1 Terrain map QGIS 3.34.1 https://qgis.org/download/ example of URL: Google Satelite https://mt1.google.com/vt/lyrs=s&x={x}&y={y}&z={z} Mapzen Global Terrain https://s3.amazonaws.com/elevation-tiles-prod/terrarium/{z}/{x}/{y}.png OpenStreetMap http://tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png 1 from TiFF to GRD DEM 0m Clutter map after preparing the clutter picture, you can convert from TIFF to GRC. GM 26.0 supports GRC format Polygon 3D map Building polygon from OpenStreetmap change the attribute of polygon assumption: terrain 0m building height 5m if few buildings, you can change the AMSL(terrain + building hight) of polygon manually how can calculate AMSL for the all building automatically, it's not find yet save in the tab format