1 AUTISM ASSIGNMENT NAME: NANDINI NANDINI PERSONAL SUPPORT WORKER – GEORGIAN COLLEGE NAME OF COURSE: 22F HLTH. CHALL. - CONTINUING CARE-02 INSTRUCTOR NAME: CINDY READ DATE: DECEMBER 01, 2022 2 Autism is a complex neurobehavioral condition which includes communication, developmental language, and social interaction skills’ impairment. In this condition, children especially face the communication issues and are unable to express their feelings. But they have some unique sort of skills such as: behavioural skills and special interests. They might also show unusual responses to various things. Talking about the symptoms of autism, some children show them at infancy, such as reduced eye, lack of response etc. Some may lose language skills later and show difficulty in learning. These signs are usually seen by age of two years. The severity depends on the type of symptoms. (MayoClinic, n.d.) Considering the causes of Autism, it has no single known cause. Environment and genetics both play a role. Some genes may affect the development of brain and also mutations might increase the chances of autism disorders. For environmental factors, researchers are still finding about the possible causes. Autism spectrum disorder includes conditions autism, Asperger's syndrome, childhood disintegrative disorder and an unspecified form of pervasive developmental disorder. (MayoClinic, n.d.) Disease Autism Asperger’s Explanation Behavioral issues It is a condition in which the development of brain impacts a person’s ability to communicate and socialize with others. It usually begins in early childhood. Early treatment can make a big difference in lives of many people. Behavioral issues of Autism include: 1.Being hyperactive, anxious, and worried. 2. To hurt themselves (Like: hitting their head) 3. Biting their hands and fingers. (AutismSpeaks, 2022) It is a form of autism spectrum disorder which is a developmental disorder. People with Asperger’s have difficulty in thinking patterns, behaviour and relating to others socially. It is caused by combination of genetic, environmental, and neurological issues. 1.Poor social interactions. 2. Obsessions. 3. Odd speech patterns. 4. Peculiar mannerisms. 5. Limited facial expressions. (NationwideChildren's, n.d.) 3 Rett Syndrome Rett syndrome is rare genetic neurological and developmental disorder. It affects the development of brain the way it develops. It generally causes loss of language and motor skills. 1.Increased agitation and irritation. 2.Sudden Crying and screaming loudly. 3. Fears and anxiety. 4. Other unusual behaviours. (MayoClinic, Rett Syndrome, 2022) Two Safety Concerns and Strategies to assist with the safety concerns are: Safety is a very important concern for people or children with ASD because it may place people at increased risk of death or injuries. The safety concerns may include wandering and eloping from safety, Pica, Drowning and Household toxins. (AutismSpeaks, Creating safety plans for people with autism, 2022) Some strategies that can be used are: Use of special kind of locks and security alarms. Use of personal tracking devices. Use videos and stories to teach the techniques to people with the disorder. Strategies that may help as a PSW to work with adults or children with ASD: Providing them Behavioural Skills training to teach a range of skills. Teaching them the techniques to handle daily living activities. Support Groups available for the person with ASD their families: Asperger’s society of Ontario: They provide support to the individual and family affected by the consultation, workshops, and school support. Autism Ontario: This support group increases public awareness about autism and talks about the issues faced by the affected people and their families. Special Needs Planning Group: The provide free consultation about issues related to financial planning for children with special needs. (SickKids, n.d.) Concluding, all three of them are interlinked to each other. These conditions have no prescribed medications or treatments. To address these conditions, therapies can be done or various other strategies can be used effectively. 4 References AutismSpeaks. (2022). Behavior Challenges. Retrieved from Autism Speaks: https://www.autismspeaks.org/behavioral-resources AutismSpeaks. (2022). Creating safety plans for people with autism. Retrieved from Autism Speaks: https://www.autismspeaks.org/creating-safety-plans-peopleautism MayoClinic. (2022, 05 03). Rett Syndrome. Retrieved from MayoClinic: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/rett-syndrome/symptomscauses/syc-20377227 MayoClinic. (n.d.). Autism Spectrum Disorder. Retrieved from Mayo Clinic: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/autism-spectrumdisorder/symptoms-causes/syc-20352928 NationwideChildren's. (n.d.). Asperger's Syndrome. Retrieved from Nationwide children's: https://www.nationwidechildrens.org/conditions/aspergers-syndrome SickKids. (n.d.). Family Support and Respite services for autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Retrieved from About kids Health: https://www.aboutkidshealth.ca/article?contentid=1508&language=english