NEED ASSESSMENT REPORT MARCH 2024 Royal Heritage Health Foundation SUPPORTED BY: Supertouch Kindness Foundation CONTENTS Acronyms ................................................................................................................................... 2 List of Figure.............................................................................................................................. 2 Executive Summary ................................................................................................................... 3 Objective .................................................................................................................................... 3 Methodology .............................................................................................................................. 3 Result Analysis ......................................................................................................................... 4 Key Findings and Conclusion .................................................................................................. 10 Conclusion ............................................................................................................................... 11 Annex 1 .................................................................................................................................... 11 Annex 2 .................................................................................................................................... 12 1 | Strengthening Disability Inclusion-GBV Responses Mitigation and SRH services through Community Based Action Team (COMBAT) ACRONYMS NHF – NIGERIAN HUMANITARIAN FUND RHHF – ROYAL HERITAGE HEALTH FOUNDATION SKF – SUPERTOUCH KINDNESS FOUNDATION PWD – PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES/PERSONS WITHOUT DISABILITY SRH – SEXUAL AND REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH List of Figure Figure 1: Gender Distribution - - - - - - 4 Figure 2: Participants per LGA - - - - - - 4 Figure 3: Age Distribution - - - - - - 4 Figure 4: Types of GBV Experience - - - - - - 6 Figure 5: Awareness of GBV experience by Children - - - 7 Figure 6: Count of participant that seek help - - - - - 7 Figure 7: Community Treatment - - - - 8 Figure 8: Challenges in Accessing support to GBV - - - Figure 9: Types of Challenges/Barriers - - - - 9 Figure 10: Request for Reasonable Accommodation - - - - 10 Figure 11: Barriers to reasonable accommodations - - - - 11 Figure 12: percent who received Empowerment Training - - - 11 - - - - - 8 2 | Strengthening Disability Inclusion-GBV Responses Mitigation and SRH services through Community Based Action Team (COMBAT) A. Executive summary Royal Heritage Health Foundation (RHHF) and Supertouch Kindness Foundation (SKF) with support from Nigeria Humanitarian Fund is implementing a project on Strengthening Disability Inclusion-GBV Responses Mitigation and SRH services through Community-Based Action Team (COMBAT) across Michika, Hong and Mubi north to which a needs Assessment was conducted on protection and SRH needs faced by persons with Disabilities. The assessment involved the training of 15 data enumerators and 15 sign language interpreters and gathered information through Key Informant Interviews (KII) with 377 respondents across the LGAs. Key findings included a high prevalence of GBV, with 30.25% experiencing physical violence, 28% facing emotional/psychological abuse, 23.24% encountering sexual violence, and 16.23% suffering economic abuse. Significant barriers to accessing support services were identified, such as financial, physical, communication, and attitudinal challenges. Despite some positive community treatment, 42.2% of respondents from Hong, 28.16% from Michika, and 29.61% from Mubi North reported facing neglect and disrespect. The assessment highlighted the urgent need for inclusive, targeted strategies to support individuals with disabilities, especially women and girls, ensuring they can access necessary services and fully participate in their communities. B. Objectives The objectives of the assessment were: To identify the specific challenges faced by individuals with disabilities in the context of GBV or Protection in Hong, Michika and Mubi North LGAs of Adamawa state. To Provide evidence-based recommendations to inform policies and practices that will promote safety and inclusion for individuals with disabilities in Hong, Michika and Mubi North LGAs of Adamawa state. C. Methodology Thirty (30) enumerators conducted the needs assessment and employed both quantitative and qualitative methods including in-depth individual interviews through questionnaires on Kobo Collect using local languages. 