DR. YANGA’S COLLEGES, INC. Wakas, Bocaue, Bulacan COLLEGE DEPARTMENT STANDARDIZED GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS ON FUNDS MANAGEMENT ADAPTING PREPARATION OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS Initial Issued by Junior Philippine Institute of Accountants – DYCI Chapter In cooperation with the Supreme Student Council Federation Year 2012-2013 S TU DEN T ORGANIZA TI ON FUNDS MANA GEMEN T V. 1213 |1 INTRODUCTION BACKGROUND The fund shall emanate from the student council fee, membership fees arising from the SPS accredited student organization for being a member of an outside organization, fund raising activities following the proper Guidelines as stated in College Student Handbook Chapter II, Section V, Letter E. The Vice-President for Finance/ Treasurer/ other related position, together with the Organizational Officers, is responsible for implementing rules and regulations in safekeeping the funds and to ensure that there are adequate controls in place to address the risk of unauthorized, inaccurate and incomplete recording of financial transactions. OBJECTIVES To establish standard procedures on requesting of budget from College Cashier, cash receipts from membership fee, sponsorship and other collections. To ensure that all cash receipts are accurately, completely and timely recorded. To establish standard procedures among the Student Organizations on preparing budget proposals, cash disbursements, reimbursements and liquidation of expenses. To ensure that all cash disbursements are properly authorized. To ensure that all cash disbursements are accurately, completely and timely recorded. DEFINITION OF TERMS A. Budget – a realistic plan, expressed in quantitative terms, for a certain future period of time. Through budgeting, funds are more appropriately allocated and it may also serve as e h arks or sta dards for e aluati g orga izatio ’s perfor a e i a a ti it with respect to financial. B. Cash Receipt – includes cash and checks received by the organization. C. Cash Advance – this are advances by the officers for their future use of cash from the College Cashier after the submission of Liquidation Report of the previous cash advance. D. Cash Disbursement – is the act of paying out or disbursing money. It includes money paid to suppliers, spending cash, and all other expenses of the organization. E. Liquidation – refers to listing of all income generated, requested or solely collected and disbursements with appropriate source documents. F. Source Documents – these are forms that serve as a proof containing vital information about the nature and amount of the transactions. It includes Sales invoice, Official/Acknowledgement Receipts, Deposit slips, Check, Statement of Account, Receiving report and the like. G. Out of Pocket Expenses (OPEs) - cash payments that an individual incurs on behalf of the organization which may or may not be later reimbursed. S TU DEN T ORGANIZA TI ON FUNDS MANA GEMEN T V. 1213 |2 BUDGET PROPOSAL The Student Organization shall prepare a budget proposal representing the funds to be disbursed in a particular activity and its corresponding expenses particularly. Budget Proposal constitutes in annual, semestral and activity budgeting. Budget proposal shall comprise of the following: All projected income that will arise within the entire academic year including student council fee, membership fee, income from various collections and sponsorships. All projected expenses that will be incurred within the entire academic year. It should be projected appropriately based from the past actual disbursements of the organization to make it more probable to happen. The Net Income or the Excess of Funds over disbursements shall be maintained to assure that the next set of officers will have its starting fund for their term. Annual budget shall be prepared in the beginning of the academic year incorporating all the activities and its allocated budget for the whole academic year. Semestral Budget shall be prepared in the beginning of a semester incorporating all the activities and its allocated budget for the whole semester. Activity budget shall be prepared prior to the execution of the activity. A more specific listing of income and expenses shall be made for a more concrete and transparent presentation. CASH RECEIPTS/COLLECTION Cash is an important asset that must be safeguarded and controlled. Cash of Student Organization emanates from a variety of sources including student council fee, membership fee, sponsored programs, merchandise proceeds, collection of receivables and other collections. All the collection of fees must be done through the College Cashier. Hand to hand collection by the Student officers or unauthorized persons are strictly prohibited. Collection made by the organizational officers from Raffle Tickets and Sponsorship programs are allowed provided that accurately, completely and timely recorded and had been undergo through the proper process as stated in the College Student Handbook. A. Procedures in requesting collection through College Finance Department 1. Student Organization must prepare a request letter addressed