FM-AA-CIA-13 Rev. 06-Sep-2022 PANGASINAN STATE UNIVERSITY Lingayen, Pangasinan BACHELOR OF SECONDARY EDUCATION PHYICAL ACTIVITIES TOWARD HEALTH AND FITNESS 2 2nd Semester, S.Y 2024 – 2025 J COURSE SYLLABUS COURSE INFORMATION COURSE CODE PATH-FIT 2 COURSE TITLE COURSE TYPE COURSE CREDIT CLASS HOURS COURSE PREREQUISITE/ CO-REQUISITE COURSE SCHEDULE EXERCISE-BASED FITNESS ACTIVITIES □ Lecture □ Laboratory Lecture & Laboratory 2 2 HOURS/WK (36 hours/ 18 weeks) PE 1/PATHFit 1 Tuesday 8:00-10:00 AM UNIVERSITY VISION, MISSION, QUALITY POLICY, INSTITUTIONAL OUTCOMES AND PROGRAM OUTCOMES UNIVERSITY VISION To become a leading industry-driven State University in the ASEAN region by 2030. UNIVERSITY MISSION The Pangasinan State University shall provide a human-centric, resilient, and sustainable academic environment to produce dynamic, responsive, and future-ready individuals capable of meeting the requirements of the local and global communities and industries. EOMS QUALITY POLICY The Pangasinan State University shall be recognized as an ASEAN premier state university that provides quality education and satisfactory service delivery through instruction, research, extension and production. We commit our expertise and resources to produce professionals who meet the expectations of the industry and other interested parties in the national and international community. We shall continuously improve our operations in response to changing environment and in support of the institution’s strategic direction. INSTITUTIONAL OUTCOMES The Pangasinan State University Institutional Learning Outcomes (PSU ILO) are the qualities that PSUnians must possess. These outcomes are anchored on the following core values: Accountability and Transparency, Credibility and Integrity, Competence and Commitment to Achieve, Excellence in Service Delivery, Social and Environmental Responsiveness, and Spirituality – (ACCESS). COURSE SYLLABUS IN PATH FIT 2 (Exercise-based Fitness Activities) 1 FM-AA-CIA-13 Rev. 06-Sep-2022 Anchored on these core values, the PSU graduates are able to: 1. Demonstrate through institutional mechanisms, systems, policies, and processes which are reflective of transparency, equity, participatory decision making, and accountability; 2. Engage in relevant, comprehensive and sustainable development initiatives through multiple perspectives in decisions and actions that build personal and professional credibility and integrity. 3. Set challenging goals and tasks with determination and sense of urgency which provide continuous improvement and producing quality outputs leading to inclusive growth; 4. Exhibit life-long learning and global competency proficiency in communication skills, inter/interpersonal skills, entrepreneurial skills, innovative mindset, research and production initiatives and capability in meeting the industry requirements of local, ASEAN and international human capital market through relevant and comprehensive programs; 5. Display, socially and environmentally responsive organizational culture, which ensures higher productivity among the university constituents and elevate the welfare of the multi-sectoral communities and; 6. Practice spiritual values and morally upright behavior which promote and inspire greater harmony to project a credible public image. GRADUATE ATTRIBUTES 1. People’s Champion PROGRAM OUTCOMES PERFORMANCE INDICATORS a.-Act as member and leader of a team to manage technical projects in multidisciplinary environment by applying technical and management principles. Consider works/jobs not only for the benefit of himself or herself but for the nation as well. b-Conduct laboratory works as well as analyze and interpret diagrams; c-Practice professional and ethical responsibility; COURSE SYLLABUS IN PATH FIT 2 (Exercise-based Fitness Activities) Perform tasks relevant to standards. Practice occupational health and safety. Meet the required level of competency needed by the industry. Pass relevant competency assessment by the authorized and recognized agencies. Perform specialized skills such as industrial technologists, craftsmen, managers and entrepreneurs Manifest honesty, trustworthiness, and awareness of ethical standards. Demonstrate positive professional attitudes, values and behaviour. 