3 | Strengthening Disability Inclusion-GBV Responses Mitigation and SRH services through Community Based Action Team (COMBAT) Target Audience The target audience included Men and Women of reproductive age (18-59 years) (10 females and 20 males) with or without Disabilities from the diverse form of population group including IDPs, Returnees, and Host communities. D. Result Analysis Socio-Demographics The chart below reveals a slightly higher representation of males 201 (53.3%) compared to females 176 (46.7%) across the 3 targeted LGAs. The majority fall within age group 25-59yrs (69%), with significant numbers also in 18-24 years (17%) and 14% respondents are within the age group 60 years and above. However, based on the LGAs reached, Hong has 126 (33.4%) respondents, likewise Michika 126 (33.4%) while Mubi North as the least respondents of 125 (33.2%). Respondents reached per LGA GENDER DISTRIBUTION OF THE RESPONDENTS 201 33% 176 Hong 34% Mubi North Michika 33% Male Female Fig 1 Fig 2 Age Distribution of theRespondents 300 259 250 200 18-24 150 25-59 100 66 52 60 & Above 50 0 Fig 3 4 | Strengthening Disability Inclusion-GBV Responses Mitigation and SRH services through Community Based Action Team (COMBAT) Level of difficulties The table below shows a significant disparities in the prevalence and severity of difficulties experienced across various domains of disabilities among the 377 respondents. However, majority of the respondents reported no difficulty with communication (83.3%), memory or concentration (75.1%), and hearing (73.5%). Although, a substantial number of the respondents for instance, 33.42% have a lot of difficulty walking or climbing steps, 28.64% experiencing some difficulty in self-care while 8.5% and 12.5 experienced difficulty in hearing and seeing. Difficulty Domain Communicating (understanding/being understood) Self-care (washing all over or dressing) Remembering or concentrating Walking or climbing steps Hearing (even if using a hearing aid) Seeing (even if wearing glasses) Cannot do at all 1.0% (4) No difficulty 83.3% (314) Some difficulty 11.7% (44) A lot of Total difficulty 4% (15) 100% (377) 4.24% (16) 0.3% (1) 58.09% (219) 75.1% (283) 46.68% (176) 73.5% (277) 65.0% (245) 28.64% (108) 18.8% (71) 9.01% (34) 16.18% (61) 9.8% (37) 33.42% (126) 8.5% (32) 16.7% (63) 12.5% (47) 3.71% (14) 8.2% (31) 5.8% (22) 5.8% (22) 100% (377) 100% (377) 100% (377) 100% (377) 100% (377) Table 1: Percentage Level of Difficulties Prevalence and Types of Gender-Based Violence (GBV) Experienced The Fig 4 below reveals that out of 377 respondents, 271 respondents mentioned experiencing or knowing someone who experienced GBV. Hence, physical violence was stated by 82 respondents which is higher compared to emotional/psychological abuse stated by 76 respondents, sexual violence (Rape and sexual assault) was mentioned by 63 respondents, denial of resources was stated by 44 respondents and 6 mentioned early/forced marriage respectively. The assessment conducted across the 3 LGAs highlighted a prevalence of GenderBased Violence (GBV) within the communities. 5 | Strengthening Disability Inclusion-GBV Responses Mitigation and SRH services through Community Based Action Team (COMBAT) Forms of GBV highlighted by Respondents 82 76 63 44 6 Fig 4 Awareness of GBV experienced by Children The chart below illustrated that out of a total number of 377 respondents reached during the assessment, 91(24.12%) gave a positive response of being aware of GBV incidents while 286 (75.86%) respondents indicated no awareness. This indicates a significant proportion of respondents have been aware of instances where children, girls, boys, men, and women with disabilities have experienced GBV. Furthermore, from the respondents assessed across the three implementing LGAs, 268 (71.09%) stated that those that experienced GBV have not sought help or support compared to 109 (28.91%) respondents that stated that the survivors sought for help Disaggregation of respondents aware of GBV experiences and respondents who are not aware of GBV experiences 24% Yes No 76% Fig 5 Number of respondent that have/know people that have ever sought help or support after experiencing GBV 29% 71% GBV survivors that couldn’t sought for help Fig 6 6 | Strengthening Disability Inclusion-GBV Responses Mitigation and SRH services through Community Based Action Team (COMBAT) Community Treatment for PWDs The chart reveals a majority, approximately 62.5%, of respondents