to Assistant Finance Director/Accountant stating the following: Kind of fee/collection, Amount to be collected, Reason of collection, Total number of students/members. Attached thereto is the complete list of students (mark/exclude/note for any exempted student/s from the collection). Prepared by Treasurer/Vice-President for Finance; reviewed by the President; Noted by the Adviser and Program Head/College Dean. 2. Provide a receiving copy that will serve as own records of the organization. S TU DEN T ORGANIZA TI ON FUNDS MANA GEMEN T V. 1213 |3 3. Proceed to College Finance Department for approval and receiving of request letter. B. Student Council Fee and Organizational Membership Fee The collection of student council fee amounting to P 133.10 will be made every semester. This fee is divided into 60 – 40 partition for the college student council and supreme student council respectively to fund their activities. Organizational Membership Fee must be approved by College Dean and Student Personnel Services Director. Rules governing this membership fee emanate to the distinct Organizational Constitution and By-La s alig ed ith their pare t orga izatio if it’s a e te ded outside organization (e.g. National, Regional, Provincial Federation and the like). C. Sponsorship 1. Collections from sponsors must be properly documented. 2. The cash received must be restricted only for the sponsored programs of the sponsor if there specified and safeguarded by the Vice-President for Finance/Treasurer. 3. Sponsorship package is good for one year commitment, unless stated. 4. All ongoing transactions with the sponsors must be on the knowledge of Organizational Officers. 5. Solicitation that will be made without the consent of the Student Personnel Services Office is strictly prohibited. D. Other Collections All the Collection shall be made upon the approval of the Adviser and College Dean. All collection of an additional fund from each member shall be consulted to the Assembly and shall be approved by the Board of Directors. (Refer to College Student Handbook Chapter II, Section V, Letter B-8.) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Collection of College Week Fee, Acquaintance Party Fee and all other related fees. Collection of payment imposed by the parent organization. Collections from accounts receivables. Collections from solicitations. Collections from fund raising activities if there is any. E. FUND RAISING ACTIVITIES The Student Organization shall submit the project proposal to Office of Student Affairs (OSA) with appropriate projected income and expenses. If approved, within seven (7) working days after the completion of the project, the proponent shall submit the financial report supported by the receipts and invoices for proper accounting to the OSA. S TU DEN T ORGANIZA TI ON FUNDS MANA GEMEN T V. 1213 |4 CASH DISBURSEMENT Cash Disbursements of the Student Organization are used to facilitate the purchase of goods and services, merchandises, payments to suppliers, expenses from planning and meetings, expenses for facilitating events and projects and the like. The authorization of disbursements is within the decision of Vice President for Finance/Treasurer and President; and notification of the Adviser and Program Head/College Dean. The Student Organization has and maintains a Budgetary Allocation of Fund for the activities for the whole academic year. All invoices, receipts or any proof for cash disbursement must be kept for control purposes. Out of Pocket Expenses (OPEs): OPEs that are subject to reimbursement are only expenses made on behalf of the organization. CASH ADVANCE A. Application for Cash Advance 1. Cash advances shall take place only through the College Finance Department for the request of budget. 2. Duly accomplished and approved cash advance shall be received by the College Finance Department at least one week before the designated use of fund. 3. Procedures for obtaining cash advance: Complete the Cash Advance Request Form. Cash advance requests must be fully approved by the Vice President for Finance/Treasurer and Adviser/Program Head/College Dean. Provide a receiving copy that will serve as the own records of the organization. Proceed to College Finance Department for the approval and receiving of the request. 4. An Organization is allowed to make a cash advance upon fulfilling and submitting a liquidation in good form of the previous cash advance. Any pending liquidation reports to the College Finance Department are strictly prohibited. 