2 FM-AA-CIA-13 Rev. 06-Sep-2022 2. Continuous Innovative Learner d-Ascertain and act on contemporary issues. Use related information, materials, modern tools and equipment and people. e-Convey technical information through their proficiency in oral and written communication skills; Expound technical topics and information pertaining to their field of specialization and related. Allocate time personal and professional development thru participation in educational seminars, trainings and workshops read educational materials regularly and engage in educational research Use related information, materials, modern tools and equipment and people. f- Engage in lifelong learning and keep abreast with the development in technology g- Use techniques, skills and modern tools necessary in the practice of their profession; 3. Community Developer h-Troubleshoot complex problems by applying their acquired technical knowledge and skills; Perform tasks relevant to standards. Practice occupational health and safety. Meet the required level of competency needed by the industry. Pass relevant competency assessment by the authorized and recognized agencies. Perform specialized skills such as industrial technologists, craftsmen, managers and entrepreneurs COURSE DESCRIPTION This course builds on the foundational motor skills established in earlier training, providing students with a diverse array of exercise programs aimed at maintaining and enhancing cardiorespiratory and musculoskeletal fitness. Key areas of focus include core stability, muscular strength, endurance, and explosive power, alongside speed and agility training to improve body coordination and balance. COURSE SYLLABUS IN PATH FIT 2 (Exercise-based Fitness Activities) 3 FM-AA-CIA-13 Rev. 06-Sep-2022 This course will integrate fitness and wellness concepts with fundamental exercise principles—namely frequency, intensity, time, progression, and volume—to tailor their movements for independent physical activity pursuits. Additionally, participants will regularly assess and reflect on their physical activity levels and dietary habits to monitor progress and work towards achieving their personal fitness and nutritional goals effectively. COURSE OUTCOMES COURSE OUTCOMES (CO) Upon completion of the course, the students should be able to: 1 2 3 4 5 Internalize the vision, mission, core values of the University. Identify and discuss the different nature and principles of exercise. Adopt safety procedures and safety precautions in doing exercises. Recognize the different exercise-based activities. Device and apply a range of strategies to improve one’s physical activity performance through the different exercise-based activities. 6 Enhance and advocate for one’s personal and other’s fitness, safety and wellness through physical activity participation and/or leadership. 7 Develop personal workout plan according to fitness level guided with the principles of exercise. 8 To raise awareness about the benefits of engaging to physical activities. 9 To appreciate the importance of physical activity as a habit. I. (Introduced) P. (Practiced) D. (Demonstrate) INSTITUTIONAL LEARNING OUTCOMES (ILO) PROGRAM OUTCOMES (PO) 1 a 2 3 4 5 6 I b c P d D P P I f D I D P P D P D I e I D D P D P D COURSE LEARNING PLAN Course Outcome/s CO1 Learning Outcomes Internalize the vision, mission, core values of the University Topics Hours Orientation (vision, mission, guiding philosophy, strategic goals and core values) 2 COURSE SYLLABUS IN PATH FIT 2 (Exercise-based Fitness Activities) Learning Activities (In-person) In-person Discussion PARQ PA LOG Learning Materials and Platform In-person Student Handbook Course Guide and Study Guide Assessment In-person Recitation Completion of PARQ form 4 FM-AA-CIA-13 Rev. 06-Sep-2022 Clarify expectations of the course and its requirements CO8, CO9 CO2 CO4 To recognize the benefits of engaging to physical activities. Determine the different principles of exercise Determine the different exercise-based activities. CHAPTER I NATURE OF EXERCISE a. Define and elaborate the following: Physical Activity Exercise Workout PRINCIPLES OF EXERCISE a. Progression b. Regression