feel positively about their treatment, reporting that they are treated well and with respect. However, a significant percentage of 31.3% of respondents expressed dissatisfaction, highlighting issues such as neglect, disrespect, and lack of care, followed by 6.2% who ascribed mixed feedback, indicating that their treatment varies. Communtiy Treatment of Persons with Disbilities 6% Satisfied 31% 63% unsatisfied Mixed Fig 7 GBV Support services for PWDs Across the 3 Local Government Areas—Hong, Michika, and Mubi North—participants who identified as PWD were asked if they or anyone they know has encountered challenges in accessing support services related to Gender-Based Violence (GBV). It was revealed that out of 377 respondents, 102 (27.1%) known persons encountered challenges, while 275 (72.94%) are aware of people that did not face any issues which is represented in the chart below; Count of Have you/Do you know anyone that has encountered any challenges in accessing support services related to GBV? 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 No Yes Fig 8 7 | Strengthening Disability Inclusion-GBV Responses Mitigation and SRH services through Community Based Action Team (COMBAT) Types of Challenges/barriers encountered for accessing GBV/SRH services The respondents that have tried accessing services related to gender-based violence (GBV) the bar chart below reveals that the most common barriers encountered are financial barriers reported 37 times, followed by physical barriers accumulating 26. Financial barriers include constraints related to the cost of transportation and lack of funds. Physical barriers involve difficulties in climbing steps, lack of ramps, and general inaccessibility to structures. Communication barriers mentioned 21 times involve issues like the lack of sign language interpreters and difficulties in understanding sign language. Attitudinal barriers amass 29 mention which highlight discrimination from service providers and a general unwillingness to accommodate individuals with specific needs. Systemic barriers and other reasons took up 7 mentions respectively, it involve challenges in accessing government facilities and hospitals, among others. Types of Challenges/Barrier encountered 37 40 35 29 30 26 25 21 20 15 7 10 7 5 0 Attitudinal barriers Communication barriers Financial barriers Other (please specify) Physical barriers Systemic barriers Fig 9 Accessibility/Reasonable Accommodation for PWDs From the assessment conducted, the chart below indicates that 47 (31.8) out of 148 Persons with disability respondents have not requested reasonable accommodations to facilitate their participation in accessing necessary facilities, employment, or other activities. In contrast, 101 (68.2) respondents reported that they have requested such accommodations. 8 | Strengthening Disability Inclusion-GBV Responses Mitigation and SRH services through Community Based Action Team (COMBAT) DISAGGREGATION OF RESPONDENTS THAT REQUESTED FOR REASONABLE ACCOMODATIONS 32% Yes No 68% Fig 10 As shown in the chart below the responses highlight several key barriers preventing individuals from accessing available accommodations. The most frequently cited reason is lack of awareness about the accommodations that are available (according to 89 respondents), indicating a significant gap in knowledge dissemination. Fear of discrimination or stigma (according to 30 respondents) also plays a substantial role, reflecting concerns about societal perceptions. Also, uncertainty about the process for requesting accommodations (according to 19 respondents) and financial constraints (according to 5 respondents)were noted as significant obstacles. A smaller number of respondents mentioned a belief that accommodations would not be provided or would be inadequate (according to 5 respondents) Barriers to reasonsable accomodation Financial constraints Belief that… Fear of discrimination… Uncertainty about the… Lack of awareness… 0 20 40 60 80 100 Fig 11 9 | Strengthening Disability Inclusion-GBV Responses Mitigation and SRH services through Community Based Action Team (COMBAT) Empowerment From the assessment, the majority of the respondents 114 (77%) reported that empowerment (including Economic, Vocational training etc) is limited/not available in most of the communities In the figure below survey on empowerment reveal that 77% of respondents have not received such training, indicating a significant gap in the availability or accessibility of these programs. However, 34 (23%) reported having access to vocational training, highlighting that while