EARTHQUAKE LOADS CETS461 Earthquake Engineering EARTHQUAKE LOADS OUTLINE • OVERVIEW OF NSCP SECTION 203 COMBINATONS OF LOADS • OVERVIEW OF NSCP SECTION 204 DEAD LOADS • OVERVIEW OF NSCP SECTION 208 EARTHQUAKE LOADS CETS461 Earthquake Engineering EARTHQUAKE LOADS • Earthquake loads are the forces and deformations induced in a structure due to ground shaking during an earthquake. • These loads are dynamic and vary based on factors like the building’s mass, height, structural configuration, site conditions, and proximity to the earthquake source. • Designing for earthquake loads ensures that buildings can withstand seismic events with minimal damage, protecting both the structure and its occupants. CETS461 Earthquake Engineering SEISMIC DESIGN PARAMETERS NSCP 2015 Section 1. Occupancy Category 103/Table 103 -1 2. Importance Factor (I) 208.4.2/Table 208-1 3. Soil Profile Type 208.4.3/ 2082 4. Seismic Zone 208-1 5. Seismic Zone Factor (Z) 208-3 6. Seismic Source Type 208 - 4 7. Distance from the nearest Active PHIVOLCS FAULTFINDER APP Fault / Closest Distance to Known Seismic Source 8. Near Source Factor (𝑵𝒂 ) 208-5 9. Near Source Factor (𝑵𝒗 ) 208-6 CETS461 Earthquake Engineering SEISMIC DESIGN PARAMETERS NSCP 2015 Section 10. Seismic Coefficient (𝑪𝒂 ) 208-7 11. Seismic Coefficient (𝑪𝒗 ) 208-8 12. Basic Seismic Force Resisting 208.7.2/ Table 208-11A,B,C & System D 13. Response Modification Factor, 208.7.2/Table 208 -11A,B,C & R D 14. 𝑪𝒕 & 𝒉𝒏 15. Structure Period (T) 16. Seismic Dead Load (W) 17. Design Base Shear (V) 18. 𝑭𝒕 CETS461 Earthquake Engineering OCCUPANCY CATEGORY • Occupancy categories are classifications used in building codes to define the function and usage of a building, reflecting the level of risk associated with its occupancy in the event of structural failure or seismic activity. • These categories influence the structural design requirements, particularly in seismic design, because buildings with certain functions (like hospitals or schools) require higher safety standards due to their critical nature or high occupancy. CETS461 Earthquake Engineering OCCUPANCY CATEGORY • In the National Structural Code of the Philippines (NSCP) and similar codes internationally, buildings are grouped into occupancy categories that directly impact the importance factor (I) used in seismic, wind, and other load calculations. CETS461 Earthquake Engineering OCCUPANCY CATEGORY CETS461 Earthquake Engineering IMPORTANCE FACTOR • The Importance Factor (I) is a multiplier applied in structural design calculations to enhance the resilience of a building based on its occupancy type, usage, and the level of risk it poses to human life or societal function. • It accounts for the consequences of structural failure and ensures that critical facilities or highoccupancy buildings have greater structural safety. CETS461 Earthquake Engineering IMPORTANCE FACTOR • In seismic, wind, and other load calculations, the importance factor directly adjusts the design loads applied to the structure, requiring more robust construction for higher-risk facilities. CETS461 Earthquake Engineering IMPORTANCE FACTOR CETS461 Earthquake Engineering SOIL PROFILE TYPE • The Soil Profile Type is a classification used in structural and seismic design to describe the soil conditions at a building site. • Different soil types affect how seismic waves travel and influence the level of ground shaking that a structure experiences during an earthquake. • Soil profile types are crucial seismic design parameter, as soils with certain characteristics can amplify ground motion, increasing the seismic forces that a building must resist. CETS461 Earthquake Engineering SOIL PROFILE TYPE CETS461 Earthquake Engineering SEISMIC ZONE • A Seismic Zone is a geographic area classified based on the likelihood and intensity of seismic activity. • Seismic zoning helps engineers and builders understand the earthquake risk of an area, enabling them to design structures accordingly to withstand expected ground shaking. CETS461 Earthquake Engineering SEISMIC ZONE • In structural design, seismic zones determine the seismic design coefficients used in calculating earthquake loads on buildings. • This approach ensures that buildings in higherrisk areas are designed with stronger seismic resistance than those in lower-risk areas. CETS461 Earthquake Engineering SEISMIC ZONE • In building codes like the National Structural Code of the Philippines (NSCP), regions are divided into seismic zones, each with