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Strength & Conditioning Education: FAQ on Assessments & Case Studies

Is it possible to rearrange my planned practical assessment day?
You are in control of when your assessment is, your assessment is booked via the educational portal.
We would urge you not to book your assessment until you feel you are ready to complete it. Whilst
you can change your assessment day this will incur an admin fee and should be avoided.
What happens if I get injured prior to my practical assessment?
In the occurrence of developing an injury prior to the practical assessment date, learners are to
contact the tutor support team on assessments@strengthandconditioningeducation.com and
follow the tutor team’s guidance. Depending on the nature of the injury, it still may be possible for
learners to attempt the practical component via the use of good verbal cueing as a compensation
for a lack of physical ability.
Does it matter what sport my chosen case study athlete competes in?
The athlete selected by learners to be used within their case study component, can be based on
any sport that requires the strength and conditioning of varying physical qualities. If for any reason
learners are unsure as to whether a potential sport would be appropriate to be used within the case
study, contact the tutor support team on assessments@strengthandconditioningeducation.com for
further clarification and tutor guidance.
Does my chosen case study participant have to be an athlete?
The case study subject selected by learners doesn’t necessarily have to be based on a current
competitive athlete, so can instead be based on any of the following: Semi – professional, amateur,
recreational sports person, or member of the general public (gym user with performance goals,
endurance sport enthusiast, obstacle runner, etc). If for any reason learners are unsure as to
whether a potential athlete/participant would be appropriate to be used within the case study,
please contact the tutor support team on: assessments@strengthandconditioningeducation.com
for further clarification and tutor guidance.
Do I need to include metabolic conditioning / movement based training (e.g. speed and agility)
within my case study even if the athletes chosen sport doesn’t require it?
The physical training qualities to be selected within the case study should be based purely on the
needs of the athlete and the relative needs analysis. However, learners should remember that
within the general preparation phase of any periodised model, athletes require the development
of general athletic qualities, regardless of the specifics of the sport (including metabolic
conditioning, local muscular endurance, hypertrophy, etc.).
How do I find normative data / performance bench marks for my chosen athlete?
During the Needs Analysis process, learners are required to gather normative data/performance
bench marks based on the performance measures selected for the athlete, (e.g. 1RM squat,
vertical jump, Cooper test, etc.) allowing for comparisons against previous recorded data to
highlight the athlete’s strengths and areas for development. When searching for such data,
learners are advised to seek previous normative data based on the athletes chosen sport (e.g.
norm data for 1RM squat performance in Rugby players), or the individual specific selected
performance tests (e.g. norm data for vertical jump performance). If learners require any further
assistance when searching for normative data/performance benchmarks, then we advise you to
contact the tutor support team on assessments@strengthandconditioningeducation.com
What is the practical assessment process?
Once the assessment process, performance criteria, etc. has been explained, the assessor will
allocate the group into pairs at random and allocate each learner with one of the following lifts;
Clean & Jerk
One of the following sports for the plyometric/speed/agility component:
Each learner will coach for 30mins on each assessment, before swapping and acting as a participant
for their allocated partner.
Any learner that refers any component will be informed of this on the day and instructed
accordingly on how to rebook for a future reassessment date.
Do I need to bring a body for the practical assessment day?
Learners are not required to bring a participant to the assessment day. The assessor will organise
all attendees into pairs at random, upon arrival.
What happens if my case study participant gets injured part way through the training process?
If a learner’s case study participant develops an injury, which will affect the training process, please
contact the tutor support team on assessments@strengthandconditioningeducation.com as soon
as possible and proceed as instructed.
What document format do I use to complete my case study?
All learner case studies are to be completed using the excel ‘case study template’ provided within
the online portal. They should click the download tab and save to their device. If a learner is
struggling with the formatting of the document, or isn’t familiar with excel, please contact the tutor
support team on assessments@strengthandconditioningeducation.com as soon as possible for
further guidance.
When does my case study need to be submitted by?
Learners are to submit their final completed learner case studies by attaching the completed excel
document within an email titled ‘learner name case study – course venue/month/year’ (e.g. Joe
Bloggs – Leeds/September 2017). All learners are recommended to complete their case study within
12 weeks of their weekend workshop.