National Teachers College Graduate Program, School of Teacher Education Research Matrix Student Name: Ali May C. Soriano Program: MAEd - English Research Working Title: The Effects of the Pandemic on K-12 Students’ Learning Efficiency and Behaviour Sem / SY / Date: 1st Sem / 2023-2024 / November 13, 2023 I. Research Proposal Matrix Theoretical/Conceptual Background Methodology ● Analyze Investigate the pandemic’s impact on K-12 students’ learning efficiency behavior and Respondent/Locale/Sam pling Statement of the Problem the ● This study will impact of the focus on the K- examine pandemic on K- 12 students with pandemic’s impact on 12 their K-12 students’ teachers, This topic aims to the students’ Data Analysis (discuss also Statistical Treatment if Applicable) ● Analyzing data can be done by gathering learning and their parents learning efficiency and and efficiency, and at public schools behavior collecting employ in Bulacan. Bulacan. Specifically, data it will analyze changes K-12 appropriate located in from National Teachers College Graduate Program, School of Teacher Education data collection ● Random in study habits, students, methods respondents from attention span, peer their through Grade 11 - 12 interaction, parents, and statistical, and students of a emotional regulation. teachers. quantitative public school By understanding these ● Visualizing methods from Marilao, effects, educators can and including Bulacan. better Interpreting and address the surveys, unique academic faced by students in the using graphs performance transition and assessments, traditional education to numerical attendance e-learning. analysis. records, challenges from the data ● Set and a teacher More specifically, it maximum observations aims to answer the number following questions: respondents 1. What is the who of have proper been intervention to affected by National Teachers College Graduate Program, School of Teacher Education sustain the collaborative transition tasks of remote from learning? traditional 2. Why is it learning to necessary to online address the schooling. ● Provide behavioral adaptation questionnair challenges es during remote various learning? options that 3. What are the impacts of with can give suitable remote learning responses to on the K-12 given students’ research learning questions and National Teachers College Graduate Program, School of Teacher Education efficiency and multiple- behavior? choice 4. How does a ● Add pandemic data intervene in the validation educational questions to system in a ensure the public school? accuracy of In terms of the survey following: results. ● Learning Efficiency ● Customize surveys for ● Behavior different ● Learning Loss respondents. and Technological Barrier II. References (APA Format) questions. National Teachers College Graduate Program, School of Teacher Education Doucet A., Netolicky D., Timmers K., Tuscano F. J. (2020). Thinking about pedagogy in an unfolding pandemic (An Independent Report on Approaches to Distance Learning during COVID-19 School Closure). Work of Education International and UNESCO. Mailizar, M., Burg, D. & Maulina, S. Examining university students’ behavioral intention to use e-learning during the COVID-19 pandemic: An extended TAM model. Educ Inf Technol 26, 7057-7077 (2021). https:// Murgatrotd S. (2020, March). COVID-19 and Online Learning, Alberta, Canada. doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.31132.8512. Petrie C. (2020). Spotlight: Quality education for all during COVID-19 crisis (hundrED Research Report #01). United Nations. Scholar Pokhrel, S., & Chhetri, R. (2021). A Literature Review on Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on teaching and learning. Higher Education for the Future, 8(1), 133–141. Sintema E. J. (2020 April 7). Effect of COVID-19 on the performance of grade 12 students: Implications for STEM education. EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 16(7). National Teachers College Graduate Program, School of Teacher Education Wang, Z., Qadir, A., Asmat, A., Mian, M. S. A., & Luo, X. (2022). The Advent of Coronavirus Disease 2019 and the Impact of Mobile Learning on Student Learning Performance: The Mediating Role of Student Learning Behavior. Frontiers in Psychology, 12.