspects of their personality. It reflects their gender, social background, and the settings in
which they use the language.
"Learning slang in language allows you to remain current in your spoken ability, and makes it possibly to
hold fluent conversations with people of all generations", - says Mary Walton, a researcher from
SimpleGrad. It also helps you communicate with people throughout different regions within a country.
Understand slang means you will understand the variations within language, and different dialects, across
a nation Kopp (2022).
According to Maulidiya (2020), The use of slang is also very flexible in its use because there are no rules
for it is to use, so it more simple than Indonesian language. Another reason is using slang when hanging
out with friends is very common and easy to communicate, they use slang when hanging out with their
friends. However, it turns out that not only when they gather in person, slang is also very often used on
social media. If we conclude, slang is the language among those who use it every day.
Muhartoyo (2014) stated that the use of English slang words by college students is influenced by many
factors. Those factors indirectly affect students in using English slang words, for example social network,
song’s lyric, movie or TV programs, and social media.
Wijaya (2020) stated that Slang is also a foreign language that used according to their wishes. Because
slang does not have definite structure in its use that is what makes the younger generation like to use it
because it is not bound by the rules and they can use it as they wish.
According to Muhartoyo (2014), Slang becomes the part of language variation because of the need to adapt
to new or different aspects of society and factor of social prestige. Although slang is not taught in the
curriculum, it does not make its existence fades away. It even becomes popular among young people. Slang
is informal words or phrases and commonly used in speech between people from the same social group or
who work together, it is not suitable for formal contexts and is often not in use for long.
According to Wijaya (2014), Slang words is formed by linguistic process that is found in morphology study
such as: coinage, compounds, acronym, clipping, back-formation, abbreviation, blends, cockney, publichouse slang, workmen’s slang, commercial, and also standard slang. From that many kinds of slang, this
research only focuses on the four kinds of slang words that are usually used and circulated in student
college’s communication. They are blend, acronym, new insight of the pre-existing word, and aphaeresis.
The definition of these four slang words is as follows.
Adams believe that slang can just as well be playful and a joking way of rebelling against standard language
to mark the difference between e.g., parents and children (in-crowd versus out-crowd), but the children do
not necessarily have wicked intentions with the use of slang. He also mentions that slang is not slang until
someone recognizes it to be slang (Adams, 2009:62).
Nearly all slang consists of old words changed in form or, far more often, old words with new meanings or
new shades of meaning (Partridge, 1979:22). Partridge also added that Slang is much rather a spoken than
a literally language. It originates, nearly always, in speech. The slang that is common to all those who, in
less formal moments and good colloquial English, use slang at all. Standard slang is more flexible and
picturesque than standard English. So, it’s not surprising that the new insights of the pre-existing word
appear as part of a kind of slang which develop among students in university (Wijaya, 2014).
The primary motivation behind using a slang unique to the Internet is to ease communication. Such terms
often originate with the purpose of saving keystrokes or to compensate for small character limits. However,
while Internet slang shortcuts save time for the writer, they take two times as long for the reader to
understand. On the other hand, similar to the use of slang in traditional face-to-face speech or written
language, slang on the Internet is often a way of indicating group membership. Slang creates, motivates and
sustains online communities. Internet slang provides a channel which facilitates and constrains our ability
to communicate in ways that are fundamentally different from those found in other semiotic situations. The
Internet itself is ideal for new slang to emerge because of the richness of the medium and the availability
of information (Barseghyan, 2013).
According to Namvar (2014), Slang is a set of colloquial words or phrases in a language. It is the use of
highly informal words and expressions that are not considered standard in the speaker’s dialect or language.
Slang is very often colloquial; the language and dialect tend to be specific to a particular territory and it is
a central part of young’s experience but contrary to many adults’ perception of slang as more or less uniform
“Youth language”. Though, slangs are language and culture specific but they are often transmitted from
one culture and language to another.
