SANTA ANA COLLEGE FIRE TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT FIRE TECH 121 LAB (FTC 121L) PHYSICAL FITNESS FOR PUBLIC SAFETY PERSONNEL—PERFORMANCE AND ASSESSMENT SYLLABUS – SPRING 2025 – ON-CAMPUS AND HYBRID S ANTA A NA C OLLEGE INSPIRES , TRANSFORMS , AND EMPOWERS A DIVERSE COMMUNITY OF LEARNERS . COURSE Class Times: Pre-requisite: Co-requisite: Arranged Hours (16 hours Total) Units: 0.3 None Concurrent Enrollment in FTC 121, OR Previous successful completion of FTC 121 INSTRUCTORS / LAB SECTIONS Sections: Instructor: Office: Phone: E-mail: Office Hours: 55469 (ONLINE) / 55475 (WED) Robin Leafbald VL-203 714-564-6862 / Canvas Inbox M 0930-1130 (via Zoom) W 0930-1130 (VL-203) Section: Instructor: Office: Phone: E-mail: Office Hours: 55473 (MON) Tomas Ruvalcaba VL-203 N/A /Canvas Inbox M 1025-1140 (VL-203 / A-130) M 1505-1620 (VL-203) Sections: Instructor: Office: Phone: E-mail: Office Hours: 55471 (ONLINE) / 55477 (THURS) Jennifer Meloni VL-203 714-564-6846 /Canvas Inbox M 1200-1300 (via Zoom) TH 0800-0830;1145-1415 (I-104/VL-203) REQUIRED TEXTBOOK / LAB FEE Alvar, Brent A., Sell, Katie, and Duester, Patricia A, NSCA’s Essentials of Tactical Strength and Conditioning. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics, 2017. ISBN: 978-1-4504-5730-9 $20 Fitness Analysis Materials Fee (collected with tuition) COURSE DESCRIPTION This is a PASS/NO-PASS COURSE. Students will participate in physical fitness and fire-specific activities. Focus is on preparing individual fitness, health, and physical ability for job requirements. Students will be advised of the specific modes of instruction, dates, times, and locations of all the Lab sessions during the first week of the semester in the Lab Orientation. STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to evaluate individual fitness and readiness for job requirements and apply appropriate strategies for the development of personal fitness and health specific to the needs of the fire service. CREATE A SMARTABASE ATHLETE ACCOUNT Teamworks’ Smartabase (SB) is a HIPAA-compliant Athlete Management System. You will access your personal fitness data in SB in your own FREE account. See Canvas to complete the Account Creation Form in the FIRST WEEK. SPRING 2025 LAB SESSIONS -Lab Orientation – MANDATORY • • • • • • • Attend ONE Orientation Location: Zoom (Tues & Wed) or On-Campus (Mon, Wed, & Thurs) 1 hour For on-campus Orientations, park with permit in student spaces only – see campus map linked here PARK ONLY IN STUDENT SPACES – PURCHASE VIRTUAL PARKING PASS ONLINE You must SIGN-IN and ATTEND the whole Orientation to receive credit Dates and times listed below – each student MUST attend ONE Orientation session. The Lab Orientation will be held during the FIRST WEEK of classes. Date Time Instructor Location Monday 2/10 3:15 – 4:05 pm Ruvalcaba E-108 Tuesday 2/11 6:00 – 6:50 pm Meloni TUE 2/11 TUES Orientation Zoom Link Wednesday 2/12 10:00 – 10:50 am Leafblad WED 2/12 WED Orientation Zoom Link Wednesday 2/12 3:15 – 4:05 pm Leafblad E-108 Thursday 2/13 11:55 am – 12:45 pm Meloni E-108 -Practice Biddle Physical Ability Test (PAT) Quiz and Training 1. BEFORE YOURE FIRST PRACTICE BIDDLE: Watch SAC Biddle PAT Video. TAKE AND PASS THE BIDDLE QUIZ with 100% correct BEFORE you are allowed to attend your first Practice Biddle. 2. Sign up for and attend TWO PRACTICE BIDDLES – signup on Signup Genius (SUG) o Location: Central Net Training Center (CNTC), 18301 Gothard Street, Huntington Beach, 92648 o 8 hours – two 4-hr Biddle Trainings on different dates – must attend ENTIRE session o Park OFF-SITE – Use parking lots up and down the street. Cross the street at designated crosswalks. o Arrive on the training ground at least 15 minutes early. Any student arriving after the session start time will NOT be allowed to participate and will not receive credit o Dates and Times listed below – each student MUST attend TWO sessions on different days *Attend one of the first two sessions to allow ample opportunity to complete both Practice Biddles. Practice Biddle Date Morning Session Afternoon Session *SAT, MARCH 1 8:00 AM 12:30 PM *SUN, MARCH 2 8:00 AM 12:30 PM SAT, MARCH 8 8:00 AM 12:30 PM SUN, MARCH 16 8:00 AM 12:30 PM What to Wear / Bring to the Practice Biddle: • • • • • 2 Dress appropriately for physical training at a fire station—athletic/workout clothes and