some programs are in place, they are not sufficiently reaching the majority of the target population. Availablity of Empowerment 23% Yes No 77% Fig 12 E. Key Findings and Conclusion High Prevalence and Impact of Gender-Based Violence (GBV) Among Individuals with Disabilities: The survey revealed a significant incidence of GBV among individuals with disabilities, with physical violence being the most reported type, then emotional/psychological abuse, sexual violence, and economic abuse. Despite the high prevalence, many affected individuals did not seek help due to lack of awareness, fear of stigma, financial constraints, and cultural norms. Barriers to Accessing GBV Support Services and Community Inclusion: Individuals with disabilities face multiple barriers in accessing GBV support services, including financial, physical, communication, and attitudinal challenges. Additionally, while a 10 | Strengthening Disability Inclusion-GBV Responses Mitigation and SRH services through Community Based Action Team (COMBAT) majority report positive community treatment, a significant portion experiences neglect and disrespect, highlighting the need for improved societal attitudes and support systems. Gaps in Vocational Training, Empowerment, and Reasonable Accommodation Requests: There is a notable gap in the availability and accessibility of vocational training programs for individuals with disabilities, with many not receiving any training. Furthermore, a significant majority have not requested reasonable accommodations due to lack of awareness, fear of discrimination, and doubts about the adequacy of such accommodations. F. Conclusion The need assesssment will help to provide a crucial foundation for developing effective, responsive programs that ensure individuals with disabilities, particularly women and girls, to access the support they need and participate fully in their communities, furthermore, it enhance understanding of community challenges and opportunities enabling informed decision-making, and fostering collaborative efforts to enhance overall community well-being. G. ANNEX I The Washington Group (WG) Short Set is a set of questions designed to identify people with functional limitations. The tool can be rapidly and easily deployed in a variety of settings. The six Washington Group short set Questions are: Do you have difficulty seeing, even if wearing glasses? Do you have difficulty hearing, even if using a hearing aid? Do you have difficulty walking or climbing steps? Do you have difficulty remembering or concentrating? Do you have difficulty with self-care such as washing all over or dressing? Using your usual (customary) language, do you have difficulty communicating, for example understanding or being understood? Answers: No - no difficulty Yes – some difficulty 11 | Strengthening Disability Inclusion-GBV Responses Mitigation and SRH services through Community Based Action Team (COMBAT) Yes – a lot of difficulty Cannot do at all H. ANNEX II 1. Pictures 2. Needs assessment tool Project Officer (Daniel Hassan) facilitating a session on Disability Inclusion during the training of Data Enumerators 12 | Strengthening Disability Inclusion-GBV Responses Mitigation and SRH services through Community Based Action Team (COMBAT) Left to Right: Data enumerators administering questionnaires to some respondents at Michika 1 in Michika LGA. One of the data enumerators administering the questionnaire to a respondent at Wuro Gulde Mubi North. 13 | Strengthening Disability Inclusion-GBV Responses Mitigation and SRH services through Community Based Action Team (COMBAT) Cross-section of some of the data enumerators and sign language interpreters at COE junction Hong LGA Need assessment for Strengthening Disability InclusionGBV Responses, Mitigation and SRH services through Community Based Action Team (COMBAT) in Michika, Mubi North and Hong LGAs of Adamawa State My name is __, representing the SUPERTOUCH KINDNESS FOUNDATION. We are embarking on a vital initiative titled "Strengthening Disability Inclusion-GBV Responses, Mitigation, and SRH Services through Community Based Action Team (COMBAT) in Michika, Mubi North, and Hong LGAs of Adamawa State." As part of this endeavour, we are committed to understanding the unique challenges encountered by individuals with disabilities, particularly in the context of Gender-Based Violence (GBV). Our primary objective is to gain insights into the multifaceted issues faced by persons with disabilities within these communities. The collected data will enable us to delineate the prevalence of GBV among individuals