Change Management Plan Agenda • Objectives • Change Management Overview • Overall Change Management Plan • Change Management Activities • • Stakeholder Management • Change Impact Assessment • Change Network • Communications • Training • Change Measurement/Tracking Change Management Team Structure Change Management Plan Objectives • Institute a structured approach to manage the changes and impact arising from AAA project with a well planned change actions • Analyze the bank’s existing communication channels, training logistics and identify the most effective existing/new communications channels and training logistics to execute planned communications and training activities • Develop effective communications and training activities to address and increase user readiness for deployment • Develop Change Management and training effectiveness measurement mechanisms • Ensure high user adoption rate, instituting an effective feedback mechanism to continuously improve future roll-outs The Importance of Effective Change Management Managing the change effectively throughout the project lifecycle is critical to achieve desired outcomes. Performance View Change as a process (not an event), and measure its progress C A Start of program Go-live “valley of despair” A Minimize the duration of performance disruption The introduction of change often causes a drop in business and individual performance from the beginning (With Change Management) (Without Change Management) B Minimize the depth of performance dip The depth of the “valley of despair” is dependent on how effectively the change process is managed B C Build CM Foundation Deploy Sustain Time Accelerating time to new levels of productivity Achievement of business benefits and improvements in overall business performance can be realised through successful management of the change AAA Project Change Management Journey The purpose of Change Management for AAA project is to build commitment from impacted staff and ensure continuous and effective use of the AAA system after deployment. What is the purpose of CM for AAA project? What it implicates? • To ensure the necessary change action is identified before AAA system Go-Live • To establish buy in and active use of the AAA system from bank wide staff • Equip staff with the necessary skills/knowledge to effectively use the AAA system • Provide sufficient support to staff post deployment to continuously use the AAA system How do we go about it? • Disseminate information using the right communication channel • Roll-out training to all impacted staff • Develop and distribute job aids and post deployment support to impacted staff What outcomes to achieve? • Bank staff understand their roles and responsibilities • Bank staff are equipped with the relevant skills/knowledge to use the AAA system • Bank staff are provided with the necessary support to perform their jobs with AAA system The Change Management Journey for AAA project will eventually provide a clear understanding of how everyone has to holistically work together to achieve successful implementation and on-going use of the AAA system 5 Change Management Approach Our approach to Change Management blends together with activities to supply organization with the necessary support to be capable of adopting the new ways of working. Navigation activities ensure that change is well-planned, directed, measured and managed Organization Level Navigation Leadership activities help set the change agenda, gain commitment and prevent distraction Leadership Supply Demand Enablement Ownership Enablement activities focus on providing users with critical knowledge, skills, and tools Ownership activities focus on widespread acceptance and personal responsibility Employee Level 6 Change Management Activities Different change management activities will be executed and governed through collaboration of project team, business unit team and change management team Stakeholder Management - develop a joint understanding on concerns/expectations of key stakeholders towards the project, addressing them in the change management and communication plan. Change Impact Assessment – detailed assessment of the impacted changes Change Management Team on process, people, and technology based on the agreed to-be processes, providing input into the change management, training and communication plan. Change Network - A hierarchy of change sponsors and change agents that foster sponsorship and communication of changes to the organization, empowering them to engage employees throughout the journey. Communications - Planning and delivering targeted communications to all stakeholders in collaboration with the Change Network. Project Team Business Unit Team Training - Education of impacted stakeholders on the new/enhanced tools, processes, systems, etc. to enable them to attain the proficiency required for applying the new ways of working. Change Measurement/Tracking – Manage impacted stakeholders readiness for change, follow-up, and track the progress throughout the project. 7 Overall Change Management Plan Plan & Analyze Refine CM approach & plan Design Build Test Update CM plans as needed based on feedback and measurement Deploy Go-live Stakeholder Management Establish communic ation channel Appoint & Kick-off Change Network Execute communication based on plan and follow-up Prepare change measurement Execute change measure ment Execute change measure ment Follow-up and monitor action plan Activate Change Networks in project activities (communication, training, testing, Go-Live and post Go-Live support Follow-up and monitor mitigation action based on change impact assessment result Develop Policy and Procedure Project Branding Assess detail change impact Develop detail training plan Develop training material Execute training Support deployment Prepare training environment 8 Agenda • Objectives • Change Management Overview • Overall Change Management Plan • Change Management Activities • • Stakeholder Management • Change Impact Assessment • Change Network • Communications • Training • Change Measurement/Tracking Change Management Team Structure Stakeholder Management Change Impact Assessment Change Network Communications Training Change Measurement/Tracking Stakeholder Management Overview Stakeholder Management is about developing a joint understanding on concerns/expectations of key stakeholders towards the AAA project. Bank XYZ stakeholders come from within and outside the organization with involvement and/or interest in the success of the change effort. Internal Stakeholders: • Project Sponsors/Steering Committee (Director level) • Project Operations Committee (Group Head level) • Department Head • Subject Matter Experts • Non-impacted staff • Employee union External Stakeholders: • OJK • BI • Other regulators • Customers • Suppliers/Vendors The importance of Stakeholder Management: • To ensure that all relevant stakeholders concerns and needs are captured • To ensure that the project is aware of differences in expectations between stakeholders and is able to address them • To ensure that the project