ENGINEERING PROCEDURES STAGE DELIVERABLES PROCEDURE NEOM-NEN-PRC-005 Rev 02.00 August 2021 ©NEOM [2021]. All rights reserved. Document History Revision code Description of changes Purpose of issue Date Rev 01.00 First Issue Issued for Implementation 27.05.2020 Rev 02.00 Revised as marked Issued for Implementation 11.08.2021 Document Approval Prepared by Reviewed by Approved by Name Dr. Mohamed Haj-Maharsi All Sectors Saad Al Sheikh Job Title Executive Director, Technical Consultancy, ETSD DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NEN-PRC-005 Executive Director ETSD REVISION CODE: 02.00 ©NEOM [2021]. All rights reserved. PAGE 2 OF 81 Contents 1. PURPOSE ...............................................................................................................6 2. SCOPE ....................................................................................................................6 3. DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS ..................................................................7 4. RELATED NEOM DOCUMENTS ............................................................................8 5. PROCEDURES .......................................................................................................9 5.1. Stage Objectives..................................................................................................... 9 5.2. Stage Delivery Process ........................................................................................ 11 5.3. Designers Scope of Works ................................................................................... 13 5.3.1. Designers Submissions ................................................................................................... 13 5.4. Contractor’s Scope of Works ................................................................................ 15 6. DESIGN TECHNICAL SUBMISSION: ..................................................................15 6.1. Strategic Definition (Stage 1) ................................................................................ 15 6.1.1. Project Initiation Workshop ............................................................................................. 15 6.1.2. Stakeholder Consultations .............................................................................................. 15 6.1.3. Strategic Spatial Framework Report ............................................................................. 15 6.2. Concept Master Plan (Stage 2A) .......................................................................... 16 6.2.1. Site Analysis and Master Plan Review Workshop ..................................................... 16 6.2.2. Stakeholder Consultations .............................................................................................. 16 6.2.3. Master Plan Options Workshop ..................................................................................... 17 6.2.4. Concept Master Plan Report .......................................................................................... 17 6.3. Detailed Master Plan (Stage 2B) .......................................................................... 18 6.3.1. Master Plan Review Workshop ...................................................................................... 18 6.3.2. Master Plan Engineering Workshop .............................................................................. 18 6.3.3. Detailed Master Plan Report .......................................................................................... 18 6.4. Initial Asset Brief (Stage 2C) ................................................................................. 20 6.4.1. Asset Details ..................................................................................................................... 20 6.4.2. Asset Scope ...................................................................................................................... 20 6.4.3. Data from Master Planning Stages................................................................................ 20 6.4.4. Placemaking / Interfaces ................................................................................................. 20 6.4.5. Functional Requirements ................................................................................................ 21 6.4.6. Design Brief ...................................................................................................................... 21 6.4.7. Business Case / Operational Case................................................................................ 21 6.4.8. Approval ............................................................................................................................. 21 6.5. Concept Design (Stage 3A) .................................................................................. 22 6.5.1. Interim Presentation ......................................................................................................... 22 DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NEN-PRC-005 REVISION CODE: 02.00 ©NEOM [2021]. All rights reserved. PAGE 3 OF 81 6.5.2. Concept Design Report ................................................................................................... 22 6.6. Developed Design (Stage 3B) .............................................................................. 26 6.6.1. Book 1: Main Report ........................................................................................................ 26 6.6.2. Book 2: Data Collection Results .................................................................................... 27 6.6.3. Book 3: Developed Design Reports .............................................................................. 27 6.6.4. Book 4: Drawings ............................................................................................................. 28 6.6.5. Book 5: Specifications ..................................................................................................... 28 6.7. Detailed Design (Stage 3C) .................................................................................. 28 6.7.1. Book 1: Main Report ........................................................................................................ 28 6.7.2. Book 2: Data Collection Results .................................................................................... 30 6.7.3. Book 3: Detailed Design Reports ................................................................................... 30 6.7.4. Book 4: Drawings ............................................................................................................. 30 6.7.5. Book 5: Specifications ..................................................................................................... 30 7. COMMERCIAL REPORT AND TENDER DOCUMENTS .....................................31 7.1. Strategic Definition (Stage 1) ................................................................................ 31 7.1.1. Development Strategy & Vision Report ........................................................................ 31 7.1.2. Strategic Case .................................................................................................................. 32 7.2. Concept Master Plan (Stage 2A) .......................................................................... 32 7.2.1. Development Programme ............................................................................................... 32 7.2.2. Business Case (for Preferred Concept Master Plan) ................................................. 32 7.3. Detailed Master Plan (Stage 2B) .......................................................................... 33 7.3.1. Business Plan ................................................................................................................... 33 7.4. Initial Asset Brief (Stage 2C) ................................................................................. 34 7.5. Concept Design (Stage 3A) .................................................................................. 34 7.5.1. Commercial Report .......................................................................................................... 34 7.5.2. Draft Tender Documents ................................................................................................. 34 7.6. Developed Design (Stage 3B) .............................................................................. 34 7.6.1. Commercial Report .......................................................................................................... 34 7.6.2. Draft Tender Documents ................................................................................................. 34 7.7. Detailed Design (Stage 3C) .................................................................................. 35 7.7.1. Commercial Report .......................................................................................................... 35 7.7.2. Tender Documents........................................................................................................... 35 8. TENDERING STAGE AND IFC (STAGE 3D) .......................................................35 8.1. Tender Support Services ...................................................................................... 35 8.2. Contract Formation and IFC Drawings & Documents ........................................... 35 DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NEN-PRC-005 REVISION CODE: 02.00 ©NEOM [2021]. All rights reserved. PAGE 4 OF 81 9. ACCURACY OF COST ESTIMATION ..................................................................35 10. MOBILIZATION AND CONSTRUCTION (STAGE 4A) .........................................36 10.1. Mobilization ........................................................................................................... 36 10.1.1. Mobilization Documentation Requirements.................................................................. 36 10.1.2. Mobilization Activities ....................................................................................................... 38 10.2. Construction.......................................................................................................... 39 10.2.1. Documentation Requirement during Construction ...................................................... 39 10.2.2. Site Quality Control and activities .................................................................................. 39 11. TESTING AND COMMISSIONING, HANDOVER AND CLOSE-OUT (STAGE 4B) ...............................................................................................................................39 11.1. Testing and Commissioning Documentation Requirements. ................................ 39 11.2. Testing and Commissioning, Handover Major Activities. ...................................... 40 11.3. Close-out. ............................................................................................................. 40 12. APPENDICES .......................................................................................................40 APPENDIX A: ROADMAP FOR DESIGN DELIVERABLES ................................................42 APPENDIX B: STAGE-1 STRATEGIC DEFINITION ............................................................44 APPENDIX C: STAGE-2A CONCEPT MASTER PLAN .......................................................46 APPENDIX D: STAGE-2B DETAILED MASTER PLAN .......................................................49 APPENDIX E: STAGE 3A-CONCEPT DESIGN OF BUILDING ASSETS ............................52 APPENDIX F: STAGE-3A CONCEPT DESIGN OF INFRASTRUCTURE ASSETS ............55 APPENDIX G: STAGE-3B DEVELOPED DESIGN OF BUILDING ASSETS .......................59 APPENDIX H: STAGE-3B DEVELOPED DESIGN OF INFRASTRUCTURE ASSETS .......63 APPENDIX I: STAGE-3C DETAILED DESIGN OF BUILDING ASSETS .............................68 APPENDIX J: STAGE-3C DETAILED DESIGN OF INFRASTRUCTURE ASSETS ............72 APPENDIX L: STAGE-4A MOBILIZATION & CONSTRUCTION.........................................78 APPENDIX M: STAGE-4B TESTING & COMMISSIONING, HANDOVER AND CLOSE-OUT ...............................................................................................................................80 List of Tables Table 1: Table of Definitions ................................................................................................... 7 Table 2: Table of Abbreviations .............................................................................................. 7 Table 3: Table of related Engineering Procedures ................................................................. 8 Table 4: Table of related Cost Estimation Procedures ........................................................... 9 Table 5: Design Objectives ..................................................................................................... 9 Table 6: Stage Delivery Process ........................................................................................... 11 Table 7: Technical Services for Various Stages ................................................................... 14 List of Figures Figure 1: Stages under NEOM Plan of Work .......................................................................... 6 DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NEN-PRC-005 REVISION CODE: 02.00 ©NEOM [2021]. All rights reserved. PAGE 5 OF 81 1. Purpose The purpose of this Procedure is to establish NEOM’s overall integrated procedure for deliverables required at each design stage followed up by the construction procedural requirements up to handing over of the asset. The provisions of this Procedure are applicable to all works undertaken for NEOM assets. It is intended as a definition of the specific reports and deliverables to be provided by designers, consultants and contractors undertaking services related to master planning, architectural, engineering, landscaping, cost estimation, construction, and other professional services. 2. Scope This Procedure sets forth the components required for master planning and the development of assets in accordance with the NEOM Plan of Work, illustrated in Figure 1. It describes what designers and contractors are to submit at each stage: Stage 1 (Strategic Definition); Stage 2 (Master Planning & Asset Brief); Stage 3 (Design) and Stage 4 (Construction). Deliverables of Stage 5 are the subject of different procedures. Deliverables to be provided by designers, consultants and contractors are listed at each stage and an outline of the associated documentation, reports and other materials are also listed to facilitate Stage approvals. NEOM sets the scope of design services from the menu of components defined within Section 6 of this Procedure. Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Strategic Definition Master Planning & Asset Brief Design Construction Operation & Maintenance Stage 2A: Stage 3A: Concept Masterplan Concept Design Stage 2B: Detailed Masterplan Developed Design Stage 2C: Initial Asset Stage 3B: Stage 3C: Detailed Design Stage 4A: Mobilization & Construction Stage 4B: Testing & Commissioning , Handover and Close-out Stage 3D: Tendering Stage and IFC Figure 1: Stages under NEOM Plan of Work DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NEN-PRC-005 REVISION CODE: 02.00 ©NEOM [2021]. All rights reserved. PAGE 6 OF 81 3. Definitions and Abbreviations The following terms are in use throughout this Procedure. Table 1: Table of Definitions Term Definition Agreement The consultancy agreement between NEOM and the Designer or a Consultant. As-Built As-built documents, including drawings and notes that depict the final asconstructed state. Asset Refers to the required physical buildings or infrastructure such as residential, business facilities, commercial & retail facilities, media center, recreation, entertainment & sports facilities, marinas, hospital, medical clinics, religious facilities, school, library, fire stations, roads/streets/bridges, infrastructure system, and utility networks. Also, it relates to components of structures and buildings that need to be tracked and managed. Consultancy Agreement The agreement between NEOM and the Consultant. Contract Documents The Contract Agreement, Letter of Acceptance, Conditions of Contracts, Specifications, Drawings, Bill of Quantities (BOQ), Method of Measurement (MOM) and any further document listed in the Contract Agreement. Designers Master Planners, Design Consultants, Contractor’s Designers, and any other entity involved in providing Design Submittals to NEOM. Design Consultant The professional firm named in the Consultancy Agreement, who is employed by NEOM to perform the Design Services. Design Submittals Refers to the specific deliverables as defined in this Procedure as appropriate to each Design Stage. NEOM Representative Appointed Project Management Consultant, Supervision Consultant, other Consultants or NEOM Departments. Project Refers to the development and delivery of a NEOM Asset or a group of NEOM Assets. Stakeholder Entities that are either involved with, affected by or need to be consulted for the development of the asset. Works Encompass all associated engineering, services, procurement, construction (including temporary and permanent), installation, precommissioning, commissioning, and performance tests that are essential to accomplish the required Asset. Table 2: Table of Abbreviations Abbreviation Description CMP Concept Master Plan DMP Detail Master Plan DNP Defects Notification Period EIA Environmental Impact Assessment DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NEN-PRC-005 REVISION CODE: 02.00 ©NEOM [2021]. All rights reserved. PAGE 7 OF 81 Abbreviation Description EIR Exchange Information Requirement ELV Extra-low voltage system GAMEP The General Authority of Meteorology and Environmental Protection GIS Geographic Information System Mapping HSE Health, Safety and Environment HVAC Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning ICT Information and communication technology IFC Issued for Construction LCA Landscape Character Assessment LV Low Voltage MP Master Plan MV Medium Voltage PAP Priority Actions Programme PEP Project Execution Plan PIR Project Information Requirement RACI Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, Informed ROW Right of Way, the land area for roads and utility corridors SWOT Strength Weakness, Opportunities & Threats analysis WBS Work Breakdown Structure 4. Related NEOM Documents The requirements contained in the following documents apply to the extent specified in this Procedure. Table 3: Table of related Engineering Procedures Document Code Document Name NEOM-NEN-PRC-001 Geotechnical Investigation Procedure NEOM-NEN-PRC-002 Topographic Survey Procedure NEOM-NEN-PRC-004 Initial Asset Brief Procedure NEOM-NEN-PRC-006 Safety in Design Procedure NEOM-NEN-PRC-007 Value Engineering Procedure NEOM-NEN-PRC-008 Document Numbering and Revision Procedure NEOM-NEN-PRC-009 BIM & GIS Procedure NEOM-NEN-PRC-010 Drawing and Drafting Procedure NEOM-NEN-PRC-011 Site Specific Seismic Hazard Study Procedure NEOM-NEN-PRC-012 Hydrological Study Procedure NEOM-NEN-PRC-013 Traffic Study Procedure NEOM-NEN-PRC-020 Asset Naming Conventions Procedure DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NEN-PRC-005 REVISION CODE: 02.00 ©NEOM [2021]. All rights reserved. PAGE 8 OF 81 Document Code Document Name NEOM-NEN-PRC-021 Stage Review and Approval Procedure NEOM-NEN-PRC-022 Handing Over Procedure NEOM-NEN-PRC-029 NEOM Plan of Work NEOM-NEN-SCH-002 Schedule Q – Quality Requirements for Contractors NEOM-NEN-SCH-005 List of Technical Codes and Standards NEOM-NLF-PRC-002 Fire Safety Approvals Procedure NEOM-NPR-PLN-101 Project Design Management Plan NEOM-NEV-PRC-501 Interim Sustainability Requirements for the Built Environment Table 4: Table of related Cost Estimation Procedures Document Code Document Name NEOM-NCE-PRC-001 Cost Estimating Procedure NEOM-NCE-PRC-002 Key Performance Indicators Procedure 5. Procedures Designers and Contractors shall undertake all consultancy, engineering, procurement and construction services in accordance with the provisions listed in this Procedure, in line with the express requirements of the relevant Agreements and Contract conditions and under the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia's laws. 5.1. Stage Objectives Table 5: Design Objectives Stage Objectives Stage 1: Strategic Definition Project visioning, identifying assets and preparing related strategic brief, business case and high-level feasibility study. Developing regional structural plan addressing large-scale development vision. Stage 2A: Concept Master Plan Confirming master plan and developing pre-concept structure plan and concept master plan. The Process includes validating infrastructure criteria. Stage 2B: Detailed Master Plan Developing schematic and detailed master plan addressing landscaping, infrastructure and environmental requirements. Identifying asset objectives, and key requirements as part of an initial asset brief. Stage 2C: Initial Asset Brief Developing asset objectives and aspirations, producing asset business case and feasibility study, and developing the Initial Asset Brief. This stage shall include Pre-Concept Design. Stage 3A: Concept Design (30% Design) Preparing concept design for selected option. This includes concept, outline specifications, preliminary capital cost estimate and lifecycle cost. DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NEN-PRC-005 REVISION CODE: 02.00 ©NEOM [2021]. All rights reserved. PAGE 9 OF 81 Stage 3B: Developed Design (60% Design) Preparing developed design including coordinated drawings, developed specifications, developed capital cost estimate and lifecycle cost. Stage 3C: Detailed Design (90% Design) Preparing detailed design including coordinated drawings, detailed specifications, detailed capital cost estimate and lifecycle cost. Stage 3D: Tendering Stage and IFC(100% Design) Undertaking tendering services for the selection of the Contractor and compiling IFC documents for signature. Stage 4A: Mobilization and Construction Finalize project insurances, contractual bonds, prepare site logistics to finalize HSE, quality and project execution plans. Execute and procure the designed components of the asset in accordance with the Quality procedures, cost and time constraints set out in the contract. Stage 4B: Testing & Commissioning, Handover and Closeout Testing and commissioning plan, setting a tacking over committee, perform the relevant tests finalize O&M manuals and warranties, compile all as-builts, issuance of tacking over certificate, correct noted deficiencies during the DNP, issuance of performance certificate. DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NEN-PRC-005 REVISION CODE: 02.00 ©NEOM [2021]. All rights reserved. PAGE 10 OF 81 5.2. Stage Delivery Process Table 6: Stage Delivery Process Strategic Definition (Stage 1) Design Design Stream Stages 1. STRATEGIC DEFINITION Project Initiation Workshop ↓ Stakeholder Consultations ↓ Strategic Framework Report Section of Procedure Section 6.1.1 Section 6.1.2 Detailed Master plan (Stage 2B) Concept Master plan (Stage 2A) Design Technical Submissions: Book 1 (Section / Book 2 (Section / Book 3 (Section / Book 4 (Section Commercial Report & Tender Documents: Development Strategy & Vision Report (Section 7.1.1)/ Strategic Case (Section 7.1.2) 2. MASTER PLANNING AND ASSET BRIEF Site Analysis and Master Plan Review Workshop ↓ Section 6.2.1 Stakeholder Consultations ↓ Section 6.2.2 Master Plan Options Workshop ↓ Section 6.2.3 Concept Master Plan Design Technical Submissions: Book 1 (Section / Book 2 (Section / Book 3 (Section / Book 4 (Section Commercial Report & Tender Documents: Development Programme (Section 7.2.1)/ Business Case (Section 7.2.2) ↓ Master Plan Review Workshop ↓ Master Plan Engineering Workshop ↓ Detailed Master Plan Report DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NEN-PRC-005 Section 6.3.1 Section 6.3.2 Design Technical Submissions: Book 1 (Section / Book 2 (Section / Book 3 (Section / Book 4 (Section Commercial Report & Tender Documents: Business Plan (Section 7.3.1) REVISION CODE: 02.00 ©NEOM [2021]. All rights reserved. PAGE 11 OF 81 Initial Asset Brief (Stage 2C) Initial Asset Brief Form Section 6.4 Tendering Stage and IFC (Stage 3D) Detailed Design (Stage 3C) Developed Design (Stage 3B) Concept Design (Stage 3A) 3. DESIGN (ASSETS DEVELOPMENT) Interim Presentation ↓ Concept Design Submission ↓ Developed Design Submission ↓ Detailed Design and Tender Documents Submission ↓ Tendering Stage Support and IFC Submission Section 6.5.1 Design Technical Submissions: Book 1 (Section / Book 2 (Section / Book 3 (Section / Book 4 (Section / Book 5 (Section, BIM and GIS Model Commercial Report & Tender Documents : Commercial Report (Section 7.5.1) Design Technical Submissions: Book 1 (Section 6.6.1) / Book 2 Results (Section 6.6.2) / Book 3 (Section 6.6.3) / Book 4 Drawings (Section 6.6.4) / Book 5 (Section 6.6.5) / Commercial Report (Section 7.1.5), BIM and GIS Model Commercial Report & Tender Documents : Commercial Report (Section 7.6.1) / Draft Tender Documents (Section 7.6.2) Design Technical Submissions: Book 1 (Section 6.7.1) / Book 2 Results (Section 6.7.2) / Book 3 (Section 6.7.3) / Book 4 Drawings (Section 6.7.4) / Book 5 (Section 6.7.5) / Commercial Report (Section 7.7.1), BIM and GIS Model Commercial Report & Tender Documents : Commercial Report (Section 7.7.1) / Tender Documents (Section 7.7.2) Tendering Stage Submittals: Section 8 This Procedure describes the deliverables of design Stages 1, 2 & 3 as illustrated in Appendix A (Roadmap for Design Deliverables). DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NEN-PRC-005 REVISION CODE: 02.00 ©NEOM [2021]. All rights reserved. PAGE 12 OF 81 Testing &Commissioning, Handover and Closeout (Stage 4B) Mobilization & Construction (Stage 4A) 4. CONSTRUCTION, HANDOVER AND CLOSE-OUT ↓ Notice to Commence issued Documents Requirement: Mobilization (Section 10.1.1) Construction: (Section 10.2) ↓ Completion of Works or sections of Works Documents Requirement: Testing and Commissioning (Section 11.1): Close-out: Section (11.3) 5.3. Designers Scope of Works Designers are required to develop designs and provide submittals as part of the design approval process for the various design stages. Designers will provide the design services as required by the selected procurement and project delivery strategies of each Asset. At the start of the project, Designers shall validate with NEOM representative on deliverables to be included to suit project particularities and project requirements. For Stage 1 – Strategic Definition, ETSD shall be the NEOM representative. All submissions must be made available electronically through NEOM platform. 