Information Classification: Internal LIGHTNING PROTECTION G/E Ardhra, JET1(BIOG-P) Information Classification: Internal CONTENT • INTRODUCTION • WHAT IS LIGHTNING… • EFFECTS OF LIGTNING STROKE • CONSIDERATION FOR PROTECTION - Is lightning protection needed ? - Zone of protection • COMPONETS IN LIGTNING PROTECTION • SYSTEM DESIGN • AIR TERMINATION FOR DIFFERENT LEVELS • CONCLUSION Information Classification: Internal INTRODUCTION Benjamin Franklin, an American scientist, conducted an experiment with a kite and a conductor. He flew the kite on a stormy day. The conductor hanging on the kite detected the ambient charge in the atmosphere. Lightning is a giant spark of electricity in the atmosphere between clouds, the air, or the ground. So to protect buildings, aircraft, other structures and most importantly people from Lightning lightning protection system were introduced. Information Classification: Internal WHAT IS LIGHTNING… • Lightning is a natural phenomenon • Electric charges travel from one point to the other within the clouds or between a cloud and the earth. • Lightning frequently happens as the weather cools and begins to rain. • When the temperature drops, the water droplets that are held in the clouds begin to become ice crystls. • These rubs each other and charges are produced on clouds . • The Earth's surface, on the other hand, behaves like a big positive-charged surface. • Positive and negative charges (opposite charges) attract one another. This massive charge flow generates heat and light. Information Classification: Internal EFFECTS OF LIGTNING STROKE • Physical damage : Fire explosion, mechanical explosion • Injuries/ death to living beings • High flow of current through the resistance of earth electrode. • Side flashing : point of strike on the protective system raised to high potential respect to adjacent metals. • Thermal effect : Temperature rises of the conductor as current passes through it . [It is negligible as high current passes for a short time] Information Classification: Internal CONSIDERATION FOR PROTECTION • Mainly there are two types of consideration: IS LIGHTNING PROTECTION NEEDED ? ZONE OF PROTECTION Information Classification: Internal CONSIDERATION FOR PROTECTION 1. Is lightning protection needed ? Factors for calculation : Length Width Height Flashes/km²/year (Ng) Weighting factor classified into: A : USE OF STRUCTURE B : TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION C : CONTENTS D : DEGREE OF ISOLATION E : TYPE OF COUNTRY Information Classification: Internal • Flashes/km²/year – mean value of thunderstorm days/year a) Collection area – Ao= (L*W) + 2(L*H) + 2(W*H) + π*H² b) Probability of being struck – P = Ao*Ng*10^-6 c) Applying weighting factor = P*[A*B*C*D*E] d) Overall risk factor is obtained. Information Classification: Internal HOW to Know protection is required or not ! If the overall risk factor is : less than 10^-6 greater than 10^-6 protection is not required protection is required Information Classification: Internal 2. Zone of protection Positioning of air termination inline with 3 methods : PROTECTIVE ANGLE MESH METHOD ROLLING SPHERE METHOD Information Classification: Internal 1. PROTECTIVE ANGLE • Depends upon severity of stroke. CLASS OF LPS PROTECTIVE ANGLE FOR 2M AIR TERMINATION ROD 1 70 2 72 3 76 4 79 * LPS : Lightning Protection System. Information Classification: Internal CONE SHAPE FOR SINGLE VERTICAL/HORIZONTAL AIR TERMINATION • In general, the protective angle is considered; ∝ = 45 ̊ – single horizontal / vertical conductor Information Classification: Internal TENT SHAPE FOR TWO OR MORE AIR TERIMATIONS ∝ = 60 ̊ – between two or more vertical conductors S = Min 2 m [ with max sag ] Information Classification: Internal 2. MESH METHOD • Suitable for structures with flat surfaces. • Also used for buildings with small slope. • Conductors placed on the roof in the form of mesh. CLASS OF LPS MESH SIZE 1 5*5 2 10*10 3 15*15 4 20*20 Information Classification: Internal 3. ROLLING SPHERE METHOD • A sphere is rolled across the building. • The edges which ever comes in contact with the sphere needs