an associated seismic zone factor or zone coefficient. • This coefficient adjusts the seismic forces used in design calculations, reflecting the probability and severity of earthquakes in that area. • While different codes may have specific ways of defining these zones, the core purpose is to assess and mitigate earthquake risk. CETS461 Earthquake Engineering SEISMIC ZONE CETS461 Earthquake Engineering SEISMIC ZONE FACTOR • The Seismic Zone Factor (often denoted as Z) is a numerical value that represents the expected level of seismic activity in a given geographic region. • This factor is used in structural design to adjust the intensity of seismic loads based on the earthquake risk specific to that area. • It’s a core part of calculating the base shear— the total lateral force that a structure must withstand during an earthquake. CETS461 Earthquake Engineering SEISMIC ZONE FACTOR • The seismic zone factor scales the design forces based on the likelihood and strength of earthquakes in the region. • Areas prone to stronger, more frequent earthquakes have a higher seismic zone factor, leading to a more robust design to ensure structures can withstand the anticipated seismic activity. CETS461 Earthquake Engineering SEISMIC SOURCE TYPE • A Seismic Source Type refers to the classification of earthquake-generating sources based on their location, tectonic characteristics, and potential to cause ground shaking. • Seismic sources can vary in the type of faults they originate from, the distance to structures, and the type of tectonic activity involved. • These distinctions are essential for understanding earthquake risk and accurately designing structures to resist seismic forces, especially in high-risk regions CETS461 Earthquake Engineering SEISMIC SOURCE TYPE CETS461 Earthquake Engineering DISTANCE FROM THE NEAREST ACTIVE FAULT CETS461 Earthquake Engineering DISTANCE FROM THE NEAREST ACTIVE FAULT • The distance from the nearest active fault is a crucial factor in seismic design and hazard assessment for structures. • It refers to the horizontal distance between a given location (e.g., a construction site or a building) and the closest fault that is known to be actively moving or capable of generating an earthquake. • This distance impacts the level of seismic forces that a building may experience. CETS461 Earthquake Engineering DISTANCE FROM THE NEAREST ACTIVE FAULT • Structures closer to active faults are more likely to experience higher ground accelerations and intensities during an earthquake. • The PHIVOLCS FaultFinder is an application capable to do proximity searches to active faults. • It may be used to determine the location of active faults in an area and to measure the shortest distance between an active fault and a user’s current location, which is determined by the gadget’s tracking device. CETS461 Earthquake Engineering DISTANCE FROM THE NEAREST ACTIVE FAULT • It may also be used to measure the shortest distance between an active fault and a specific site, which is identified by a user. CETS461 Earthquake Engineering NEAR – SOURCE FACTOR • The Near-Source Factor (or Near-Fault Factor) is a parameter used in seismic design to account for the increased seismic forces experienced by structures located close to an active fault. • When buildings are near the source of an earthquake, they can be subject to amplified ground motions due to the proximity to the rupture zone, which can result in higher ground accelerations and velocities. CETS461 Earthquake Engineering NEAR – SOURCE FACTOR • Many seismic codes provide tables or formulas to determine the appropriate Near-Source Factor, often denoted as Na (for acceleration) and Nv (for velocity). • These values are typically multiplied by the design base shear or seismic forces calculated for the structure, leading to increased design loads for buildings near the fault. • The values of Na and Nv increase as the distance to the fault decreases, ensuring that structures are designed to resist the intense demands of nearby ground motion. CETS461 Earthquake Engineering NEAR – SOURCE FACTOR • Na: This factor specifically adjusts the shortperiod acceleration response (typically affecting low-rise, stiffer buildings). • Nv: This factor adjusts the 1-second period response, which is significant for taller or more flexible buildings. CETS461 Earthquake Engineering SEISMIC COEFFICIENTS • Seismic coefficients are numerical factors used in structural design to represent the level of ground