5.3.1. Designers Submissions Each design submission will be accompanied by a BIM and GIS model and GIS files developed to the level specified in NEOM’s Technical Procedure reference NEOM-NEN-PRC-009 (GIS & BIM Procedure) at the end of each design stage. In addition, at the submission of each stage, Designers shall submit a presentation highlighting stage finding, compliance with the scope of work, and compliance with NEOM requirements. Design submissions must be checked, reviewed, and approved prior to submission based on applicable Quality Assurance & Quality Control procedures. Design submissions shall be prepared in accordance with the following procedures: NEOM’s Technical Quality schedule reference NEOM-NEN-SCH-002 (Schedule Q – Quality Requirements for Contractor), NEOM’s Technical Procedure reference NEOMNEN-PRC-021 (Stage Review and Approval Procedure), and NEOM’s Technical Procedure reference NEOM-NEN-PRC-010 (Drawing and Drafting Procedure). Design Technical Submission: Depending upon the scope and complexity of the Asset to be developed and delivered, design submittals may include technical details involving master planning, designs for building, infrastructure or both building and infrastructure works. Technical submission shall include GIS files for Stages and DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NEN-PRC-005 REVISION CODE: 02.00 ©NEOM [2021]. All rights reserved. PAGE 13 OF 81 substages under Stages 1, 2 and 3. All other drawings and layouts submitted shall additionally be submitted with GIS compatible formats. Technical details will be a combination of any of the following: Table 7: Technical Services for Various Stages Stage 1 Stage 3 Stage 2 Master Planning Urban Design Mobility and Transportation Wet/Dry Utility Networks Master Planning Services Urban Design Landscape Design Mobility and Transportation Wet/Dry Utility Networks External Works External Works Environmental Telecommunication Solid Waste Management Geotechnical Engineering Stormwater Drainage Network External Lighting Planning Services Building Assets Infrastructure Assets Architectural Services Mobility and Transportation Wet Infrastructure Water Supply Network Wastewater Network Interior Architecture Acoustics Signage and Way Findings Geotechnical Engineering Structural Engineering Mechanical Engineering Electrical Engineering Stormwater Drainage Network TSE and Irrigation Network Fire Fighting Network Chilled Water Network External Works Fuel Network Fire Safety Strategy Dry Infrastructure: Accessibility for people with disabilities Electrical Network Signage and Wayfinding Firefighting Strategy and Assessment External Lighting & Lighting Control Traffic Signals Telecommunication Solid Waste Management Landscape Marine Works Geotechnical Engineering Civil Structures Utilities Buildings Commercial Report and Tender Documents Designers/Consultants will provide deliverables required by the selected procurement and project delivery strategies for each Asset. At the end of each design stage, the design submittals and the supporting material submitted shall include, unless otherwise specified in the Agreement, the following deliverables: Commercial Reports. Tender Documents. Tendering Stage Submittals Designers undertaking tendering services, leading to the selection of a construction contractor, includes preparing and compiling IFC documents. DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NEN-PRC-005 REVISION CODE: 02.00 ©NEOM [2021]. All rights reserved. PAGE 14 OF 81 5.4. Contractor’s Scope of Works The Contractor’s scope of works includes the provision of all necessary labor, material, equipment, supplies, preparatory and enabling tasks, ancillary and associated works necessarily required to design, where applicable depending on the asset delivery process, procure, construct, complete, test, and remedy of defects of the assets components identified in the contract documents. In order to achieve the scope, the contractor, supervised by an Employer’s Representative team from an independent and qualified consultant engineering firm(s) shall perform the following general functions, specialized site activities and documentation duties: 1. General functions include duties such as: administrative tasks, planning, document control, contract management, commercial management and interface with different components of works as well as stakeholders’ interface. 2. Construction activities function: including engineering and construction activities using the services of professional Engineers and inspectors to ensure that Employer’s Requirements are complied with and design criteria are adhered to. 3. Vendors Materials and equipment documentation processing: prior to the execution of the design documents, vendors, materials and equipment requiring procurement will need to receive a ‘no objection’ certificate from the Employer prior to the commencement of execution on site. These will have to be reviewed for compliance with the applicable codes and standards, commented on by Neom’s Representative and then referred to the appropriate department in NEOM, or any other relevant authority having jurisdiction for issuing the no objection certificates. 4. Shop Drawings documentation processing: the same process described above for the vendors, materials and equipment applies for the submission, review and approval “no objection” of the shop drawing that stem from the detailed design drawings for the purpose of execution of the designed components. 6. Design Technical Submission: 6.1. Strategic Definition (Stage 1) 6.1.1. Project Initiation Workshop The Designer shall lead a workshop with NEOM concerned Departments / Sectors to initiate the development of the Asset including site particulars and constraints, buildability issues, project information, project objectives / key success indicators. 6.1.2. Stakeholder Consultations The Designer shall lead workshops with Stakeholders to identify stakeholder aspirations / requirements including alignment with NEOM vision, innovation, delivery and desired sustainability outcomes (as applicable). 6.1.3. Strategic Spatial Framework Report The Strategic Framework Report comprises a suite of spatial-planning policy documents, including those listed below and other studies as may be required for the development of the Asset. Book 1: Main Report Chapter 1: Scope Definition 1. Introduction. DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NEN-PRC-005 REVISION CODE: 02.00 ©NEOM [2021]. All rights reserved. PAGE 15 OF 81 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. NEOM Vision. Project Understanding. Project Location (Feasibility ascertained with GIS). Project Scope Details. Population Planning Forecast for the asset for Mobility planning. Asset Naming. Project Team and Organisation. Chapter 2: Design Basis 1. Opportunities and Constraints. 2. Adopted Codes and Standards. 3. Design Criteria. Chapter 3: Stakeholder Engagement 1. Stakeholder Management and Engagement. 2. Stakeholder Requirements. Book 2: Data Collection 1. 2. 3. 4. Land Mobility Strategy (Refer NEOM Land Mobility Strategy) Traffic Impact Study (Refer Traffic Impact Study Procedure, NEOM-NEN-PRC-013). Utilities Data Collection. District Sustainability Targets (Refer NEOM Technical Procedure reference NEOM-NEV-PRC016). 5. Security Vision and Strategy Statement (Development specific) and Strategic Security Layering Book 3: Planning Reports 1. Regional Context Appraisal Report. 2. Regional Framework. 3. Regional Phasing Strategy based on asset proponent phasing information. Book 4: Planning Policy 1. Regional Structure Plan. The Designer shall submit a comprehensive presentation on the Regional Structure Plan covering all deliverables submitted during the design sub-stage and incorporating feedback provided by NEOM (as applicable). 6.2. Concept Master Plan (Stage 2A) 6.2.1. Site Analysis and Master Plan Review Workshop The Designer shall lead a workshop to report on the site reconnaissance (walk over survey supported by a Feasibility study conducted with the help of GIS) and design response, including a review of the previous master plan (as applicable). 6.2.2. Stakeholder Consultations The Designer shall lead workshops with stakeholders to discuss design options and/or a preferred design option, including alignment with Stakeholder requirements as per 6.1.2. and above. DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NEN-PRC-005 REVISION CODE: 02.00 ©NEOM [2021]. All rights reserved. PAGE 16 OF 81 6.2.3. Master Plan Options Workshop The Designer shall lead workshops with the client to discuss site planning parameters and spatialdesign options and/or a preferred design option, including alternate site land use scenarios (as applicable). 6.2.4. Concept Master Plan Report The CMP Report comprises a suite of spatial studies, including those listed below and other studies as may be required to suit the project. Studies shall be submitted in GIS compatible format. Book 1: Main Report Chapter 1: Scope Definition 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Introduction. NEOM Vision. Project Understanding. Project Location. Strategic Brief. Chapter 2: Design Basis 1. Opportunities and Constraints. 2. Adopted codes and standards. 3. Gap Analysis. Chapter 3: Stakeholder Engagement 1. Stakeholder Management & Engagement. 2. Interfaces with other Projects. Chapter 4: Design Components 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Illustrative Master Plan. Land Use Budget. Land Use Plan. Landscape Plan. Master Plan Fire Strategy. Master Plan Mobility & Transportation. Security Layering Concept. Regional Phasing Strategy Chapter 5: Concept Infrastructure Design Chapter 6: Sustainability Goals 1. Sustainability Opportunities. 2. Key Performance Indicators. 3. Innovation. Book 2: Data Collection Site investigations, studies and analyses Site Assessment 1. Geotechnical and Geophysical Survey. 2. Topographical Survey. DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NEN-PRC-005 REVISION CODE: 02.00 ©NEOM [2021]. All rights reserved. PAGE 17 OF 81 3. Hydrological Survey. 4. Noise Survey (if required). 5. Site Specific Seismic Hazard Study. 6. Traffic Impact Study. 7. Sustainability Strategy. 8. Marine Survey (if applicable). 9. Existing Utilities Network Survey. 10. Threat & Risk Assessment. Book 3: Concept Master Plan Reports 1. Preliminary Urban Design Guidelines. 2. Preliminary Landscape Design Guidelines. Book 4: Adopted CMP & Supporting Materials Adopted Concept Master Plan Drawings 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Land Use Plan. Movement Strategy – Definition of mobility & transport modes, networks and services. Mobility & Transport Infrastructure Plan Road Hierarchy Plan. Landscape and Open Space Plan. Emergency Response Station Locations. GIS Requirements. Security Command and Control Overlay. Regional Phasing Plans The Designer shall submit a comprehensive presentation on the Concept Master Plan covering all deliverables submitted during the design sub-stage and incorporating feedback provided by NEOM. 6.3. Detailed Master Plan (Stage 2B) 6.3.1. Master Plan Review Workshop The Designer shall lead a workshop to report on the site assessment and appraisal. Include: A review of previous concept master plan. 6.3.2. Master Plan Engineering Workshop The Designer shall lead workshops with NEOM and Stakeholders to discuss engineering of public realm and for the development of Assets. Include: technical land remediation and management as required. 6.3.3. Detailed Master Plan Report The DMP Report comprises a suite of spatial and technical (engineering) documents, including those listed below and other studies as may be required to suit the project. Book 1: Main Report (Detailed Master Plan Report) Chapter 1: Scope Definition 1. Introduction. 2. NEOM Vision. 3. Project Understanding. DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NEN-PRC-005 REVISION CODE: 02.00 ©NEOM [2021]. All rights reserved. PAGE 18 OF 81 4. Project Location. 5. Strategic Brief. Chapter 2: Design Basis 1. Opportunities and Constraints. 2. Adopted Codes and Standards. 3. Gap Analysis. Chapter 3: Stakeholder Engagement 1. Stakeholder Management & Engagement. 2. Interfaces with other Projects. Chapter 4: Design Details 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Final Master Plan. Final Mobility & Transportation Master Plan. Final Land Use Plan and Area Schedule. Open Space Network Plan. Master Plan Fire Strategy Report. Regional Phasing Strategy. The design details shall be supported by Feasibility Study conducted with the help of GIS. The final analysis, which shall be in accordance with Land Use Permit and Land Records shall be submitted. Chapter 5: Plot Identification (ID) Sheets and Regulations Chapter 6: Technical Landscape Design Chapter 7: Detailed Infrastructure Design Book 2: Data Collection Any further findings from ongoing surveys or liaison with stakeholders since the collection of data in Stages 1 and 2A. Book 3: Detail Master Plan Reports Building and Public Realm Design Guidelines / Code. Book 4: Adopted DMP & Supporting Materials Adopted Detailed Master Plan. Drawings 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Detailed Land Use Plan. Final Mobility & Transportation Plan. Final Landscape and Open Space Plan. Utility Networks Plan including related to Fire Safety. Phasing Plan. GIS Requirements as per NEOM-NEN-PRC-009. Security Layering Concept represented geographically. Regional Phasing Plans represented spatially including all asset level phasing. The Designer shall submit a comprehensive presentation on the Detailed Master Plan covering all deliverables submitted during the design sub-stage and incorporating feedback provided by NEOM. DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NEN-PRC-005 REVISION CODE: 02.00 ©NEOM [2021]. All rights reserved. PAGE 19 OF 81 6.4. Initial Asset Brief (Stage 2C) The Initial Asset Brief shall be prepared in line with requirements of NEOM-NEN-PRC-004 and shall consist of the following 6.4.1. Asset Details Asset Details shall include 1. Asset Name. 2. Asset/Facility Type. 3. Asset Objective. 4. Location. 5. Asset Classification. 6. Asset/ Facility Components. 7. Phasing Strategy/ Delivery Stages. 8. Completion of Previous Stages. 9. Compliance with Codes & Standards. 10. Sustainability Requirements. 11. SEA (Strategic Environmental Assessment). 12. ESIA (Environmental and Social Impact Assessment). 13. Land use Permit. 14. Design Life of Asset. 15. Cost Estimate. 16. Value Engineering. 17. Asset Delivery Route. 18. Start and Finish Dates. 19. Stakeholders. 6.4.2. Asset Scope This section shall include the work that needs to be accomplished to complete the Asset. It shall include the various items and their extent which are included as part of the scope for the asset. 6.4.3. Data from Master Planning Stages The following data shall be collated from Concept Master Plan 1. Land Use Plan. 2. Topographical Maps. 3. Geological Investigation. 4. Hydrological Investigation. 5. Geophysical Study. 6. Built-up Area (BUA). 7. Electrical Demand Load. 8. Water Demand Load. 9. Population Forecast. 10. Concept Master Plan. 11. Detailed Master Plan. 12. Mobility & Transportation Plan. 6.4.4. Placemaking / Interfaces 1. Asset Integration. 2. Interfaces. 3. Special Considerations. DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NEN-PRC-005 REVISION CODE: 02.00 ©NEOM [2021]. All rights reserved. PAGE 20 OF 81 4. Constraints. 5. Risks. 6.4.5. Functional Requirements This section shall list and include details about the various components, which are included in the Asset. 6.4.6. Design Brief The design brief shall be included for all Asset components and shall be separately prepared for Building and Infrastructure Assets. Building Assets Design Brief 1. Architectural. 2. Interior Design. 3. Acoustics. 4. Signage and Wayfinding. 5. Geotechnical. 6. Structural. 7. MEP/HVAC. 8. Waste Management. 9. ICT & Security. 10. External Works. 11. GIS & BIM Requirements. 12. SMART Requirements. Infrastructure Assets Design Brief This shall include 1. Roadworks. 2. Wet Infrastructure Utilities. 3. Dry Infrastructure Utilities. 4. Solid Waste Management. 5. Noise Abatement Strategies. 6. Landscape. 7. Marine work. 8. Geotechnical Engineering. 9. Civil Structures. 10. Utility Buildings and Reservoirs. 11. Mobility & Transportation Flows. 12. External Lightings. 13. GIS & BIM Requirements. 6.4.7. Business Case / Operational Case This shall include the rationale for developing the proposed Asset/Facility and presents the high-level business objectives to be achieved. 6.4.8. Approval Approval from all Stakeholders is required along with final approval from the Regional Proponent or Leader. DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NEN-PRC-005 REVISION CODE: 02.00 ©NEOM [2021]. All rights reserved. PAGE 21 OF 81 Also, Pre-Concept design can be submitted at Stage 2C instead of Stage 3A. The initial asset brief shall be updated at each substage subsequent to Stage 2C and shall be submitted along with other deliverables for Stage Review and Approval. No separate approval (Section 8 of the form) for those Asset briefs shall be required at subsequent stages and approval of asset briefs shall be included as part of Stage Approval. 6.5. Concept Design (Stage 3A) 6.5.1. Interim Presentation Designers shall run an interim presentation during the concept design stage describing proposed options for any of the design disciplines the main elements of the project. Designers shall submit design options and support their recommendation with a corresponding technical and economic analysis, seek NEOM’s approval and select accordingly on the preferred options to be further detailed in the Stage 3A submission. Designers shall provide: For Building Assets Minimum three options for NEOM’s selection; each option shall include: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Program of areas. Functional diagrams. Conceptual floor plans. 3D perspectives (Additionally in GIS/Revit format). Visuals including interior design moods. The provided option shall present Iconic versus conventional structures options. For Infrastructure Assets Minimum two options for NEOM’s selection. Options may include the following as applicable: 1. Mobility & Transportation Network Performance Assessment. 2. At-Grade versus Separate-Grade road intersections. 3. Interchange configurations. 4. Iconic versus conventional bridge structures. 5. Location and size of substations. 6. Street lighting options. 7. Surface drainage versus positive drainage network. 8. Gravity versus pressure wastewater and drainage networks. 9. Water pumping versus elevated water tank. 10. District cooling network versus independent cooling systems. 11. Pneumatic solid waste collection network versus conventional collection system. 12. Soft and hard landscape templates, layouts and themes. 13. Alternatives for earth retaining structures. 14. Railway infrastructure. 15. GIS Overlay analysis. 6.5.2. Concept Design Report The Concept Design Report shall include, as applicable, the below sections. The report shall include all necessary graphics, figures, photos, tables and design notes. DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NEN-PRC-005 REVISION CODE: 02.00 ©NEOM [2021]. All rights reserved. PAGE 22 OF 81 Book 1: Main Report Chapter 1: Scope Definition 1. Introduction. 2. Project Understanding reflecting: NEOM Vision. Project Objectives. Project Brief. 3. Project Location. 4. Project Scope Details. 5. Asset Naming. 6. Project Team and Organization. 7. Permits Status. 8. Safety in Design (Prepared in accordance with NEOM Technical Procedure NEOM-NEN-PRC-006 (Safety in Design Procedure). Chapter 2: Design Basis 1. Schedule of Adopted Codes & Standards. 2. Design Criteria. Chapter 3: Stakeholder Management 1. Stakeholder Management & Engagement. 2. Stakeholder Approval Status. 