the protection. • We can determine the: a) dimensions of the air termination b) distance b/w air termination Information Classification: Internal CLASS OF LPS ROLLING SPHERE RADIUS 1 20m 2 30m 3 45m 4 60m Information Classification: Internal COMPONETS IN LIGTNING PROTECTION AIR TERMINATION : fixed points for likely lightning strikes used to prevent the volume to be protected from direct strikes. DOWN CONDUCTORS : Conductor that connects an air termination with an earth termination. EARTH TERMINATION : Disharges lightning currents into general mass of light. Information Classification: Internal BOND : Provides electrical connection between lightning protective system and other metal works . JOINTS : Mechanical or electrical junction between two or more portions of lightning protective system. EARTH ELECTRODE : Part of earth termination which makes direct contact with earth. Information Classification: Internal SYSTEM DESIGN • Consultation should be taken before and during the design from : a) b) c) d) e) Architect Public utilities Fire/ safety officers Television/ radio installers Builders etc.. • Copper and aluminum are recommended for installations – For long life • Galvanized steel of cross section as for copper – short term installations Information Classification: Internal • AIR TERMINATION : They may contain vertical/ horizontal conductor or combined of both. MINIMUM DIMENSION OF COMPONENT PARTS AREA ( mm²) AIR TERMINATION DIMENSIONS (mm) Aluminum, copper and galvanized steel strip 20*3 60.00 Aluminum, aluminum alloy or phosphor bronze and galvanized steel rods 10.0 Dia 78.54 Information Classification: Internal • DOWN CONDUCTORS : Provides low impedence [path from air termination to earth electrode. MINIMUM DIMENSION FOR DOWN CONDUCTOR MATERIAL DOWN CONDUCTOR ( mm²) Cu 16 Al 25 IMAGE Information Classification: Internal AIR TERMINATION FOR DIFFERENT LEVELS 1. FLAT ROOF 2. FLAT ROOF AT DIFFERENT LEVEL 3. LARGE AREA OF ROOF OF VARIOUS PROFILES 4. TALL CONDUCTING STRUCTURES 5. STRUCTURE WITH HIGHLY EXPLOSIVE OR FLAMMABLE CONTENTS Information Classification: Internal 1. FLAT ROOF • Horizontal conductors for flat roof. • Maximum spacing of 18m – structures without special inherent risk. Information Classification: Internal 2. FLAT ROOF AT DIFFERENT LEVEL • Air termination along the outer perimeter of the roof is required. • No part should be more than 5m from the nearest horizontal conductor . • A zone of protection of 60 ̊ is provided by two adjacent horizontal conductors for structure less than 20m high Information Classification: Internal 3. LARGE AREA OF ROOF OF VARIOUS PROFILES • If S > 10+2H , additional longitudinal conductors are required; [ to not exceed distance between conductors more than 10 m]. • If the length of the roof exceeds 20 m additional conductors are required. Information Classification: Internal 4. TALL CONDUCTING STRUCTURES • Horizontal conductors on roof form 10m * 20m network. • Bonds are there to steel work – i. at corners ii. around periphery (20m interval) iii. base of tower (0.5m above the roof level) Information Classification: Internal 5. STRUCTURE WITH HIGHLY EXPLOSIVE OR FLAMMABLE CONTENTS Information Classification: Internal a) Air termination with suspended horizontal conductors • If one horizontal conductor – protective angle is 30 ̊ • If two or more parallel conductors – protective angle is 45 ̊ Information Classification: Internal • Air termination should be suspended at an adequate height above the area to be protected. • Minimum clearance distance of 2m under maximum sag should be maintained between conductor and building. Information Classification: Internal b) Air termination with horizontal conductors • The horizontal conductor mesh size should be 5m*10m or smaller. • Each separate structure protected in alternative way should be equipped with twice no of down conductors. Information Classification: Internal Conclusion LIGHTNING PROTECTION SYSTEMS play a crucial role in safeguarding buildings , structures, and their occupants from the destructive forces of lightning strikes. Information Classification: Internal