goal meets the needs of key stakeholders 10 Stakeholder Management Change Impact Assessment Change Network Communications Training Change Measurement/Tracking Stakeholder Management Approach Conduct Stakeholder Engagement Determine Change Action Plan Execute & Monitor Change Action Plan • Revisit list of stakeholder groups and key stakeholders that will be impacted by the change • Revisit change actions plan for identified stakeholder groups and key stakeholders • Schedule and conduct stakeholder engagement • Document discussions summary • Analyse key stakeholder concerns and expectations • Determine change action plans to address the concerns and expectations (what, who, when) • Incorporate change action plans into the overall Change Management Plan • Execute change action plan • Monitor, follow-up and review the change action execution • List of stakeholders • Summary of discussion, e.g. concerns, feedback • Change action plan • Updated change management plan • Stakeholder management tracking Output Activities Refine Key Stakeholders List 11 Stakeholder Management Change Impact Assessment Change Network Communications Training Change Measurement/Tracking Stakeholder Management Tracking ILLUSTRATIVE No Stakeholder Role – Unit M1 M2 M3 M… Concerns Immediate Action – Topic 1 Sam Evans Supply Management GM • New system will create • Inform new processes additional work • Provide regular update • Need to have clear segregation of duties 2 Mathew Lukman Quality Management GM • Better control and faster process • Discipline to operate based on the procedure • Share highlights on the new policy/procedure • Share success story from other initiative relate to expected key behavior on a certain process 3 Herman Karim Operations Dept Head • Accurate and faster information for management reporting and forecasting • Obtain feedback/view on the design reporting management = Informed and aware on the changes = Understand and realize on what will affect to them = Accept the changes and able to articulate and show support = Show commitment and reinforce their team to support the change Stakeholder Management Change Impact Assessment Change Network Communications Training Change Measurement/Tracking Sample of questions to be discussed with key stakeholders • How would you define success for this project? What steps would we need to take to ensure this project is a success? • What are the desired results and benefits from the project ? How do you think you can help advance the goals of the project? • What is your personal level of commitment to this project? Are you willing to publicly commit to it and give it your sustained support? • How do you plan to support the project? Do you have the time and resources available to commit to this project? • What concerns do you have about this project? What do you see as issues and risks? How can we best deal with them? • Where do you anticipate resistance and how are you planning to overcome it? • How well have we extend information related to the project to various stakeholders? 13 Agenda • Objectives • Change Management Overview • Overall Change Management Plan • Change Management Activities • • Stakeholder Management • Change Impact Assessment • Change Network • Communications • Training • Change Measurement/Tracking Change Management Team Structure Stakeholder Management Change Impact Assessment Change Network Communications Training Change Measurement/Tracking Change Impact Assessment Overview The objective of Change Impact Assessment is to capture changes and determine actions to help manage a smooth implementation. What is changing? AAA Project aims to leverage and implement several systems for end-to-end business process in Retail Loans (consumptive and productive) for products limited to: KK, KTA, KPR, KSM, KUM, Small Business <IDR 2 Bio What is the impact? What is the mitigation action? Impacted changes classified into three categories: • • Process People Technology New/modified process New/modified documentation/form New/modified/ dropped role Number of FTE Relocation Upskill capabilities Multi skill New/modified functionality New infrastructure (equipment) • Visioning/Directing Change Navigation • Leadership Alignment • Coaching Change Leadership Change Enablement Change Ownership • SOP & Policy (new, update) • Documentation (new, update) • Communication (internal, external) • Training (in-class, job aid) • Job Description (new, update) • Organization Structure update • Staff redeployment • Performance Management • Union engagement • Change Measurement (Readiness & Tracking) • Change Network 15 Stakeholder Management Change Impact Assessment Change Network Communications Training Change Measurement/Tracking Change Impact Assessment Approach Identify change & impact of change Determine change action plan Execute & monitor change action plan • Determine change action plan to address gaps through different activities (e.g. SOP update, roles update, training) • Incorporate change action plans into the detail workplan • Execute change action plans • Monitor, follow-up and review change action plan • List of changes per process • List of change action plan • Updated change management plan Output Activities • 16 Stakeholder Management Change Impact Assessment Change Network Communications Training Change Measurement/Tracking Change Impact Assessment Approach Guidelines to rate the magnitude of change by category Magnitude of change by each category were rated using the following guidelines for each impacted stakeholder group. Change Category Rating on magnitude of change Low Medium High Process • Remove non value added processes • Low/minimal complexity of process changes required • Enhance existing processes • Medium complexity of process changes required • High complexity of process changes required • New end-to-end processes changes People • Minimal change to an individual's responsibilities that will require few new skills • Little to no new roles or jobs required and/or to be redefined • Impact to <2,000users • Some changes to an individual's • Fundamental job/context shifts responsibilities may require additional expected • Large changes to an individual's skills (e.g. enhanced proficiency) • Some new roles and jobs required responsibilities expected and and/or to be redefined new/different skills required • Impact to 2,000 – 10,000 users • Significant number of new roles and jobs, including redefinition of current jobs required • Impact to >10,000 users Technology • Continue use existing applications with • Introduce new applications but enhanced features continue using existing applications • New simple application introduced • New application to be introduced and implemented replacing existing application 17 Agenda • Objectives • Change Management Overview • Overall Change Management Plan • Change Management Activities • • Stakeholder Management • Change Impact Assessment • Change Agent Network • Communications • Training • Change Measurement/Tracking Change Management Team Structure Stakeholder Management Change Impact Assessment Change Agent Network Communications