3. Interfaces with other Projects. Chapter 4: Constructability, Operations & Maintenance Review Report 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Construction Methods & Techniques. Construction Sequence. Construction Programme. Operational & Maintenance Strategy. Access strategy for maintenance and operations. Chapter 5: Sustainability For Public Realm and Building Projects only: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Analysis of local site conditions. Statement on environmental and microclimatic design drivers. Statement on ecological regeneration. Energy benchmarking study. An Energy study based on the results of Simple Box Model (building projects only). Water benchmarking study. Preliminary water budget analysis. The design shall submit a comprehensive concept sustainability presentation covering all deliverables submitted during the design sub-stage and incorporating feedback provided by NEOM and/or Private Developer. The design shall be supported by Feasibility Report generated with the help of GIS. DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NEN-PRC-005 REVISION CODE: 02.00 ©NEOM [2021]. All rights reserved. PAGE 23 OF 81 This section shall be prepared in line with NEOM procedure for Regenerative Development NEOMNEV-PRC-016 and Interim Sustainability Requirements for the Built Environment NEOM-NEV-PRC501. Chapter 6: Innovation 1. Define and list current technical ideas that are most likely to succeed as innovations for NEOM. 2. Evaluate ideas by people with the help of relevant selection criteria. 3. Incorporate ideas. Chapter 7: Environmental Scoping Report 1. A walkover reconnaissance survey shall be conducted in order to get familiar with the environmental characteristics of the project area. 2. Prior to initiating the data collection, the Scoping Report shall be prepared and submitted to NEOM and GAMEP (The General Authority of Meteorology and Environmental Protection). The Scoping Report will identify the baseline surveys and monitoring intended to be undertaken including, but not limited to, the following: Air Quality. Noise. Terrestrial Survey. Marine Ecological Survey. Seawater Quality. Sediment Quality. Geo-environmental Sampling. The various surveys shall be additionally submitted in GIS format. ‐ The Scoping Report will include, but will not be limited to, the following: Project description. Policy, legal and institutional framework. Summary of the activities during construction and operation of the Project. Description of physical, biological, and socio-economic baseline conditions. Preliminary impacts Identification. Terms of Reference for the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Study. Chapter 8: Threat & Risk Assessment Depending on the facility type, and NEOM specific requirements, a security Threat and Risk Assessment shall be conducted as part of the Concept Design. The process shall mainly cover, threat and risk assessment, vulnerability assessment, severity determination, risk determination and security mitigation considerations. 1. Threat and Risk Assessment. 2. Security Mitigation Considerations. 3. Enhanced Tier/Grade Protection Requirements in line with Threat & Risk Assessment. 4. Final Security Layering Descriptions. 5. Security Systems Connectivity including Smart Initiatives. 6. Typical Security Experience for Relevant Site Users. 7. Surveillance Coverage and Image Quality Traces. 8. Security Privacy Zoning traces to assist the application of access control locations. 9. Identified Intruder Detection Areas. 10. Outdoor Door & Glazing Standards. DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NEN-PRC-005 REVISION CODE: 02.00 ©NEOM [2021]. All rights reserved. PAGE 24 OF 81 11. Specialist Security Analysis (eg.Vehicle dynamics assessment, blast analysis, screening & detection). 12. Security Control Room Design Aspects. 13. Applicable Standards/Basis of Design. Chapter 9: Value Engineering Value Engineering (VE) is a systematic and organized process for maximizing the value of the Asset given the time, cost, and quality constraints, and while preserving NEOM’s specific design philosophy and the project’s prime function and purpose. The VE process includes three major phases: (1) the pre-workshop; (2) the workshop; and (3) the post-workshop, whereby the workshop phase constitutes the essence of the VE process, whereas the pre-workshop phase includes preparation, and the post-workshop phase includes the follow-up efforts to ensure proper implementation of approved value proposals. Please refer to NEOM-NEN-PRC-007 Value Engineering Procedure for more information on implementation and for reference made to the associated forms that serve as supporting documents in undertaking the overall study process. Book 2: Data Collection Results 1. 2. 3. 4. Site Investigations, Studies and Analyses. Site Assessment (existing utilities, accessibility, environmental conditions, etc.). Existing historic and/or natural attraction features within proposed site. Geotechnical Investigation Report in accordance with NEOM Technical Procedure reference NEOM-NEN-PRC-001 (Geotechnical Investigation Procedure). 5. Geophysical Surveys Report. 6. Topographic Survey Report in accordance with NEOM Technical Procedure reference NEOMNEN-PRC-002 (Topographic Survey Procedure). 7. Hydrological Study in accordance with NEOM Technical Procedure reference NEOM-NEN-PRC012 (Hydrological Study Procedure). 8. Noise Survey if needed (where applicable). 9. Site Specific Seismic Hazard Study in accordance with NEOM Technical Procedure reference NEOM-NEN-PRC-011 (Site Specific Seismic Hazards Study Procedure). 10. Traffic Study in accordance with NEOM Technical Procedure reference NEOM-NEN-PRC-013 (Traffic Study Procedure). 11. Marine Survey Report (where applicable). 12. Existing Utilities Networks (Potable Water, storm water, sewage, gas, fuel, chilled water, etc). 13. Electrical Survey: Existing primary HV/MV substations in the vicinity of the project including voltage level, substations maximum and available spare capacity. Existing overhead and underground power cables in the vicinity and within the project boundaries. Existing MV/LV substations. Existing street lighting poles and feeder pillars. Book 3: Concept Design Reports Section 1: Building Assets Refer to Appendix E Stage 3A Building Assets Reports & Drawings. Section 2: Infrastructure Assets Refer to Appendix F Stage 3A Infrastructure Assets Reports & Drawings. DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NEN-PRC-005 REVISION CODE: 02.00 ©NEOM [2021]. All rights reserved. PAGE 25 OF 81 Book 4: Drawings Section 1: Building Assets Refer to Appendix E Stage 3A Building Assets Reports & Drawings. Section 2: Infrastructure Assets Refer to Appendix F Stage 3A Infrastructure Assets Reports & Drawings. Section 3: BIM Model and GIS Requirements GIS data and BIM with all requisite LOD as detailed in NEOM-NEN-PRC-009 Procedure for BIM & GIS. Section 4: Security Requirements Security Layering Diagrams. Book 5: Specification Outline specifications for the various project components shall be prepared according to the relevant NEOM procedures. 6.6. Developed Design (Stage 3B) 6.6.1. Book 1: Main Report Chapter 1: Scope Definition 1. Introduction. 2. Project Understanding reflecting: NEOM Vision Project Objectives Project Brief 3. NEOM Vision. 4. Project Objectives. 5. Project Brief. 6. Project Location. 7. Project Scope Details. 8. Asset Naming. 9. Project Team and Organization. 10. Permits Status. 11. Value Engineering in accordance with NEOM Technical Procedure reference NEOM-NEN-PRC007, as a mandatory design requirement (see Value Engineering Procedure). 12. Lessons Learned. 13. Safety in Design in accordance with NEOM Technical Procedure reference NEOM-NEN-PRC-006 (Safety in Design Procedure). Chapter 2: Design Basis 1. Schedule of Adopted Codes & Standards. 2. Design Criteria. Chapter 3: Stakeholder Management 1. 2. 3. 4. Stakeholder Management & Engagement. Summary of Public Consultation Sessions. Stakeholder Approval Status. Interfaces with other Projects. DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NEN-PRC-005 REVISION CODE: 02.00 ©NEOM [2021]. All rights reserved. PAGE 26 OF 81 Chapter 4: Constructability, Operations & Maintenance Review Report 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Construction Methods & Techniques. Construction Sequence (Preferably with WBS linked with GIS data). Construction Programme. Operational & Maintenance Strategy. Access Strategy for Maintenance and Operations. Chapter 5: Innovation 1. Update the list of current technical and innovative ideas. 2. Evaluate ideas by people with the appropriate expertise. 3. Incorporate ideas. Chapter 6: Sustainability (For Public Realm and Building Assets) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Sustainable Design Statement. Mobility & Transportation Statement. Stormwater Management Statement Report (For Public Realm projects only). Preliminary Energy Management Plan. Preliminary Water Management Plan. Preliminary Life Cycle Assessment Report. Material Circularity Report. Indoor Environmental Quality Statement (For Building projects only). The design team shall submit a comprehensive design development sustainability presentation covering all deliverables submitted during the design sub-stage and incorporating feedback provided by NEOM and/or Private Developer. This section shall be prepared in line with NEOM procedure for Regenerative Development NEOMNEV-PRC-016 and Interim Sustainability Requirements for the Built Environment NEOM-NEV-PRC501. 6.6.2. Book 2: Data Collection Results 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Site Investigations, Studies and Analyses. Site Assessment. Geotechnical Investigation Report. Geophysical Surveys Report. Topographic Survey Report. Interpretive Reports and Studies. Existing Vegetation Study and Habitat Report. Security Concept of Operations The survey reports shall be additionally submitted in GIS format. 6.6.3. Book 3: Developed Design Reports Section 1: Building Assets Refer to Appendix G Stage 3B Building Assets Reports & Drawings. Section 2: Infrastructure Assets Refer to Appendix H Stage 3B Infrastructure Assets Reports & Drawings. DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NEN-PRC-005 REVISION CODE: 02.00 ©NEOM [2021]. All rights reserved. PAGE 27 OF 81 6.6.4. Book 4: Drawings Section 1: Building Assets Refer to Appendix G Stage 3B Building Assets Reports & Drawings. Section 2: Infrastructure Assets Refer to Appendix H Stage 3B Infrastructure Assets Reports & Drawings. Section 3: BIM Model and GIS Requirements GIS requirements and BIM with all requisite LOD as detailed in NEOM-NEN-PRC-009 Procedure for BIM & GIS. Section 4: Security Requirements Detailed drawings, layouts and schematics for all security systems and infrastructure. 6.6.5. Book 5: Specifications Designers shall prepare outline specifications covering all the works to be incorporated under the project. 6.7. Detailed Design (Stage 3C) 6.7.1. Book 1: Main Report Chapter 1: Scope Definition 1. Introduction. 2. Project Understanding: NEOM Vision Project Objectives Project Brief 3. Project Location. 4. Project Scope Details. 5. Asset Naming. 6. Project Team and Organization. 7. Permits Status. 8. Value Engineering in accordance with NEOM Technical Procedure reference NEOM-NEN-PRC007, as and when required (see Value Engineering Procedure). 9. Safety in Design in accordance with NEOM Technical Procedure reference NEOM-NEN-PRC-006 (Safety in Design Procedure). 10. Lessons Learned. Chapter 2: Design Basis 1. Schedule of Adopted Codes & Standards. 2. Design Criteria. Chapter 3: Stakeholder Management 1. Stakeholder Management & Engagement. 2. Summary of public consultation sessions held on completion of the Draft Environmental Impact Assessment. 3. Stakeholder Approval Status. 4. Interfaces with other projects. DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NEN-PRC-005 REVISION CODE: 02.00 ©NEOM [2021]. All rights reserved. PAGE 28 OF 81 Chapter 4: Constructability Review Report 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Construction Methods & Techniques. Construction Sequence (Preferably with WBS linked with GIS data). Construction Programme. Operational & Maintenance Strategy. Access strategy for maintenance and operations. Chapter 5: Innovation 1. Update the list of current technical ideas. 2. Evaluate ideas by people with the appropriate expertise. 3. Incorporate ideas. Chapter 6 : Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) 1. Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) a) The draft EIA report shall be prepared once the scoping report has been approved. b) The draft EIA Study shall include, but will not be limited to, the following: Project Description. Overview of Policy, Legal and Administrative Framework. Environmental Baseline Conditions. Analysis of project alternatives. Impact Assessment. Public Consultations. Environmental Management Plan (EMP) (i.e. mitigation measures, monitoring program and institutional structure for EMP implementation/capacity building). c) The Draft EIA report shall be submitted to NEOM and GAMEP for review. d) Any comments raised on the Draft EIA shall be addressed in the Final EIA Report including comments from the public consultation sessions, copies of which will be presented to NEOM and GAMEP for review and approval. Chapter 7: Sustainability (As applicable) 1. Sustainable Design Statement. 2. Simulation Models Study. 3. Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan. 4. Sustainable Construction Plan. 5. Final Energy Management Plan. 6. Commissioning Provider’s Design Review. 7. Preliminary Commissioning Report. 8. Final Water Management Plan. 9. Sustainable Material Sourcing Strategy. 10. Solid Waste Management Plan. 11. Final Indoor Environmental Quality Report (Building Projects only). 12. Sustainability requirements in Demolition Plan in line with Employer Requirements (ER) – Regenerative Development in Operations NEOM-NEV-EMR-404 . The design team shall submit a comprehensive detailed design sustainability presentation covering all deliverables submitted during the design sub-stage and incorporating feedback provided by NEOM and/or Private Developer. The various plans and reports shall be additionally submitted in GIS format. DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NEN-PRC-005 REVISION CODE: 02.00 ©NEOM [2021]. All rights reserved. PAGE 29 OF 81 This chapter shall be prepared in line with NEOM procedure for Regenerative Development NEOMNEV-PRC-016 and Interim Sustainability Requirements for the Built Environment NEOM-NEV-PRC501. 6.7.2. Book 2: Data Collection Results 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Site Investigations, Studies and Analyses. Site Assessment. Geotechnical Investigation Report. Geophysical Surveys Report. Topographic Survey Report. Interpretive Reports and Studies. 6.7.3. Book 3: Detailed Design Reports Section 1: Building Assets Refer to Appendix I Stage 3C Building Assets Reports & Drawings. Section 2: Infrastructure Assets Refer to Appendix J Stage 3C Infrastructure Assets Reports & Drawings. 6.7.4. Book 4: Drawings Section 1: Building Assets Refer to Appendix I Stage 3C Building Assets Reports & Drawings. Section 2: Infrastructure Assets Refer to Appendix J Stage 3C Infrastructure Assets Reports & Drawings. Section 3: BIM Model and GIS requirements GIS requirements and BIM with all requisite LOD as detailed in NEOM-NEN-PRC-009 Procedure for GIS & BIM. Section 4: Security Requirements Layouts, schematics and drawings for tendering. Drawings indicating typical connections to security systems and infrastructure. 6.7.5. Book 5: Specifications Designers shall prepare specifications covering all the works to be incorporated under the project. The specifications shall be prepared in line with List of Codes and Standards, NEOM-NEN-SCH-005. The specifications shall be based on the approved Design Basis submitted at Concept Design Stage (Stage 3A) or Developed Design Stage (Stage 3B). DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NEN-PRC-005 REVISION CODE: 02.00 ©NEOM [2021]. All rights reserved. PAGE 30 OF 81 7. Commercial Report and Tender Documents 7.1. Strategic Definition (Stage 1) 7.1.1. Development Strategy & Vision Report Chapter 1: Baseline Assessment 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Macroeconomic Baseline Study. Sector Analysis (as required for industrial or commercial assets). Socio-economic Profile. Review of Relevant Plans & Strategies. Demand Forecasts (Population & Employment). Chapter 2: Market Assessment The market study will include an assessment of demand and supply for relevant/ applicable asset classes. This could include: 1. a) b) c) d) Residential/ Housing Sector. Demand Assessment (identification of key segments, characteristics and demand forecasts). Supply Analysis (analysis and mapping of current and planned stock and other competition). Key Performance Indicators. Gap Analysis. 2. a) b) c) d) Hospitality Sector Demand Assessment. Supply Analysis. Key Performance Indicators. Gap Analysis. 3. a) b) c) d) Retail Sector Demand Assessment. Supply Analysis. Key Performance Indicators. Gap Analysis. 4. a) b) c) d) Commercial Sector Demand Assessment. Supply Analysis. Key Performance Indicators. Gap Analysis. 5. a) b) c) d) Health & Education Demand Assessment. Supply Analysis. Key Performance Indicators. Gap Analysis. 6. a) b) c) d) Industry & Warehousing Demand Assessment. Supply Analysis. Key Indicators. Gap Analysis. DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NEN-PRC-005 REVISION CODE: 02.00 ©NEOM [2021]. All rights reserved. PAGE 31 OF 81 7. a) b) c) d) Leisure & MICE Demand Assessment. Supply Analysis. Key Performance Indicators. Gap Analysis. Chapter 3: Vision & Development Recommendations 1. 2. 3. 4. Benchmarking of Similar Developments. Competitive & Comparative Analysis. Development Vision & Proposed Positioning. Land Use Recommendations. 7.1.2. Strategic Case 1. Description and Vision of the Asset. 2. Asset scope and proposed positioning 3. Description of the NEOM Principles implementation 4. Economic Rationale for Development of the Asset. 5. Rough Order of Magnitude Cost Estimates based on the development recommendations. 6. Identification of revenue-generating assets and revenue streams. 7. Preliminary financial analysis to calculate Project Level IRR and NPV. 8. Identification of potential funding sources. 9. Initial Project Execution Plan to include a narrative on the delivery model/route for the project 10. Preliminary roadmap/ key milestones for the delivery of the project. 11. Risk Assessment to include Identification of key risks. 12. Asset assessed against high level alternative solutions in sector (mobility: traditional highway, rail network) 7.2. Concept Master Plan (Stage 2A) 7.2.1. Development Programme 1. Assessment of Baseline Macroeconomic and Socio-economic Activities. 2. Identification of Target Markets (in the case of real estate assets this would encompass target audience/segments, in terms of industrial assets this would cover target industrial activities). 3. Market Assessment (Supply, demand, and gap analysis) for relevant asset classes. 4. Revision and Validation of Development Vision and Strategy. 5. Definition/ Validation of the Land Use Programme. 7.2.2. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Business Case (for Preferred Concept Master Plan) Description and Vision of the Asset (updated) Economic Rationale for Development of the Asset and preliminary Benefit Cost Analysis. High-level Economic Impact Assessment for options Investment Requirements (preliminary cost estimates) accounting for all site development and infrastructure costs, as well as building and construction costs. Identification of revenue-generating assets and revenue streams. Definition of the various development and operating models to be deployed in the project, and the model applicable to each asset type. Identification of main entities involved in the project and the roles and responsibilities of each. Identification of main sources of funding and allocation of investment between the parties. Financial pre-feasibility because of the above to calculate key performance metrics (NPV, IRR, payback period etc.) for the overall project and from the perspective of involved entities. DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NEN-PRC-005 REVISION CODE: 02.00 ©NEOM [2021]. All rights reserved. PAGE 32 OF 81 10. Project Execution Plan (updated) 11. Roadmap for delivery of the project, including key milestones. 12. Risk Assessment inclusive of Identification of key risks, their impact and probability, and definition of potential mitigation measures for severe risks (updated). 13. Options analysis (variations of solution such as length or capacity of rail network), determine preferred way forwards 7.3. Detailed Master Plan (Stage 2B) 7.3.1. Business Plan 1. Rationale and description of the master plan (including the vision, market positioning etc.). 2. Economic Rationale for Development of the Asset and Benefit Cost Analysis (updated). 3. Investment requirements (preliminary cost estimates) accounting for all site development and infrastructure costs, as well as building and construction costs (updated). 4. For each plot: identification of revenue sources and streams (as applicable). 5. For each plot: definition of the development and operating models to be deployed (updated). 6. Identification of main entities involved in the project and the roles and responsibilities of each. 7. Identification of main sources of funding and allocation of investment between the parties 8. Financial feasibility study disaggregated at the plot level – to calculate the NPV and IRR for each individual plot (as a whole and from the perspective of involved entities; updated). 9. Definition of implementation schedule for delivery of the project, including key milestones. 10. Risk Assessment inclusive of Identification of key risks, their impact and probability, and definition of potential mitigation measures for severe risks (updated); and Sensitivity tests based on the identified risks. DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NEN-PRC-005 REVISION CODE: 02.00 ©NEOM [2021]. All rights reserved. PAGE 33 OF 81 7.4. Initial Asset Brief (Stage 2C) Business Case related to development & delivery of individual asset, which shall include 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Scope and Description of the asset(s). Rationale for Development of the asset (Objectives and Expected Outcomes). Investment Requirements. Revenue Sources and Projections. Financial Returns. Risk Assessment and Mitigation Strategies. Implementation Plan (Development and Operating Model and Key Stakeholders). Implementation Schedule/ Key Milestones. Socioeconomic Benefits. For non-revenue generating assets, an operational case shall substitute for the business case. The operational case may exclude the financial return section and include the remaining sections of the business case. The approved business case shall be attached to the IAB. 7.5. Concept Design (Stage 3A) 7.5.1. Commercial Report 1. High-level Cost Estimates of the selected design option. 2. Project Risks and Mitigations. 7.5.2. Draft Tender Documents For design build projects, Design Consultant has to provide Draft Tender Documents as detailed in section 7.5.2 as part of Stage 3A design submission. 7.6. Developed Design (Stage 3B) 7.6.1. Commercial Report 1. Preliminary Cost Estimate. 2. Project Risks and Mitigations. 