with disabilities and identify their specific needs. We acknowledge the critical importance of your perspectives and experiences in shaping our intervention. Your insights will greatly enhance our ability to formulate effective strategies and provide targeted support where it is most needed. It's important to note that your participation in this interview is entirely voluntary. We assure you that any information shared will be treated with the utmost confidentiality. While we cannot offer material incentives for your involvement, we deeply value your time and contributions to this assessment. You are free not to take part. We cannot give you anything for taking part but I would greatly value your time and responses. Also, you 14 | Strengthening Disability Inclusion-GBV Responses Mitigation and SRH services through Community Based Action Team (COMBAT) can stop the interview at any time. Do you have any questions? Would you like to be interviewed? INTRODUCTION Yes No Enumerator's name: LGA: M i c h i k a H o n g Mubi North Community: Record your current location 15 | Strengthening Disability Inclusion-GBV Responses Mitigation and SRH services through Community Based Action Team (COMBAT) Demographic Information Gender Male Female Age: 18-24 years old 25-59 years old 60 and above Disability Status Do you identify as a person with disability? Yes No If yes, please specify the type(s) of disability you have? 16 | Strengthening Disability Inclusion-GBV Responses Mitigation and SRH services through Community Based Action Team (COMBAT) Physical disability Sensory disability (e.g., vision impairment, hearing impairment) Intellectual disability Psychosocial disability (e.g., mental health condition) Other (please specify) Other Do you have difficulty seeing, even if wearing glasses? No - no difficulty Yes – some difficulty Yes – a lot of difficulty Cannot do at all Do you have difficulty hearing, even if using a hearing aid? No - no difficulty Yes – some difficulty Yes – a lot of difficulty Cannot do at all Do you have difficulty walking or climbing steps? No - no difficulty Yes – some difficulty Yes – a lot of difficulty Cannot do at all Do you have difficulty remembering or concentrating? No - no difficulty Yes – some difficulty Yes – a lot of difficulty Cannot do at all Do you have difficulty with self-care such as washing all over or dressing? 17 | Strengthening Disability Inclusion-GBV Responses Mitigation and SRH services through Community Based Action Team (COMBAT) No - no difficulty Yes – some difficulty Yes – a lot of difficulty Cannot do at all Using your usual (customary) language, do you have difficulty communicating, for example understanding or being understood? No - no difficulty Yes – some difficulty Yes – a lot of difficulty Cannot do at all Experience with GBV Have you/Do you know anyone that has ever experienced any form of Gender-Based Violence (GBV)? Yes No If yes, please indicate the type(s) Physical violence (e.g., hitting, punching) Sexual violence (e.g., rape, sexual assault) Emotional/psychological abuse Economic abuse (e.g., financial control) Other (please specify) Others? Are you aware of children, girls, boys, men and women with disabilities who have experience any form of exploitation? Yes No If Yes can you describe the experience? How frequently have you/or the person experienced GBV in the past year? 18 | Strengthening Disability Inclusion-GBV Responses Mitigation and SRH services through Community Based Action Team (COMBAT) Once A few times Regularly I prefer not to say can you described the most recent incident of GBV experienced? Open-ended question, ensuring privacy and sensitivity Where did the incidents of GBV occur? Multiple responses allowed Home Workplace School Public Spaces (e.g. Streets, parks) Social Gathering/e vents Healthcare settings others (Please specify) Others Have you/the person ever sought help or support after experiencing GBV? Yes No If no, what were the reasons for not reporting or seeking help? (Open-ended question) If yes, where did you seek help or support? (Multiple responses allowed) 19 | Strengthening Disability Inclusion-GBV Responses Mitigation and SRH services through Community Based Action Team (COMBAT) Police/law enforcement Healthcare services Social services/welfare agencies Community-based organizations Family/friends Other (please specify) Others How satisfied were you with the response and support received from the authorities or support services? Very satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very dissatisfied No, I did not seek help/report the incident