5. Sample of Cash Advance Form, refer to Appendix 1. LIQUIDATION The student organization shall prepare a liquidation report for the amount representing the budget requested from the College Finance Department and also the collection being collected solely by the student organization. It shall be properly LIQUIDATED within 14 days from the completion of the activity and other related events. But may allow for a certain valid reason provided however, proper negotiation have been made through the College Finance Department with the knowledge of the adviser and Program Head/College Dean. S TU DEN T ORGANIZA TI ON FUNDS MANA GEMEN T V. 1213 |5 Liquidations must be fully prepared by the Vice President for Finance/Treasurer, reviewed and audited by the Vice-President for Audit/Auditor and approved by the Adviser/Program Head/College Dean. Accomplished Liquidation Reports should be posted to the respective Bulletin Boards after furnishing all the necessary receipts and documents. Provided, that the student organization must post its liquidation reports within 2 weeks after the day prior to an event/activity. A. Liquidation of Cash Advance 1. Complete the Liquidation Form. (the Reference no. to be used will be based to the Cash advance being liquidated) 2. List down all the expenses made with or without receipts appropriately. 3. Attached the receipts and any other supporting documents. 4. If expenses exceed the amount of the cash advance, a payment will be generated to reimburse the officer. 5. If expenses is less than the amount of the cash advance, return any remaining funds to the College Finance Department. 6. No carrying or bringing of former balances (due to /from) to the next liquidation Report. Note: The amount that will appear in a liquidation report should be the same to the amount of cash advance being liquidated. Therefore, two cash advance in one liquidation report or vice versa is strictly prohibited. 7. Liquidation Report shall be submitted to the College Finance Department at all times. 8. Sample of Liquidation Form, refer to Appendix 2. B. Liquidation Report for funds solely collected by the Student Organization 1. The liquidation report form intended for funds solely collected by the Student Organization will be provided by the Office of Student Affairs through Supreme Student Council. 2. It shall be accomplished with the correct declaration of all collection made. List down all the type and its corresponding amount if various types of collection had been made (E.g. Income from Film viewing, Income from Photo booth, Income from raffle tickets and the like). Non-declaration or understatement of Income being collected is strictly prohibited and has an equivalent sanction. 2. List down all the expenses made with or without receipts appropriately. 3. Attached the receipts and any other source documents. 4. Sample of Liquidation Report, refer to Appendix 3. C. Combined Liquidation Report 1. This liquidation report shall be prepared if the council has been requested for a cash advance from the College Finance Department and also has the collection made by them in connection with the activity. S TU DEN T ORGANIZA TI ON FUNDS MANA GEMEN T V. 1213 |6 2. The liquidation report template will be provided by the Office of Student Affairs through Supreme Student Council. (An excel format is prepared for the convenience of the college student council treasurers/vice-governors for Finance.) 3. It shall be accomplished with the correct declaration of all collection made and the amount of cash advance/s. List down all the type and its corresponding amount if various types of collection had been made (E.g. Income from Film viewing, Income from Photo booth, Income from raffle tickets and the like). Non-declaration or understatement of Income being collected is strictly prohibited and has an equivalent sanction. 4. List down all the expenses made with or without receipts appropriately. 5. Attached the receipts and any other source documents. 5. Sample of Liquidation Report, refer to Appendix 3. PREPARATION OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS The objective of financial statements is to provide information about the financial position (balance sheet), financial performance (income statement) and changes in fund balances for the organization to become transparent and liquid regarding to their funds and to give the members of the knowledge about the inflows and outflows of fees they paying for. A. Rules and Regulations All the SPS accredited college organization shall prepare and submit its audited financial statements to the College Finance Department at the end of each academic year. It is a mandatory requirement before granting the request for new budget/fund of the next federation or set of officers for their activities. B. Composition The financial statements shall compose of the following: Statement of Financial Position Statement of Receipts and Disbursements Statement of Changes in Fund Balances Statement of Cash Flows (optional) Notes to Financial Statements (if necessary) It should be dated at the end of Academic Year as of April 1, 20xx. If there are still pending activities to be made upon that should be included in the financial state e ts, ear e d’s adjust e t shall de ade. In some point, the Student organization is allowed to prepare an interim financial report or the Semestral financial report if necessary. Immediate request of funds for a certain valid reason is allowed provided however, proper negotiation have been made through the College Finance Department with the knowledge of the adviser and Program Head/College Dean. S TU DEN T ORGANIZA TI ON FUNDS MANA GEMEN T V. 1213 |7 C. Duties and Responsibilities Vice-President for Finance/Treasurer shall prepare all the related documents involving