shoes. No tank tops. No cropped tops. No ripped or poor-fitting shirts/shorts. No profanity or alcohol/drug references. All required equipment will be provided for you (helmet, structure gloves, turnout coat, SCBA) You may bring a bandana or baseball cap to wear underneath helmet or for sun protection, a long-sleeve t-shirt to wear underneath turnout coat, soft/athletic type knee pads (we provide knee pads to borrow) Bring 2-4 liters of water for a half-day of training; Bring a healthy snack or energy bar. Sunscreen FTC 121 Lab Syllabus SPRING 2025 -Pre-Test • • • • • • • Sign up for and attend ONE PRE-TEST – sign up on Signup Genius (SUG) Location: SAC Track or Small Gym (W building) 2 hours – 1.5 hours On-Campus + 0.5 hour on your own PARK ONLY IN STUDENT SPACES – PURCHASE VIRTUAL PARKING PASS ONLINE Arrive 10 minutes early for check-in YOU MUST SIGN-IN UPON ARRIVAL TO RECEIVE CREDIT Dates and times listed below – each student MUST SIGNUP for and attend ONE session PRE-TEST Date Options: Date Time (Tentative) Instructor Location (Tentative) Tuesday 2/25 4:30p-6:00p Meloni Small Gym—W Bldg Thursday 2/27 12:30p-2:00p Meloni SAC Track Monday 3/3 9:30a-11:00a Ruvalcaba SAC Track Wednesday 3/5 9:30a-11:00a Leafblad SAC Track Wednesday 3/5 4:00p-5:30p Leafblad Small Gym—W Bldg -Post-Test • • • • • • • Sign up for and attend ONE POST-TEST – sign up on Signup Genius (SUG) Location: SAC Track or Small Gym (W building) 2 hours – 1.5 hours On-Campus + 0.5 hour on your own PARK ONLY IN STUDENT SPACES – PURCHASE VIRTUAL PARKING PASS ONLINE Arrive 10 minutes early for check-in YOU MUST SIGN-IN UPON ARRIVAL TO RECEIVE CREDIT Dates and times listed below – each student MUST SIGNUP for and attend ONE session POST-TEST Date Options: Date Time (Tentative) Instructor Location (Tentative) Monday 4/14 9:30a-11:00a Ruvalcaba SAC Track Wednesday 4/16 4:30p-6:00p Leafblad Small Gym—W Bldg Wednesday 4/23 9:30a-11:00a Leafblad SAC Track Thursday 4/24 12:30p-2:00p Meloni SAC Track Tuesday 4/29 4:30p-6:00p Meloni Small Gym—W Bldg Pre- and Post-Tests include: 1. 2. Timed 1.5-mile run: completed on your own ON A DIFFERENT DAY BEFORE YOUR ON-CAMPUS session Waist circumference, Side Plank Hold, 2-minute Push-ups, 20m Beep Test: completed ON-CAMPUS Each student will complete field tests TWO times in the semester for comparison (one Pre-Test and one Post-Test). See your Lab Canvas Course for detailed instructions and due dates. Eat a light snack and drink approximately 16 oz. of fluids 1-2 hours prior to doing your tests. No alcohol within 24 hours of testing. Limit caffeine that day. Re-fuel with fluids and a healthy snack afterward. Dress in appropriate athletic wear and shoes (same as Practice Biddle Instructions above). Complete tests as safely and accurately as possible, within your abilities according to instructions given in this Lab Assignment. 3 FTC 121 Lab Syllabus SPRING 2025 -Fitness Lab Test • • • • • Sign up for and attend ONE FITNESS LAB TEST – sign up on Signup Genius (SUG) Location: SAC Campus, Room E-108 (Fitness Analysis Center) 2-2.5 hours PARK ONLY IN STUDENT SPACES – PURCHASE VIRTUAL PARKING PASS ONLINE Arrive 10 minutes early with completed paperwork (see Canvas) o NO-SHOWS are NOT guaranteed a new appointment. KEEP YOUR SCHEDULED APPOINTMENT. o If you need to reschedule – YOU MUST RESCHEDULE AT LEAST 48 HOURS BEFORE YOUR APPT LOGIN to SUG AT LEAST 48 HOURS BEFORE YOUR APPOINTMENT DELETE your original appointment SIGNUP for an open appointment Contact your FTC 121 instructor PRIOR to your appointment if you have any issues Fitness Lab Tests include physically strenuous activities. Consume an adequate, healthy meal 2-3 hours prior to testing. Consume 16 oz water and a light snack 1 hour prior to testing. Tests will include resting ECG, body fat, pulmonary, flexibility, muscular strength, muscular endurance, and a graded exercise treadmill test with ECG. We will ask you to give your best effort on each test. Please be sure you are showered and clean prior to testing. On the day of your test, avoid exercise and excessive caffeine. What to Wear / Bring to your Fitness Lab Test: • • • Water / Light and healthy snack / energy bar Gym/hand-sized towel Dress in athletic wear, including athletic shoes; women wear a sports bra -Fitness Results • • • • Sign up for and attend ONE FITNESS RESULTS – sign up on Signup Genius (SUG) (to