motion or seismic demand a structure may experience during an earthquake. • They are essential in the analysis and design of structures to resist earthquake forces, ensuring safety and structural performance. CETS461 Earthquake Engineering SEISMIC COEFFICIENTS Seismic coefficients account for: Intensity of Ground Shaking: • They reflect the expected earthquake forces based on the structure's location and soil conditions. Dynamic Behavior of Structures: • Different structures respond differently to seismic forces depending on their height, stiffness, and mass distribution. CETS461 Earthquake Engineering SEISMIC COEFFICIENTS Seismic Risk: • They align design requirements with the local seismic hazard level to protect life and property. Ca: Short-Period Seismic Coefficient • Represents the ground motion effects for structures with short natural periods (e.g., lowrise buildings or stiff structures). • Affected by site-specific seismic hazard levels and soil type. CETS461 Earthquake Engineering SEISMIC COEFFICIENTS Cv: Long-Period Seismic Coefficient • Represents the ground motion effects for structures with long natural periods (e.g., tall, flexible buildings). CETS461 Earthquake Engineering BASIC SEISMIC FORCE RESISTING SYSTEM • Most buildings can be categorized using one of several common structure types. • Over the years, engineers have observed that each structure type has unique earthquake vulnerabilities. • For this reason, building codes classify structures by their structural system type and designate specific design requirements for each system. CETS461 Earthquake Engineering BASIC SEISMIC FORCE RESISTING SYSTEM • Structural systems are categorized based on the material of construction (e.g., concrete, masonry, steel, or wood), the way in which lateral (i.e., horizontal) forces from earthquake shaking are resisted by the structure (e.g., by walls or frames), and by the relative quality of earthquake-resistant design and detailing provided. CETS461 Earthquake Engineering BASIC SEISMIC FORCE RESISTING SYSTEM • There are five broad categories of structural systems used in areas with earthquake hazard: • Bearing wall systems, • Building frame systems, • Moment frame systems, • Dual systems, and • Cantilever column systems. CETS461 Earthquake Engineering BASIC SEISMIC FORCE RESISTING SYSTEM • Building codes categorize quality and extent of earthquake-resistant detailing using the terms special, intermediate, and ordinary. • Systems that employ extensive measures to provide for superior earthquake resistance are termed special systems, while systems that do not have such extensive design features are called ordinary systems. CETS461 Earthquake Engineering BASIC SEISMIC FORCE RESISTING SYSTEM • The building codes also include design rules for structural systems intended to provide seismic resistance that is superior to that of ordinary systems but not as good as special systems; these systems are called intermediate systems. CETS461 Earthquake Engineering BASIC SEISMIC FORCE RESISTING SYSTEM 1. BEARING WALL SYSTEMS • Bearing wall buildings are the oldest form of building construction. • In bearing wall systems, structural walls located throughout the structure provide the primary vertical support for the weight of the building as well as the resistance to lateral forces produced by wind and earthquakes. CETS461 Earthquake Engineering BASIC SEISMIC FORCE RESISTING SYSTEM 1. BEARING WALL SYSTEMS • Bearing wall buildings are commonly used for residential construction, warehouses, and lowrise commercial buildings of concrete, masonry, and wood construction. • Walls in bearing wall buildings can be of reinforced brick, concrete, or stone masonry; reinforced concrete; cold-formed steel; or wood construction. CETS461 Earthquake Engineering BASIC SEISMIC FORCE RESISTING SYSTEM 2. BUILDING FRAME SYSTEMS • Building frames are a common structural system for buildings constructed of structural steel and reinforced concrete. • In building frame structures, the weight of the building is typically carried by vertical elements called columns and horizontal elements called beams. CETS461 Earthquake Engineering BASIC SEISMIC FORCE RESISTING SYSTEM 2. BUILDING FRAME SYSTEMS • Lateral resistance is provided either by diagonal steel members called braces that extend between the beams and columns to provide horizontal rigidity or by concrete, masonry, or timber shear walls that provide lateral resistance but do not carry the weight of the