funds including the preparation of financial statements every semester or academic year. Vice-President for Audit/Auditor shall perform current transaction audit and post transaction audit. Post transaction documents refer to the financial statements being prepared by the Vice-President for Finance/Treasurer while current transaction documents refer to every activity program to prevent serious problem that may arise in the future or upon post transaction audit. League of Junior Accountants shall guide and supervise the Vice-President for Finance/Treasurer of an Organization in preparing financial statements and other related documents. This League shall compose of Fourth Year Accountancy students in DYCI. Junior Auditors’ Group shall serve as external auditor that will audit all the accredited student organization after each academic year. This Group shall compose of Fourth Year Accountancy students in DYCI provided however, they are not part/member of the League of Junior Accountants and duly authorized by the Dean of the College of Business and Accountancy. ENFORCEMENT OF THE IMPLEMENTING RULES AND REGULATIONS A. It shall be the primary duty of the Vice President for Finance/Treasurer and the Council to effectively enforce the provisions of this Implementing Rules and Regulations. The Junior Philippine Institute of Accountants – DYCI Chapter Council and Supreme Student Council also has the right to interpret the contents of this Implementing Rules & Regulations and their decision will be binding and irrevocable. B. The SPS Director and JPIA Adviser/College of Accountancy Dean or his duly designated representative shall act as legal adviser to the 2 Councils and shall render legal assistance as may be necessary in carrying out the provisions of this Implementing Rules and Regulations. AMENDMENTS OR REVISIONS A. The College Finance Department and Supreme Student Council shall be vested with the power to revise and amend the Implementing Rules and Regulations. B. Any amendments to or revisions to this Implementing Rules and Regulations may be proposed by any member of any SPS accredited student organization upon a written request of such member, stating the reasons thereto. S TU DEN T ORGANIZA TI ON FUNDS MANA GEMEN T V. 1213 |8 C. Any request for amendments and revisions as well as proposed amendments must initially be reviewed by the Junior Philippine Institute of Accountants Officers then to be forwarded to the Supreme Student Council for discussion, editing and final approval and to be noted by the College of Accountancy Dean, Finance Director thru Assistant Finance Director and Chief Financial Officer. D. Amendments to particular provisions in this Implementing Rules and Regulations shall be allowed provided that such amendments will be communicated to members at least two weeks before it could take effect. SEPARABILITY CLAUSE If any clause, provision, paragraph or part of this Implementing Rules and Regulations shall be declared unconstitutional or invalid, such judgment shall not affect, invalidate, or impair any other part hereof, but shall be merely confined to the clause, provision, paragraph or part directly involved in the controversy in which such judgment has been rendered. REPEALING CLAUSE Any rule and regulation or resolution or part/s thereof inconsistent with the provisions of this Implementing Rules and Regulations are hereby repealed or modified accordingly. EFFECTIVITY This Implementing Rules and Regulations shall take effect immediately after its presentation and approval from the Assembly. Promulgated in Dr. Ya ga’s Colleges, I . this 24th of November 2012. S TU DEN T ORGANIZA TI ON FUNDS MANA GEMEN T V. 1213 |9 Prepared by: Leemon L. Araza College Staff, COA (Author) Gynie M. Villanueva Treasurer, SSC (Co-Author) Reviewed by: Mark Anthony Buenaventura President, SSC Fernan Aldrey Isip Governor, COA Noted by: Reymond R. Galvez Coordinator, OSA (Co-Author) Prof. Evangeline A. Balboa Dean, College of Business and Accountancy Prof. Eufrocinia S. Dela Cruz Director, SPS Recommending Approval: Ms. Lea Ratay Assistant Finance Director Ms. Melencia Policarpio CME Bookkeeper Prof. Guillermo De Leon Chief Financial Officer Approved by: Marie Y.B. Reyes Finance Director Prof. Michael S. Yanga Vice President for Academics and Operations S T U D E N T O R G A N I Z A T I O N F U N D S M A N A G E M E N T V . 1 2 1 3 | 10 TABLE OF CONTENTS Background 1 Objectives 1 Definition of Terms 1 Budget Proposal 2 Cash Receipts/Collection 2 A. Procedures in requesting collection through College/CME Cashier 2 B. Student Council Fee and Organizational Membership Fee 3 C. Sponsorship 3 D. Other Collection 3 Cash Disbursement 4 Cash Advance 4 Liquidation 4 A. Liquidation of cash Advance 5 B. Liquidation Report 5 C. Combined Liquidation Report 5 Preparation of Financial Statements 6 A. Rules and Regulations 6 B. Composition 6 C. Duties and Responsibilities 7 Enforcement of the implementing rules and regulations 7 Amendments or revisions 7 Separability Clause 8 Repealing Clause 8 Effectivity 8 Appendix 1 (Cash Advance Form) 10 Appendix 2 (Liquidation Form) 11 Appendix 3 (Liquidation Report) 13