Training & Performance Support Change Measurement/Tracking Change Agent Network Overview The Change Agent Network is a network comprising group of people who help the change management project team ensure the employee readiness to change and adopt the new ways of working impacted by the project. Change Sponsors Change Champions Steering Committee AAA Project Team, Impacted Group Heads Department Heads - Region Head - Area Head AAA Change Management Team Change Agents Selected Line Manager or Team Leader in impacted business unit Change Targets (Impacted users) 19 Stakeholder Management Change Impact Assessment Change Agent Network Communications Training & Performance Support Change Measurement/Tracking Change Network Approach Develop Change Agent Activity Plan and Toolkit Engage, Mobilize and Monitor Change Agent • Confirm the structure of Change Network • Confirm the list of Change Agent Network members • Kick-off Change Agent Network • Conduct Change Agent training • Develop activity plan for Change Agent • Develop Change Agent toolkit e.g. FAQ, action plan • Execute Change Agent activity plan in a regular basis • Conduct regular checkpoint to gather feedback on AAA project received from employee (floor) through change agent • Perform follow-up action on the feedback accordingly • Change Agent Network structure • List of Change Agent Network members • Change Agent activity plan • Change Agent toolkit • Change Agent tracking report Output Activities Refine Change Agent Network Strategy 20 Stakeholder Management Change Impact Assessment Change Agent Network Communications Training & Performance Support Change Measurement/Tracking Change Network Roles and Responsibilities Change Sponsors • Actively demonstrate and communicate visible commitment on the project • Cascading project progress and activities information to his/her change network • Get buy in from target audience • Serve as “court of last resort” for strategic issues with timely resolution Change Champions • • • • Share insight to target audiences about AAA project Assist project team in identifying potential change impacts Support planned change initiatives Coordinate with the change agents to drive change efforts, execute the change and promote ownership of the change Change Agents • • • • Support Change Champions by establishing a two way communication between AAA project and business Distribute communication of What, Why, How, When changes are taking place and adjust to local needs Identify and remove barriers to change (e.g. identify and handle rumors, understand local issues or concerns) Provide feedback to AAA change management team about how change and communication is perceived among impacted users Characteristic required: • Strong communication skill • Proactive • Respected and trusted by peers • Understand the business process in his/her area • Ability to coach and support users through the change Stakeholder Management Change Impact Assessment Change Agent Network Communications Training & Performance Support Change Measurement/Tracking Change Network Activity Plan and Toolkit A series of Change Network activity needs to be planned in order to conduct an effective Change Network. The activity plan is to be integrated to the overall Communication Plan Channel Vehicle Audience Key Messages Frequency Vehicle Description Face to face Change Agent Change Agents meeting/ConCall Conference Call Meeting • Project updates Fortnightly • Obtain feedbacks • Brief the key messages talking point to convey + Consistent message across locations (emphasis on talking points) + Suitable for participant with geographical dispersed - Limited time to address the concerns from big group of participant - Heavily relies on quality of communication tools Electronic • Project updates Fortnightly • Obtain feedbacks • Brief the key messagetalking point to convey + Discussion tool amongst the Change Agent + Communication deck distribution + Fast response to address some emergency issues - Rely on participants to proactively involve in discussions Change Agent mailing list Change Agents As an enablement support, Change Network need to be equipped with a set of toolkit in form of FAQ, communications material etc. Change Network Guidebook (FAQ) Communications Plan Stakeholder Management Change Impact Assessment Change Agent Network Communications Training & Performance Support Change Measurement/Tracking Change Network Measurement Channel Change Network measurement will be conducted throughout the lifecycle of the project to identify improvements required to the plan Channel Description Frequency Communication Activities Fun communication activities that determine commitment curve position (E.g. Quizzes, Competitions etc.) As per Communication Plan Change Survey Measuring staff alignment, awareness and perception of the AAA project Mid and post Implementation Change Network Pulse Check Checkpoint with Change Agent Network members Monthly Agenda • Objectives • Change Management Overview • Overall Change Management Plan • Change Management Activities • • Stakeholder Management • Change Impact Assessment • Change Agent Network • Communications • Training • Change Measurement/Tracking Change Management Team Structure Stakeholder Management Change Impact Assessment Change Agent Network Communications Training Change Measurement/Tracking Communications Overview Commitment Level All of the communication activities will be planned and deliver to meet the needs of target audience at the right time with the right message throughout the project phases. I am comfortable to this new way of working and give full support I heard about AAA project and what is all about I understand the changes and reason why we need this The leaders and project team are very supporting. I am confident we can do this! Commitment Acceptance Understanding Awareness Expected Outcomes • Aware of the project scope and objective • Aware that change is underway and that you will be affected by the change, although not sure how Time • Understand the changes • Understand the reason, benefit, impact of the changes to you • Understand your role and involvement to overcome the impact of change • Prepared for change with relevant knowledge and skills • Continue the change process by trying out the new system, concepts and pro actively seek information • Committed to long term and adopt the changes • Explore ways to reinforce and improve change 25 Stakeholder Management Change Impact Assessment Change Agent Network Communications Training Change Measurement/Tracking Refine Communication Strategy Develop Communication Plan Develop and Deliver Communication Assess & Evaluate Feedback • Refine an overall communication strategy as a guideline to be applied in communications efforts • Obtain input/feedback from each project workstream • Identify activities from all project workstream that required communication session • Develop detail communication plan • Develop specific communication materials • Obtain input/feedback from related project workstream • Socialize the communication material to all project