NEF4205 - Sustainable Energy Systems Tutorial 5 NEF4205 - Sustainable Energy Systems Question 1 - A naturnl-gas fueled, 250-kW, solid-oxide fuel cell with a heat rate of 7260 Btu/kWh costs $1.5 million. In its cogeneration mode, 300,000 Btu/hr of exhaust heat is recovered, displacing the need for heat that would have been provided from a 75% efficient gas-fired boiler. Natural gas costs $5 per million Btu and electricity purchased from the utility costs $0.10/kWh. The system operates with a capacity factor of 80%. ( a. What is the value of the fuel saved by the waste heat ($/yr) (Ans: 14,016 per year)? b. What is the savings associated with not having to purchase utility electricity ($/yr) (Ans: $175,200 per year)? c. What is the annual cost of natural gas for the CHP system (Ans: $63,598 per year)? d. With annual O&M costs equal to 2% of the capital cost, what is the net annual savings of the CHP system (Ans: $95,618 per year)? e. What is the sin1ple payback (ratio of initial investment to annual savings) (Ans: 15.6 years)? Question 2: An ideal PEM cell needs 30.35 g H2 to produce one kWh of electrical output. Suppose an electric car can travel 10 miles per kWh. How much hydrogen would be needed to give the car a range of 300 miles if the source of elecnicity is an on-board fuel cell with an efficiency that is 50% of the ideal (Ans: 1.821 kg)? Question 3 You are designing a solar electricity system and don't have access to the grid, you are going to have to deal with batteries. Your goal is to design an off-grid battery bank is to get a system that is big enough to supply all your needs for a few cloudy days. Your room has two 60 watt light bulb and a 300 watt desktop computer. Light bulbs run for 8 hours a day. Computer rnns for 5 hours a day. System losses account for 50 % of the consumption. You want the battery bank to last five days without recharging and not to fall below 50 % d<;!pth of discharge. Calculate the storage capacity you require in kWh and Amp Hours (AH). You are thinking of getting a 24 V system! What would be the rating of the system in kW (Ans: 36.9 kWh, 307.5 W)? ( Question 4 A local utility company is planning to build an energy storage facility using lithium-ion batteries to store excess energy generated by a solar fa1m. The solar faim generates an average of 500 kW of excess energy daily, which needs to be stored and discharged during peak demand hours. The efficiency of the energy storage system is 90 %, meaning that 90 % of the energy stored can be retrieved. The utility company wants to ensure they have enough capacity to meet the peak demand for 5 hours. a) Calculate the total energy that needs to be stored daily to meet the peak demand. (Ans: 2,777.8 kWh) b) If the utility company wants to ensure they have a 20% reserve capacity, how many kWh of energy storage capacity should they install? (Ans: 3,472 kWh) (c) If the cost of one kWh of energy storage capacity is $200, what will be the total cost of the energy storage system? (Ans: $694,444) Page 1 of 1 Aroisal 5 Oveshion- 4 Ca) Fuel scavek lo Boiler Pel Saving > 260 —~ ©:*S fel _ Saving> ~ Betler () Electricity (c)- Annval vane. heet 00, $5 * be Ss Sau tags Ko o.lo= gf 175, 220/, Cost ase Cos rs Casta Gus . vi ite 4 = 250 kw x 0.8 x Soho Gos yo. 8x SPO hon 8760 hows KO-F Brey Bi as K Pree qak 74 q 63, 548 [yr SAY Graal Sasigs = A-naval ‘ SovinyS tuanen! (e) * d Hal ie Sasings = + 2oo — & (5, $45,617 4 - $63,597 ( -—(Husarl snd 4 68, [yc Paryback Payback = HLS KE 4 475,618 - a Too Cots -( 902% 4 ism) telectsavings — Fuel savims Ses xd £194 years A 2 Svestton will neg de-ruing, the f$se\ cell Werk | 4 ke Ha/eush 2% 0.02035 50% miles at lo miles per lewsh Bee ce range ef 260 Tote! kwh Zeomiles_ —————_ Jo flew — Suestion 3 E te qoved = Erequired Total oa E * Capaciby attec ._ Ugo ao Ww Systen - 2690 KVP 20 leh 2 * 20 Lie Tord ty7 w2¥ eo? \ n’ \ 32ao a e si x Z ( & housX = — Gow) + ( 5 hous (Zoow) - = YB (Soow Leotses > wh XS fu 24ybO +480 + doy> _ S oO 2.400 lew *hIokuh 2460 @2.. FeSbb 2 aco GB 26,700 wok Cushion | _— Ener (a See buarlable K S hove _ Seo kwXS Geo KW Stomst © Etftctenss oO Enery (r) eas Ao Ta ~ Resetve % | Erensy Steray Resene ) Ce C : ‘ Energy to (| _ 2,799.8 “wh cupactty = Capactty = Cost = Ord 0-2) AA 3B, GF. Shere Total Gar= GeeCapacity Tetal 2, +78 = Store 200 per Wah “Thal Cabs 4 — lewh STE Cost pel 3472.22 bh * 4 260 [Igor 4 64 my Get key