c. Overload d. F.I.T.T. e. Specificity f. Reversibility g. Individuality h. Rest and Recovery i. Variety j. Adaptation k. Periodization CHAPTER II EXERCISE-BASED ACTIVITES A. CORE STABILITY FITNESS TEST A1. Plank Series A2. Bird-dog Series A3. Dead Bug Series In-person Lecture demonstration Breathing exercise Return demonstration Warm up exercises In-person Power point Presentations Study Guide Video clips; ch?v=5S89QkgDoI8&t=602s In-person Demonstration Recitation In-person Lecture demonstration Drills Return Demonstration In-person Power point Presentations Study Guide Video clips; In-person Recitation Craft Individual Workout or Home-based workout Participation to Yoga activities Aerobics/ Calisthenics activities 2 12 https://stretchcoach.c om/articles/circuittraining/ B. LOCOMOTOR TEST B1. Inchworm Walk B2. Lazy Dog Walk COURSE SYLLABUS IN PATH FIT 2 (Exercise-based Fitness Activities) Prepare workout/ practice area and Specified equipment for circuit training 5 FM-AA-CIA-13 Rev. 06-Sep-2022 B3. Rolls CO4, CO5, CO6 CO3 CO3, CO5 Adapt fundamental competencies in the different exercise-based activities. Observe safety procedures and safety precautions in doing exercises Self-regulate by identifying errors in skill execution and correcting one’s execution or performance. C. INTRODUCTION TO CIRCUIT TRAINING EXERCISES Non-equipment a. push-ups b. Squats c. sit-ups d. Lunges e. chin-ups With equipment a. Agility Ladder b. Kettle squat c. Plate cones exercise d. Jumping rope exercise e. Gym ball exercise f. Resistance Band exercises In-person Lecture demonstration Drills Return Demonstration In-person Power point Presentations Study Guide Video clips Prepare workout/ practice area and Specified equipment for circuit training Circuit exercise Individual workout performances Student Activity: HIIT workout sessions outside of regular Physical Education classes HIIT Circuit training/workouts (Rubrics will be given) Perform 3-5 Minutes of selected Circuit Training (HIIT) Individual workout performances (Rubrics will be given) SAFETY PRECAUTIONS a. Before and During exercise a.1. Proper and Improper execution of exercises a.2. Proper and improper use of exercise equipment MIDTERM EXAMINATION COURSE SYLLABUS IN PATH FIT 2 (Exercise-based Fitness Activities) 2 6 FM-AA-CIA-13 Rev. 06-Sep-2022 Total No. of Hours: 18 CO6 CO7 CO8, CO9 Adapt fundamental competencies in an exercise program applying the different principles of exercise Plan and create individualized workout program based on the personal competency. Achieve their fitness and activities goals personal physical Manifest the value of healthy lifestyle attributes and fitness involvement. CHAPTER III WEIGHT MANAGEMENT PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICES Weight Loss, Weight Gain, Exercise Balancing Calories to Manage Weight Food and Nutrients to Increase\ Building Healthy Eating Patterns EXERCISE-BASED PROGRAM Options Breathing Yoga Core Stability and Functional Performance Training Resistance Training Cardiorespiratory endurance Training Recreational Fitness Activities o Cycling o Swimming o Camping o Mountain Climbing In-person Lecture demonstration Drills Individual Workout Plan Relaxation Exercises In-person Power point Presentations Study Guide Prepare workout/ practice area In-person Recitation Individual Workout performances (Rubrics will be given) Readings: Kim Lyons & Lara McGlashan, the 12-week Program to Optimum Physical, mental & Emotional Fitness. Mark Verstegen and Pete Williams, Core Performance Endurance https://www.muscleandfi 16 Student Activity: ry/popular-at-homeworkout-programs Craft and perform a 1 month Individual Workout Plan guided by the Principles of Exercise. GUIDELINES IN DESIGNING EXERCISE PROGRAM COURSE SYLLABUS IN PATH FIT 2 (Exercise-based Fitness Activities) 7 FM-AA-CIA-13 Rev. 06-Sep-2022 a. b. c. FINAL EXAMINATION Steps to get started in fitness program Home Workout Program (with and without exercise equipment) Development of personal workout plan. 2 Practical Examination; Output of One Month ExerciseBased Program Individual workout performances (Rubrics will be given) Individual Portfolio with the following: Videos per day pictures during the workout