workstream to ensure consistency of messages • Engage stakeholders and Change Agents in the communications efforts • Gather feedback on communication efforts from project leads, key stakeholders, impacted staff • Analyze feedback and refine communications plans where necessary • Communication strategy • Communication plan • Communication material • Summary of feedback on communication Output Activities Communication Approach 26 Stakeholder Management Change Impact Assessment Change Agent Network Communications Training Change Measurement/Tracking Communication Channels (Face to Face, Electronic, Printed Material & Gift) – 1/3 A set of communication channel and vehicle needs to be identified for each audience group to optimize the effectiveness of message delivery. Channel Vehicle Audience Key Messages Frequency Vehicle Description • Project updates • Obtain input • Validate data Monthly + Focused, controlled topics + Immediate feedback and follow-up + Possible to engage directly (project team on-site) - Potential scheduling conflicts Rapat RCEO, all Area koordinasi Head wilayah, weekly meeting • Project updates • Obtain input • Validate data Monthly + Consistent message across locations + Immediate feedback and follow-up - Rely on RCEO & change agent on-site - Participants may hesitate to ask sensitive questions Rapat Area Head , all koordinasi area, Branch Manager weekly meeting • Project updates • Obtain input • Validate data Monthly + Consistent message across locations + Immediate feedback and follow-up - Rely on Area Head & change agent on-site - Participants may hesitate to ask sensitive question Morning briefing at branch Branch Manager and staff • Project updates • Support needed Monthly + Consistent message across locations - Rely on change agent on-site - Participants may hesitate to ask sensitive questions Roadshow All Impacted Employees • Project updates, key milestone • Obtain input • Support needed During design + Consistent message across locations stage and early + Chance to demonstrate leaders’ commitment deploy stage + More up, close and personal (project team on-site) - Potentially time consuming Face to face GH & DH Group Head meeting/ConCall weekly meeting Dept. Head Change Agent Change Agents Conference Call Meeting • Project updates Fortnightly • Obtain feedbacks • Brief the key messages talking point to convey + Consistent message across locations (emphasis on talking points) + Suitable for participant with geographical dispersed - Limited time to address the concerns from big group of participant 27 - Heavily relies on quality of communication tools Stakeholder Management Change Impact Assessment Change Agent Network Communications Training Change Measurement/Tracking Communication Channels (Face to Face, Electronic, Printed Material & Gift) – 2/3 A set of communication channel and vehicle needs to be identified for each audience group to optimize the effectiveness of message delivery. Channel Electronic Vehicle Audience Key Messages Frequency Email blast Project team • Project updates Fortnightly • Milestone achievement • Key message to convey + Convey specific message for project team + Promote project team engagement - Relies on the project team to proactively read the email Email blast All employee • Project updates • Milestone achievement + Available to a wide audience + Can provide permanent record for FAQ - High administrative work if received high numbers of queries - Not everyone have access to email Change Agent mailing list Change Agents • Project updates Fortnightly • Obtain feedbacks • Brief the key messagetalking point to convey + Discussion tool amongst the Change Agent + Communication deck distribution + Fast response to address some emergency issues - Rely on participants to proactively involve in discussions Wallpaper PC All employee • Project journey infographic Early design stage, after build, early deploy, & GoLive + Create massive awareness + Minimum effort - Minimum message to convey Video All employee • Project journey • Leadership message • Testimony • Support needed End of design stage +Create massive awareness + Promote leadership and team commitment - Longer time to produce and high cost Monthly Vehicle Description 28 Stakeholder Management Change Impact Assessment Change Agent Network Communications Training Change Measurement/Tracking Communication Channels (Face to Face, Electronic, Printed Material & Gift) – 3/3 A set of communication channel and vehicle needs to be identified for each audience group to optimize the effectiveness of message delivery. Channel Vehicle Audience Printed Material Tabloid XYZ All employees • Project updates • Milestone achievement Monthly + Create perception on AAA project is everywhere - Information may be outdated due to printing and distribution process Flyers, brochure, pamphlets Impacted employees • Main changes Early testing stage, Go-Live Banner All employees • New stage launching Deploy & GoLive stage + Dedicated on AAA project info + Create perception on AAA project is everywhere + Can be placed anywhere in company area - Expensive to produce - Might create negative reaction if the staff already annoyed with changes Gift Project team • Appreciation • Motivate, encourage and promote commitment After design stage, After testing stage, Go-Live + Promote motivation - Might be viewed as a waste of money or negative if they expect more valuable item All employees • General project info, e.g. helpdesk number During Roadshow + Create excitement + Promote commitment to the project - Create negative view if they don’t like the gift All employees • All about AAA project Monthly Gift e.g. stress ball, tumbler, umbrella, TSouvenirs/ shirt, jacket, etc. gimmick Quiz Key Messages Frequency Vehicle Description 29 Agenda • Objectives • Change Management Overview • Overall Change Management Plan • Change Management Activities • • Stakeholder Management • Change Impact Assessment • Change Agent Network • Communications • Training • Change Measurement/Tracking Change Management Team Structure Stakeholder Management Change Impact Assessment Change Agent Network Communications Training Change Measurement/Tracking Training Overview Training is education of impacted staff on the processes, capabilities, and new/enhanced tools to enable them attain the proficiency required for new ways of working. The detail change impact assessment on each of changes in all processes need to be performed to identify the different training needs for different impacted roles. Develop understanding on the new process. This activity would be started from socialization/ communication on key changes impacted from AAA project. Develop ability to perform the new applications/tools. This activity would require in-class session with handson practice to the system. Develop ability or improve capability required to perform new processes/tools. This activity emphasis on the product knowledge, nonsystem technical skill, or people’s soft skill. Stakeholder Management Change Impact Assessment Change Agent Network Communications Training Change Measurement/Tracking