be posted at later date) Location: Zoom or On-Campus 1 hour Dates and times listed below – each student MUST attend ONE Results session Results Date Options: Date Time Instructor Location Wednesday 5/7 10:00 – 11:00 am Leafblad WED 5/7 Results Zoom Link Wednesday 5/7 2:05 – 3:05 pm Leafblad A-130 Tuesday 5/13 6:00 – 7:00 pm Meloni TUE 5/13 Results Zoom Link Thursday 5/15 10:45 – 11:45 am Meloni I-104 Monday 6/2 2:00 – 3:00 pm Ruvalcaba A-130 Accessibility and Accommodations Statement Your success in this course is important to us, your Fire Technology department faculty. We here at Santa Ana College are committed to providing reasonable accommodations for all individuals with disabilities. If you are a student with a physical, psychological, medical, or learning disability that might impact your ability to carry out assigned course work or complete lab hours, we strongly recommend that you speak with your instructor as soon as possible. Also, it is your responsibility to contact the Disabled Student Programs & Services (DSPS) so that we can all partner together to determine your course/lab accommodations. DSPS is located in Johnson Student Center (JSC-108), phone (714) 564-6295. DSPS requires documentation of your disability in order for you to receive reasonable accommodations. If you do not have documentation, they will work with you to acquire it. All information and documentation is confidential. We look forward to supporting you in meeting your learning goals. 4 FTC 121 Lab Syllabus SPRING 2025 FTC 121L GRADING CHECKLIST Instructors: Leafblad, Meloni, Ruvalcaba PASS : Complete ALL lab assignments (16 hours) NO PASS : Missing ANY lab assignment (Less than 16 hours) LAB ASSIGNMENTS I AM SIGNED UP Lab Orientation (1 hour – Zoom or On-Campus) ---------- Smartabase Account Creation Form (in Canvas) ---------- Biddle PAT Video and Quiz (in Canvas) ---------- COMPLETION DATE PRACTICE BIDDLE #1 (4 hours – at Joint Powers-Central Net) PRACTICE BIDDLE #2 (4 hours – at Joint Powers-Central Net) Pre-Test (2 hours – On-Campus at SAC Track or Small Gym) Post-Test (2 hours – On-Campus at SAC Track or Small Gym) Fitness Lab Test (2 hours – On-Campus in E-108) Fitness Results (1 hour – Zoom or On-Campus) *Students are required to PASS FTC 121L in order to attend the Santa Ana College Basic Fire Academy* Academic Honesty Policy Students at Santa Ana College are expected to be honest and forthright in their academic endeavors. To falsify the results of one’s research, to steal the words or ideas of another, or to cheat on an examination, corrupts the essential process by which knowledge is advanced. Academic dishonesty is seen as an intentional act of fraud, in which a student seeks to claim credit for the work or efforts of another without authorization, or uses unauthorized materials or fabricated information in any academic exercise. As institutions, we also consider academic dishonesty to include forgery of academic documents, intentionally impeding or damaging the academic work of others, assisting other students in acts of dishonesty or coercing students into acts of dishonesty. In cases where a violation of academic dishonesty is discovered, the faculty member is encouraged to file an “Academic Misconduct Incident Report” form and distribute the form to the appropriate offices listed. In matters relating to academic honesty violations, the primary responsibility for disciplinary proceedings rests with the instructor and the academic division where the violation allegedly occurred. Satisfactory Academic Progress For financial aid purposes, students must maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher and complete 67% of their attempted units (which includes all coursework). F, NP, and W grades will lower GPA and/or completion rate. Students not meeting satisfactory academic progress will be notified of an opportunity to appeal in Self-Service. If their appeal is approved, their financial aid will be reinstated. Students must also complete their educational program within a maximum time frame of 150% of the units required to complete that educational program. Example: A student who is registered in a program with 60 required units for completion is eligible for financial aid while attempting their first 90 units. For more information, Santa Ana College’s SAP policy can be found at 5 FTC 121 Lab Syllabus