structure. CETS461 Earthquake Engineering BASIC SEISMIC FORCE RESISTING SYSTEM 3. MOMENT FRAMES • Moment-resisting frames, also called moment frames, are commonly used for both structural steel and reinforced concrete construction. • In this form of construction, the horizontal beams and vertical columns provide both support for the weight of the structure and the strength and stiffness needed to resist lateral forces. CETS461 Earthquake Engineering BASIC SEISMIC FORCE RESISTING SYSTEM 3. MOMENT FRAMES • Stiffness and strength are achieved using rigid connections between the beams and columns that prevent these elements from rotating relative to one other. • Although more expensive to construct than bearing wall and braced frame structural systems, moment frame systems are popular because they do not require braced frames or structural walls, therefore permitting large open spaces and facades with many unobstructed window openings. CETS461 Earthquake Engineering BASIC SEISMIC FORCE RESISTING SYSTEM 3. MOMENT FRAMES • Just as with steel structures, the building codes permit construction of special concrete moment frames without height restrictions. • Ordinary and intermediate moment frames, either of steel or concrete construction, are limited in height in regions of higher seismicity. CETS461 Earthquake Engineering BASIC SEISMIC FORCE RESISTING SYSTEM 4. DUAL SYSTEMS • Dual systems, an economical alternative to moment frames, are commonly used for tall buildings. • Dual system structures feature a combination of moment frames and concrete, masonry, or steel walls, or steel braced frames. CETS461 Earthquake Engineering BASIC SEISMIC FORCE RESISTING SYSTEM 4. DUAL SYSTEMS • The moment frames provide vertical support for the weight of the structure and provide a portion of the earthquake resistance of the structure while most of the earthquake resistance is provided either by concrete, masonry, or steel walls, or by steel braced frames. • Some dual systems are also called frame-shear wall interactive systems. CETS461 Earthquake Engineering BASIC SEISMIC FORCE RESISTING SYSTEM 4. DUAL SYSTEMS • Because these structures are inherently redundant, as they have multiple systems to resist earthquake forces, they are permitted to be designed for reduced seismic forces relative to bearing wall and building frame systems. CETS461 Earthquake Engineering BASIC SEISMIC FORCE RESISTING SYSTEM 5. CANTILEVER COLUMN SYSTEMS • Cantilever column systems are sometimes used for light single-story structures, such as carports or in the top story of multi-story structures. • In these structures, the columns cantilever upward from their bases, where they are restrained from rotation. • The columns provide both vertical support of the weight of the building and lateral resistance to earthquake forces. CETS461 Earthquake Engineering BASIC SEISMIC FORCE RESISTING SYSTEM 5. CANTILEVER COLUMN SYSTEMS • Structures using this system have performed poorly in past earthquakes and severe restrictions are placed on its use in zones of high seismic activity. • The building codes also require that design of these systems consider relatively large seismic forces to minimize the potential for damage. CETS461 Earthquake Engineering RESPONSE MODIFICATION FACTOR • The numerical coefficient representing the inherent over-strength and global ductility capacity of lateral-force-resisting systems is the Response Modification Factor (R). • The R factor, as outlined in Section 208 of the National Structural Code of the Philippines (NSCP 2015), accounts for the capacity of a structural system to dissipate energy and accommodate inelastic deformation during seismic events. CETS461 Earthquake Engineering RESPONSE MODIFICATION FACTOR • It reflects the system's ability to resist forces beyond the elastic range while maintaining structural integrity. • Higher R values are assigned to systems with greater ductility, which dissipate more energy during seismic events. • The R factor reduces the seismic base shear forces calculated from elastic analysis, making designs more practical and cost-efficient. CETS461 Earthquake Engineering RESPONSE MODIFICATION FACTOR • Higher R values lead to lower base shear forces in design, reflecting the structure’s ability to sustain larger deformations and absorb seismic energy. • Systems with low R values, such as cantilevered columns, must be designed to resist nearelastic forces due to their limited ductility. CETS461 Earthquake Engineering STRUCTURE PERIOD • The structure period refers to the fundamental period of vibration (T) of a structure, representing the time it takes for the building to complete one cycle of free vibration in a specific direction when subjected to dynamic loads, such as an earthquake. • It is a natural property of the structure determined by its mass and stiffness. • The period affects how the structure interacts with ground motion. CETS461 Earthquake Engineering STRUCTURE PERIOD • Structures with short periods (stiffer structures) resonate with high-frequency ground motions, while structures with long periods (more flexible structures) resonate with low-frequency ground motions. • Taller structures tend to have longer periods due to increased flexibility. • Stiffer structures have shorter periods. CETS461 Earthquake Engineering STRUCTURE PERIOD 𝑪𝒕 = Coefficient based on the structural system 𝒉𝒏 = Height of the building (meters) above the base CETS461 Earthquake Engineering LATERAL FORCE PROCEDURE • In seismic design, there are various methods used to estimate the lateral forces acting on a structure due to an earthquake. • These methods are based on the level of complexity and the type of building being designed. CETS461 Earthquake Engineering LATERAL FORCE PROCEDURE 1. SIMPLIFIED STATIC PROCEDURE • The Simplified Static Procedure is used for regular, low-rise buildings where seismic loads are estimated using simplified static formulas. • This method does not account for detailed dynamic behavior but provides a quick estimation of seismic forces. • It is typically used for buildings with a height of 3 stories or fewer, or those with a simple layout and low seismic response. CETS461 Earthquake Engineering LATERAL FORCE PROCEDURE 2. STATIC PROCEDURE • The Static Procedure is the most commonly used method for seismic design of buildings. • It calculates the seismic base shear and distributes it as lateral forces along the building’s height. CETS461 Earthquake Engineering LATERAL FORCE PROCEDURE 2. STATIC PROCEDURE • This procedure assumes that the building's lateral force-resisting system behaves elastically, with no consideration for the building's dynamic response during the earthquake. • This method is typically used for buildings that are not extremely tall or complex. CETS461 Earthquake Engineering LATERAL FORCE PROCEDURE 3. DYNAMIC PROCEDURE • The Dynamic Procedure accounts for the building's response to seismic forces through a more detailed analysis of its dynamic behavior, including the effects of vibration and resonance. • This method is more complex and involves the use of response spectra, modal analysis, or time-history analysis to determine the seismic forces and responses at different points in the structure. CETS461 Earthquake Engineering LATERAL FORCE PROCEDURE 3. DYNAMIC PROCEDURE • It is typically used for tall buildings or structures with irregular shapes or complex behavior during an earthquake. CETS461 Earthquake Engineering LATERAL FORCE PROCEDURE CETS461 Earthquake Engineering LATERAL FORCE PROCEDURE CETS461 Earthquake Engineering VERTICAL DISTRIBUTION OF FORCE CETS461 Earthquake Engineering BASE SHEAR • Base shear is the total horizontal seismic force that acts at the base of a structure due to ground motion during an earthquake. • It represents the sum of all lateral forces that the structure experiences and must resist to prevent collapse or significant damage. • Base shear is an estimate of the maximum expected lateral force on the base of the structure due to seismic activity. • Base shear is a fundamental concept in seismic design and is calculated to determine the lateral load distribution on a structure. CETS461 Earthquake Engineering SEISMIC DEAD LOAD CETS461 Earthquake Engineering SEISMIC DEAD LOAD • The total dead load includes both the structure’s self-weight and any superimposed dead loads. • Superimposed dead loads refer to any additional permanent or stationary loads that are applied to a structure after its initial construction. • These loads are typically above the structure's own weight (its self-weight, which is the basic dead load) and are considered as part of the overall permanent loads on the building. CETS461 Earthquake Engineering SEISMIC DEAD LOAD • Superimposed dead loads are often associated with: • Finished Flooring Materials ( Tiles, carpets,etc.) • Partitions • Ceiling Finishes • Roof Coverings • Fixed equipment (HVAC, Lighting fixtures, etc.) • Any other permanently installed components or features.