Training Assumptions Considering the detail of functional design will be available in implementation phase and might be impacted to the overall training strategy and approach, the training plan will need to be updated and develop in more detail, hence the following assumptions are needed in developing this training strategy. Training Development/ Preparation Training Design • • Role-based training curriculum to be adopted AAA project Technical and Business Unit team available to review the training curriculum • • • • • • • Training material development will be supported by AAA Technical team Training material related to people’s capability-soft skill provided by XYZ University Training material is available in Bahasa Indonesia Training material will be released with a strict version controlled to monitor any changes after training material developed Standard templates, storage and material management to be adopted AAA project Technical and Business Unit team available to review the training materials Training environment set-up by infrastructure team will be completed on-time Training Delivery • • • • • • • Vendor resources available to conduct Train the Trainer (TTT) Sufficient internal trainers to conduct End User Training (EUT) XYZ University to cover training on people’s capability and product knowledge Trainer to act as Expert Users to support the users adoption after the training Training participants (trainer and enduser) have basic computer skills Required facilities are completed (incl. system infrastructure and logistics available to support training delivery) Training delivery schedule to align with business simulation and Go-Live date Stakeholder Management Change Impact Assessment Change Agent Network Communications Training Change Measurement/Tracking Training Approach Design training need analysis and environment Develop training material, training support & environment • Refine an overall training strategy based on the further details of change impact assessment result • Obtain input/feedback from project workstream and stakeholder group • Identify internal trainers • Prepare training logistic/training center • Develop detail training plan and training needs analysis • Identify impacted roles based on the detail change impact assessment • Confirm training participants • Design training environment • Prepare training centers • Develop training curriculum & materials • Obtain review on training material from AAA technical workstream & stakeholder group • Coordinate training environment set-up with infrastructure team • Reconfirm training participants • Organize and monitor TTT execution • Analyze feedback of training sessions for further improvement • Organize and monitor EUT execution • Analyze feedback of training sessions for further improvement • Supply training result to deployment team for business simulation or Go Live readiness • Training Strategy • Training Plan • List of training participants (TTT & EUT) • Training material • Training environment & training centers readiness-status • List of training participants • TTT Report • EUT Report Output Activities Refine training strategy and plan Execute Train The Trainer (TTT) Execute End User Training (EUT) Stakeholder Management Change Impact Assessment Change Agent Network Communications Training Change Measurement/Tracking Training Curriculum Approach Role-based training curriculum to ensure the training is effectively perform to fit the user needs. Course Curriculum Logical grouping of based on business role Compilation of all content related to the role Data Entry Staff Module Mapped to Process Objectives Describes the desired outcome Objectives Describes the desired outcome Theory Hands-On Business Scenario Theory Training Assessment Hands-On Business Scenario Illustration of Training Design as below: Verification & Data Entry Training material shows step-by-step (screen-byscreen) process. Perform detail data entry New features for different product Perform detail data entry Exercise Specific collateral verification Question type: • Multiplechoice • Hands-on 34 Stakeholder Management Change Impact Assessment Change Agent Network Communications Training Change Measurement/Tracking Training Design A blended learning methods are required to support the needs to build process and system knowledge. A Training Delivery Method Instructor-Led & Coaching - classroom (TTT & EUT) B C Training Performance & Assessment e-Learning (Web-Based training) Virtual Instructor Led (Recorded) Skills & knowledge Assessments Refreshment in AAA Practice Environment Day-in-the-Life (as part of Business Simulation) Job Aids or Quick Reference Materials On-Line Help Procedure Repository Education Events & Meetings Performance Support Method Coaches & Super Users Help Desk Stakeholder Management Change Impact Assessment Change Agent Network Communications Training Change Measurement/Tracking Training Design A. Training Delivery Method e-Learning (Web-Based training) Instructor-Led & Coaching - classroom (TTT & EUT) A cascaded training delivery approach: Train The Trainer (TTT) • System vendor team to perform training on the new system to internal XYZ team • Centralized (Jakarta) • • • End User Training (EUT) • Internal XYZ to perform training on the new system to end users • Decentralized (XYZ University and additional training centers at area) • A set of short animated videos (~10’) to help end user understand the new process & system easily – thru attractive visualization As a refreshment outside the training classroom 2 types of the video: • Critical process for direct impacted users who required system hands-on practice • Query transaction that no classroom training required Developed by 3rd party Virtual Instructor Led (Recorded) • • Recorded classroom training sessions to help end user understand the new process & system after the training at anytime To support the future needs of on-boarding and refreshment training Education Events & Meetings • • • As part of communication channel to socialize on the key changes process, critical capabilities required and expected behavior Empower manager level and up in their regular business meeting or events Conducted after build phase up until post Go-Live (stabilization period) Stakeholder Management Change Impact Assessment Change Agent Network Communications Training Training Design B. Training Performance and Assessment Refreshment in AAA Practice Environment Skills & knowledge Assessments • To measure participant’s immediate retention of knowledge • Evaluation area for training participants: • Theory: understanding of concepts, new policies & process • Ability to operate the system (hands-on) • Hands on execution of business scenarios (practical) • 90% assessment score composition = theory 60% : hands-on 40% • • • • • Practice the knowledge retained from classroom training Performed in training centers or dedicated computer station Required infrastructure set-up for dedicated computer station Include e-learning and virtual instructor-recorded material available Enforce by Training Centers coordinator and