Barseghyan (2013) asserted that Slang is a phenomenon that has always existed in the language but it has
been ignored by linguists for a very long time. Internet slang (Internet short-hand, Cyber-slang, SMS speak,
netspeak or chatspeak) refers to a variety of everyday languages used by different communities on the
According to Barseghyan (2013), One important peculiarity of slang is that it is a constantly changing open
system. Actually, those definitions of slang that are used nowadays can be called contradictory. However,
there are several peculiarities of slang that all linguists agree upon. First of all, slang is used by a restricted
group of people, these can be either young people, teenagers, or people who belong to a certain profession.
Secondly, slang words usually have either amusing or pejorative qualities. Thirdly, it usually has a short
life, while some of the slang words enter the literary language, others simply disappear
1. Purpose/ Objective of The Study
Along with the aim of the study in knowing the commonly used slang along
communications by the respondents, this paper is also significant to determine if there are
significant differences on the commonly used slang along communications by the respondents
when they are grouped by profile.
2. Nature of the Study
This study employed the Quantitative Research Design using Likert scale strategy for
inquiry. The research investigation was a descriptive type as the researchers wanted to know the
commonly used slang along communications by the respondents from the Quirino State University
(Main Campus) particularly the English majors From the College of Teacher Education BSED
department together with the following: 1.1. Age; 1.2. Sex; 1.3. Year Level; and, 1.4 Availability
of Reading materials at home and the significant differences on the commonly used slang along
communications by the respondents when they are grouped by profile.
3. Extent of the researcher’s interview
This study employed the Quantitative Research Design using Likert scale strategy for
inquiry. The informants of this study, where the quantitative data came from, where the English
major students from Quirino state university (Main Campus) joined the data gathering done through
google meet. The researcher virtually sent the form to the informants to gather the needed data in
the study. Before the collection of data was conducted, the researchers briefed the informants that
their participation in the data gathering is voluntary and they can terminate it anytime. Exact ratings
from the respondents were validated by a researcher whose credibility is beyond compare.
4. Research setting/locale
The researcher virtually sent the form to the informants where the English major students
from Quirino State University (Main Campus) to gather the needed data in the study. Before the
collection of data was conducted, the researchers briefed the informants that their participation in
the data gathering is voluntary and they can terminate it anytime. Exact ratings from the respondents
were validated by a researcher whose credibility is beyond compare.
5. Unit of Analysis
The researchers targeted 16 responses from the 1st year students, 2 responses from the 2nd
year students, 8 responses from the 3rd year students, and 3 responses from the 4th year students
where the English major students from Quirino State University (Main Campus) with the total of
29 respondents through the utilizing Google Form containing the Likert on the slang words that
they commonly use in communication together with the availability of reading materials at home
that are furthermore supported the data presented in the result and discussion.
6. Time dimension of the study
The researchers gathered the needed data by providing google form sent to the respondents
respectively, after accomplishing the form, individual answer will be automatically be recorded on the
same link given to them. Answers are visible both to the respondents and to the researchers.
Research Methodology
This study employed the Quantitative Research Design using Likert scale strategy for
inquiry. The informants of this study, where the quantitative data came from, where the English
major students from Quirino state university joined the data gathering done through google meet.
This is the main qualification for them to become key informants of this study. The informants
gave their rating to achieve the aim of the study in knowing the commonly used slang along
communications by the respondents, this paper is also significant to determine if there are
significant differences on the commonly used slang along communications by the respondents
when they are grouped by profile. They successfully rated through a Likert the data needed
presented in the result of the study.
The researcher virtually sent the form to the informants to gather the needed data in the
study. Before the collection of data was conducted, the researchers briefed the informants that their
participation in the data gathering is voluntary and they can terminate it anytime. Exact ratings
from the respondents were validated by a researcher whose credibility is beyond compare.
Moreover, anything aside from collecting the respondents’ rating through a Likert on the
different slang words are excluded in this study. Only the listed words in the result are included.
Other aspects such as sentence examples using those specific words are no longer part of the study.