Liberti Jonas FYS In my own experiences throughout high school, geting involved is what kept me both busy and happy. In high school, I was active in many clubs including; Key Club, Student Council, Spanish Club, and National Honors Society. I was also lucky enough to serve as Vice-President in both Student Council, and Key Club. Through these clubs I found myself, I found how leadership can help you grow into the person you’re meant to be along with gaining compassion from service work. It is also through these clubs that I learned I love service. I love the peer satisfaction and encouraging smile on people’s face that comes when you assist someone in what they need help with most. In college I hope to get involved in clubs like Circle K, College Feminists, College Democrats and many more as soon as the opportunities come knocking. Even though it is difficult at this point in time, I hope opportunities become readily available soon. As in high school, I found the best friends I now have from these clubs. I was able to create concrete friendships based off both trust and understanding for each other. I believe that joining clubs and getting involved in other activates in college will have the same results. I also believe that by joining clubs in college allows for people to not only make friends but to also gain a better understand of the world and people around them outside of the small town students often reside in. I have also come to understand all the great resources the campus holds that not many people know about. One that I just recently learned about is the counseling services that are available. In my own life, I have continuously struggled with both anxiety and depression. However, with resources like these right next door, I know I will always have someone there for me when I am feeling overwhelmed and misunderstood. I also have come to understand just how helpful the professors already are, just a week in. Most of my professors have reached out and continuously strived to make me aware that they are here for all of us when we are in need. This campus is so loving in the way that everyone here whether they are your peer, your professor, or your RA, everyone here wants to see you succeed and even provides you with the resources to do so. Though this year will be difficult and unlike any other, I hope I will be able to both get involved and find the person I strive to be.