impacted line managers Day-in-the-Life (as part of Business Simulation) • • • • • • It is part of the practice that perform in deployment phase through business simulation Involve all impacted users using the real data for end-toend process Participants required to attend and passed the classroom training prior this practice Mandatory to achieve 90% assessment score Business leads in each location will be the assessor Several cycle are required to obtain level of convenience from key stakeholder group for nationwide roll-out Change Measurement/Tracking Stakeholder Management Change Impact Assessment Change Agent Network Communications Training Change Measurement/Tracking Training Design C. Performance Support Method On-Line Help Procedure Repository Job Aids or Quick Reference Materials • A brief information on the critical processes that come handy to support impacted users to refer quickly while perform the work (e.g. Glossary, flow of process, document checklist, etc.) • To be developed after training started to have more view & feedback on what users need • • All training material documents, job aids, short simulation video, recorded training session, etc. to be documented in a proper manner, updated as required, and re-socialize to impacted users Required supporting tools (e.g. sharepoint) that accessible by impacted users Coaches & Super Users • • Internal trainers to also perform coaching to users that still need to increase their process knowledge and system skill Group of users with the best scores will be identified as super users as a ‘person to go to’ related to new process & system knowledge on their work site Help Desk • • Group of help desk to handle calls directly from internal trainers or users. Two different group of team and period to provide help desk: • For internal trainers during EUT – by AAA Training Core team • For users after training, during business simulation, and post Go-Live (stabilization period) – by command center help desk Stakeholder Management Change Impact Assessment Change Agent Network Communications Training Change Measurement/Tracking Train The Trainer Approach PRE-REQUISITE TRAIN THE TRAINER SESSION TEACH BACK PAIRING TRAIN THE COTRAINER CO-TEACH • Understand objective, scope, benefits of AAA project, process changes, training processes and facilitation skills • Facilitate by AAA training core team • Centralized • Understand new processes and develop system skills to perform transactions, inquiry for systems in AAA project scope • Mandatory to achieve 90% assessment score • Additional coaching session for participants who did not pass the assessment prior retake the assessment • Facilitate by system vendors and AAA applications team • Centralized • Internal trainers to teach back 2 topics from the training curriculum to practice training delivery to internal trainers and selected stakeholders • Mandatory to achieve 90% assessment score • Additional coaching session for participants who did not pass the assessment prior retake the assessment • Facilitate by system vendor and AAA training core team • Centralized • Internal trainers who had achieved 90% assessment score to pair with selected co-trainer from assigned training center. • Decentralized • Internal trainers to redeliver pre-requisite and Train The Trainer curriculum to cotrainer from assigned training center • Decentralized • Internal trainers to deliver training topics with co-trainer support • Training Center coordinator to monitor training delivery and provide quality assessment • Decentralized Stakeholder Management Change Impact Assessment Change Agent Network Communications Training Change Measurement/Tracking End User Training Approach PRE-REQUISITE END USER TRAINING SESSION REFRESHER JOB AID • Introduction pack for end users to understand AAA project scope, process changes, training objective, and training schedule • Facilitated by change agents on-site & email • At staff worksite • Understand new processes and develop system skills to perform transactions, inquiry for systems in AAA project scope • Mandatory to achieve 90% assessment score • Additional coaching session for participants who did not pass the assessment prior retake the assessment • Facilitated by internal trainers and co-trainers • Training center • End users to familiarize with the new processes and system before Go-Live • Hands-on practice at staff worksite and training center • End users to familiarize with the new processes before and after Go-Live • Quick reference guide by email and print-out Stakeholder Management Change Impact Assessment Change Agent Network Communications Training Change Measurement/Tracking End User Training Participants ~26,000 identified as direct impacted staff Decision Engine RM Tools Role Sales Rep. CC Sales Rep. KTA Sales Rep. KPR RM, ARM BB MKS* # 892 960 543 1,979 10,353 Collection System Role Decision Engine team Role # MKS* 10,353 RM, ARM BB* 1,979 KMM, MM* 1,261 FC, DC Micro 1,196 FC, DC BB 121 RMD, ARMD 131 # 5 Role SPV Coll. Coll. CC Coll. KTA Coll. KPR # 72 1,373 323 289 LOS Role DDE MR & Val IDI BI MKA KMM, MM* # 123 12 16 2,645 1,261 Role PreScreen PV VerIn,Dok VerColl AFAS/AKKI RO ARO # 54 6 268 54 10 73 210 Role Teleconf. SPPK/PK Disb & Maint. consumptive CO CAO # 49 13 92 596 183 Role CA Apprv.Mgr. BM, MBM BBM, BBH Ret. P&T ABH,RCRH, RRH,RCEO Ret.Sys&Stra # 52 15 1,810 178 5 110 5 Note: *) Roles identified as multiple system users 41 Stakeholder Management Change Impact Assessment Change Agent Network Communications Training Change Measurement/Tracking Training Centers Distribution 45 Locations across Indonesia – Based on Area Our approach in classroom training delivery is to establish the training centers equipped with the new system in training environment close to the impacted users location. Sumatera - 12 Kalimantan - 5 Aceh Medan - RMU Dumai Pematang Siantar Batam - RMU Pekanbaru - RMU Palembang - RMU Jambi Padang Bandar Lampung Pangkal Pinang Bengkulu Banjarmasin - RMU Pontianak - RMU Palangkaraya Samarinda Balikpapan Sulawesi & Maluku - 6 Makassar - RMU Manado - RMU Palu - RMU Kendari Pare-Pare Ambon – RMU Papua - 2 Jayapura Sorong Jakarta & Jabar - 9 Jakarta – RMU Tangerang Karawang Bekasi Depok Bogor Bandung – RMU Tasikmalaya Cirebon Bali & NusTeng - 3 Jateng & Jatim - 8 Denpasar Mataram Kupang Semarang - RMU Yogyakarta Solo Kediri Tegal Surabaya - RMU Jember Malang 42 Stakeholder Management Change Impact Assessment Change Agent Network Communications Training Change Measurement/Tracking Training Delivery ~190 Internal Trainers to cover both consumptive and productive products RM Tools LOS Collection System System Vendor Train The Trainer (TTT) 4 Internal Trainers from each Training Centers: • Area team to cover consumptive RM tools • RCC team to cover consumptive LOS (for 10 sites) • Micro team to cover productive micro RM tools & LOS • BB team to cover productive BB RM tools & LOS Decision Engine System Vendor 1 Internal Trainers from each Training Centers from RCR team to cover consumptive & productive Collection system Total: 1 x 45 = 45 trainers Total: (3 x 45) + (1 x 