M Thinking in Bets MAKING SMARTER DECISIONS WHEN YOU DON’T HAVE ALL THE FACTS ANNIE DUKE Thinking in Bets Supplemental Graphics Copyright © 2018 by Annie Duke PORTFOLIO/ PENGUIN MAKING SMARTER DECISIONS 9780735216358_ThinkingIn_TX.indd iii 12/1/17 1:24 AM LIFE Is POKER, NOT CHEss 15 MÜLLER- LyER ILLUsION Which of these three lines is longest? Our brain sends us the signal that the second line is the longest, but you can see from adding the measurement lines that they are the same length. We can measure the lines to confirm they are the same length, but we can’t make ourselves unsee the illusion. What we can do is look for practical work-arounds, like carrying around a ruler and knowing when to use it to check against how your brain processes what you see. It turns out that poker is a great place to find practical strategies to get the execution of our decisions to align better with our goals. Understanding how poker players think can help us deal with the decision challenges that 4 AM game, we are making a bet that we will be happier in the future for having seen the final play. We bet on moving to Des Moines and we find our dream job, meet the love of our life, and take up yoga. Or, like John Hennigan, we move there, hate it within two days, and have to buy our way home for $15,000. We bet on firing a division president or calling a pass play, and the future unfolds as it does. We can represent this like so: 80 THINKING IN BETs BETTING ON A FUTURE or whether they result of particular deciBELIEFwere theBETpredictable ( sET OF OUTCOMEs ) sions we made is a bet of great consequence. If we determine our decisions the outcome, can the data followAs thedrove future unfolds into we a set of feed outcomes, wewe areget faced with ing those decisions back into belief formation and updating, another decision: Why did something happen the way it did? cre84 T H I N K I N G I N B E T s atingHow a learning loop: we figure out what—if anything—we should learn from an outcome becomes another bet. As outcomes come our way, (luck). I can lose a hand of poker because made poor decisions, figuring out whether those outcomes wereIcaused mainly by luck applying the skill elements of the game poorly, or because the other player got lucky. BELIEF BET OUTCOME BET 2 Chalk up an outcome to skill, and we take credit for the result. Chalk up an outcome to luck, and it wasn’t in our control. For any outcome, we are faced with this initial sorting decision. 9780735216358_ThinkingIn_TX.indd 79 That decision is a bet on whether the outcome belongs in the 12/1/17 1:24 AM “luck” or the “skill” bucket. Thisfrom is where the future Greek Webucket have the opportunity to learn the Nick way the went wrong. unfolds to improve our beliefs and decisions going forward. The can update thefrom learning loop to represent this like so:we moreWe evidence we get experience, the less uncertainty LEARNING LOOP 1 have about our beliefs and choices. Actively using outcomes to examine our beliefs and bets closes the feedback loop, reducing uncertainty. This is the heavy lifting of how we learn. UCK Ideally, ourBELIEF beliefs andBET our betsOUTCOME improve withL time as we learn from experience. Ideally, the more information we have, the better we get at making decisions about which possible future sKILL to bet on. Ideally, as we learn from experience we get better at assessing the likelihood of a particular outcome given any deciabout like we about are anthe outfielder catching a fly ball sion,Think making our this predictions future more accurate. As with runners on base. Fielders have to make inthemoment you may have guessed, when it comes to how we process experigame “ideally” decisionsdoesn’t about where throw the ball: hit the cutoff man, ence, alwaystoapply. throw behind might a baseproceed runner,in throw out an advancing basemore runLearning a more ideal way if life were ner. Where the outfielder throws after fielding the ball is a bet. like chess than poker. The connection between outcome quality We makequality similar bets be about where to “throw” an outcome: and decision would clearer because there would be less into the “skill bucket” (in our control) or theoutcome “luck bucket” (outuncertainty. The challenge is that any single can happen side of our control). This initial fielding of outcomes, if done well, allows us to focus on experiences that have something to LEARNING LOOP 2 192 THINKING IN BETs 192 T H I N K I N G I N B E T s for the long run. Look at this chart of Berkshire’s performance since Look 1964:at this chart of Berkshire’s performance since 1964: for the long run. Look at this chart of Berkshire’s performance since 1964: Now zoom in on a random day in late January 2017. The upticks and downticks look large and potentially frightening. zoom insitting on a random daypoint in late January 2017. The You Now can imagine at the low around 11:30, feeling Now zoom in downticks on a random daylarge in lateand January 2017. The upticks upticks and look potentially frightening. like your losses look are spiraling. and downticks large and potentially frightening. You can You can imagine sitting the around low point around 11:30, imagine sitting at the low at point 11:30, feeling likefeeling your like your losses are spiraling. losses are spiraling. 