sessions weekly meal plan pedometer with GPS records Total No. of Hours: 18 COURSE REFERENCES AND SUPPLEMENTAL READINGS A. Books and E-books C. Electronic Sources Calubayan, Ricardo R. et. al. 2005. Music, Arts, Physical Education and Health. Quezon City: FNB Educational, Inc. Andin, Carmen T., Teaching Physical Education in Philippine School, Manila: Rex Book Store, 2000 Jimena, Edgar C., Dagoon, Jesse, D., Making FitnessYour Own: A Textbook in College PE 1. Manila: Rex Book Store, Inc. Martin, S., Baker, E., & Bosler, C. (2012). Energizing Workout. Dk Pub. Verstegen, M., & Williams, P. (2008). Core Performance Endurance: A New Training and Nutrition Program That Revolutionizes Your Workouts. Rodale Books. Scott, P. (2006). Outside Fitness. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, Inc. Hoeger, W., & Hoeger, S. (2006). Principles and labs for fitness and wellness (8th ed.). Thomson Learning, Inc. www.exercises www.physicalactivities COURSE SYLLABUS IN PATH FIT 2 (Exercise-based Fitness Activities) 8 FM-AA-CIA-13 Rev. 06-Sep-2022 Lyons, K., & McGlashan, L. (2007). Kim Lyon’s Your Body, Your Life: The 12-week Program to Optimum Physical, Mental and Emotional Fitness. Sterling Publishing Company, Inc. Kim Lyons & Lara McGlashan, the 12-week Program to Optimum Physical, mental & Emotional Fitness. Heyward, V., & Gibson, A., (2014) Advanced Fitness Assessment and Exercise Prescription, COURSE REQUIREMENTS 1. There will be formative and summative tests to evaluate your performance in the course. Formative tests in our course include formative activities, performance-based activities, practicums, etc.) and class participation (in-class discussions, recitation, sharing, actual skills demonstration, etc.). Summative tests, on the other hand, include midterm exam and final exam that can be done through practical exams. 2. Formative Tests: 1. The formative activities are return demonstrations of learners during discussions such as demonstration of newly introduced exercises, execution of drills, and workouts in order to strengthen the mastery of those skills. 2. The required performance-based activities (exercise demonstration, workouts, drills) are all done in-person. These activities are announced and usually done at the end of each chapter or topic. 3. Class participation ( oral recitation/ actual skills demonstration) is based on both attendance in discussion as well as the extent of your active participation, which includes oral recitation and actual skills demonstration, involvement in raising questions, giving ideas, sharing experiences and making comments pertinent to the topic at hand. 3. Summative Tests: Practical Exams The Midterm and Final Practicums are major exams that will test what you have learned collectively and comprehensively in the course. 4. For submission of activities, unless otherwise indicated, please send or attach them on or before the deadline to the P.E Department Office or if needed and required, send it to the official MS Teams virtual classroom or my email address ( When you contact me through email, please indicate in the subject of your course, name and the activity title (e.g. BPA_Juan Dela Cruz -Activity1). Names of attachments (documents, photos, or videos) should also be renamed following the same format ASSESSMENT AND GRADING ASSESSMENT AND GRADINGFinal Grade = ½Midterm Grade + ½ Final Grade Midterm Grade Attendance/ Class Participation/ Quiz – 30% Midterm Exam –40% Home Based Requirements30% 100% Final Term Grade Attendance/ Class Participation/ Quiz – Final Exam – Home Based Requirements- 30% 40% 30% 100% 10-POINT Recitation (Matter only) COURSE SYLLABUS IN PATH FIT 2 (Exercise-based Fitness Activities) 9 FM-AA-CIA-13 Rev. 06-Sep-2022 Criteria Matter (Content and quality of argument or explanation) Excellent (10 points) Good (8 points) Fair (6 points) Poor (4 points) Content and quality of arguments, and the ability to explain the subject is excellent. Content and quality of arguments, and the ability to explain well the subject is good. Explanation of the subject is fair. Content and quality of arguments are fair. Subject matter is poorly explained. Content and quality of arguments are poor. SCORING RUBRIC: Return Performance Standard/Criteria Student demonstrates competency in motor skills and movement pattern needed to perform activities related to this unit. Student demonstrates an understanding of rules, instructions, strategies, and tactics as they apply to the learning and performance of the activities related to this unit. Student exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self, others and equipment in the physical activities related to this unit. Student demonstrates an understanding of the importance of physical fitness as related to health. Student meets expectations for motor skill and movement pattern related to this unit. Student meets expectations for demonstrating understanding of rules, instructions, strategies, and tactics related to this unit. 3pts (Partially Meets) (85%) Student partially meets expectations for motor skill and movement pattern related to this unit. Student partially meets expectations for demonstrating understanding of rules, instructions, strategies, and tactics related to this unit. Student exceeds expectations for responsible personal and social behavior. Student meets expectations for responsible personal and social behavior Student partially meets expectations for responsible personal and social behavior. Student is developing their ability to show responsible personal and social behavior. Student is below expectations for responsible personal and social behavior. Did not attempt Student exceeds expectation for demonstrating the importance of physical fitness. Student meets expectation for demonstrating the importance of physical fitness. Student partially meets expectation for demonstrating the importance of physical fitness. Student is developing their ability to demonstrate the importance of physical fitness. Student is below expectation for demonstrating the importance of physical fitness. Did not attempt 5pts (Exceeds) (100%) Student exceeds expectations for motor skill and movement pattern related to this unit. Student exceeds expectations for demonstrating understanding of rules, instructions, strategies, and tactics related to this unit 4pts (Meets) (95%) 2pts (Developing) (75%) Student is developing motor skill and movement pattern related to this unit. Student is developing their understanding of rules, instructions, strategies, and tactics related to this unit. 1pt (Below) (65%) Student is below expectations for motor skill and movement pattern related to this unit. Student is below expectations for demonstrating understanding of rules, instructions, strategies, and tactics related to this unit. 0 No Evidence (50%) Did not attempt Did not attempt Total: 100% Rubrics for Recitation (Individual) COURSE SYLLABUS IN PATH FIT 2 (Exercise-based Fitness Activities) 10 FM-AA-CIA-13 Rev. 06-Sep-2022 Criteria Excellent Good Fair Poor Matter (Content and quality of argument or explanation) 10 8 6 4 Manner (Quality of writing and organization of thought) 10 8 6 4 RUBRICS FOR ASSESSING PORTFOLIO Skill Response to Portfolio Assignment Content Attractiveness Exceptional Effective Acceptable Unsatisfactory No Portfolio 20 points 15 points 10 points 5 points 0 points Followed all the directions Followed most of the directions Did not follow most of the directions Disregarded the directions given Did not complete the portfolio given; complete the given; completed the given or failed to complete part of and failed to complete a assignment assignment; added extra assignment the assignment. significant part of the assignment material. Content is engaging, reflective Content is accurate. Student Most of the content has been A lot of missing content. Effort put Did not complete the portfolio and accurate. Student shows has completed all portions of the completed Some of the content fort into content is minimal. assignment. effort of personal reflection e-Portfolio with minimal needs more input and revisions and goal setting reflection and goal setting Graphics, colors, font size and Graphics, colors, font size and Graphics, colors, font size and style Graphics, colors, font size and Did not complete the portfolio style are attractive and easy to style are appropriate are distracting or adds a little to the style are distracting and difficult to assignment. read: enhances the portfolio portfolio read: detracts from the portfolio COURSE POLICIES AND EXPECTATIONS Lecture Policies (in-person) 1. Wear your institutional PE attire or plain/printed white t-shirt or decent attire for physical activity during classes. 