10) = 145 trainers End User Training (EUT) Training hours estimation Impacted End User 4 hours 24 hours 16 hours 6 hours 43 Stakeholder Management Change Impact Assessment Change Agent Network Communications Training Change Measurement/Tracking End User Training Number of users and class distribution by main process Initiation Data Entry &Ver. Compliance & Disbursement Approval-system Collection System RM tools LOS LOS Decision Engine Collection system Training duration 3 hours 20 hours 4 hours 6 hours 16 hours CC ~900 users/45 sites = 2 batches ~160/1 site/2 classes (MU Jkt) = 4 batches ~20 users = 2 batches 5 users ~1,380 users/45 sites = 148 hours 2 batches (19 days) KTA, KPR ~1,600 users/45 sites = 3 batches ~550 users/45 sites = 2 batches ~80 users/45 sites = 2 batches 5 users ~600 users/45 sites = 2 batches KSM ~10,350 users/45 sites ~2,645 users/45 sites = = 8 batches 3 batches ~180 users/45 sites = 5 batches 5 users ~12,753 users/45 sites 270 hours = 10 batches (34 days) ~1,950 users/45 sites = 3 batches ~400 users/45 sites = 2 batches 5 users ~2,229 users/45 sites = 2 batches KUM BB <2B ~330 users/45 sites = 2 batches Total 95 hours (12 days) 95 hours (12 days) Note: - 25 – 30 seats per sites/class - Provide additional one batch for all as back-up 44 Stakeholder Management Change Impact Assessment Change Agent Network Communications Training Change Measurement/Tracking High-level Training Activity Timeline (1/3) M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 Design & Build Credit Card (Relationship Tools, Loan Origination System, Decision Engine, Collection System) Analyze change impact assessment on training area M9 M 10 M 11 M 12 GO-LIVE SIT & UAT Develop training curriculum M 13 Send training invite TTT EUT Biz. simulation Confirm training participants Develop training material Review Training training material material production End users practice refreshment Update training material (if any) Training Centers set-up TTT environment set-up Design training environment EUT environment set-up Internal trainers to practice before EUT 45 Stakeholder Management Change Impact Assessment Change Agent Network Communications Training Change Measurement/Tracking High-level Training Activity Timeline (2/3) M6 M7 M8 M9 M10 Design & Build KPR, KTA, KSM (Relationship Tools, Loan Origination System, Decision Engine, Collection System) Analyze change impact assessment on training area M11 M12 M13 M14 M 15 M 16 M 17 SIT & UAT Develop training curriculum M 18 GO-LIVE TTT EUT Biz simulation EUT Biz simulation Send training invite Confirm training participants Develop training material End users practice - refreshment Update training Review Training material (if any) training material material production Training Centers set-up TTT environment set-up Design training environment EUT environment set-up Internal trainers to practice before EUT Note: New system features are available based on product scope – the high level process will be similar with Credit Cards, except disbursement process 46 Stakeholder Management Change Impact Assessment Change Agent Network Communications Training Change Measurement/Tracking High-level Training Activity Timeline (3/3) M8 M9 M10 Design & Build KUM, BB (Relationship Tools, Loan Origination System, Decision Engine, Collection System) Analyze change impact assessment on training area M11 M12 M13 M14 M15 M16 M17 M18 SIT & UAT M19 GO-LIVE TTT Develop training curriculum Send training invite EUT Biz simulation EUT Biz simulation Confirm training participants End users practice - refreshment Develop training material Review Training Update training training material material (if any) material production Training Centers set-up TTT environment set-up Design training environment EUT environment set-up Internal trainers to practice before EUT 47 Agenda • Objectives • Change Management Overview • Overall Change Management Plan • Change Management Activities • • Stakeholder Management • Change Impact Assessment • Change Agent Network • Communications • Training • Change Measurement/Tracking Change Management Team Structure Stakeholder Management Change Impact Assessment Change Agent Network Communications Training & Performance Support Change Measurement/Tracking Change Tracking Overview The Change Tracking enables project team to use data-driven insights about their organization’s dynamics to navigate change journeys. Change Tracking provides an early warning system for the organization to successfully manage change. The objectives of Change Tracking: • Assess the organization’s capabilities and dynamics • Measure and track change on the AAA project implementation • Serve as input to identify concerns and potential constraints during the implementation The Change Tracking measures: • Ability to deliver benefits • Ability to improve business performance • Circumstances under which change takes place • Strength of organizational drivers 49 Stakeholder Management Change Impact Assessment Change Agent Network Communications Training & Performance Support Change Measurement/Tracking Change Tracking Components The change tracking will guide organizational change with predictive analytics “ Change Model Change Map Action Pathways Key levers of change that impact performance Visually shows where stakeholders are in their journey – based on the collective insights of 850,000 change journeys Predictable patterns of change help organization proactively drive interventions Stakeholder Management Change Impact Assessment Change Agent Network Communications Training & Performance Support Change Measurement/Tracking The Change Model We adopted a broad definition of ‘high-performance change’ to include four criteria, which were empirically derived through the Accenture Change Model 2 1. 1 Realizes benefits from the change. This includes completing a project on time and on budget, and realizing the benefits outlined in the business case. 22. Improves business performance across the course of the change. Daily business performance shouldn’t decline during a change initiative; instead it should improve, as measured by key metrics such as customer service levels, employee productivity, operating costs, etc. 3. 3 Builds people’s capabilities to manage change. While change is taking place, critical capabilities need to be developed to achieve and sustain high performance. These include skills and staffing, leadership, teamwork, systems and processes, etc. 4. 4 Leaves the organization in good shape to undertake further change. Even if benefits are achieved and performance is improved, change is a failure if people are left exhausted and unable to undertake further change (for example, if negative feelings remain high or key employees have left because of a lack of trust in leadership). 1 3 4 51 Stakeholder Management Change Impact Assessment Change Agent Network Communications Training & Performance Support Change Measurement/Tracking The Change Map Our organizational health baseline places business units and teams across the change map and measures strength of key drivers. 