CE601 LECTURE – 3 ADMIXTURES ADMIXTURES • Definition: • Ingredients in concrete, other than cementitious materials, aggregates and water that are added to the concrete mixture before or during mixing. • Uses: • To modify the properties of fresh and hardened concrete. • To make the concrete more suitable for specific work. • To decrease the cost of concrete construction. 2 ADMIXTURES • Required to obtain the desired fresh and hardened properties of concrete. • Impart physical and economic benefits to concrete. • Initial cost is high, but there will be overall savings, example saving in cost of labor for consolidation, reduction in cement content, decrease in the water content thereby increasing the strength and durability. • Though admixtures impart good properties to concrete, their use should not override the need for good quality constituents, proper mix proportions, poor workmanship in transporting, placing and consolidation. • They may be inorganic or organic. TYPES OF ADMIXTURES (ASTM C 494) TYPE FUNCTION A B Water-reducing Retarding C D E Accelerating Water-reducing and retarding Water-reducing and accelerating F G High-range water-reducing or superplasticizing High-range water-reducing and retarding or superplasticizing and retarding BS standards: BS EN 934-2; BS EN 480 USE OF ADMIXTURES • May be in solid or liquid form. Latter is preferable to control the diluent, in most cases water. Water in the admixture should be used to calculate the mix water. • Generally added with the mix water in one go or in instalments. • Dosage of an admixture is normally expressed by weight of cement. The dosage is normally recommended by the manufacturer. • Effectiveness may vary depending on the dosage and also on the constituents of the mix, especially the cement. • The performance may vary with temperature, for this reason their performance at extreme temperatures should be ascertained prior to use. ACCELERATING ADMIXTURES (ASTM C494 TYPE C) • Also known as accelerators. • Function is to accelerate the early strength development of concrete. May also accelerate the setting time (Set accelerators). • Generally used when concrete is to be placed at low temperature (2 to 4 C). In prefabricated concrete where a rapid removal of form work is required. • It allows early finishing of the concrete and for putting the structure in use. • Use of accelerators may lead to shrinkage cracking in hot weather conditions. Proper precautions need to be taken for this. ACCELERATING ADMIXTURES (CONTD.) • Calcium chloride is generally used as an accelerator. • Accelerates the hydration of C3S, possibly by altering the alkalinity of the pore water. • May accelerate reinforcement corrosion and decrease the sulfate resistance. • May also increase the erosion and abrasion. • May also increase the drying shrinkage. • Other chloride-free accelerators include: • Calcium nitrite • Calcium nitrate • Calcium formate • Triehtanolamine • Chloride-free accelerators are recommended. STANDARD REQUIREMENTS FOR ACCELERATORS • ASTM C494 (Type C) • Final set should be at least 1 hour earlier than that of the control mix but not more that 3.5 hours, • Compressive strength at 3 days should be 125% that of the control mix. • The strength beyond 28 days can be similar or marginally lower than that of the control mix. • Strength retrogression is not allowed. • BS EN 934: Setting time, strength and air content requirements are prescribed. RETARDING ADMIXTURES (ASTM C494 TYPE B) • Generally referred as retarders. • Delays the setting time. Useful under hot weather conditions. • Some retarders may slow down the hardening of concrete. • Useful in architectural concrete or exposed aggregate concrete or mozzaic and terrazzo. • Common retarders are: • Sugar • Carbohydrate derivatives • Soluble zinc salts • Soluble borates, etc. RETARDERS (CONTD.) • Sugar acts as retarder by slowing down the formation of C-S-H. • A large quantity of sugar (02. to 1%) will prevent the setting of time. • The early strength of concrete with sugar is severely reduced. However, after 7 days the strength is significantly increased. It is equal to or more than that of the control concrete. • Retarders may increase the plastic shrinkage cracking. However, the chances of drying shrinkage cracking are similar to normal concrete. • Trial mixtures should be tested to evaluate the retardation effect and the slump retention and the hardened concrete properties prior to the selection of the retarding admixtures. REQUIREMENTS FOR RETARDERS • ASTM C494: • Initial set should be at least 1 hour but not more than 3.5 hours. • The compressive strength from the age of 3 days can be 10% less than that of the control concrete. • BS 5075: Broadly similar to that of ASTM C494. WATER-REDUCING ADMIXTURES (ASTM TYPE A) • Only water reducing “Type A” • Water reducing and retarding “Type D” • Water reducing and accelerating admixtures “Type E” • Main function is to reduce the water content or increase the workability for the same water content. • Up to 5 to 10% reduction in the water content is possible. • Water reducers improve the workability of harshly graded aggregate concrete. • Can also be used in pumped concrete or concrete placed by tremie. • Types: Lignosulfonic acids and hydroxylated carboxylic acids. • Acts like a coagulant, dispersing the cement particles in water. WATER REDUCING ADMIXTURES (CONTD.) • Though water reducers affect the rate of hydration of cement, the nature of the hydration products