1. A patient has addressed a doctor with complaint of gastric ulcer exacerbation. The following membrane cytoreceptors should be blocked in the course of the patient’s complex therapy: A. H1-histamine B. H2-histamine C. a-adrenergic receptor D. β-adrenergic receptor E. α2-adrenergic receptor 2. A patient who has been undergoing combined drug therapy for peptic ulcer presents with black feces. Specify a drug that might have caused such change: a). Omeprazole b). Metronidazole c). Actovegin d). Ranitidine e). Bismuth subcitrate 3. A patient suffering from stomach ulcer was prescribed almagel. Which of its pharmacological properties is intended for treatment of this pathology? A Blocking the H2-histamine receptors B Local anaesthetization C HCl neutralization D Blocking the muscarinic cholinoreceptors E Anti-inflammatory action 4. A patient suffering from stomach ulcer was prescribed an antiulcer drug that also reduces secretion of hydrochloric acid and inhibits Chelicobacter pylori. What drug is it? a). Omeprazole b). Almagel c). Maalox d). Famotidine e). Gastrocepine 5. A young woman with breast cancer after surgery was treated with a chemotherapeutic complex. At the very beginning of treatment the patient experienced much distressing nausea and vomiting. Choose the best agent to relieve patient’s condition A. Hyoscine (Aeronum) B. Diphenhydramine (Dimedrolum) C. Validolum D. Chlorpromazine (Aminazinum) E. Metoclopramide 6. Examination of a 35 year old patient revealed high acidity of gastric juice. What receptors should be blocked in order to reduce it? A. alpha 1-adrenoreceptors B. beta2-adrenoreceptors C. beta1 -adrenoreceptors D. alpha2-adrenoreceptors E. Histamine 7. A 46 years old patient was complained of stomach pain, heartburn. During examination increased gastric acidity was revealed. What should be assigned to neutralize the acidity of gastric juice? A. Papaverine B. Atropine Sulfate C. Almagel D. Neostigmine E. Benzohexonium 8. Usage of sodium bicarbonate in peptic ulcer with high acidity gives temporary relief. What is the cause of short lasting effect of drug in this case? A.The formation of carbon dioxide stimulating a secondary hypersecretion B.Neutralization of hydrochloric acid C. Stimulation of histamine H2-receptors D. Stimulation of the gastric M-cholinergic receptors E. Accumulation of histamine 1. Give the pharmacological characteristics of medicines: Name of drug Maalox Omeprazole Metoclopramide Pharmacological group Mechanism Pharmacological Indications of action effects