FIRST QUARTER EARTH SCIENCE 10 GROUP No. & SECTION: _____________ SCORE: _____________ A. Instructions: Determine whether each of the statement below is TRUE OR FALSE. Write your answer on the line provided before each number. ___________1. Thermal convection is a continuous process. Once the hot less dense particles cool down, they sink, and the other less dense particles rise. ___________ 2. The convection currents rotate very slowly as they move and drag the plates along. ___________ 3. Because of convection, tectonic plates are able to move slowly along the tectonic boundaries. ___________4. The downward movement of thermal convection occurs along a divergent boundary where the sinking force pulls the tectonic plate downward. ___________5. Forces lift and split the lithosphere at convergent plate movements in thermal convection. ___________6. As an oceanic crust moves away from a divergent boundary, it becomes denser than the newer oceanic crust. ___________7. In ridge push, the weight of the uplifted ridge pushes the oceanic crust toward the trench at the subduction zone. ___________8. Ridge push is also known as gravitational sliding plate. ___________9. Seafloor spreading is not the natural process for ridge push. ___________10. Slab pull is also known as sliding plate force. ___________11. Slab pull is part of the motion of a tectonic plate caused subduction. ___________12. In slab pull, the plate motion is driven by the weight of cold, dense plates sinking into the mantle at continental trenches. ___________13. The force and suction motion caused by slab pull account for almost all of the force driving plate tectonics. ___________14. Slab pull is the other possible process involved in tectonic plate movement. ___________15. The weight of the subducting plates pulls the slabs into the subduction zone just like a tablecloth slipping off the table and pulling items with it. B. Read and analyze the following questions. Choose the letter of the correct answer then write the chosen answer on the line provided. _____1. Where does seafloor spreading occur? A. Mid-ocean ridges B. Oceanic rift zones C. Divergent boundaries between two oceanic D. Convergent boundaries ______2.The heat proves caused by the uneven distribution of thermal energy in Earth’s interior is called ________. A. Ridge push C. slab pull B. Seafloor spreading D. mantle convection ______3. Which of the following is the effect of plate boundaries movement? A. Earthquake B. Deposit C. Force D. Gravity ______4.Earth’s crust is being actively recycled. Where is new oceanic crust created? A. At convergent boundaries C. At subduction zones B. At mid-ocean ridges D. At transform boundaries ______5.Which of following observations about landforms best supports the theory of plate tectonics? A. Volcanoes are distributed randomly on every continent B. As lava cooks on Earth’s surface, it forms a variety of igneous rocks C. Impact craters have been found both on dry land and on the ocean floor D. Mountain ranges sometimes appear to be continuous on opposite sides of an ocean NAMES: 1. ___________________________________________ 2. ___________________________________________ 3. ___________________________________________ 4. ___________________________________________ 5. ___________________________________________ 6. ___________________________________________ 7. ___________________________________________ 8. ___________________________________________ 9. ___________________________________________ 10. ___________________________________________ 11. ___________________________________________ 12. ___________________________________________ 13. ___________________________________________ 14. ___________________________________________ 15. ___________________________________________ Prepared by: VIENNA LOU D. VILLELA-MALANA Science Teacher Date: 10/13/2023