7.6.2. Draft Tender Documents Part 1: Tender Conditions and Procedures Prepared based on NEOM templates. Part 2: Contract Condition of Contract, Contract Agreement, Contract Forms Prepared based on NEOM templates. Part 3: Specifications (“Book 5 Specifications”) Part 4: Method of Measurement and Bill of Quantities Preparation of a Method of Measurement setting out the conditions under which work shall be measured and the method based on which the quantities shall be computed. The method of measurement shall be in accordance with the international method of measurement standards with additions and amendments introduced by the Designers. The Adopted standard shall be in accordance with standards in NEOM’s cost procedure. Preparation of a Preliminary BOQ based on approximate quantities built up into composite items in an elemental format illustrating the level of design development. Prepared preliminary BOQ shall be in line with the conditions of contract, specifications, method of measurement and drawings. Part 5: Drawings (“Book 4 Drawings”) and BIM model and GIS requirements as per NEOM-NEN-PRC009. DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NEN-PRC-005 REVISION CODE: 02.00 ©NEOM [2021]. All rights reserved. PAGE 34 OF 81 7.7. Detailed Design (Stage 3C) 7.7.1. Commercial Report Detailed Cost Estimate. Project Risks and Mitigations. 7.7.2. Tender Documents Part 1: Tender Conditions and Procedures Prepared based on NEOM templates. Part 2: Contract Condition of Contract, Contract Agreement, Contract Forms Prepared based on NEOM templates. Part 3: Specifications (“Book 5 Specifications”). Part 4: Method of Measurement and Bill of Quantities Preparation of a Method of Measurement setting out the conditions under which work shall be measured and the method based on which the quantities shall be computed. The method of measurement shall be in accordance with international method of measurement standards with additions and amendments introduced by the Designers. The Adopted standard shall be in accordance with standards listed in NEOM’s cost procedure. Preparation of a final BOQ based on final quantities built up into composite items in an elemental format illustrating the level of design development. Prepared final BOQ shall be in line with the conditions of contract, specifications, method of measurement and drawings. Part 5: Drawings (“Book 4 Drawings”) and BIM and GIS model. Part 6: Reports (Applicable extracts of Book 3). 8. Tendering Stage and IFC (Stage 3D) 8.1. Tender Support Services 1. Explanatory Meeting Minutes of Meetings of the explanatory meetings. 2. Tender Circulars Provide Responses to bidders’ queries and issuance of Addenda to Tender Documents. 3. Final Price Estimate Designer/Consultant shall prepare a Final Price Estimate (Pre-Tender Estimate) based on revised BOQ issued at tendering stage. Such estimate shall be submitted before Tender Opening. 4. Technical Evaluation Report At the end of the technical evaluation period, Designers shall submit a Technical Evaluation Report. The details of the information to be included in the Technical Evaluation Report. 5. Commercial Evaluation Report At the end of the commercial evaluation period, Designer/Consultant shall submit a Commercial Evaluation Report. The details of the information to be included in the Commercial Evaluation Report. 8.2. Contract Formation and IFC Drawings & Documents Designers, if required, shall compile the Contractor’s Contract Document and issue the IFC drawings and documents. 9. Accuracy of Cost Estimation The Accuracy of Cost Estimation at each stage shall be as per NEOM Cost Estimation Procedure, NEOM-NCE-PRC-001. DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NEN-PRC-005 REVISION CODE: 02.00 ©NEOM [2021]. All rights reserved. PAGE 35 OF 81 10. Mobilization and Construction (Stage 4A) 10.1. Mobilization Mobilization of Contractors on site marks the initiation of Construction activities and stage 4 of NEOM’s Plan of Work this section recounts the mobilization requirement in terms of documentation and major activities to be conducted for the purpose of initiating the construction activities. 10.1.1. Mobilization Documentation Requirements a. The following commercial types of documents are deemed to be submitted by the Contractor as a condition precedent to the commencement of works: 1. The applicable Insurances: Contractor’s All Risk (CAR) Insurance, Workman compensation, and third party liability are the minimum insurance requirements to be submitted, in accordance with the Contract stipulations, by a contractor performing construction activities which shall be obtained from a reputable insurance company in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 2. The applicable Bonds: Performance Bond and Advance Payment Bond in accordance with the Contract stipulations from a reputable financial institution recognized in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. b. Other documents of procedural and technical nature should be submitted at the initiation stage: 1. Project specific Execution Plan (PEP): The PEP should reflect on the following aspects of the works: a) Purpose of the PEP: The PEP addresses the policies and procedures, in scope, quality, time, cost, procurement, environment, health and safety parameters as well as interface among all project stakeholders from the signing of the contract up to the Project Close-out. b) Understanding of the Project Requirements: To include in this section the Project background and description of the work’s components. c) Project Organization Structure (POS): To include in this section the project organization structures at Neom and stakeholders level, including the lines of communication. Another internal organization structure with roles and responsibilities of the Key personnel would be included. d) Communication Procedures: This section, the communication procedures, is to set up a framework of methods to be followed by the involved parties for documenting, reporting, reviewing and approving of project related information. In order to properly oversee the Project and ensure that all stakeholders are timely informed of the progress and requirements of respective areas of concern, communication protocols must be set and complied with throughout the Project lifetime. e) Document Control: This section is about the establishment of a Project collaboration platform in line with Neom’s procedures and tailored to the Project specific needs. f) Schedule Management: The objective of the time management element of the PEP is to set the principle of schedule development in line with Neom’s Program, Planning and Control Manual (NEOM-NENMNL-001) and control its updates in order to meet the completion date of the project and the reporting requirement under the different classes of schedules. Each class of schedule is intended for a specific party. DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NEN-PRC-005 REVISION CODE: 02.00 ©NEOM [2021]. All rights reserved. PAGE 36 OF 81 g) Cost Management: In this section the Contractor would include the cost management procedures including the follow up on variations from the employer and claims generated from conditions varying from the contract requirements. h) Quality Management: Quality assurance of design procurement and the control of execution in line with Neom’s Procedure Schedule Q- Quality Requirements for Contractors (NEOM-NEN-SCH-002) would be described in this section. i) Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) Plan: This section related to the Contractor’s project specific HSE manual. The Contractor would elaborate on the HSE site procedures, safety training and inductions, setting up of fire emergencies and first aid stations. HSE reporting requirements would be described. 2. Project Specific Logistics Plan (PLP) The PLP should reflect on the following aspects of the works: a) Site Boundaries and Hoardings This section is about the establishment of site fences and hoardings, in accordance with the types approved by NEOM. b) Site Access(es) All types of site accesses would be identified in this section. Accesses for the supply of material, for dump trucks, and accesses for visitors. Security gates would be designed and installed in line with NEOM’s security operations procedures. c) Inter-Site Coordination Interface with adjacent construction sites would be identified and coordination procedures described. d) Site Layout and Planning This section would highlight on the work sequencing, locations of laydown yards, storage of materials, batch plans and crushers if applicable, the location and limitations of tower cranes as well as temporary offices and workers accommodations. e) Project Offices and Temporary Buildings All temporary offices, whether for the Contractors employees and subcontractors, and workers’ accommodations would be designed, approved by NEOM and authorities having jurisdiction before their installation. f) Manpower and Traffic Projections In this section, the Contractor shall provide a planned projection of manpower and traffic (vehicle movements entering and leaving the construction site), updates would be submitted on a monthly basis. g) Temporary Utilities and Services The Logistics Plan would identify all site utilities and services, as required during the construction phase. Such as electrical power; potable and construction-use water; sewage and wastewater collection; air-conditioning; and communications and data transfer. h) Materials Handling and Storage This section relates to the planning of materials delivery and storage. Should space allocation be limited the Contractor would identify the delivery priorities. i) Waste Management DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NEN-PRC-005 REVISION CODE: 02.00 ©NEOM [2021]. All rights reserved. PAGE 37 OF 81 This section relates to the contractor’s waste management strategy where waste minimization procedures would describe in addition to the setting up of waste sorting and recycling facilities for all construction material. The Contractor’s Waste Management Plan shall provide details of solid waste and water disposal, in line with NEOM requirements and the relevant regulations, and legislation relating to the disposal of such waste offsite. j) Batching Plants As part of site layout, batch plants would be sized and their number identified in addition to the selection of the nearby locations if needed. k) Tower and Fixed-Position Cranes This section relates to the positioning of tower cranes and other lifting equipment which would be submitted by the contractor for approval before erection. Consideration must be given, so that that tower cranes do not over-reach adjacent neighbouring sites. Approval must be granted for the types of cranes, their sizes, numbers their erection and demobilization procedures. l) Dewatering plan Contractors must plan and submit a dewatering plan as part of the logistics plan. It should include the discharge value, duration, dewatering route and discharge point details. Dewatering should comply with local regulations pertaining to water quality and environmental requirements. m) Fire Protection and Firefighting Strategy As part of HSE practice and being a Logistics issue, details of the fire protection and firefighting strategy throughout the construction site, in line with the international standards and local regulations, must be provided for in the Logistics Plan. n) Site Security The Logistics Plan would address site security issues in line with NEOM security procedures. Topics to address relate but not limited to the following: Security arrangements – including personnel, equipment and operational personnel o) Site access management for personnel and vehicles Personnel lists Personnel identification (ID) badges Site security operations related to gate(s) accesses and surveillance p) Quality Control q) The Logistics Plan should in reference to the quality management aspect of the PEP address the quality control of logistical parameters on site. 10.1.2. Mobilization Activities In terms of major activities to be carried out during the mobilization period in accordance with the timing stipulated in the Contract conditions, the Contractor shall: a) Obtain all permits, certificates, and licenses to start the Works in accordance with the Contract Documents, and all Authority`s and Stakeholder`s requirements. b) Produce and update as necessary all plans, programs and documentation required to start the works and include these in the PEP. c) Verify existing utilities and carry out initial marking of all utilities on Site. d) Design, seek approval and construct in accordance with the Saudi Legislations for labour’s health and wellbeing of workers’ accommodation. DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NEN-PRC-005 REVISION CODE: 02.00 ©NEOM [2021]. All rights reserved. PAGE 38 OF 81 e) Design, seek approval and construct the Contractor’s offices; install the relevant. Furniture and equipment. f) Design, seek approval and construct the Employer’s and supervision entities’ offices; install the relevant furniture and equipment. g) Identify interfaces internally and with other adjacent projects. h) Complete a Dilapidation /Existing Condition Survey of the initial working area. i) Initiate all the activities depicted in the Project Logistics Plan. 10.2. Construction As part of total quality management and in compliance with the Quality Requirements for contractor’s procedures below is the minimum documentation requirement to be undertaken by the Contractor. 10.2.1. Documentation Requirement during Construction The below depicts the documents and reports that must be submitted during the course of construction activities: 1. Reporting Requirement: a) Daily Reports. b) Weekly Reports. c) Monthly Reports. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Shop Drawings Requirements. Shop Models Requirement. Materials Submittals Requirements. Coordination Drawings. Coordinated Models. Method statements Requirements: a) Method Statements of specific tasks. b) Job Risk Assessment of critical activities. 8. Cast Flow Forecast. 9. Risk & Opportunity Register. 10.2.2. Site Quality Control and activities This section relates to the daily activities that would be performed by the Contractor’s operatives on the construction sites. They are the different package engineers and inspectors, each individual reporting to his package manager. The site supervision duties are part of the quality control process which aims at ensuring full compliance with the contract requirements for all site operations. This is achieved through a series of regular reviews, inspections, and testing applied to the works, resources, Plant (being machinery, apparatus and the like forming part of the permanent works), equipment and materials. 11. Testing and Commissioning, Handover and Close-out (stage 4B) Activities in Stage 4B of NEOM’s Plan of Work should be conducted in compliance with Procedure NEOM-NEN-PRC-02. This section focuses on the documentation and major activities conducted during this phase. 11.1. Testing and Commissioning Documentation Requirements. During the construction phase, the Contractor shall submit a Testing and Commissioning Procedures Plan (TCPP) for review and acceptance by Neom’s Representative. The TCPP shall include design DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NEN-PRC-005 REVISION CODE: 02.00 ©NEOM [2021]. All rights reserved. PAGE 39 OF 81 compliance, production compliance, installation, qualitative and quantitative verification and routine acceptance tests. In addition, the following would be completed and documented: 1. Manufacturers and Materials Data. 2. As-built Drawings. 3. Operation and Maintenance Manuals. 4. All Equipment and Products Warranties in accordance with the specifications. 11.2. Testing and Commissioning, Handover Major Activities. ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ In terms of major activities to be carried out during this stage: In association with Neom supervision team, a Taking over committee would be formed. Training of O&M personnel. Perform the necessary tests. Perform the necessary adjustments noted in the list of outstanding items. 11.3. Close-out. The Contractor shall prepare a close-out report, providing comprehensive summary information on the final status. The close-out report shall include as a minimum: 1. Executive Summary. 2. Description of the assets. 3. Approved budget versus final cost. 4. Project execution plan updated. 5. Changes (Variations) – number and cost in percent of approved budget. 6. Summary of cost and extension of time claims. 7. Staff and related logistics - planned versus actual cost. 8. Planned versus actual cost of the project. 9. Commissioning & Start-up problems and solutions. 11. Commissioning report (developed by 3rd party commissioning agent, if mandated by project specifications). 12. Recommendations for avoiding issues and complications encountered during the delivery of assets. 13. Final performance evaluation report of each contractor including contractor's performance in respect to schedule, quality and safety. 14. Final Account Statement and Supporting Documentation 12. Appendices Appendix A: Roadmap for Design Deliverables Appendix B: Stage-1 Strategic Definition Appendix C: Stage-2A Concept Master plan Appendix D: Stage-2B Detailed Master plan Appendix E: Stage-3A Concept Design of Building Assets Appendix F: Stage-3A Concept Design of Infrastructure Assets Appendix G: Stage-3B Developed Design of Building Assets Appendix H: Stage-3B Developed Design of Infrastructure Assets Appendix I: Stage-3C Detailed Design of Building Assets Appendix J: Stage-3C Detailed Design of Infrastructure Assets Appendix K: Stage-3D - Tendering Stage and IFC DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NEN-PRC-005 REVISION CODE: 02.00 ©NEOM [2021]. All rights reserved. PAGE 40 OF 81 Appendix L: Stage-4A – Mobilization & Construction Appendix M: Stage-4B – Testing & Commissioning, Handover and Close-out DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NEN-PRC-005 REVISION CODE: 02.00 ©NEOM [2021]. All rights reserved. PAGE 41 OF 81 Appendix A: Roadmap for Design Deliverables DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NEN-PRC-005 REVISION CODE: 02.00 ©NEOM [2021]. All rights reserved. PAGE 42 OF 81 Appendix A - Roadmap for Design Deliverables Core Objective Stage 1: Strategic Definition Developing visioning, strategic definition, business case, high level feasibility study and regional structural plan Stage 2A: Concept Master plan Confirming Master plan and developing preconcept structure plan and concept master plan. Validation of infrastructure criteria Stage 2B: Detailed Master plan Validating Concept Master plan and developing Detailed Master plan addressing landscaping, infrastructure and environmental requirements Book 1 - Main Report describing the project components and the briefing of the deliverables Book 2 – Data Collection Results compiles and describes the relevant data collected and their analysis, the gap analysis and the assumptions adopted Book 3 – Planning Book 3 – Concept Book 3 – Detailed report illustrating the Master Plan reports Master Plan reports adopted Regional illustrating the illustrating the Framework Preliminary Urban Preliminary Urban Design Guidelines & Design Guidelines & Preliminary Landscape Preliminary Landscape Design Guidelines Design Guidelines Master Planning and Engineering Deliverables Commercial Report and Tender Documents Book 4 – Planning policy providing the Regional Structure Plan Book 4 – Adopted CMP & Supporting Materials including the drawings to be provided at the Concept Master Plan Stage Book 4 – Adopted DMP & Supporting Materials illustrating the adopted Detailed Master Plan and Drawings to be provided at the Detailed Master Plan Stage Development Strategy & Vision Report Strategic Case including Rough Order of Magnitude Cost Estimate Development Programme Business case including Cost Estimate Development Programme Business case including updated Cost Estimate Stage 2C: Asset Brief Developing asset objectives and aspirations, producing asset business case and feasibility study, and developing Initial Asset Brief. This shall include pre-concept design Initial Asset Brief: Functional Requirements Technical Requirements Business Plan - a concise document that outlines the vision, scope and need for the project, key financial metrics related to its development and a preliminary plan for the delivery of the Project including updated Cost Estimate DOCUMENT CODE: NEOM-NEN-PRC-005 Stage 3A: Concept Design Preparing concept design for selected option. This includes concept, outline specifications, preliminary capital cost estimate and lifecycle cost Stage 3B: Developed Design Preparing developed design including coordinated drawings, developed specifications, developed capital cost estimate and lifecycle cost Stage 3C: Detailed Design Preparing detailed design including coordinated drawings, specifications, capital cost estimate and lifecycle cost Book 1 - Main Report describing the project components and the briefing the deliverables Book 2 – Data Collection Results compiles and describes the relevant data collected and their analysis, the gap analysis and the assumptions adopted Book 3 – Concept Book 3 – Design Book 3 – Design Design illustrating Development Development design criteria, options describing design describing design assessed, comparative criteria, design of criteria, design of the analysis, various components, various components, recommended option for both buildings and for both buildings and and description of the infrastructure, and all infrastructure, and all components, for both design notes design notes buildings and infrastructure Book 4 – Drawings to Book 4 – Drawings to Book 4 – Drawings to be provided at the be provided at the be provided at the concept stage Design Development Design Development stage, for both Building stage, for both Building assets and assets and Infrastructure systems Infrastructure systems Book 5 – Book 5 – Book 5 – Specifications. Only for Specifications. This Specifications Design Build Project could be optional at this stage and could be limited to outline specifications Commercial Report Commercial Report Commercial Report (Updated Cost (Preliminary Cost (Detailed Cost Estimates of the Concept Estimates & Estimates, Final Bill of selected design option Project Risks and Quantities & Project & Project Risks and Mitigations) Risks and Mitigations) Mitigations) including Draft Tender Tender documents Cost Concept Cost documents Estimate Stage 3D: Tendering Stage and IFC Tendering services for the selection of construction contractor and compiling IFC documents for signature IFC Drawings Final Price Estimate (Pre-Tender Estimate) based on Final bill of Quantities and Post Tender Clarifications, Contract Documents REVISION CODE: 02.00 ©NEOM [2021]. All rights reserved. PAGE 43 OF 81 Appendix B: Stage-1 Strategic Definition DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NEN-PRC-005 REVISION CODE: 02.00 ©NEOM [2021]. All rights reserved. PAGE 44 OF 81 Appendix B - Stage 1 Strategic Definition (Reports & Drawings) The first step in the master planning process that seeks to first establish the aspirations and objectives of the development in both development policy and organizational terms prior to spatial planning. A process aimed at positioning the project in the economic and developmental context while establishing the business case. This includes collection and synthesis of macroeconomic data and a regional or national trend and gap analysis. Description & Intent Discipline Submission wise Technical Report (Books 1 – 3) Planning 1. Project initiation workshop 2. Scope Definition ‐ Provide a set of coherent development principles based on analysis of the planning context ‐ Identify opportunities and constraints 3. Design Basis ‐ Identify planning principles that set a planning brief. ‐ Set out the strategic planning framework ‐ Collect and analyze baseline information and carry out urban design analysis and characterization Sustainability 1. Strategic Environmental Assessment, if creating a plan document 1. Wider economic analysis and opportunities 2. Input into strategic framework based on data collected and stakeholder consultation Mobility & Transportation Infrastructure Security Design Components (Book 4) 4. Stakeholder Engagement ‐ Analyse stakeholder requirements / objectives and alignment to the project ‐ Record and respond to feedback of stage requirements 5. Make policy recommendations informing the Regional Plan 6. District Sustainability Targets (NEOM-NEV-PRC016) 7. Identify green-blue infrastructure opportunities and reserve lands. 