How do people in your community treat you or people with disabilities? Challenges Faced in Accessing Support Services Have you/Do you know anyone that has encountered any challenges in accessing support services related to GBV? Yes No If yes, Kindly tick the one that applies 20 | Strengthening Disability Inclusion-GBV Responses Mitigation and SRH services through Community Based Action Team (COMBAT) Physical barriers (e.g., inaccessible buildings, lack of ramps or elevators) Communication barriers (e.g., lack of sign language interpreters, limited availability of information in accessible formats) Attitudinal barriers (e.g., stigma, discrimination, lack of understanding of disability-related needs) Financial barriers (e.g., inability to afford transportation to support services, lack of financial resources to access services) Systemic barriers (e.g., inadequate policies, regulations, or laws protecting the rights of individuals with disabilities) Other (please specify) others Do you feel that support services for survivors of GBV adequately address the needs of individuals with disabilities? Yes No Not Sure Accessibility Experiences In accessing the services, Have you/or anyone encounter barriers to accessing physical environments, facilities, or transportation? Yes No If yes, please specify the types of barriers you encounter: Have you/someone with PWD encountered challenges in accessing information or communication? Yes No If yes, please specify the types of challenges you face: Have you ever heard or participated in any awareness raising on GBV? 21 | Strengthening Disability Inclusion-GBV Responses Mitigation and SRH services through Community Based Action Team (COMBAT) Yes No How would you rate the quality of the GBV information you were given? Excellent Good Average Poor Were you reached in a language you understand? Yes No Experience with Reasonable Accommodations Have you ever requested reasonable accommodations to facilitate your participation in accessing the necessary facilities, employment, or other activities? Y e s N o If yes, please specify the types of accommodations requested and whether they were provided satisfactorily: If you have not requested reasonable accommodations in the past, what were the reasons for not doing so? Lack of awareness about available accommodations Fear of discrimination or stigma Uncertainty about the process for requesting accommodations Financial constraints Belief that accommodations would not be provided or would be inadequate Other (please specify) 22 | Strengthening Disability Inclusion-GBV Responses Mitigation and SRH services through Community Based Action Team (COMBAT) Economic Empowerment Have you received any vocational training or skill-building opportunities tailored to persons with disabilities? Yes No If yes, please indicate the training you received? Vocational training programs attended. Workshops or seminars on entrepreneurship Skill-building courses or certifications On-the-job training experiences What skills or training would you like to acquire to help you secure a job? Technical skills (e.g., computer proficiency, vocational training) Entrepreneurial skills (e.g., business management, marketing) Specific trade or profession-related skills (e.g., carpentry, tailoring, catering) Other skills or training needs (please specify) Other skills name the skills you will like to aquire Have you considered starting your own business or entrepreneurial venture? Yes No If yes, what type of business do you envision starting? Retail business (e.g., grocery store, clothing boutique) Food-related business (e.g., restaurant, bakery) Service-based business (e.g., tutoring, cleaning services) Craft or artisanal business (e.g., jewelry making, pottery) Technology-based business (e.g., app development, IT services) Other business ideas (please specify) others Please specify 23 | Strengthening Disability Inclusion-GBV Responses Mitigation and SRH services through Community Based Action Team (COMBAT) Are there any challenges or barrier you forsee in aquiring these skills and how can it be addressed proactively? Recommendation and Comments What improvement do you think could be made to support services to better meet the needs of individuals with disabilities who have experienced GBV? opened ended question Is there anything else you would like to share about your experiences or suggestions for addressing GBV among individuals with disabilities? Open ended question 24 | Strengthening Disability Inclusion-GBV Responses Mitigation and SRH services through Community Based Action Team (COMBAT)