ENV-ESDD-EIA-2024-26 - Tue Sep 03 09:54:03 MUT 2024 - jseewoobaduth - LIST OF CONDITIONS FOR PROPOSED Operation of Bunker Barge M/T Hercules Comet for Bunkering Activities AT Port Louis Harbour BY Peninsula Petroleum (Mauritius) Ltd [ENV-ESDD-EIA-2024-26] 1. The EIA Licence is valid for operation of bunker barge M/T Hercules Comet (IMO number: 9825087) only. Any change in vessel shall be subject to a fresh EIA application by the proponent. 2. Notwithstanding all the other permits and clearances from the relevant authorities, a Port Licence from the Mauritius Ports Authority shall be obtained prior to start of operation. A copy of all the permits and clearances obtained shall be submitted to the Director of Environment. All conditions attached therewith shall be scrupulously observed. 3. The proponent shall submit a Risk Assessment and an Oil Spill Contingency Plan for approval by the Director of Environment in line with Section 60 of the Environment Act 2024 for an oil spill of up to a Tier 3 level within 2 months after receipt of the EIA licence. The plan shall include, amongst others; an oil spill prevention plan; oil spill preparedness plan; key stakeholders and their roles; different scenarios and their specific response; and communication and reporting channels. A copy of the approved Contingency Plan shall be included in the Environmental Monitoring Plan. The proponent shall also submit the approved Contingency Plan to the Mauritius Ports Authority, Commissioner of Police, Beach Authority, Mauritius Oceanography Institute and the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Centre. The proponent shall review the contingency plan every three years to the satisfaction of the Director of Environment. 4. In accordance with Section 41(1)(s) of the Environment Act 2024, the proponent shall submit to the Director of Environment, an Environmental Monitoring Plan (EMP) for approval within two months after issue of the EIA Licence. The proponent shall thereafter submit monitoring reports as per the Environmental Monitoring Plan approval. 5. The Department of Environment shall be informed in writing of the date of operation of the vessel for monitoring purposes. 6. The proponent shall submit to the Ministry of Blue Economy, Marine Resources, Fisheries and Shipping (Shipping Division) all information pertaining to the vessel. 7. The bunker barge shall operate as per the safety procedures, the fire emergency response plan, the Ship Oil Pollution Emergency Plan (SOPEP) and the mitigating measures stated in the EIA report and the additional information submitted, unless as otherwise advised herein. 8. The proponent shall strictly comply with the Mauritius Ports Authority’s Bunkering Code of Practice and its subsequent amendments. 9. All bunkering activities shall be carried out within the Port Limits only. 10. All bunkering activities shall be undertaken only in the Southern part of the Port area or as approved by the Mauritius Ports Authority. Bunkering activities shall not be conducted in the northern side of the Port Area given its proximity to the Rivulet Terre Rouge Estuary Bird Sanctuary Ramsar Site. 11. The proponent shall take cognizance and strictly adhere to the provisions under international conventions, including provisions of the MARPOL Convention (as amended) as well as national legislations including laws/regulations pertaining to the safety, security and protection of the marine environment, in the execution of the undertaking. 12. The Master/Owner of M/T Hercules Comet (IMO number 9825087) shall ensure that all the vessel’s statutory and other certificates remain valid at all times. The vessel shall also be compliant to the requirements of all applicable operational maritime conventions for a vessel of her type, size and length. 13. The proponent shall hold a valid insurance cover for up to a Tier 3 oil spill and other environmental pollution. 14. The Master of M/T Hercules Comet shall comply with any such directive as may be given by the Port Master or his representatives with regard to the proposed operations. 15. The proponent shall carry out environmental monitoring prior to operation as a baseline and during operation on a yearly basis to the satisfaction of the Ministry of Blue Economy, Marine Resources, Fisheries and Shipping (Fisheries Division). For seawater quality and marine sediment quality for the shoreline and lagoon, the following parameters shall be assessed: (i) Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon (HCT) (C10-C40 n-alkanes); (ii) Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs); and (iii) Heavy Metals (Copper, Zinc, Arsenic, Cadmium, Lead, Mercury, Manganese, Vanadium). For marine biota (fish and shellfish), the following parameters shall be assessed: (i) Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon (HCT) (C10-C40 ENV-ESDD-EIA-2024-26 - Tue Sep 03 09:54:03 MUT 2024 - jseewoobaduth - n-alkanes); (ii) Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs); and (iii) Heavy Metals (As per Food act: Arsenic, Antimony, Cadmium, Copper, Lead, Mercury, Selenium, Zinc and Tin). The results shall be submitted to the Ministry of Blue Economy, Marine Resources, Fisheries and Shipping (Fisheries Division) with copy to this Ministry. 16. The proponent shall take all necessary measures to avoid any leakage/discharge of oil/fuel during all operations so as not to pollute or disturb the marine environment/aquatic life. 17. The Director of Environment shall be notified of any spill that may result from the operation of the bunker barge. 