8. Identify new development zones, opportunity areas, commercial centers, and planned community districts 9. Identify regional open space networks, reserve lands, and future expansion areas 10. Regional Context Appraisal 11. Regional Framework 2. Sustainability Owner Project Requirement (OPR) in accordance with NEOM-NEV-PRC-501 4. 3. Projected traffic demand and required mobility & transportation assets 4. Identify regional links, transport corridors, multimodal networks, and transport interchanges 5. Identify lands for mobility and transport infrastructure Wider economic analysis and opportunities Input into strategic framework based on data collected and stakeholder consultation. Utilities Data Collection ‐ Identify regional infrastructure networks (all fixed and mobile wet/dry utilities) and capacities ‐ Identify strategic industrial, employment and primary infrastructure sites to meet projected demand Strategic Utilities Assessment 1. 2. 3. Security Vision and Strategy Statement (Development specific) All hazards – Threat & Risk Assessment specific to the development and its operations Strategic Security Layering; non geographical representation of likely security effects 1. 2. 3. 1. Regional Structure Plan that identifies development zones and districts and makes initial recommendations on: ‐ land use zoning (habitable land, industrial land special purpose land and reserve land) ‐ Development density ‐ Building heights strategy ‐ Utility corridors ‐ Transport infrastructure ‐ Open space networks 1. Environmental Scoping Report 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Public transport network Modal uses and interchanges Active Mobility and alternative modes of transport Movement network Strategic opportunities 1. Infrastructure Planning ‐ Potential location of utilities easements or assets ‐ Framework for utilities dispositions ‐ Target renewable energy ‐ Energy efficient design Commercial Submission 1. Wider economic analysis and opportunities 2. Input into strategic framework based on data collected and stakeholder consultation 3. Socio-economic Impact Assessment 4. Identify regional population projections and density targets; 5. Identify regional social infrastructure and community asset opportunity sites 6. Market Assessment 7. Strategic Case 8. Rough Order of Magnitude Cost Estimate DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NEN-PRC-005 1. Identification of employment land within the Regional Structure Plan 2. Establishing market demand REVISION CODE: 02.00 ©NEOM [2021]. All rights reserved. PAGE 45 OF 81 Appendix C: Stage-2A Concept Master plan DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NEN-PRC-005 REVISION CODE: 02.00 ©NEOM [2021]. All rights reserved. PAGE 46 OF 81 Appendix C - Stage 2A Concept Master plan (Reports & Drawings) Description & Intent Concept Master plan is to define development parameters and give spatial form to projects. It also sets the qualitative aspects of the project vision that the project will be known. It enables the preliminary distribution of assets, the extent of public realm and supporting infrastructure to be defined. Discipline wise Technical Submission Report (Books 1 – 3) Master Planning / Urban Design 1. Strategic Brief Validation 2. Site reconnaissance report 3. Planning parameters: land use budget, density targets, trial mix and asset class/typologies, site population 4. Integrate Stakeholder requirements 5. Design Criteria - Codes and regulations 6. Combined space allocation program to reflect the NEOM Sector asset and spatial requirements, design briefs and sketch layouts indicating the scope limits and interfaces 7. Preliminary planning schedules 8. Engineering strategic approach 9. Identification and interpretation of district sustainability targets / measures for master plan consideration 10. References to applicable benchmark case studies 11. Project charter and Innovation proposal 12. Heritage assessment (if applicable) 1. Annotated site condition plans / profiles 2. Structure plans: land use zoning, open space networks, character areas, community assets, signature assets / program spaces 3. Master plan scenarios and option studies 4. Existing master plan appraisal or preferred option (annotated plans- if applicable) 5. Schematic parcellation plan / plot plans (neighborhood level) 6. Site planning diagrams (various) 7. Preliminary Urban Design approach Sustainability 1. Site reconnaissance report 2. Site baseline condition opportunities and constraints report 3. Site suitability analysis (as applicable) 4. Environmental scoping report 1. Analysis of Site Surveys: topographic, ecological, acoustic, hydrological, archaeological, bathymetric, marine and land title provided by NEOM Fire Safety Engineering 1. Preliminary Fire Strategy report 2. Descriptions of Special Features (Tunnels, Waterways, Event Spaces, etc.) and Fire Hazards 1. Emergency Response Station Locations Landscape Architecture 1. Landscape character assessment 2. Landscape concept commentary 3. Indicative hardscape /softscape palettes 4. Preliminary landscape phasing 1. Annotated site condition plan 2. Landscape structure plan Mobility &Transportation 1. 2. 3. 4. Codes and regulations Road network Transport networks Mobility Strategy 5. Strategy of smart systems, autonomous vehicles 6. Parking study (as applicable) Signage and Way Finding 1. Codes and regulations 2. Design criteria 3. Wayfinding strategy: zoning, user groups and flows 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. Exterior Lighting 1. Public realm lighting strategy 2. Indicative fixture types Wet/Dry Utilities Networks 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. General description of systems and equipment Geotechnical Engineering Codes and regulations overview Existing utility network diagram Utilities infrastructure strategy Design criteria overview Estimates for connected and demand loads based on load density values and diversity factors, associated with the space requirements program and site population 1. Strategic approach to ground conditions Design Components (Book 4) the proposed Mobility and Transport Master Plan Mobility and Transport Infrastructure Master Plan Mobility hierarchy plan Corridor types: cross sections Mobility storage Wayfinding strategy Indicative sign types / benchmarks 1. Existing network single line diagrams 2. Concept strategy showing network layout for all utilities. 3. Typical reticulation installation types: pit / tunnel / trench cross section 8. Illustrative Master Plan (annotated) 9. Land use plan with plot breakdown schedule 10. Preliminary site section profiles 11. Mood imagery including external lighting 12. Indicative 3D external sketch views, produced for the selected preferred option 13. Other supporting materials (as required) 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Illustrative landscape framework plan Mood imagery / external sketch views Presentation of public realm Preliminary road scheme plan Preliminary grading plan 4. Preliminary applicable) single line diagrams (as 1. Layout of Geotechnical Investigations for concept 2. Tables listing coordinates of investigation design level DOCUMENT CODE: NEOM-NEN-PRC-005 points REVISION CODE: 02.00 ©NEOM [2021]. All rights reserved. PAGE 47 OF 81 Discipline wise Technical Submission Report (Books 1 – 3) Design Components (Book 4) External Works Designers submit report deliverables relevant to the scope of work in line with section 6.2. Stage 2A Master planning. Designers to submit drawings and design component deliverables relevant to the scope of work in line with section 6.2. Stage 2A master planning Stormwater Drainage Designers to submit report deliverables relevant to the scope of work in line with section 6.2. Stage 2A Master planning. Basic planning for overall storm water management also need to be submitted Designers to submit drawings and design component deliverables relevant to the scope of work in line with section 6.2. Stage 2A master planning Security 1. Threat and Risk Assessment with the identification of likely threat scenarios for security threats 2. Design Base Threats 3. Site Security Constraints & Influencing Factors 4. Updated Security Layering Concept 5. Identified Critical assets with criticality and vulnerability scoring 6. Outline Concept of Security Operations 1. Security Command & Control Overlay Commercial Submission Deliverables 1. Development programme and land use budget informed by NEOM’s market studies 2. Business Case for Preferred Concept Master Plan 3. Cost Estimate DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NEN-PRC-005 REVISION CODE: 02.00 ©NEOM [2021]. All rights reserved. PAGE 48 OF 81 Appendix D: Stage-2B Detailed Master plan DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NEN-PRC-005 REVISION CODE: 02.00 ©NEOM [2021]. All rights reserved. PAGE 49 OF 81 Appendix D - Stage 2B Detailed Master plan Description & Intent A detailed Master plan is the final step in the spatial master planning process and is the precursor to detailed design phases for infrastructure and landscape. . Detailed Master plans include concept engineering design, supported by detailed studies, such as Solid Waste and Traffic Impact Studies. The Development program is tested against detailed real estate market assessments and investment promotion. Discipline wise Technical Submission Report (Books 1 – 3) Master Planning / Urban Design 1. Strategic Brief Validation 2. Site condition report 3. Planning parameters: land use budget, density targets, trial mix and asset class/typologies, site population 4. Incorporate Stakeholder requirements 5. Space allocation program to reflect the design brief 6. Detailed schedules for design 1. Final Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Sustainability Design Components (Book 4) 7. How district sustainability targets / measures for master plan consideration will be met 8. List of external and internal finishes and materials 9. References to applicable regulations, standards and procedures 10. Final 3D external sketch views for the selected preferred option 1. Site spatial strategy: zoning, site program spaces diagrams and sketches 2. Final master plan 3. Developed master plan studies 4. Illustrative Master Plan (annotated) 5. Detailed land use plan and area schedule 6. Site planning diagrams (project specific) 7. Site section profiles 2. Waste Management Plan (WMP) (as part of the EIA) 3. Sustainability Basis of Design (SBOD) in accordance with NEOM-NEV-PRC-501 3. Special Features and Fire Hazard Strategies 1. Plans and drawings supporting the EIA and WMP 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. Fire Safety Engineering 1. Fire strategy Report 2. Emergency Response Strategy Landscape Architecture 4. Landscape Character Assessment 5. Landscape concept 6. Preliminary landscape phasing Mobility &Transportation 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Project design criteria: smart systems, autonomous vehicles 6. Traffic model (as applicable) 7. Parking demand study (as applicable) Signage and Way Finding 1. Final wayfinding strategy – zoning and flows for user groups Annotated site condition plan Open space network plan Illustrative landscape framework plan Mobility and Transport Master Plan Mobility and Transport Infrastructure Master Plan Road hierarchy plan Road types: cross sections defining movement ROW and utility easements or spatial elements 1. Wayfinding and signage design for the site 2. Signage locations and types on plan Exterior Lighting 1. Final lighting strategy for the project 1. Lighting plan for streets and exterior spaces Wet/Dry Utilities Networks 1. Design Criteria and Codes and regulations 2. Existing utility networks 3. Utilities infrastructure Master plan 4. Calculated loads for connected and demand loads 1. Concept Infrastructure Design drawings 2. Networks single line diagrams Geotechnical Engineering Final TIS/Traffic study Codes and regulations Road network Transport networks 1. Geological conditions: Strategy for ground improvement based on soil/rock layers, variability in ground conditions, and existing geological hazards 2. Effect of geological hazard on project development 3. Geotechnical design criteria, codes and standards 4. Site seismicity: initial parameters and 5. General description of systems and equipment the proposed 5. Risk register including risk level and mitigation measures, 6. Evaluation of initial geotechnical parameters 7. Initial results of monitoring ground water levels (if available) 8. Strategy for foundation types/solutions, excavation support systems, ground improvement methods Definition of investigations for future design 1. Fire strategy drawings 8. Building sections and elevations to define the overall massing of the project components and the architectural character 9. Phasing plan 10. Plot ID Sheets and Regulations 11. Building and Public Realm Design Guidance / Code 12. Detailed list of assets 2. Fire safety related System design drawings (Fire water supplies, Hydrants, communications, ventilation and other fixed safety assets) 6. Technical Landscape Design 5. Final road scheme plan and transport plan 3. Signage schedule 3. 4. 5. 6. Layouts showing the routing of networks Layout showing the location of utilities areas Zoning control concepts Typical capacities and flows at schematic level 1. Layout of geotechnical investigation areas for detailed design 2. Tables listing coordinates of investigation points for all completed (if any) boreholes or trial pits or any other physical locations where geotechnical investigations have been completed 3. Analysis and review of Geological mapping with identified hazards 4. Identification of future required surveys DOCUMENT CODE: NEOM-NEN-PRC-005 REVISION CODE: 02.00 ©NEOM [2021]. All rights reserved. PAGE 50 OF 81 Report (Books 1 – 3) Discipline wise Technical Submission recommendations for further seismic studies according to procedure NEOMNEN-PRC-01: Site Specific Seismic Hazard Study External Works Stormwater Drainage Security Design Components (Book 4) phases Designers to submit report deliverables relevant to the scope of work in line with section 6.3 Detail Master Plan Designers to submit drawings and design component deliverables relevant to the scope of work in line with section 6.3 Detail Master Plan 1. Detailed Security Concept of Operations, including: a. Asset Categorization Tier/Grade b. Updated Threat & Risk Assessment and agreed Tolerance levels adopted c. Security Layering Concept d. Security Spatial Requirements e. Security Systems Integration matrix including cause and effects f. Baseline Infrastructure Security Requirements 1. Security Area layouts outlined 2. Security Layering Concept (Represented geographically) Commercial Submission Deliverables 1. Updated cost estimate 2. Alignment of Master Plan land uses with business strategy DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NEN-PRC-005 REVISION CODE: 02.00 ©NEOM [2021]. All rights reserved. PAGE 51 OF 81 Appendix E: Stage 3A-Concept Design of Building Assets DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NEN-PRC-005 REVISION CODE: 02.00 ©NEOM [2021]. All rights reserved. PAGE 52 OF 81 Appendix E - Stage 3A Concept Design of Building Assets – 30% Design Description & Intent Concept Stage allows the development of preferred option’s outline and lock the key project requirements in terms of architecture, structure, building services, sustainability, innovation and special requirements. Based on the selected preferred option, concept design to be developed further to include outline proposal, design parameters, design criteria, adopted codes & standards across architectural and engineering trades, and confirming sustainability, innovation and special requirements. Disciplines Report Architectural 1. Space allocation program to reflect the design brief and sketch layouts indicating the scope limits and interface 2. A preliminary schedule of built up areas 3. Identification of sustainable measures for architecture design consideration 4. List of external and internal finishes and materials 5. References to applicable regulations, standards, and procedures 6. Indicative 3D external sketch views for the selected preferred option Interior Architecture 3. Updated final perspectives for the key areas for the selected preferred option including furniture plans, mood and finishes 2. Environmental noise impact 3. Building Envelope performance requirements 1. Acoustic floor plans reflecting analysis of space requirements Fire Safety Engineering 1. Furnished layouts for the selected key spaces 2. Interior 3D sketches reflecting the selected interior key spaces 1. Design Criteria to cover: Noise Ingress, Noise Egress, Sound Insulation, Room Acoustics & Noise & Vibration limits for building services 1. Sustainability Strategy Report in accordance with NEOM-NEV-PRC-501 1. Preliminary Fire Strategy Report 2. Fire System Design Briefs 1. Site Plan illustrating the proposed utilization of the site in terms of siting, massing and distribution of the project components, entry gates, building access points and internal vehicular and pedestrian communication routes 2. Preliminary building sections and elevations to define the overall massing of the project components and the architectural character, in addition to used material 1. Flooring, Ceiling and Furniture layouts 2. Internal Elevations 3. Interior Finish schedule 2. Third-party certification project registration (where applicable) 3. Reports in accordance with NEOM-NLF-PRC002 1. Preliminary Fire Safety Layouts 2. Fire system Conceptual Layouts Signage and Way Finding 1. Full family of the sign design 2. Graphic Convention 3. Wayfinding Strategy – Zoning and flows for different users Geotechnical Engineering 1. Geological conditions: identification of soil/rock layers, variability in ground conditions, and existing geological hazards 2. Effect of geological hazard on project development 3. Geotechnical design criteria, codes and standards 4. Site seismicity: initial parameters and recommendations for further seismic studies according to procedure Acoustics Sustainability Structural Engineering 1. Description and comparison of alternatives for various structural systems coupled with a multi-criteria comparative study. 2. Structural systems adopted for the different components of the Project 3. Basic standards and codes of practice applicable in the design 4. Design loads (dead loads, live loads, imposed loads, wind loads, seismic Drawings 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 5. 6. 7. NEOM-NEN-PRC-01: Site Specific Seismic Hazard Study Risk register including risk level and mitigation measures Evaluation of Initial geotechnical parameters Initial results of monitoring ground water levels Identification of alternative foundation types/solutions, excavation support systems, ground improvement methods, MSE walls Definition of investigations for future design phases loads, temperature loads, any dynamic load or special load required by End-Users) Criteria and proposed materials for structural elements shall also be established for each structure type and documented in the concept report Constructability Durability statement and Project design life 3. Preliminary floor plans showing the basic space accommodation layout within the building/s, including horizontal and vertical mechanical transportation systems, if any, as well as mechanical and electrical equipment rooms and service shafts 3. Drawings in accordance with NEOM-NLF-PRC002 1. Typical sign location plans 1. Layout of Geotechnical Investigations for concept design level 2. Tables listing coordinates of investigation points 3. Geological mapping with identified hazards 1. Foundation plans and details for all elements 2. Floor framing plans and details showing the proposed structural systems and the location of expansion joints 3. Stair typical details 4. Columns and wall details DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NEN-PRC-005 5. 6. 7. 8. Construction methodology General arrangement of tensile membranes Roof details Waterproofing systems REVISION CODE: 02.00 ©NEOM [2021]. All rights reserved. PAGE 53 OF 81 Disciplines Report Drawings Mechanical Engineering 1. Codes and standards 2. Basic design criteria 3. Narrative description of mechanical systems such as HVAC, plumbing, process, Food service and solid waste management within buildings 4. Load estimates 5. Brief write-up of building management system (BMS) concept 6. Brief description of energy conservation measures considered in the design 7. Process flow description for proposed systems as applicable Electrical Engineering 1. Codes and regulations 2. Basic design criteria 3. Estimates for connected and demand loads 4. General description of the proposed systems and equipment 5. Lighting load density 6. Emergency load and power supply 7. ETAP studies 8. Photovoltaic system a) Information and Communications technologies (ICT), Extra Low Voltage (ELV), and Security services: b) General description of the proposed systems and equipment c) Basic design criteria d) Codes and regulations Designers to submit deliverables relevant to the scope of work in line with Infrastructure Assets report deliverables 7. Security Privacy Zoning traces to assist the 1. Updated Threat & Risk Assessment Security application of access control locations 2. Enhanced Tier/Grade protection requirements in line with Threat & Risk 8. Identified Intruder Detection Areas Analysis 9. Outdoor Door & Glazing Standards 3. Final Security Layering Diagrams and 10. Specialist Security Analysis (eg. Vehicle descriptions dynamics assessment, blast analysis, screening & detection) 4. Security Systems Connectivity including smart initiatives 11. Security Control room design aspects 5. Typical Security Experience for relevant site 12. Applicable standards/Basis of Design users 6. Surveillance Coverage and Image Quality traces Commercial Submission External Works Deliverables 3. Mechanical– Process systems, these will include the following: a) Process Flow Diagrams for proposed systems 4. Mechanical– Building’s Solid waste systems, to include: a) Basic layout showing location of refuse rooms / garbage chute 5. Mechanical– Food Service systems, including: a) Basic kitchen location and partitioning layout The design drawings of the MEP system to be in line with the selected sustainability requirements. 