SCIENCE CA REVISION TOPICS: 1. GROWING THINGS USING HYDROPONICS 2. TYPES OF SEED DISPERSAL Two type of plants Normal plants grow in soil, but hydroponic plants grow in water with nutrients Needs of a soil grown plant Needs of Hydroponics plant . Needs of Hydroponic Plants: 1. Water - Instead of soil, hydroponic plants grow in water. The water gives them what they need. 2. Nutrients - Nutrients are added to the water to help the plants grow. 3. Sunlight - They need sunlight or special lights to grow. 4. Air - Hydroponic plants also need air to grow strong roots. 5. Support - Since there is no soil, plants might need something like cotton or sponges to hold their roots. Activity: Draw a hydroponic plant . Leaves Stem Air Roots WAYS OF SEED DISPERSAL Wind Dispersal: Some seeds are carried by the wind. Seeds float in the air. Example: Dandelion seeds. Water Dispersal: Some seeds float on water and travel to new places. Example: Coconut seeds float in the ocean. Animal Dispersal: Animals can carry seeds in their fur, feathers, or on their bodies. Sometimes, animals eat the seeds and later drop them in a new spot. Example: Burrs stick to animals' fur, and then they drop off when the animal moves. Explosion Dispersal: Some plants “explode” and fling their seeds far away. Example: Peas or poppy plants. Human Dispersal: People also help spread seeds when they plant flowers, trees, or crops, or even if seeds get stuck on shoes or clothes! KEY WORDS Carry away Floating Falling Exploding Burst Shaking Scattering Sticking Dropping