10AM 12PM 2PM 4PM 10AM 12PM 2PM 4PM 9780735216358_ThinkingIn_TX.indd 192 12/1/17 1:24 AM 9780735216358_ThinkingIn_TX.indd 192 12/1/17 1:24 AM 24 AM ADv E N T U R E s I N M E N TA L T I M E T R Av E L 193 If you zoomed in on the performance of Berkshire Hathaway If you zoomed in on the performance of Berkshire Hathaway stock dur‑ stock the banking crisis,2008 September 2008 to you March 2009, ing theduring banking crisis, September to March 2009, would feel terrible mostfeel days: you would terrible most days: BERKSHIRE HATHAWAY (SEPT. 2008−MARCH 2009) 160,000 140,000 ADv E N T U R E s I N M E N TA L T I M E T R Av E L 120,000 209 100,000 A D v E N T U R E s I N M E N T A L T I M E T R A v E L 209 to, given what they knew about each of those things (and, of 80,000 course, 60,000 numerous others)? Just as they relied on reconnaissance, to, given what they each of those things of we shouldn’t plan ourknew futureabout without doing advance work(and, on the 40,000 course, others)? Just asfrom theyany relied on decision reconnaissance, range ofnumerous futures that could result given and the 20,000 we shouldn’t plan our future without doing advance work on the probabilities of those futures occurring. 0 range ofus futures thatbetter could decisions, result fromwe any given and the 9/2/08 11/2/08 12/2/08 1/2/09 2/2/09 3/2/09 For to10/2/08 make need to decision perform reconprobabilities futures occurring. naissance on of thethose future. If a decision is a bet on a particular fuFor us toknow make better decisions, need to apicture, perform reconYet we know from the first chart, thewewe big picture, thatweallthat those ture based our from beliefs, before place bet should Yet weon thethen first chart, the big all minute‑to‑minute and even day‑to‑day changes had little effect on the naissance on the future. If a decision is a bet on a particular fuconsider in detail what those possible futureschanges might look like. those minute-to-minute and even day-to-day had little investment’s general upward trajectory. ture based on our beliefs, then before we place a bet we should Any decision can result in a set of possible outcomes. effect on the investment’s general upward trajectory. consider detail is what futures of might look lives. like. Our in problem thatthose we’re possible ticker watchers our own Any decision can result a set of possible outcomes. Happiness (however weinindividually define it) is not best measured by looking at the ticker, zooming in and magnifying BELIEF ( sETmovements. OF OUTCOMEsWe ) moment-by-moment or BET day-by-day would be better off thinking about our happiness as a long-term stock Thinking aboutdo what futures inthrough that BET (our sETcontained OF OUTCOMEs ) set (which holding. We BELIEF would well to vieware happiness a widewe do lens, by putting memories together in a novel waytrend to imagine angle striving for a long, sustaining upward in our Thinking about what futures are contained in that set (which how things might turn out) helps us figure out which decisions happiness stock, so it resembles the first Berkshire Hathaway chart. wemake. do by putting memories together in aofnovel way to possible. imagine to Mental time travel makes that kind perspective how things turn and out) futurehelps usselves figuretoout which decisions We can usemight our pastpull us out of the FUTURE A to make. BETTING ON A FUTURE BETTING ON A FUTURE FUTURE B FUTURE CA FUTURE DB ETC. BET BELIEF FUTURE C FUTURE D Figure out the possibilities, then take ETC.a stab at the probabilBELIEF 9780735216358_ThinkingIn_TX.indd 193 BET ities. To start, we imagine the range of potential futures. This is the possibilities, a stab at compiles the probabilalso Figure known out as scenario planning.then Natetake Silver, who and ities. To start, we imagine the range of potential futures. This is interprets data from the perspective of getting the best strategic alsoofknown as scenario planning. Nate Silver, who compiles and use it, frequently takes a scenarioplanning approach. Instead 12/1/17 1:24 AM