1. Lighting layouts including normal and emergency 6. Preliminary Single Line Diagrams lighting fixtures 7. Typical lightning and earthing system layout 2. Power layout showing small appliances and 8. Preliminary ICT floor layouts showing the location disconnect switches supplying the main mechanical of the ICT equipment equipment 9. Preliminary Security floor layouts showing the 3. Power layouts showing the location of main and location of the Security equipment secondary electrical rooms and shafts including panel 10. Preliminary ELV floor layouts showing the location boards of the ELV equipment 4. Layouts showing the routing of main feeders including 11. Preliminary Security, ELV and ICT (server rooms, cable trays Intermediate Distribution Frames, Building 5. Layout showing the location of emergency generators Distribution Frames, security rooms, control with synchronizing panel board for life safety items rooms, etc. as applicable to the project) rooms layouts 6. Layouts showing the reserved shafts and pits of the elevators in coordination with the architectural and 12. Preliminary ICT, Security and ELV schematic structural teams diagrams Designers to submit deliverables relevant to the scope of work in line with Infrastructure Assets drawings deliverables 1. Final Security Layering Diagrams 1. Mechanical- Plumbing systems including: a) Floor plans for main plumbing systems showing location and outline of mechanical equipment and routing of main pipes b) Preliminary riser diagrams of the abovementioned plumbing systems 2. Mechanical–HVAC systems, including: a) Floor plans for all HVAC systems showing location and outline of main mechanical equipment and routing of main chilled water pipes b) Preliminary riser diagrams of HVAC systems 1. Cost Concept Cost Estimate DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NEN-PRC-005 REVISION CODE: 02.00 ©NEOM [2021]. All rights reserved. PAGE 54 OF 81 Appendix F: Stage-3A Concept Design of Infrastructure Assets DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NEN-PRC-005 REVISION NO: 02.00 ©NEOM [2021]. All rights reserved. PAGE 55 OF 81 Appendix F: Stage-3A Concept Design of Infrastructure Assets - 30% Design Description & Intent Developing asset concept design for infrastructure engineering including roads, wet utilities, electrical and telecom utilities and landscape, preliminary capital cost estimate and lifecycle cost. Disciplines Report Drawings Mobility & Transportation Infrastructure 1. Multimodal traffic impact study & 5. Final fleet size for all mobility modes simulation Report including parking 6. Concept design and typical spatial layout demand assessment for each infrastructure element. Including considerations for depots, transfer hubs, 2. Concept network design, shared boarding/ alighting points, parking areas, surface layout and circulation plan charging stations, ferry stations, control with connections to adjacent/ center, logistics and waste facilities, etc external network 3. Network performance assessment 7. Design basis report, including Geometric design criteria and shared surface safety Audit reports 4. Detailed operational concepts including vehicle reserves for maintenance and operations, as well as technical requirements for the integrated multi-modal system. This shall include considerations for pedestrian, active mode, first to last mile (F/L) movement of people and goods, public transport, Mobility on Demand (MOD), Ferries, Personal Vertical Take-off and Landing and logistics management, depots, transfer hub, boarding/ alighting points, parking areas, charging stations, ferry stations, control center, logistics and waste facilities. 1. Identification of potential borrow 3. Identification of potential ground zones locations improvement methods 2. Characteristics of the various types of fill material and their degree of compaction The Concept Design Report to outline the design criteria and the performance principles / methodologies for the various elements pertaining to water, firefighting, sewerage, drainage, irrigation, gas, fuel, and district cooling to cover: 1. Layout plan showing the road scheme and circulation plan with connections to external road network and parking arrangement 2. Typical Road cross sections 3. Other drawings supporting the mentioned reports Earthworks Wet Infrastructure Utilities 1. Evaluation of all feasible water sources and long-term strategy of water 2. General description of the proposed systems 3. Basic design criteria 4. Codes and regulations 5. Sizing of main components 6. SCADA System concept 7. Utilities disposition plan and typical sections addressing pipe corridors and main pipe routing 8. Number and size of storage tanks / lift for pump stations and possible wet network routings 1. Layout showing the locations of potential borrow zones 1. General layout plan for all wet utilities 2. Potable water supply network plan including pipe sizing, location and capacity of ground and elevated reservoirs, pumping facilities and tie in point to existing network 3. Water treatment plant (if any), capacity, phasing strategy and recommended rate; in the form of performance specifications and sketches for buildings arrangement 4. Sewerage network plan including pipe sizing, location and capacity of pump stations, treatment plant and discharge location 5. Wastewater treatment plant (if any), capacity, phasing strategy and recommended rate, in the form of performance specifications and sketches for buildings arrangement 6. Irrigation/TSE network plan including pipe sizing, location and capacity of storage and pumping facilities and tie in point to existing network DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NEN-PRC-005 7. Evaluation of existing wet network systems and identification of problems and their causes 8. Flood protection plan and stormwater drainage network including discharge location 9. Planned phasing infrastructure development 10. Chilled water network including main pipe routing 11. Gas network/plant layouts including number and size of gas storage tanks and the possible gas network routings 12. Fuel network layout including number and size of fuel storage tanks and the possible fuel network routings REVISION CODE: 02.00 ©NEOM [2021]. All rights reserved. PAGE 56 OF 81 Disciplines Report Dry Infrastructure Utilities 1. Electrical Design Report including: a) Codes and regulations b) Basic design criteria c) Load, demand and coincidence factors d) Connected and demand Load calculations at various electrical network Levels e) Description of the electrical network f) Street lighting and uniformity levels g) Traffic signal system h) Photovoltaic system and power supply of electric cars 1. Sustainability Strategy Report in accordance with NEOM-NEV-PRC501 2. Telecom design report, covering smart cities services, ICT, ELV, and Security, to include: a) Codes and standards to be adopted b) ICT demand factors c) Proposed ICT, ELV, security and smart city networks and equipment d) Description of the systems used e) Description of the proposed smart city use cases 2. Classification of solid waste by types and sources 3. Estimation of solid waste quantities and volumes 4. Identification of solid waste compositions 1. Landscape design process 2. Landscape stakeholders 3. Design philosophy 4. Design constraints 5. Proposed color palettes for hard and soft landscape finishes 6. Proposed hard landscape material palettes 7. Proposed soft landscape (planting) palettes 8. Proposed street furniture and water features 5. Evaluation of onsite storage and collection options 6. Proposing downstream/offsite post collection waste handling options Sustainability Solid Waste Management Landscape Marine Works 1. Design parameters, including Project datum, material specification, design water level, design lifetime, return periods for extreme conditions of design, wave pressure, currents, berthing conditions, allowable wave overtopping and wave run-up 2. Data collection and analysis, findings, recommendations and the need for additional data or studies 3. Determination the type of marine works suitable to fulfill the purpose 4. Study of alternatives and selection of preferable solution(s) Drawings 9. Approach to roof gardens, green roofs, terraces, balconies and interior landscape spaces where applicable 10. Approach to landscape grading, boundary treatment, landscape lighting, sport and play where applicable, public art, wayfinding, accessibility, irrigation, landscape sustainability, landscape biodiversity, thermal comfort and particularly shade and, landscape management and maintenance 11. Relevant landscape standards, codes, policies and guidelines and international standards, design codes, loading criteria, material specifications, and durability considerations 6. Conceptual design of the structural marine elements to be carried out such as ports, quay walls, jetties and the like considering the desired operational loading information 7. Different types of jetties/quay walls to be considered, and selected option based on soil condition, berthing requirements, wave action, and economic considerations 8. Outline performance specifications for design and build items such as floating pontoons, gangways and their necessary 1. Electrical Drawings: a) Layouts showing the routing of the HV and MV cables with the location of the primary and distribution substations b) Layouts showing the location of the street lighting poles including height and lighting fixtures type c) HV and MV single line diagrams including MV loops and connection points d) Layout showing the location of the traffic signal poles and controllers 2. Telecom Drawings (Networks may be combined depending on the Project requirements) a) Preliminary ICT network layouts b) Preliminary Security layouts showing the distribution of the security equipment and infrastructure elements c) Preliminary security layouts showing the distribution of the security equipment and infrastructure elements d) Preliminary ELV network layouts e) Preliminary smart cities layouts showing the distribution of the smart cities, equipment and infrastructure elements f) Preliminary Telecom installation layouts for utility buildings showing smart cities, ICT, ELV and security equipment distribution g) Preliminary smart cities, ICT, ELV and security schematic diagrams h) Typical installation details 1. Rendered landscape plans for all external and internal spaces including hard and soft landscape finishes, furniture, shade structures, water features, public art etc. 2. 3D perspective renderings A2 size for key open spaces, plazas, road corridors, parks, sport and play areas, water features and public art, boundaries & roof gardens (green roofs, terraces, balconies and internal landscape spaces) 3. Rendered cross sections through key open spaces and road corridors Definition of the jetties/quay wall geometry, support system, capping beam and berthing facilities. Conceptual design drawings to include: 1. General notes showing design codes, durability requirements, material specifications, and loading criteria 2. Typical conceptual design drawings of jetties/quay walls in plan, and cross-section 3. Conceptual general layout for design and build items such as floating pontoons including gangways DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NEN-PRC-005 REVISION CODE: 02.00 ©NEOM [2021]. All rights reserved. PAGE 57 OF 81 Disciplines Report 5. Design criteria for structural Marine elements including references to the appropriate local Drawings supports Geotechnical Engineering As detailed in Geotechnical Engineering report deliverables included in Building Assets. As detailed in Geotechnical Engineering drawing deliverables included in Building Assets Fire Safety Engineering 3. Reports in accordance with NEOM-NLF1. Preliminary Fire Strategy Report PRC-002 2. Fire System Design Brief seismic loads, temperature loads, creep 1. Bridge alternatives (minimum 3 No.) and shrinkage, differential settlement, for main crossings with multi-criteria vehicle or boat collision, any dynamic load comparative study and general or special load required by End-Users) arrangement sketches for each 2. Recommended structural systems 6. Scour consideration for the different components of the 7. Criteria and proposed materials for Project structural elements to be established for each structure type and documented in the 3. Basic standards and codes of concept report practice applicable for the design 4. Description and comparison of bridge 8. Constructability of major underpasses and bridges alternatives for the various separategrade crossings 9. Aesthetics of bridges 5. Design loads (dead loads, live loads, 10. Durability statement and Project design life imposed loads, wind loads, Designers to submit deliverables relevant to the scope of work in line with Building Assets report deliverables 1. Preliminary Fire Safety Layouts 2. Fire System Conceptual Layouts The structural drawings to present the concepts for the different components of the asset, namely: Civil Structures Utilities Buildings 3. Drawings in accordance with NEOM-NLF-PRC002 1. Bridges and road structures general arrangement for recommended solutions 2. Bridge deck articulation and fixtures 3. Headwalls and wing walls general arrangement 4. Construction methodology for bridges and underpasses 5. Waterproofing systems Designers to submit deliverables relevant to the scope of work in line with Building Assets drawings deliverables Commercial Submission Deliverables 1. Cost Concept Cost Estimate DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NEN-PRC-005 REVISION CODE: 02.00 ©NEOM [2021]. All rights reserved. PAGE 58 OF 81 Appendix G: Stage-3B Developed Design of Building Assets DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NEN-PRC-005 REVISION CODE: 02.00 ©NEOM [2021]. All rights reserved. PAGE 59 OF 81 Appendix G: Stage-3B Developed Design of Building Assets - 60% Design Description & Intent Developed Design Stage allows the development of the design and preparation of architecture, structure, building services, sustainability, innovation and special requirements. In terms of procurement, this stage is mandatory for a design-bid-build scheme. In case of a design-build scheme, tender stage may be initiated at the end of this stage - in the event the tender is done at concept stage, this stage is developed by the construction contractor. At Developed Design Stage, the design is developed further to include the architectural final space layout, construction materials, interior and exterior finishes, structural systems, electro-mechanical equipment and systems, sustainability, innovation and special requirements, with their related schematic drawings and outline specifications. Disciplines Report Drawings Architectural 1. Updated Space allocation Programme 2. Tabulated area calculations for all project built up areas 3. Compliance verification to the codes and standards 4. Compiled complete list of external and internal finishes and material in accordance with the sustainability approach 5. Updated external 3D rendered views of the building 6. Building envelope design systems including building maintenance system 1. Site plan showing roads, proximate surroundings, sidewalks, parking area, floor elevations, planting areas, building location, property lines and project limit lines and regulatory setbacks 2. Floor plans showing: a. space allocation b. cores and shafts c. wall types and indicative thickness d. structural elements e. fixed equipment f. horizontal and vertical mechanical transportation systems as applicable g. general dimensions and openings 3. Roof plans showing schematic drainage, equipment locations and roof conditions. 4. Large scale partial floor plans of complex areas of important building components Interior Architecture 1. Renderings to reflect the final selection of material and mood details 2. Mood furniture 3. Materials & Finishes mood board 4. Proposed interior system (ceiling, wall, floor, balustrades …) 1. Airborne sound insulation requirements of floors, walls, ceilings, doors, and windows 2. Impact sound insulation requirements of floors 1. Fire Strategy Report. 2. Reports in accordance with NEOM-NLFPRC-002. 5. Interior Finish values for each finishing Flame Spread and Smoked Developed indices (ASTM E84 or UL 723) 1. Developed flooring, ceiling and furniture layouts to appropriate scale 2. Interior elevations showing references 3. Miscellaneous relevant details 4. Schedules for furniture, finishes and sanitary 3. General material finishes for acoustic sensitive areas 4. Noise and vibration control for mechanical, electrical, and public health services 1. Acoustic plans indicating ratings and coefficients for all types of separation elements (walls, floors, ceiling with relevant openings and penetrations 2. Details for covering the acoustic requirements at all interfaces with the separation elements 4. Drawings in accordance with NEOM-NLF-PRC002 1. Complete sign type family 2. Convention graphic elements 3. Wayfinding strategy, flows of different users, zoning 4. Preliminary sign message schedule 5. Preliminary list of terminology 6. Preliminary sign count list 1. Life Safety Drawings/Plans 2. Exit Stair Details 3. Fire System Design Drawings a. Device Layouts b. Riser Diagrams c. Cause and Effects Matrix d. Typical Installation Details e. Supporting Calculations 1. Sign Location plans Acoustics Fire Safety Engineering Signage and Way Finding DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NEN-PRC-005 5. Longitudinal and transverse building sections showing floor to floor heights, ceiling heights and overall heights 6. Building elevations showing exterior finishes, opening materials and floor levels 7. Exterior walls sections showing materials, dimensions and major details 8. Reflected ceiling plans sufficient to show general lighting layouts and special conditions 9. Internal and external architectural complete set of draft details in accordance with the architectural design intent and acoustic requirements 10. Accessibility Drawings including parking, accessible routes to main entrance/exits of buildings and other details for people with physical disabilities. REVISION CODE: 02.00 ©NEOM [2021]. All rights reserved. PAGE 60 OF 81 Disciplines Report Geotechnical Engineering 1. Geological hazards with proposed mitigation measures 2. Earthworks: including characteristics of the various types of fill material and their degree of compaction, requirements of filters, potential borrow zones, and recommendations on re-use of excavated material 3. Slope stability in cut and fill with stable slope inclination and erosion protection under various hydrogeological regimes 4. Excavation support systems for basements, tanks, etc., considering site constraints and tolerable ground deformation 5. Retaining walls, with evaluation of active and at rest earth pressures 6. Foundations of various types of structures (shallow and/or deep) with evaluation of total and differential settlements, for immediate and long-term conditions 7. Lateral pile analyses including group effect 1. Selected structural systems adopted for the different components of the Project, namely foundations, framing systems and lateral load resisting elements 2. Structural design criteria including codes and standards, material properties, loads and load combinations 3. Design approach at Service Limit State (deflections, crack widths, etc.) 8. Hydraulic uplift pressures 9. Earthquake design acceleration and seismic site class 10. Assessment of liquefaction potential 11. Ground improvement for buildings with identification of the methods adequate to the encountered soil strata and their characteristics 12. Geosynthetics for pond liners or for fill reinforcement 13. Pavement sections, design CBR and subgrade improvement 14. Type of dewatering system adapted to the soil characteristics 15. Soil/water corrosivity 16. Protection measures of concrete 17. Derivation of geotechnical parameters for various geotechnical works 18. Design Calculations Geotechnical software input parameters and output results 1. Plans of geotechnical investigations for developed design level 2. Table listing coordinates of investigation points and piezometers 3. Geotechnical sections showing various soil/rock strata and characteristics superimposed on the building elevations 4. Excavation Support system layout and sections 5. Protection of embankment slopes 6. Ground improvement layout and notes 7. Pavement sections and details of subgrade improvement 8. Mechanically stabilized earth walls and gravity walls sections 9. Instrumentation details 4. Design approach at Ultimate Limit State (Strength, Stability, etc.) 5. Construction methods of major structures 6. Specific material provisions and design details to enhance durability and reduce future maintenance 7. Preliminary structural calculation notes The design drawings for the various building types shall be prepared at appropriate scales to illustrate the structural works in an explicit and comprehensive manner. General arrangement preliminary drawings showing the layout of the adopted structural systems and preliminary sizing of all major structural components, including: 1. Mechanical systems codes and regulations 2. Basic design criteria 3. Detailed description of the proposed mechanical systems such as HVAC, plumbing, and process systems and equipment 4. Preliminary loads and demand estimate for mechanical systems 5. BMS description 1. Electrical developed design report implementing NEOM comments and updating the electrical load with the corresponding network Structural Engineering Mechanical Engineering Electrical Engineering Drawings 1. General notes and standard details including standard/ typical details. 2. Excavation and demolition plans. 3. Foundations plans 4. Ground floor plans 5. Typical floors framing plans 6. Structural steel framing plans 7. Roof and top of roof framing plans 8. Typical sections and details for cores, columns, stairs, etc. 9. Piling typical sections and details 6. F&B write-up describing the strategy, design parameters and space requirements 7. Brief write-up on material management strategy 8. Description of energy conservation measures 9. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis 1. Floor plans for all mechanical systems including drainage, storm water drainage, water, ventilation, air conditioning, gas supply, fuel supply and process systems, showing the location and outline of mechanical equipment and the routing of main pipes / ducts 2. Floor plans showing the location and outline of main mechanical equipment with an approximate indication of estimated capacities and preliminary schedules of main equipment 3. Schematic riser diagrams of the abovementioned mechanical systems including process flow diagrams and process instrumentational diagrams 4. BMS architecture with control schematic diagrams of relevant systems 5. Floor plans showing refuse rooms / garbage chute layout and equipment location 6. Floor plans showing kitchen layout and main equipment schedules 2. The telecom (ICT, ELV and Security) section shall provide a refined telecom strategy based on NEOM’s comments 1. Lighting layouts of the normal and emergency lighting fixtures with the exit signs and the lighting control devices with cabling network 2. Façade lighting layouts in coordination with the Architect 3. Power layouts of the small appliances and the electrical supply of the mechanical equipment 8. ICT floor layouts of the location of the ICT equipment 9. Security floor layouts of the location of the Security equipment 10. ELV floor layouts of the location of the ELV equipment 11. Security, ELV and ICT (server rooms, DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NEN-PRC-005 REVISION CODE: 02.00 ©NEOM [2021]. All rights reserved. PAGE 61 OF 81 Disciplines Report Drawings Intermediate Distribution Frames, Building including cabling and cable trays Distribution Frames, security rooms, control Layout of the photovoltaic system (if required) rooms, etc. as applicable to the project) rooms’ Lightning and earthing system layout layouts Details and lighting fixtures schedule 12. ICT, Security and ELV schematic diagrams Single Line diagrams of the distribution of the electrical power including emergency power supply Designers to submit deliverables relevant to the scope of work in line with Infrastructure Assets drawings deliverables 4. 