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Health Psychology: Key Concepts & Disparities

Health Psychology
- State of complete physical, psychological, and social well-being
Health Psychology
- Application of psychological principles and research to the enhancement of
health and the prevention and treatment of illness.
Health Disparities
- The United States ranks worst among 11 wealthy nations as measured by life
expectancy, efficiency, and accessibility to quality health care by all individuals.
o Ethnic majorities in cities have a higher life expectancy; rural,
disadvantaged minorities have a lower one.
o People with European ancestry live longer than African Americans; life
expectancy is shorter for both these groups than for those in many other
o Unique health challenges face women, LGBT people, and other
marginalized people.
o Higher disease and disability rates for middle-aged women than for
middle-aged men.
Identification of Actions and Targets for Improving Health Services (part 1)
- U.S. Department of Health and Human Services report Healthy People 2030
identifies specific actions and targets
o Improving access to health services
o Eliminating health disparities
o Reducing chronic diseases such as cancer and diabetes
o Improving health in people of all ages
o Preventing injuries and violence
o Taking steps in 32 other areas
Part 2
- Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA)
o Aims of this federal law
 Reduce the number of people in the United States who do not have
health insurance.
 Lower the costs of healthcare
 Improve health care outcomes
 Streamline the delivery of healthcare
 Require insurers to cover certain types of preventive care at no cost
to the consumer.
Overall Goals and Targets of Healthy People 2030
Health Psychology
Attain high-quality, longer lives free of preventable disease, disability, injury, and
premature death.
Achieve health equity, eliminate disparities, and improve the health of all groups.
Create social and physical environments that promote good health for all
Promote quality of life, health development, and healthy behaviors across all life
Health and Illness: Lessons from the Past
Timeline of Historical and cultural variations in Illness and healing
- Ancient China
o Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM); internal harmony essential for good
 Qi – vital energy or life force
 Acupuncture, herbal therapy, meditation
- Ancient India
o Ayurveda – oldest known medical system (same time as Buddha)
 The body represents the entire universe; the balance between the
microcosmic and macrocosmic world; tridosha
- Emergence of Health Psychology
o 1978: The American Psychological Association (APA) establishes the
division of health psychology (Division 38)
- Four goals of the New Field
Biological Context
- Every thought, mood, and urge is a biological event made possible because of
the characteristic anatomical structure and biological function of a person’s body.
o Genome
o Genomics
Evolutionary Perspective
- Adaptation and reproductive success drive trait and behavior development
- Biology and behavior do not occur in a vacuum; they constantly interact
Psychological Context
- Health and Illness subject to psychological influences
o Appraisal and interpretation of stressful experiences
o Attitude and treatment effectiveness
o Psychological interventions
- Positive psychology
o Many studies have emphasized subjective well-being and a sense of
satisfaction with life.
The Biopsychosocial Model
- Social Context
Health Psychology
o Ways people think about, influence, and relate to one another and the
Birth cohort
o Group of people born at about the same time who experience similar
historical and social conditions
o Acute disorders
o Chronic illnesses