52 Stakeholder Management Change Impact Assessment Change Agent Network Communications Training & Performance Support Change Measurement/Tracking The Action Pathways Ongoing insights track outcomes across the change map – allowing for course correction, helping leaders focus efforts. 53 Stakeholder Management Change Impact Assessment Change Network Communications Training & Performance Support Change Measurement/Tracking Change Tracking Approach Output Activities Determine Change Tracking Requirements Deploy Survey and Collect Data • Confirm list of target survey respondents • Confirm expected outcome from change measurement/tracking • Refine list of questions for the survey • Develop report template • • • • • • List of questions • List of targeted respondents • Change Tracking report template • Deployed survey • Survey result data Test & finalize survey Deploy survey Monitor survey results Extend or end survey Generate survey result Analyse Data and Create Report Develop and Execute Action Plan • Analyse survey result • Create the report (including recommendation based on the result) • Create action plan based on the findings from the survey • Brief Change Network • Conduct change interventions continuously as planned • Change Tracking report • Action plan Stakeholder Management Change Impact Assessment Change Network Communications Training & Performance Support Change Measurement/Tracking Illustrative Change Tracking Sample of Questions # 1 Question How has your Group’s effectiveness changed over the last 6 months during the project? Is it… Worse Now 2 Same O O O O O O O How has the level of customer service (internal/external) your Group provides changed over the last 6 months during the project? Is it… Worse Now 3 Same O O O O How would you rate the pace at which the project is implemented? O O O How do you agree with the vision of the project? O O O O O O O A high degree O Some O O Too fast O O O O O How much information are you receiving from your Manager about the project? O O Moderate None O Considerable Okay Not at all 6 O Some Too slow 5 Better Now O O O O O What is the overall amount of change currently taking place within your Group? None 4 Better Now O Considerable O O O Stakeholder Management Change Impact Assessment Change Network Communications Training & Performance Support Other Change Measurement Sample of Questions Change Measurement/Tracking Illustrative Categorized using the four change management quadrants Question Category I understand company’s vision and mission I understand the reason why company needs to improve its loan process through xxx project I understand the importance of the xxx project and what’s different from the current condition right now Navigation I have a clear understanding the linkage of xxx project with the company strategy and business goals The xxx project journey we’re undertaking is clear & the milestones are defined I receive most of my information about xxx project updates from my immediate supervisor I believe the person I report to is able to clearly explain what xxx project is all about Management (Dept. Head and above) demonstrate support and commitment for the xxx project Management (Dept. Head and above) actively participate in the xxx project by providing direction and resolving any early issues and barrier Leadership My immediate supervisor inspires me to give full support on xxx project During xxx project, I receive clear information on what the changes impacted to my department During xxx project, I believe impacted people receive adequate training and supporting tools from the project I know whom to contact within my company if I require further information about xxx project Enablement Communication about xxx project is effective (timely, accurate, relevant, clear) I believe company has applied & provided all the communication channels to inform xxx project updates to employees During xxx project, people are being involved and feel responsible for implementing it I feel that there are sufficient opportunities for me to ask more about xxx project I believe that ideas and concerns from employees with regards to xxx project are being considered and responded to Ownership I believe employees in my locations give full support on xxx project I would like to learn/know more on how the xxx project is going to impact me Please give your comments and/or feedback on xxx project. Your input would be appreciated for future improvements Open Q Agenda • Objectives • Change Management Overview • Overall Change Management Plan • Change Management Activities • • Stakeholder Management • Change Impact Assessment • Change Agent Network • Communications • Training • Change Measurement/Tracking Change Management Team Structure Change Management Team Structure - Proposed Total 23 people Change Management Lead (1) Change Impact Assessment (7) Training (8) • 1 Lead • 1 PIC for RM tolls • 1 PIC for Decision Engine system • 2 PIC for LOS & surrounding system • 2 PIC for Collection system • 1 Lead • 1 admin • 1 PIC for training environment • 1 PIC for RM tool & Decision Engine system • 2 PIC for LOS & surrounding system • 2 PIC for Collection system Role Alignment (3) • 1 Lead • 2 PIC Communication (4) • 1 Lead • 1 PIC for communication design & content • 2 PIC for Change Agent & Stakeholder Mgmt. 58 Change Management Team Roles & Responsibilities Area Description Change Management Lead • Develop CM workplan • Manage and control the execution of end-to-end CM lifecycle activities • Develop weekly status reports and to assist managing/resolving project risks and issues • Manage and engage with project stakeholder Change Impact Assessment • Capture the detail changes per process including surrounding system during functional design workshop • Conduct change impact assessment validation workshop • Provide inputs for change management plan based on change impact result Training • Develop training material and performance support material • Support Train The Trainer execution and provide moral support to internal trainers • Support End User Training execution and manage the training administration • Act as internal trainers if required to support training completion • Act as liaison and helpdesk during End User Training execution • Coordinate with XYZ University on people’s capability/soft skill training required and handover training-embedded to main training curriculum after Go-Live • Ensure the readiness of training infrastructure and environment set-up Role Alignment and Policy & Procedure • Facilitate the pre-requisite of role alignment activity – organization structure readiness • Monitor the completion of policy & procedure development and socialization Communication • Support change management lead by providing the stakeholder analysis and tracker • Develop communication design and material based on required session and themes • Coordinate with project director and project team leads for required support in delivering the communication messages to project stakeholder • Manage and monitor Change Agent regularly • Conduct change measurement and provide inputs for change management plan 59