5. 6. 7. External Works Designers to submit deliverables relevant to the scope of work in line with Infrastructure Assets report deliverables Security 1. Developed design for all security systems and infrastructure 2. Performance specifications for all security systems and infrastructure 3. Listed requirements from other disciplines including containment, power, data and input into architectural schedules 4. Updated Security Concept of Operations Commercial Submission Deliverables 1. Detailed drawings, layouts and schematics for all security systems and infrastructure 1. Preliminary Cost Concept Cost Estimate DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NEN-PRC-005 REVISION CODE: 02.00 ©NEOM [2021]. All rights reserved. PAGE 62 OF 81 Appendix H: Stage-3B Developed Design of Infrastructure Assets DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NEN-PRC-005 REVISION CODE: 02.00 ©NEOM [2021]. All rights reserved. PAGE 63 OF 81 Appendix H: Stage-3B Developed Design of Infrastructure Assets - 60% Design Description & Intent Developing asset schematic design including coordinated design drawings for infrastructure engineering including roads, wet utilities, electrical and telecom utilities and landscape, outline specifications, developed capital cost estimate and lifecycle cost. Report Disciplines Mobility & Infrastructure Transportation Earthworks Wet Infrastructure Utilities Drawings 1. Multimodal traffic impact study & simulation (update from stage 2B and to prepare BIM model if required) for the phased development plan 2. Updated network performance assessment and shared surface safety audit reports 3. Finalize operational plan including vehicle reserves for maintenance and operational, as well as technical requirements for the integrated multimodal system. Including considerations for pedestrian, active mode, first to last mile (F/L) movement of people and goods, public transport, Mobility On Demand (MOD), Ferries, Personal Vertical Take-off and Landing and logistics management, depots, transfer hubs, boarding/ alighting points, parking areas, charging stations, ferry stations, control center, logistics and waste facilities 4. Confirm fleet size and infrastructure for all mobility modes 5. Detail technical and spatial layout requirements for each mobility system and infrastructure. Including considerations for depots, transfer hub, boarding/ alighting points, parking areas, charging stations, ferry stations, control center, logistics and waste facilities 6. Update capital, operational and maintenance (lifecycle) costs estimates for mobility infrastructure and services to revise CMP and DMP Business Case 7. Pavement design 8. Preliminary design report (Geometric design criteria, Junction analysis & Swept path analysis) 1. 2. 3. 4. Layout plans Road profiles Setting out tables Typical Cross Sections with proposed utilities disposition & landscape arrangement 5. Pavement typical construction details 6. Typical sidewalk and median construction details 7. Typical roadside barriers construction details 8. Typical signing and marking details 9. All other coordinated drawings in line with the reports 10. Accessibility Drawings including parking, accessible routes to main entrance/exits of buildings and other details for people with physical disabilities. 1. Selection of borrow zones 2. Selection of ground improvement method 3. Provide the characteristics of the various types of fill material and their degree of compaction 4. Evaluate the re-use of excavated material 1. Water Network: a. Design criteria b. Source of water c. Treatment, where required d. Water demands e. Storage requirements f. Velocities g. Peak flows h. Pressure requirements i. Metering requirements j. Control valves 2. Firefighting Network: a. Design criteria b. Source and Storage requirements c. Treatment, where required 5. Slope stability in cut and fill with stable slope inclination and erosion protection 6. Characteristics of pavement layers including subgrade, subbase, base course, and wearing course 1. Layout plan showing location of selected borrow zones and masterplan 2. Ground improvement layout and notes 3. Protection of embankment slopes 4. Pavement structure sections 4. Stormwater Drainage Network: a. Design criteria b. Drainage return periods c. Intensity-Duration Curves d. Velocities 5. TSE & Irrigation Network: a. Design criteria b. Irrigation water demands c. Storage requirements d. Source of irrigation water e. Pressure requirements f. Control valves g. Velocities h. Irrigation scheduling 6. Chilled water Network: a. Design criteria 1. Water supply and firefighting systems: a. General layout plan b. Layout plans, of alignment, location of valves, diameters, location and capacity of treatment plant, reservoirs and pump stations c. Profiles of transmission pipelines and pipelines larger than 200mm diameter, showing stations, invert levels, pipe diameters, slopes, location of water meters, sectional valves, air release valves, washout valves, road crossings and crossings of other utilities d. Details of surge tanks if required e. Bedding details f. Layout plan and process flow diagram of water treatment plant g. Plan and sections of reservoirs and pump stations. h. Typical details to suitable scale for the different types of valves chambers, fire hydrants, pipe bedding, DOCUMENT CODE: NEOM-NEN-PRC-005 h. Plans and sections of ponds showing the required slope protection i. Relevant structural, mechanical, electrical, and architectural drawings for the relevant facilities j. P&ID, Control narrative and SCADA system architecture for the storm water drainage systems 4. TSE & irrigation network: a. General layout plan b. Layout plans, showing alignment, location of valves, diameters, location and capacity of reservoirs and pump stations c. Profiles of transmission pipelines and pipelines larger than 200mm diameter, showing stations, invert levels, pipe REVISION CODE: 02.00 ©NEOM [2021]. All rights reserved. PAGE 64 OF 81 Disciplines Report d. e. f. g. h. i. Fire demands Pressure requirements Hydrants types Velocities Control valves Reliability Assessment (where combined with other systems) 3. Wastewater Network: a. Design criteria b. Volume of wastewater generation c. Peak flows d. Velocities e. Treated effluent requirements f. Treatment plant capacity Dry Infrastructure Utilities 1. Electrical developed design report 2. Telecom (ICT, ELV, Security and Smart Cities) section Drawings b. Computer hydraulic analysis c. Heads and Flows 7. Fuel Network a. Design criteria 8. Gas Network a. Design criteria 9. Utilities disposition. a. Principles and guidelines used thrust blocks, etc. i. Relevant structural, mechanical, electrical, and architectural drawings for the relevant facilities j. P&ID, Control narrative and SCADA system architecture for the water supply system 2. Wastewater system: a. General layout plan b. Layout plans, showing alignment, diameters, location and capacity of treatment plant, and pump and lift stations c. Layout plan and process flow diagram of wastewater treatment plant d. Profiles of the wastewater lines showing pipe size, slope, cover, partial and cumulative distance, ground and invert levels, etc. e. Capacity and sizing of the sewage pump stations and sewage treatment plant f. Typical details for manholes, inspection chambers, trenches, etc. g. Relevant structural, mechanical, electrical, and architectural drawings for the relevant facilities h. P&ID, Control narrative and SCADA system architecture for the wastewater system 3. Stormwater drainage system: a. General layout plan b. Layout plans, showing alignment, diameters, location and capacity of pipelines and pump and lift stations if applicable c. Profiles of the Stormwater drainage lines showing pipe size, slope, cover, partial and cumulative distance, ground and invert levels, etc. d. Location of manholes, gullies and inlets along roadways, parking areas and any other required location e. Location of stormwater drainage pumping station, if required f. Connection to existing network (if available), outfall or to proposed ponds that will be designed to retain or detain the flow generated from the site g. Typical details of culverts, channels, manholes, gullies, trenches, etc. 1. Electrical Drawings a. Power Layouts of the location of the primary and distribution substations along with HV and MV cable routing and corridor width b. Distribution layouts of the location of the feeder DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NEN-PRC-005 diameters, slopes, location of water meters, sectional valves, air release valves, washout valves, road crossings and crossings of other utilities d. Crossing details on main irrigation lines with other infrastructure systems e. Typical details of thrust blocks, bedding details, valve chambers, and irrigators installation details f. Plan and sections for reservoirs and pump stations. g. Interface and connections between the proposed distribution network and existing pipelines, if any h. Relevant structural, electro-mechanical and architectural drawings i. P&ID, Control narrative and SCADA system architecture for the irrigation network 5. Chilled Water Network a. Piping general layout showing main and secondary pipe routing, valve chambers and plot connections b. Details drawings, showing valve chambers, bedding detail, etc. c. P&ID, Control narrative and SCADA system architecture for the chilled water system 6. Gas system a. Gas storage tanks / gas plant b. Gas piping networks c. Firefighting system for gas plant d. Instrumentations and controls e. P&ID, control narrative and SCADA system architecture for the gas network 7. Fuel system a. Fuel storage tanks b. Fuel piping networks c. Loading and receiving bays d. Firefighting system at the fuel depot e. Instrumentations and Controls 8. Utilities disposition a. Utilities disposition plan b. Utilities disposition sections 2. Telecom drawings (Networks might be combined depending on the Project requirements) a. ICT network layouts b. Security layouts of the distribution REVISION CODE: 02.00 ©NEOM [2021]. All rights reserved. PAGE 65 OF 81 Disciplines Report Drawings c. d. e. f. g. h. Solid Waste Management 1. Updated solid waste estimated quantities and volumes 2. Adopted downstream/offsite post collection waste handling option Landscape 1. Landscape concept and design philosophy 2. Preliminary hard landscape material palettes including renderings and finishes for pavements, walls, fencing, barriers and boundaries 3. Preliminary palettes for all soft landscape planting 4. Colour palettes for hard and soft landscape finishes 5. Approach to roof gardens, green roofs, terraces, balconies and internal landscape spaces Marine Works 1. Marine Studies and Numerical Modelling Report, including; wind, inshore/offshore wave climate, water levels, sediment transport, shoreline evolution, wave agitation, berthing / mooring analysis and navigational simulations as applicable, especially for ports 2. Physical modelling works, based on the structure type to verify its stability under severe conditions 3. Layout finalization, including details of design, design criteria, and design calculations 3. Adopted means of onsite solid waste storage (centralized or decentralized, with intermediate storage areas before dispatch to the centralized storage location) 6. Approach to landscape grading, irrigation, landscape lighting, sport and play, street furniture and water features, to public art, wayfinding, accessibility, biodiversity and habitat creation/protection, outdoor thermal comfort strategy including pedestrian and cyclist network plan and shading plan, and landscape management and maintenance 7. Preliminary specifications for hard and soft landscape materials 8. Relevant landscape standards, codes, policies and guidelines 5. Suitable foundation system for the structural marine elements based on the allowable stresses 6. Slope stability and Settlement analysis for structural marine elements considering different construction stages 7. Durability considerations adopted in the design including concrete cover, crack width control and essential protection measures 8. Deck/Capping structure design based on the available loading information. 9. Preliminary structural marine pillars with the routing of LV cables and corridors width Layout plans of photovoltaic system and power supply of the electric cars (if required) Outdoor and street lighting layouts showing location and height of lighting poles and luminaires types with cabling network Electrical installation details for utility buildings showing power, cable tray and Lighting systems Layouts of duct banks with concrete encasement for road crossing Typical installation details Typical LV risers of the security equipment and infrastructure elements c. ELV network layouts d. Smart cities layouts of the distribution of the Smart cities’ equipment and infrastructure elements e. Telecom installation layouts for utility buildings showing Smart cities (applicable for infrastructure projects), ICT, ELV and Security equipment distribution f. Smart cities, ICT, ELV and Security schematic diagrams g. Typical Installation Details 1. Layout drawing(s) to suitable scale, showing the tentative overall SWM scheme and the distribution of solid waste generation quantities within the various land uses 1. Preliminary hard and soft landscape plans to cover all areas 2. Landscape detail plans for key open spaces, plazas, parks, road corridors, recreational areas, roof gardens, green roofs, terraces and balconies and interior landscape spaces 3. External hard landscape plans 4. External planting plans 5. Internal hard and soft landscape plans at suitable scale 6. Landscape grading plans for all external hard and soft landscape areas 7. Landscape lighting plans, where applicable 8. 3D perspective renderings A2 size (Key open spaces, plazas, parks, sport/play areas & boundaries street furniture, and water features, public art, roof gardens, green roofs, terraces balconies and interior landscape spaces Preliminary design drawings, including layouts and typical cross sections of all types of marine works, breakwaters, groynes system, sand retention, reclamation, and dredging, and vessels berthing alignment, to a suitable scale. 9. Rendered cross sections through key landscape spaces, road corridors, parks and roof gardens 10. Hard and soft landscape construction details 11. Boundary treatment and all walls (retaining and free standing) and fences construction details 12. Street furniture, landscape lighting, planters, signage and shade structure construction details 13. Sport and play equipment plan, elevations, cross sections and construction details 14. Water feature plans, elevations, sections and construction details Preliminary structural marine drawings including the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. General notes and details. Jetty/quay wall layout. Jetty/quay wall sections. Deck/capping structure details. Preliminary general layout for design and build items DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NEN-PRC-005 REVISION CODE: 02.00 ©NEOM [2021]. All rights reserved. PAGE 66 OF 81 Disciplines Report Drawings such as floating pontoons. calculation notes 4. Stability study for the structural marine elements under different loading conditions Geotechnical Engineering As detailed in Geotechnical Engineering report deliverables included in Building Assets Civil Structures 1. The selected structural systems adopted for the different components of the Project 2. Structural design criteria including codes and standards, material properties, loads and load combinations 3. Design approach at service limit state (deflections, crack widths, etc.) 4. Design approach at ultimate limit Utilities Buildings Designers to submit deliverables relevant to the scope of work in line with Building Assets report deliverables Fire Safety Engineering 1. Fire Strategy Report state (Strength, Stability, etc.) 5. Construction methods of underpasses and bridges 6. Aesthetics of bridges and underpasses including 3D rendered perspectives 7. Specific material provisions and design details to enhance durability and reduce future maintenance 8. Preliminary structural calculation notes 2. Reports in accordance with NEOMNLF-PRC-002. As detailed in Part 5 Geotechnical Works of Section Section 2 Building Assets 1. General arrangement preliminary drawings showing the plan, elevation and preliminary sizing of all major structural components, including: a. General notes and standard details including standard/ typical details b. Foundations plans c. Pylons, Piers, abutments and walls general arrangement d. Deck general arrangement e. Deck articulation (bearings, movement joints, etc.) f. Deck fixtures details (drainage, parapets, barriers, etc.) g. Prestressing cable layouts, profiles and details. 2. Construction methods Waterproofing details Designers to submit deliverables relevant to the scope of work in line with Building Assets drawings deliverables 1. 2. Life Safety Drawings/Plans Fire System Design Drawings a. Device Layouts b. Riser Diagrams c. Cause and Effects Matrix d. Typical Installation Details e. Supporting Calculations 3. Drawings in accordance with NEOM-NLFPRC-002 Commercial Submission Deliverables 1. Preliminary Cost Concept Cost Estimate DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NEN-PRC-005 REVISION CODE: 02.00 ©NEOM [2021]. All rights reserved. PAGE 67 OF 81 Appendix I: Stage-3C Detailed Design of Building Assets DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NEN-PRC-005 REVISION CODE: 02.00 ©NEOM [2021]. All rights reserved. PAGE 68 OF 81 Appendix I: Stage-3C Detailed Design of Building Assets - 90% Design Description & Intent Detailed Stage allows detailing of the design up to a level sufficient to go out for tender. Tender documents are developed accordingly. Allowing tenderers to submit sound technical and financial offers. In terms of procurement, this stage is mandatory for a design-bid-build scheme. This stage is developed by the construction contractor under a design-build scheme. At Detailed Stage, the design is detailed further to include architectural, engineering trades, innovation, sustainability, and special requirements detailed design drawings, detailed specification, reports and related technical documents. These will form part of the tender documents for selection of contractor purpose. Disciplines Report Drawings Architectural 1. Final area breakdown tabulation 2. Final updated Renderings for the Building(s) 3. Manual for furniture and accessories 1. Final site plan 2. Final floor partition plans properly referenced to the detail sheets with all levels 3. Final floor plans with furniture and equipment layout 4. Final sections and elevations properly referenced to the detail sheets with all levels 5. Occupant load and egress calculation drawings 6. Detailed window wall sections with all levels 7. Core and stairs details 8. Vertical and horizontal mechanical transportation systems if any Interior Architecture 1. Final interior renderings 2. Manuals for finishes, Sanitary, Furniture and Equipment 3. Acoustics 1. Acoustic detailed analysis of the design regarding: Building envelope, Internal sound insulation, Internal finishes design & Noise and vibration control for building services 1. Coordinated Fire Strategy Report 2. Reports in accordance with NEOM-NLFPRC-002 2. Description of acoustic materials 3. Design review and confirmation compliance to the requirements 1. 2. 3. 1. 4. 5. 6. 3. Fire Safety Engineering Signage and Way Finding Geotechnical Engineering Complete Sign type family Convention Graphic Elements Sign Construction details Geotechnical investigations performed during detailed design phase (if needed) and recommendations for further geotechnical investigation during construction 2. Additional information obtained from on Final Sign Message schedule Final list of terminology Final sign count list Design details, calculations, and software output 4. Recommendations for monitoring during the construction phase 1. Final Flooring layout. 2. Final Ceiling layout coordinated among design disciplines 3. Comprehensive Furniture Layout keyed to FF&E schedule and specifications 4. Wall finishes layouts and details 5. Final Detailed Elevations 1. Updated acoustic plans shown minimum acoustic rating for walls, floors & doors. 2. Layout plans identifying the location of the acoustic material to cover acoustic ceiling system, floor finishes and wall acoustic panels 1. Life Safety Drawings Plans 2. Exit Stair Details 3. Fire System Design Drawings/Submittals a. Device Layouts showing all devices, controls, connections, interfaces, etc. b. Riser Diagrams c. Cause and Effects Matrix d. Installation Details e. Supporting Calculations f. Technical Data Sheets/ Manufacturer’s Instructions (or referenced specifications) 1. Final Sign Location plans 1. Plans of geotechnical Investigations for detailed design level (if needed) 2. Table listing as-built coordinates of investigation points and piezometers 3. Final geotechnical sections showing various soil/rock strata and characteristics superimposed on DOCUMENT CODE: NEOM-NEN-PRC-005 9. Wet areas enlarged detail plans 10. Large scale interior and exterior details 11. Reflected ceiling plans and details 12. Partition types and general details 13. Casement works types and general details 14. Woodwork types and general details 15. Metal work types and general details 16. Schedule of doors and windows and general details 17. Schedule of hardware sets 18. Schedule of finishes and room data sheet Miscellaneous details 6. Enlarged Key spaces 7. Enlarged Wet areas 8. Schedule and details of internal doors and relevant hardware sets 9. Miscellaneous Details 3. Façade Details 4. Indicative sample details as reference for building services noise control including penetration details & machine foundations 4. Drawings in accordance with NEOM-NLF-PRC002 sections with details of piles, struts, anchors and instrumentation 6. Final ground improvement layout and notes 7. Final Pavement sections with thicknesses of layers and subgrade treatment 8. Mechanically stabilized Earth walls and gravity REVISION CODE: 02.00 ©NEOM [2021]. All rights reserved. PAGE 69 OF 81 Disciplines Report Drawings coordination with other trades Structural Engineering 1. The final structural systems retained for the different components of the Project, namely foundations, framing systems and lateral load resisting elements 2. Final design methodology including load cases, load combinations with emphasis on local environmental loads and constraints e.g. wind, temperature, seismicity, waves, groundwater, scour and the like 3. Construction methods of major structures 4. Identification of construction risks and challenges Mechanical Engineering 1. Mechanical systems codes and regulations 2. Basic design criteria 3. Detailed description of the proposed mechanical systems such as HVAC, plumbing, and process systems and equipment 4. Preliminary loads and demand estimate for mechanical systems 5. BMS description 6. F&B write-up describing the strategy, design parameters and space requirements 7. Brief write-up on material management strategy 8. Description of energy conservation measures 9. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) analysis Electrical Engineering 1. Updating the developed design report. 