and their structure is unchanged. However, segregation and bleeding may be compromised. • The hardened properties may not be affected. • The effectiveness with respect to strength varies with the composition of cement, it is better with low alkalinity or low C3A cements. • A slight delay in the mixing of the admixture, i.e. after mixing of water, is beneficial. • Some water-reducing admixtures may increase shrinkage of concrete. • Two stage mixing is known to be beneficial. WATER REDUCING ADMIXTURES (CONTD.) • The effectiveness of a water reducing admixture is dependent on: • Cement content • Water content • Type of aggregate • Presence of air entertaining agents • Pozzolans • Temperature. • Selection of the type and dosage of a water reducing admixture should be based on the materials to be used. Manufacturer’s data is not sufficient. • Trial mixtures are recommended. SUPERPLASTICIZERS • Also called high-range water reducers. High workability with low water/cement ratio can be obtained. • Classified as “Type F” admixtures if they are only superplasticizers. • Superplasticizers with retarding action are called “Type G” admixtures. • Types of superplasticizers: • Sulfonated melamine-formaldehyde condensates-melamine-based. • Sulfonated naphthalene-formaldehyde condensates – naphthalene-based. • Modified lignosulfonates • Sulfonic-acid esters • Carbohydrate esters. SUPERPLASTICIZERS • Most of the salts are in the form of sodium salts, but calcium salts are also produced. However, calcium has low solubility, therefore other sodium salts are preferred. • Use of sodium increases the alkalinity of the pore solution, thereby encouraging alkali-silica reaction. Therefore, a limit on the alkalinity is imposed in areas with reactive aggregates. • Modifications to the structure of the superplasticizer is normal to meet certain specific requirements. SUPERPLASTICIZERS • The molecules in a superplasticizer coat the cement and provide negative charge thereby they repel each other. This results in deflocculation and dispersion of cement particles. • They do not alter fundamentally the structure of hydrated cement, the main effect being a better distribution of cement particles and consequently, their better hydration. • The increase in workability can be exploited in two ways: producing concrete with high workability or concrete with a very high strength due to low w/c. • High workability of concrete can be used for producing flowable concrete (Self consolidating concrete). • Production of normal workability concrete but with low water cement ratio resulting in high strength concrete. DOSAGE OF SUPERPLASTICIZER • For increasing the workability of the mix, the normal dosage of superplasticizer is between 1 and 3 liters per cubic meter of concrete. • When used to decrease the water content the of the mix, the dosage is much higher, 5 to 20 liters per cubic meter. • In calculating the total water content, the water in the superplasticizer should be taken in to account. • Compatability with cement and other constituents should be checked. USE OF SUPERPLASTICIZERS • In dry concrete with low/cement ratio to produce high performance concrete. • To produce self consolidating concrete. • In silica fume concrete. • Superplasticizer does not influence shrinkage, creep, modulus of elasticity or resistance to freezing and thawing and durability of concrete. • The use of superplasticizer with an air-entraining agent admixture requires caution as sometimes the actual amount of entrained air is modified by the superplasticizer. AIR ENTRAINING AGENTS Required to increase the air content in concrete. Air bubbles so formed accommodate the ice formation at low temperatures. About 2 to 5% AEA, by weight of cement, is normally added to concrete. Addition of AEA should not alter the properties of concrete. WATER • Water is used for both mixing and curing of concrete. • The substances in water should not: • Interfere with the setting of concrete. • Adversely affect concrete strength. • Cause staining of the concrete surface. • Lead to corrosion of the reinforcing steel. • Have a harmful effect on concrete. 21 IMPURITIES IN WATER • Oils • Acids • Organic Matter • Chlorides • Sulphates • Alkalis 22 • Algae Sweet Water Raw Water Gulf Water Sodium 98 641 13,200 Calcium 8 248 516 Magnesium 3 88 1,690 Sulphate 19 407 3,240 Chloride 120 1,257 23,700 Carbonate 0 0 6 Bicarbonate 62 209 103 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) 313 2,848 42,500 Ions TYPICAL COMPOSITION OF WATER IN SAUDI ARABIA 23 Type of Impurity Suspended matter (turbidity) 2,000 500 – 1,000 Algae Carbonates Bicarbonates 24 Maximum Concentration (ppm) 1,000 400 – 1,000 Remarks Salt, Clay, Organic Matter Entrain Air Decrease Setting Time 400 ppm for Bicarbonates of Ca, Mg Sodium Sulphate Magnesium Sulphate 10,000 Sodium Chloride Calcium Chloride Magnesium Chloride 20,000 Iron Salts Phosphates, Arsenates, Borates Salts of Zn, Cu, Pb, Mn, Sn 40,000 Inorganic Acids 10,000 Reduce Alkalinity of Concrete, may attack the Concrete Sodium Hydroxide 500 May cause Alkali-Silica (Aggregates) Reaction Sodium Sulfide 100 Should Test Concrete Sugar 500 Affects Setting Behavior 40,000 50,000 40,000 500 Increase early Strength but Reduces Later Strength, May Contribute to Sulphate Attack Decrease Setting Time, Increase early Strength and Reduce Ultimate Strength, will Contribute to Steel Corrosion Retard Set 500 TOLERABLE LEVELS OF IMPURITIES IN MIXING WATER FOR PLAIN CONCRETE