18. The proponent shall comply with all provisions of the Port Louis Harbour Oil Spill Response Plan to the satisfaction of the Mauritius Ports Authority. 19. The proponent shall ensure that oil spill response equipment to cater for at least a Tier 2 oil spill be readily available for deployment in case of an accident. These equipment shall be kept either on board of the bunker barge and/or at a dedicated location nearby the site of operation. Necessary booms shall always be readily available in the event of an oil spill. All oil spill equipment shall be checked and maintained on a regular basis. In addition, oil spill response drills shall be carried out on a monthly basis and a coordinated Ship-Shore drill once a year. 20. The proponent shall ensure that a trained oil spill response team is present during bunkering activities. In case the service of the oil spill team is contracted out, this shall be included in the contingency plan. The proponent shall ensure that the contracted agency has the capability to deal with oil spill and the latter's personnel is present during any bunkering activity. 21. The proponent shall undertake simulation exercises and/or periodic drills to test the preparedness and response mechanisms in place, including the communication strategy to the satisfaction of the Mauritius Ports Authority and the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Centre. 22. The proponent shall ensure that the Mutual Agreement for assistance in case of an oil spill between barges is regularly updated. 23. Safe mooring of both bunker barge and receiving vessel shall be ensured during all operations, taking into consideration prevailing weather conditions and/or forecasted weather bulletins. The proponent shall not carry out any ship-to-ship transfer or any bunkering operation in the event of adverse weather conditions, such as cyclone, storm surge and high waves. 24. In case of any leakage, oil spill or any other accident, all bunkering operations shall stop and the working area shall be immediately surrounded with booms to contain the spill. 25. The Marine Protected Areas and the Rivulet Terre Rouge Estuary Bird Sanctuary Ramsar Site shall be given due consideration in terms of protection in the event of an oil spill. 26. In the event of an oil spill, the proponent shall take all necessary precautionary measures to prevent any damage to the Aapravasi Ghat World Heritage Site and any cultural heritage site in the vicinity. 27. The proponent shall undertake proactive hull cleaning so that bunker operations are carried out with reduced fuel consumption and less air pollution/GHG emissions. 28. All necessary measures and precautions shall be taken at all times by the proponent to ensure the safety and security of crew members and persons susceptible to be affected, especially in case of fire. The proponent shall submit to the Mauritius Fire and Rescue Service a project write-up regarding fire safety measures prior to the operation of the bunker barge. 29. The proponent shall resolve any conflict with nearby communities, fishermen, beach/sea users and port users, arising from this undertaking. 30. The proponent shall use sound attenuating technologies as far as practicable during bunkering activities. 31. Necessary measures shall be taken as far as possible to attenuate sound sources whenever in case of sightings of marine megafauna. Any noise generated by the barge and the receiving vessels shall be attenuated before reaching the deeper waters where the presence of megafauna has been detected and during bunkering activities. 32. The proponent shall take all necessary precautionary measures to ensure that no damage is caused to the nearby beaches. In case of any leakage/spillage of fuel/oil, the cost involved for restoration shall be borne by the proponent. 33. The proponent shall inform the Beach Authority of any disaster risk mitigation strategy being put in place. 34. In the eventuality of an oil spill, the proponent shall take all necessary precautionary measures to prevent any damage to hotels and tourism activities in the region. The proponent shall compensate all tourism operators in the area in case of an oil spill. 35. Non-hazardous solid wastes collected from ship shall be disposed at the Mare Chicose landfill and any used oil generated shall be collected by registered recyclers. ENV-ESDD-EIA-2024-26 - Tue Sep 03 09:54:03 MUT 2024 - jseewoobaduth - 36. Domestic wastewater that will be generated on board shall be stored on board and subsequently be disposed of on land to a Wastewater Management Authority’s approved site. 37. No waste of any type shall be disposed of at sea. 38. Necessary measures shall be taken at all times so as not to cause any nuisance to port users, the public and surrounding environment. 39. In case of any environmental pollution or nuisance arising from the operation of the bunker barge, this Ministry in consultation with other authorities concerned may impose additional conditions and will take necessary actions in accordance with the provisions of the Environment Act 2024. The additional conditions shall be strictly observed and implemented by the proponent. 40. Any proposed deviation shall be subject to an application to the Director of Environment. No deviation or part thereof shall be executed prior to the determination of the application by the Director. This is a computer-generated document no manual signature required