2. Always observe punctuality and courtesy. 3. Observe proper decorum. COURSE SYLLABUS IN PATH FIT 2 (Exercise-based Fitness Activities) 11 FM-AA-CIA-13 Rev. 06-Sep-2022 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Actively participate in recitations, sharing, etc. during class. Respect shall be observed for the teacher and students. No foul and/or vulgar words during discussions. Cheating and plagiarism are not tolerated. On-time submission of requirements as agreed during class orientation. Others (agreed upon by the class). Classroom Expectations 1. Be Prepared. You and only you are responsible for your grade. Earn the good grade you deserve by coming to class prepared. Complete reading assignments and other homework before class so that you can understand the lecture and participate in discussion. Have your homework ready to submit. 2. Be Participative. Be ready and willing to participate in classroom discussions. Contribute actively to class discussions, offer ideas or ask questions. 3. Be on Time. Checking of attendance will be done before the discussion starts to ensure that students are in the classroom on time. 4. Be Respectful. Any action that bothers another student or the teacher or any disruptive behavior in class is considered disrespectful. Demonstrate proper respect for teachers, other students, and school property. Listen to others and evaluate ideas on their own merit. REVISION HISTORY REVISION NUMBER DATE OF IMPLEMENTATION 2023-01 DATE OF REVISION February15, 2023 2023-02 January 16, 2024 January 22, 2024 2025-03 January 14, 2025 January 20, 2025 PREPARATION AND REVIEW Prepared by the: Focal Person (Common Program) Faculty (Standalone Program) February 20, 2023 Arlene B. Kon-ek COURSE SYLLABUS IN PATH FIT 2 (Exercise-based Fitness Activities) HIGHLIGHTS OF REVISION ● ● ● ● ● Revised the Learning activities, Materials and platform and assessments Added ILO Updated the references Inclusion of new vision and mission Addition of other resources Updated the Learning activities Updated Learning topics and activities Addition of other resources. February 15, 2023 12 FM-AA-CIA-13 Rev. 06-Sep-2022 Updated and Enhanced by: Reviewed by the Committee for Common Programs Reviewed Programs by the Committee for Common Arlene B. Kon-ek Juliet A. Gelido January 16, 2024 January 16, 2024 Arlene B. Kon-ek Juliet A. Gelido January 14, 2025 January 14, 2025 Melani B. Caronongan February 15,2023 Melani B. Caronongan Melani B. Caronongan Joshua C. Paringit Juliet A. Gelido January 16, 2024 Liza Lucero February 17, 2023 Reynante Mangsat February 17, 2023 Melanie Junio February 17, 2023 Melani B. Caronongan January 17, 2024 Liza Lucero January 17, 2024 Reynante Mangsat January 17, 2024 Melanie Junio January 17, 2024 Saudy T. Maniego January 15, 2025 Liza Lucero January 15, 2025 Reynante Mangsat January 15, 2025 Melanie Junio January 15, 2025 January 14, 2025 February 17, 2023 Endorsed by the Council of Deans and Department Chairs on : January 16, 2025 COURSE SYLLABUS IN PATH FIT 2 (Exercise-based Fitness Activities) 13 FM-AA-CIA-13 Rev. 06-Sep-2022 FACULTY CONTACT INFORMATION NAME DESIGNATION MOBILE PHONE NUMBER MELANI BERAN-CARONONGAN,Ed. D. University Head, Facility Maintenance Services 09455221264 E-MAIL ADDRESS CONSULTATION SCHEDULE OFFICE LOCATION Adopted by: Thursday- Friday 8:00AM -12:00 Nn Convention Hall Checked by: Recommended by: Approved: MELANI B. CARONONGAN,Ed.D. JULIET A. GELIDO PROF.JESAMINE F. REBUGIO RENATO E. SALCEDO. Ph.D. Faculty Department Chairperson College Dean Campus Executive Director Date:______________ Date:______________ Date:______________ Date:______________ Certified for Campus/University Utilization for A.Y. 2023-2024 WEENALEI T. FAJARDO, Ph.D. Director for Curriculum and Instruction COURSE SYLLABUS IN PATH FIT 2 (Exercise-based Fitness Activities) MANOLITO C. MANUEL, Ed.D. Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs 14