2. Electrical Calculation note, including: a. Lighting Calculation Note showing achieved lighting levels along with uniformities b. LV Cable derating Calculation note c. MV Cable derating Calculations 5. Final details to enhance durability and reduce future maintenance 6. Final structural calculation notes 3. The telecom (ICT, ELV and Security) section shall provide a refined telecom strategy based on NEOM’s comments the building elevations 4. Final details of embankments protection 5. Final excavation support system layout and 1. General structural notes, pertaining to all structural systems/materials used in design 2. Generic typical details and reinforcement details including typical connections 3. Excavation and demolition plans and details 4. Foundation layout plans and details 5. Piles arrangement plans and details (if applicable) 6. Floor and roof framing layout plans and details (structural steel and concrete) 7. Columns/pedestals and walls layout plans and details for all different levels 8. General arrangement base plate plans 9. Reinforcement details for all reinforced concrete works 1. Mechanical - Plumbing systems: a. Floor plans for all plumbing system including sanitary drainage, rainwater drainage, water supply, domestic hot water supply system with hot water generators and circulating pumps b. Schematic and riser diagrams for all abovementioned systems c. Toilet enlarged part plans d. Miscellaneous standard details e. Miscellaneous special details f. Piping hangers and supports g. Equipment performance schedules 2. Mechanical - HVAC systems: a. Floor plans for all HVAC systems such as cooling, heating, and ventilation equipment, ductwork and pipework, gas supply, fuel supply, etc. b. Schematic and riser diagrams for all abovementioned systems c. Enlarged part plans d. Machine room enlarged plans and sections e. Miscellaneous standard details f. Piping hangers and supports g. BMS architecture & BMS Control Schematic diagrams of relevant systems 1. Floor plans of normal and emergency lighting fixtures including lighting control devices and cabling network 2. Floor plans of electrical and convenience power outlets installations layout and power supply to electrically operated mechanical equipment including cabling network 3. Main distribution boards, feeders and panel boards DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NEN-PRC-005 walls final sections with materials characteristics 9. Final details of ground instrumentation 10. Prestressing cable profiles and details for all prestressed concrete works 11. Complete layout plans, sections, elevations and typical details for structural steel construction including steel to concrete connections 12. Details for expansion joints, water stops, special openings in slabs and beams, etc. 13. Stairs and miscellaneous structural details 14. Details of waterproofing systems, including basement tanking (if applicable) 15. Plans and details of all structural elements related to landscaping h. Typical BMS I/O lists for Mechanical Systems i. Typical BMS I/O lists for Electrical and ELV Systems j. List of ELV Systems integrated with the BMS k. BMS Control room layouts l. Equipment performance schedules 3. Mechanical - Process systems: a. Floor plans for all Process system including process equipment layout. b. Miscellaneous standard details c. Equipment performance schedules. d. Piping and equipment hangers and support e. Process and instrumentation flow diagrams 8. Lightning protection and earthing systems installations & details 9. Lighting fixtures schedule with miscellaneous installation details 10. Final ICT floor layouts showing the location of the ICT equipment 11. Final Security floor layouts showing the location of the Security equipment REVISION CODE: 02.00 ©NEOM [2021]. All rights reserved. PAGE 70 OF 81 Disciplines Report Drawings note d. Voltage Drop and Short Circuit calculation note e. Traffic analysis (elevators, etc.) External Works Designers to submit deliverables relevant to the scope of work in line with Infrastructure Assets report deliverables Security 1. Detailed designs for all security systems and infrastructure 2. Related part of Tender document which provides sufficient detail for contractor pricing and clarity in scope of work Commercial Submission Deliverables schedules 12. Final ELV floor layouts showing the location of the ELV equipment 4. Feeder data schedule 13. Final Security, ELV and ICT (server rooms, 5. Single Line Diagram Intermediate Distribution Frames, Building 6. Transformers and emergency generators room Distribution Frames, security rooms, control equipment layouts and details including rooms, etc. as applicable to the project), rooms’ synchronizing panel board for life safety items layouts 7. UPSs for critical equipment and emergency central 14. Final ICT, Security and ELV schematic diagrams battery system and panels Designers to submit deliverables relevant to the scope of work in line with Infrastructure Assets drawings deliverables 1. Layouts, schematics and drawings for tendering 2. Final drawings for typical connections to security systems and infrastructure 1. Commercial Report 2. Final Bill of Quantities 3. Cost Estimate DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NEN-PRC-005 REVISION CODE: 02.00 ©NEOM [2021]. All rights reserved. PAGE 71 OF 81 Appendix J: Stage-3C Detailed Design of Infrastructure Assets DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NEN-PRC-005 REVISION CODE: 02.00 ©NEOM [2021]. All rights reserved. PAGE 72 OF 81 Appendix J: Stage-3C Detailed Design of Infrastructure Assets - 90% Design Description & Intent Developing asset detailed design including coordinated design drawings for infrastructure engineering including roads, wet utilities, electrical and telecom utilities and landscape, detailed capital cost estimate and lifecycle cost. Disciplines Report Drawings Roadworks 1. Road safety audit stage 3 report 2. Detailed design report: a. Geometric design criteria b. Junction analysis c. Swept path analysis Earthworks 1. Finalize and detail all earthwork aspects listed in stage 3B 2. Design details, software output Wet Infrastructure Utilities 1. Final Engineering report section that includes detailed description of the wet utilities with the design criteria and addressing particularities of every network 2. Summary of the proposed wet infrastructure network provision, utility demand expectations as well as mitigation measures wherever applicable. Also, some anticipated infrastructure upgrades in order to meet growing demand shall be elaborated on Recommended remedial measures and implementation in design drawings for hammer/surge analysis of pressurized networks shall be included with the recommended remedial measures and implementation in design drawings 3. The report shall comprise of pump station analysis, load assessments, schedules and design basis 4. Report to include design basis and all calculation (Models results + Outputs) 5. Pipe stress analysis 6. Reservoirs and pump stations 7. Cooling plant 8. Fuel system, calculation 9. Gas system, calculation 10. Utilities disposition a. Description of utilities disposition sections b. Utilities alignment and sections conformance with codes and regulations 1. Layout plans of the roads and parking showing reference lines, edge lines, curve radii, cross-falls, channelization, and service crossings such as pedestrian and utility crossings 2. Profiles of the roads showing reference lines, gradients, curve data, ground lines, super-elevation application, levels and locations of crossing facilities such as culverts, and other structures 3. Setting out tables 4. Intersection details: setting-out and grading 5. Typical road cross-sections showing utility disposition including sidewalks and pavement sections 6. Typical details of intersections, channeling islands, 1. Final ground improvement layout and notes 2. Final details of slope protection 3. Final pavement sections 1. Water supply, firefighting, irrigation and TSE Networks a. Layout plans profiles and relevant details, including plan and sections for the ground and elevated tanks and associated pumping stations b. Crossing details on main lines with other infrastructure systems c. Hammer/surge analysis, if applicable. for potable and fire water and TSE networks d. P&ID, Control narrative and SCADA system architecture for the water supply system 2. Stormwater Drainage and Wastewater Discharge a. Detailed design of the stormwater and wastewater networks to include the following deliverables: b. Location of municipality drainage and sewerage networks including existing and planned system in the project surroundings c. Sewerage and Stormwater drainage network plans, profiles and details. d. Crossing details on all gravity lines with other infrastructure systems e. Stormwater and wastewater collection and disposal strategy including associated environmental considerations f. General layout of sewage treatment plant showing the exact settings of all buildings and units. g. Treated sewage effluent re-use storage and distribution. h. P&ID, Control narrative and SCADA system architecture for the wastewater and storm water calculations, and DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NEN-PRC-005 super-elevation application, and any other information necessary for setting out 7. Typical roadside barrier details 8. Plans of the location of regulatory, warning and directional signs, as well as road markings and other necessary markings 9. Typical signing and marking details, showing types and dimensions of road marking paint, road studs, rumble strips, ground mounted signs, overhead signs 4. Final cut and fill slopes 5. Excavation plans 3. Chilled Water a. Piping general layout showing all related components; isolation valve chambers, plot connections, drain valve chambers, air vents, etc. b. Profiles of the main pipelines, showing ground levels, invert levels, stations, depths, etc. c. Details drawings, showing valve chambers, bedding detail, thrust blocks, etc. d. P&ID, Control narrative and SCADA system architecture for the chilled water system 4. Fuel Network a. Piping general b. Details drawings c. P&ID, Control narrative and SCADA system architecture for the fuel network 5. Gas Network a. Piping general b. Details drawings c. P&ID, Control narrative and SCADA system architecture REVISION CODE: 02.00 ©NEOM [2021]. All rights reserved. PAGE 73 OF 81 Disciplines Report Drawings drainage systems Dry Infrastructure Utilities 1. Updating the developed design report 2. Connections and load demand of the different buildings and facilities 3. Electrical Calculation note, including: 4. Street Lighting Calculation Note showing achieved lighting levels along with uniformities 5. LV Cable derating Calculation note 6. MV Cable derating Calculations note 7. Voltage Drop and Short Circuit calculation note 8. Load flow Analysis for MV networks 9. Harmonic Analysis study 10. Motor Starting study 11. The telecom (ICT, ELV, Security and Smart Cities) section 1. Electrical Drawings: a. HV cable routing from the Grid Connection Points to the primary substations along with the MV cable routing from the primary substations to the MV/LV distribution substations including MV loops reference b. MV/LV substation locations along with LV cable routing with cables reference c. Schematic and single line diagrams of the feeder pillars and substations including the rating of the protective and control devices d. Detail MV riser with various equipment rating e. Electrical installation details for utility buildings including Panelboards schedules f. Outdoor and Street lighting layouts including: g. Lighting poles with the cabling network h. Schematic diagram of the feeder pillars with the breakers rating and cables cross section i. Single line diagrams of the MV/LV substations supplying the street lighting feeder pillars j. Concrete encased duct banks for road crossings Lighting fixtures schedule defining the characteristics of the selected fixtures l. Layouts showing the Traffic signal equipment with cabling network 2. Telecom Drawings a. Final ICT network layouts b. Final Security layouts showing the distribution of the security equipment and infrastructure elements c. Final ELV network layouts d. Final Smart cities layouts showing the distribution of the Smart cities equipment and infrastructure elements e. Final Telecom installation layouts for utility buildings showing Smart cities, ICT, ELV and Security equipment distribution f. Final Smart cities, ICT, ELV and Security schematic diagrams g. Typical Installation Details Solid Waste Management 1. Finalized / Approved SWM strategy containers, etc.), as applicable 3. Proposed collection route, to be later refined by the assigned collection operator Landscape 1. Hard landscape material palette 2. Soft Landscape (planting) material palette 3. Hard and soft landscape finishes colour palette 4. Exterior finishes for pavements, walls, fencing, barriers and boundaries 5. Interior landscape finishes 6. Irrigation proposal including water source, management and maintenance 7. Street furniture including shade structures, signage and landscape lighting 1. Layout plan of solid waste storage areas (external or inside buildings) 2. Typical details of containment equipment (skips, containers, bins, bin lifters, compactors, balers, IBC 1. Composite hard and soft general landscape, including furniture, lighting, signage etc. for all external spaces and road corridors 2. Hard landscape plans for all external spaces and road corridors 3. Soft landscape plans for all external spaces and road corridor 4. Hard and soft plans for all internal landscape spaces, balconies, terraces, roof gardens and green roofs 5. Internal and external planting schedules 6. Hard and soft landscape plans for all public spaces, plazas, parks, sport/play areas and road corridors 7. Landscape furniture, signage, and lighting plans 8. Internal and external furniture schedules 9. Landscape grading plans through open spaces and all road corridors 10. Landscape setting out plans for all external landscape areas 8. Sport/play facilities 9. Interior furniture 10. Landscape lighting 11. Wayfinding and signage 12. Water feature design 13. Public art proposal 14. Detailed outdoor thermal comfort strategy and shading plan 15. Pedestrian and cyclist network plan 16. Roof gardens, green roofs, terraces, balconies and internal landscape spaces DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NEN-PRC-005 k. 11. Landscape setting out plans for all internal landscape areas 12. Cross sections through open spaces, plazas, play and all road corridors 13. Construction details for all hard and soft landscape elements 14. Construction details for all furniture, planters, shade structures, signage and landscape lighting elements 15. Setting out plans for any public art features 16. Boundary treatment including all walls (retaining and free standing) and fences construction details 17. Construction details for all sport and play equipment and surfaces 18. Plans and construction details for irrigation design 19. Plans, elevations, sections and construction details for water features REVISION CODE: 02.00 ©NEOM [2021]. All rights reserved. PAGE 74 OF 81 Disciplines Report Marine Works 1. Detailed design report section including all design details, design criteria, selected material, design calculations, and modelling works outputs 2. Phasing of construction of marine works considering constructability, logistics, various factors and requirements 3. Detailed design calculations for all structural marine elements. 4. Detailed design for the capping structure including all necessary fixtures for the different berthing facilities 5. Mooring system will be designed to ensure safe mooring for the range of vessels expected to use the Geotechnical Engineering As detailed in Geotechnical Engineering report deliverables included in Building Assets Civil Structures 1. The final structural systems retained for the different components of the Project, namely foundations, substructure and superstructure 2. Final design methodology including load cases, load combinations with emphasis on local environmental loads and constraints e.g. wind, temperature, shrinkage, creep, seismicity, waves, groundwater, scour and the like Utilities Buildings Fire Safety Engineering Drawings Jetty / quay. Spacing and capacity of bollards will be determined based on design vessel characteristics 6. Fender system of the quay will be designed to protect the quay wall from vessels hitting the jetty/quay at berthing. Fenders size and spacing will be checked to ensure adequate absorption of berthing energy of these fenders 7. Protection against scour by propeller action and by combined wave and current effects will be determined. Size and number of protection layers will be designed accordingly. 8. Performance specifications for design and build items such as floating pontoons and gangways, 3. Construction methods of underpasses and bridges 4. Identification of construction risks and challenges 5. Final design measures to enhance Aesthetics of bridges and underpasses including final 3D rendered perspectives 6. Final details to enhance durability and reduce future maintenance Final structural calculation notes Designers to submit deliverables relevant to the scope of work in line with Building Assets report deliverables 1. Coordinated Fire Strategy Report 2. Reports in accordance with NEOMNLF-PRC-041 a. Detailed plan of beach nourishment Detailed design drawings including: cross section of beach a. Detailed plans of breakwaters, groynes, and b. Detailed nourishment, showing sand and beach revetments underlayer as applicable and all details and b. Profiles of breakwaters, groynes and interfaces revetments showing all levels and slopes c. Detailed cross sections of breakwaters, including: groynes and revetments showing all 2. Structural Marine Detailed design drawings including slopes, levels, protection layers, scour protection, filters, geotextiles and crown wall, a. General Notes and details. as applicable b. Jetty/Quay Wall Layout d. Detailed design drawings of reclamation c. Detailed Jetty/Quay Wall arrangement. showing level(s) of reclamation and the d. Detailed Jetty/Quay Wall Sections including interface with revetment/beach nourishment as backfill and scour protection. applicable e. Jetty/Quay Wall end details e. Detailed vessels berthing and Aids to Navigation alignments, as applicable for Marinas and ports f. Detailed dredging drawings for the area to be dredged in detail, and all connecting stable slopes with the surrounding seabed As detailed in Part 5 Geotechnical Works of Section Section 2 Building Assets 1. 1. General notes and standard details including standard / typical details 2. Foundations general arrangement and RC details 3. Scour protection, where applicable 4. Pylons, Piers, abutments, wingwalls and headwalls general arrangement and RC details 5. Deck general arrangement 6. Deck RC details 7. Deck articulation (bearings, movement joints, etc.) 8. Deck fixtures details (drainage, parapets, barriers, etc.) 9. Deck prestressing cable layouts, profiles and details 10. Construction methods Waterproofing details Designers to submit deliverables relevant to the scope of work in line with Building Assets drawings deliverables 1. Life Safety Drawings/Plans 2. Fire System Design Drawings/Submittals a. Device Layouts showing all devices, controls, connections, interfaces, etc. b. Riser Diagrams c. Cause and Effects Matrix d. Installation Details e. Supporting Calculations f. Technical Data Sheets/ Manufacturer’s Instructions (or referenced specifications) 3. Drawings in accordance with NEOM-NLF-PRC041 Commercial Submission Deliverables 1. Commercial Report 2. Final Bill of Quantities 3. Cost Estimate DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NEN-PRC-005 REVISION CODE: 02.00 ©NEOM [2021]. All rights reserved. PAGE 75 OF 81 Appendix K: Stage-3D Tendering Stage and IFC DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NEN-PRC-005 REVISION CODE: 02.00 ©NEOM [2021]. All rights reserved. PAGE 76 OF 81 Appendix K: Stage-3D Tendering Stage and IFC Tendering services for the selection of construction contractor and compiling IFC documents for signature. Description & Intent Deliverables Main Tasks Expression Interest of Expression of Interest Letter Non-Disclosure Agreement (if applicable) Prequalification Prequalification Questionnaire Prequalification Evaluation Criteria Prequalification Evaluation Report Tender Documents Invitation to Tenderers Tendering Procedure Tendering Evaluation Criteria Template Forms (letter of tender, tender bond, J.V declaration form, power of attorney, etc.) Contract Agreement Conditions of Contract Contract Forms (e.g.: Appendix to tender) Project Specifications Tender Drawings including drawings manuals Bill of Quantities Schedule of Dayworks Method of Measurements Project Risk Register Priced Bill of Quantities and Commercial Report Tender Plan Tender Circulars and Addenda Extension of Time Tender Explanation Meetings Updated Priced Bill of Quantities Tender Opening Report Post Tender Clarifications Tender Technical Evaluation Report Tender Financial Evaluation Report Letter of Award Contract Documents Issue for Construction Drawings Tendering Stage Tender Evaluation Tender Award and Contract Documents DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NEN-PRC-005 REVISION CODE: 02.00 ©NEOM [2021]. All rights reserved. PAGE 77 OF 81 Appendix L: Stage-4A Mobilization & Construction DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NEN-PRC-005 REVISION CODE: 02.00 ©NEOM [2021]. All rights reserved. PAGE 78 OF 81 Appendix L: Stage-4A Mobilization & Construction Main Tasks Main Tasks Mobilization Stage Commercial Documents Deliverables 2. Insurances (minimum Requirement): a. Contractor’s All Risk (CAR) b. Workman Compensation c. Third Party Liability Method Statements Project Specific Plans Construction Reports Documents Drawings Method Statements DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NEN-PRC-005 3. Bonds (Securities): a. Performance Bond b. Advance Payment Bond 1- Tower Crane Erection 2- Security Operation 3- Dewatering Construction Traffic 1- Project Execution Plan 2- Project Logistics Plan 3- Health Safety and Environment Plan 4- Quality Plan 1- Daily Reports 2- Monthly Reports 3- Tests Reports 1- Materials and Equipment Submittals 2- Cash Flow Forecasts 3- Monthly Cost Reports 4- Updated Risk & Opportunity Register 1- Shop Drawings 2- Coordination Drawings 3- Shop Models 4- Coordination Models 1- Method Statements of Specific Tasks 2- Job Risk Assessment of Critical Activities REVISION CODE: 02.00 ©NEOM [2021]. All rights reserved. PAGE 79 OF 81 Appendix M: Stage-4B Testing & Commissioning, Handover and Close-out DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NEN-PRC-005 REVISION CODE: 02.00 ©NEOM [2021]. All rights reserved. PAGE 80 OF 81 Appendix M: Stage-4B Testing & Commissioning, Handover and Close-out Main Tasks Deliverables PreCommissioning 1- Testing and Commissioning Procedures Plan (TCPP) 2- Spare Parts Lists and Spares Commissioning 1- Manufacturer’s and Materials Data 2- As-built Drawings 3- Operation and Maintenance Manuals 4- Warranties in accordance with the Specifications Performance Test Period 1- Test Reports 2- Monthly Reports Contract Closeout 1- Close-out Report 2- Final Account Statement and Supporting Documentation DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NEN-PRC-005 REVISION CODE: 02.00 ©NEOM [2021]. All rights reserved. PAGE 81 OF 81